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Send email campaigns from the NEW Gmail

Exciting news! GMass now works with the new Gmail.

If your Gmail account hasn’t been transitioned to the NEW Gmail yet, it likely will. You can also get the new Gmail yourself if you have a gmail.com account, and you can ask your G Suite admin to make it available for you if you have a G Suite account.

GMass now works with the NEW Gmail, meaning you can send mail merge campaigns inside the new Gmail, just like you can with the old Gmail. That makes GMass the only way that you can send email marketing campaigns from all three of Google’s email products: the new Gmail, the old Gmail, and the Inbox product, which ironically most people don’t even know about.

In the new Gmail, the GMass button conforms to the sleek new look of the new Gmail, and sits nicely next to the newly designed Gmail Send button.

GMass works with the NEW Gmail!

So go ahead and make the switch to the new Gmail!

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GMass is the only tool for marketing emails, cold emails, and mail merge — all inside Gmail. Tons of power but easy to learn and use.


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  1. so I have installed the NEW Gmail and GMass, but cannot locate the GMass button anywhere in the email. Have you made some amendments since launching it?

  2. I have the same problem as Mereana. reinstalled it many times without success, still can’t see the GMass buttons.

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