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How to uninstall GMass

Occasionally, a user is unable to handle all the sales generated by using GMass and therefore wants to uninstall GMass.

If you find yourself in this predicament, this is how you do it. It’s a two or three step process to fully remove GMass from your Chrome browser and from your Gmail account.

Step 1:

Remove the GMass extension from your browser by navigating Chrome to chrome://extensions, finding GMass in the list of extensions, and either unchecking the Enabled box it or deleting it entirely with the trash can icon. This will remove the GMass buttons from the Gmail interface.

Step 2:

Disconnect GMass from your Gmail account. Go to Apps Connected to your Google Account, and find GMass, select it, and click REMOVE. This will prevent GMass from connecting to your account and sending emails on your behalf.

Step 3:

If you’ve installed the GMass Add-on, in which case the GMass icon shows up on the right sidebar on desktop and at the bottom on mobile, you can remove the Add-on from your account by going to your Gmail Settings, navigating to the Add-ons tab, and removing GMass.

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    1. It is a scam app, I signed up for a 1-month trial period and kept deducting my money, and I couldn’t remove it.

  1. I have followed the steps above but still see what appear to be gmass buttons on when composing an email. Please advise.

  2. I have done this but the labels keep reappearing. What can I do to permanently stop the labels? Thank you.

  3. I didn’t even install Gmass add-on and it appears in my email. Also all the methods you provided above doesn’t show Gmass add-on anywhere that can be removed. Then it just disappeared. I am beginning to find this to be a scam and see who doesn’t complain and starts using it. Perhaps you should more conveniently put a disable button instead.

  4. Its really a very easy process to remove Gmass from your G Mail account. the process works very fast.

  5. I need the ability to send 500 emails per day. My account is set to only allow 50 per day. I did not use GMASS< I only installed and then decided not to do it, and then removed per the instructions. But I am still limited to only 50.
    Please fix

  6. I wanted to give GMass a test-drive to see if it would let me do a mass mailing with a personalized pdf attachment on each message, but unfortunately, I don’t think such a thing exists in the G Suite Add-ons world. (At least not yet.)

    GMass didn’t show up in my Chrome Extensions screen, so I followed the instructions at this Wordzen blog post to remove the add-on from the right toolbar in GMail.


    These were the only instructions that worked for me, although don’t forget to go to security settings to disconnect the app from your Google account, too.


  7. I went to use GMass but decided not to when I saw how much access it would have to my account. I have deleted as per the instructions but the logo is still appearing as an addon. I do not want this to appear. Please advise.

  8. After completing these 2 steps go to step 3 :

    Step 1:

    Remove GMass from your browser by navigating Chrome to chrome: // extensions, finding GMass in the list of extensions, and either uncheck the box or delete it with the trash can icon.

    Step 2:

    Disconnect GMass from your Gmail account. Go to Apps Connected to your Google Account, and find GMass, select it, and click REMOVE.

    Step 3:

    Go in your Gmail account and click in the right corner on the wheel icon then go to settings. Just click on the Labels Option and there just delete all the Gmass labels and you have your old Gmail templete.

  9. Why has my GMass account been cancelled? The GMass button is gone and I cannot do anything with the service. My account was charged last week and paid.

  10. I’ve followed all the steps, but I still have three Gmass folders in my inbox, which I don’t know how to delete. Please advise

    1. Hi Alie,

      You would need to manually remove these by clicking on the three dots next to each one and selecting “Remove Label”.

  11. Thank you for these clear instructions. When I needed to stop using it and could not find out how, I felt I would not use this program again. But now that this has helped so easily, I would look for your program as a top choice next time I need something like this.

  12. This app is a scam.

    I used it one email address for warm-up. The dashboard says 40 emails sent, 0 in spam

    Then I send using the same email address to one of my 20 gmail addresses… and it went to spam

    I tried other gmail addresses also went to spam. The email address never had this problem before I used gmass.

    Gmass ruined that email allowing spammers to send junk from my email address.

  13. I hired a company to do lead generation on behalf of my company, and they used GMass. It has been a nightmare to disconnect our email from GMass when we stopped working with the agency. We’ve followed all the steps!

    I wouldn’t use or recommend GMass because of the cumbersome process when canceling their subscription or services. It is also a security concern as well.

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