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Uh oh. Did we scare you?

Looks like you cancelled the GMass-to-Gmail connection process. Sometimes people get scared because of the permissions GMass requires. Let us explain the exact permissions we request and why, so you can get more comfortable:

  • Gmail
    Because GMass makes it possible to send email campaigns through your Gmail account, it needs the ability to send emails using your Gmail account. Because GMass looks for replies to your email campaign, including, bounces, unsubscribes, and out-of-office replies, it needs the ability to “read” from your account to categorize responses. Of course this is all done automatically and by our code, and not by humans, so a human would never read your email, unless you asked us for technical support and asked us to look at a specific email. GMass also inserts campaign reports into your account and deletes them when they’re out of date.
  • Google Sheets
    This is optional. GMass is heavily integrated with Google Sheets because that’s the best way to store your email lists, along with first and last names, company names, and other personalization fields. However, when you first sign up for GMass, GMass doesn’t ask for permission to access your Google Sheets. It only ask for this permission if you click the button to connect to your Sheets. You can choose to use GMass without giving GMass access to your Sheets.
  • Google Drive
    This is optional. Because of the way the Google Sheets API works with your spreadsheets, GMass needs basic access to your Google Drive in order to list your Sheets for you (if you are using Sheets with GMass). If you’re using GMass without Google Sheets, then you won’t need to grant this permission. Regardless of your choice regarding Google Sheets, we do not need access to read your Google Drive files, unless you’re sending personalized attachments. If using GMass with your Google Sheets, GMass only needs limited access to Google Drive to list the names of your Sheets for you.

If you have any other questions, please ask our support team.

Or, if we’ve put your mind at ease, try connecting again.













