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Just launched! World’s best SMTP server testing tool.

I just launched the world’s best web-based SMTP test tool.

With my new tool, you can see the exact SMTP conversation between the client and the SMTP server. You can use it to test your SMTP connection to Sendgrid, Mailgun, Amazon SES, or any other SMTP server in the world.

SMTP Test Tool
The world’s best SMTP testing tool

You don’t even have to be a GMass user to use it. This is a general SMTP testing tool that anyone can use for free.

Uses of the SMTP test tool include:

  • GMass users troubleshooting the connection between GMass and your SMTP server
  • Developers troubleshooting code that connects to an SMTP server
  • Consumers troubleshooting the SMTP settings for an email client like Outlook or Thunderbird

Ready to try it? Go to the SMTP Test Tool now.

Have questions? Check out the FAQ for the SMTP Test Tool.

Are you a developer? Then you may want to read my technical review of popular SMTP services.

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  1. I did the test and get the same error you do in the screen shot above “ERROR: The SMTP server has unexpectedly disconnected.”

    How do you correct this?

    1. Sometimes the Sendgrid server acts funny – you should have received a re-queue link in the email where you see that error. Click that link and you should be able to re-send without the error.

  2. Maya
    I finally got the SMTPTool to authenticate my connection. Do I ha ve to setup the SMTP TOOL each time or is one time sufficient?
    bob driscoll

    1. Hi Bob,

      It’s a one time setup, unless you’ve switched SendGrid accounts or revoke the API key you’ve generated for GMass to use.

    January 28, 2019 at 11:56 am
    Yesterday on 26/01/2019 i pay to you for gmail to gmass account i don’t know about it i know very little english ,please explin to gmass and how many email send per day and i sent 2000 email per day but the emails are bounced to return back why?
    Siva murugesan
    January 28, 2019 at 12:00 pm
    Yesterday on 26/01/2019 i pay to you for gmail to gmass account i don’t know about it i know very little english ,please explin to gmass and how many email send per day and i sent 2000 email per day but the emails are bounced to return back why?
    as per you instruction i go to gmass sent mail option i click but not SMTP.SENDGRID.NET WHAT IT IS?
    Siva murugesan
    We are calling interview we send interview letter to our candidate , herewith attach the copy of the letter

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