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You can now send huge 35 MB Gmail mail merge campaigns

Exciting news! We’ve re-engineered how GMass connects to Gmail to make it so that you can send Gmail mail merge campaigns that are a whopping 35 MegaBytes in size.

If you’ve previously encountered the “Your email exceeds the GMass size limit” or the cryptic “An Error occurred, but the error response could not be deserialized” error when sending big emails, that’s all in the past.

What can you attach to a 35 MB email campaign? These are just estimates but..

  • 10 MP3 songs
  • 20 high res images
  • 30 optimized PDF files

If you can dream it, you can mail merge it. Note that attachments and images can almost double in size when encoded into the format necessary for email transmission (MIME), so allowing 35 MB actually means a max of about 17-18 MB of attached files and images. Still though, this is more than double the previous size limitation.

Keep in mind that while I’ve made it possible to send huge 35 MB email campaigns in Gmail, your recipients may not feel the same excitement, especially those people reading your email on smartphones and paying for mobile data plans. So use this newfound power wisely!

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1 Comment
  1. hi sir
    your gmass was too good ,but why my gmass was hitting the limit i dont know
    if any solution plz give me

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