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How to stop GMass from sending emails from your Gmail account

There are lots of reasons why you may need to stop GMass from sending emails from your Gmail account: GMass may have started sending a multi-day campaign, but then in the middle, you decide you want to stop. You may have set auto follow-ups on a particular campaign, but you can’t handle the volume of replies you’re getting, so you may want to stop GMass from sending any more auto follow-ups. Your account may have been hacked, and the hacker installed GMass and configured it to send emails over time.

Here’s how to stop GMass from sending emails.

To cancel a particular mail marge campaign

If you have a scheduled mail merge, it will show under the “GMass Scheduled” label. To cancel and prevent it from sending at its scheduled time, just remove the “GMass Scheduled” label from the Draft, and that will prevent GMass from seeing it. The scheduled job will error out and prevent the mail merge campaign from sending.
This also applies to a large campaign that has been set to send over multiple days. If after a couple of days, you decide you don’t want the rest of it to send, just remove the “GMass Scheduled” label, and further sending will be prevented.

To stop auto follow-ups from sending for a particular campaign

After you’ve launched a campaign with automatic follow-ups, you can edit the auto follow-up settings by finding the campaign under the GMass Auto Followups Label. Open the Draft, click the GMass Settings arrow, and click the Clear all auto follow-ups button. Then hit the GMass main button to save your changes. Also see this detailed guide on canceling auto follow-ups.

To disconnect GMass from your Gmail account and prevent GMass from sending any emails in the future

Go to: https://security.google.com/settings/security/permissions

Find GMass listed here, and click the REMOVE button.
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  1. No Phone support!

    No online chat to answer any question! Keep up the great job!!!

    Ajay sends 5 junk mail, but not have the courage to call or respond!

  2. I Have deleted the email under GMass Scheduled label.

    But the campaign is still sending.

    How can I stop it now? I want to cancel the campaign.

      1. hi!
        I have the same problema, but i cannot restore the deleted draft. Here says that i have to put in the subject the ID number of the campaign but that number changes in every email. I tried with lot of them but doesnt work. it appers an error message. PLEASE HELP ME!!

        1. Hi Hassan,

          Upon checking, we’re showing that we sent an email to you with the notification “Your campaign’s DRAFT is in the TRASH, so we won’t send your campaign. ***”

  3. Hi. I get nearly every day 8 openings from an old campaign email which was send to myself (alternative email adress). How can I stop this?

    1. Hi Til,

      Please email our support team at support@gmass.zendesk.com with the campaign ID that you’re receiving the notifications for.

  4. After using Sendgrid it seems like all emails land on SPAM. You guys suggest me to use Sendgrid. i like to remove my self from it. i like to use gmass or gmail to send email can you guys help? all of my clients are telling me my emails land on spam only!!!! and i checked with you spam program and all go to SPAM as well. HELPPPP i discontinued with Send Grid how can i email my clients>? without getting spam? how many emails a day can i send to my clients to not get spam? Please stop sending me to your support website. SOMEONE JUST HELP ME!!!

  5. Hello, we are receiving this error “Your campaign’s DRAFT is in the TRASH, so we won’t send your campaign”, when we try to send some scheduled mails with Gmass.

    Can you please instruct me on how to fix this issue?

    1. Hi Santiago,

      You would need to restore that draft which can be found in your trash. If the label “GMass Scheduled” has been removed, you can reapply it to that draft.

      1. We got that same error msg the day after our 3-day campaign started. It was scheduled to send 45 mails a day for 3 days, it sent the mails without a problem the first day and then we got that message.

        If we restore the campaign will it send to those 45 who have already recieved the mails or will it continue as originally schedueled?

        1. Hi Philip,

          Once you recover the draft and requeue your campaign, GMass will pick up where it last left off from. No duplicate emails would be sent so those 45 recipients who have already been sent an email for that campaign will not be sent an email from that same campaign when it is restarted.

  6. Hi,

    I was getting daily limit messages (even though I only sent 3/50 email limit for that day) when trying to send a gmass campaign. It became an hour hassle so I deleted all the lablels to prevent from sending any emails. Now I receive multiple, error messages about inability to send messages. I have sent a request to stop all f/u emails but gmass notifier keeps sending messages. I have blocked the sender and sent messages to spam.


    1. Hi Ja’Mara,

      You can just simply follow the steps outlined in the above article. Once GMass is disconnected from your account, GMass will no longer be able to send emails. Upon checking, as of this writing, you haven’t disconnected your account from GMass which is why emails continued to send.

  7. Hi,

    I would like to stop my campaign from continuing to autosend. I am in the GMass scheduled tab but when I open the draft, no GMass buttons appear. I only have the Gmail send button

    How can I get the Gmass buttons to appear so that I can stop the campaign?

  8. hi
    I am trying to close my gmass account for the last 3 months since my campinge was over from my email account exportmpr@gmail.com ,I followed the instruction and i canceled but still it is not canceled the status says that I have a free version and the buy monthly subscription of 15 usd is detected and this is happening for the last 3 months
    Call me at 919244611432 and confirm me it is resolved , please . also please tell if you can rembus the subscription which was take by your system for which e did not use your services , please do the need full

    1. Hi,

      Upon checking, the reason for the charges was that you had a separate subscription that was left active outside of your exportmpr@gmail.com account, you had a separate account that had a paid subscription. This is why billing continued. We’ve also responded to your helpdesk email directly. Please check your mailbox.

  9. How do you stop or cancel a campaign from being sent?

    Hypothetical – you press the Gmass send button, but as you do, you realize a mistake in your email and want to Undo the emails being sent.

    If you do not have a 5 second window to undo the emails, like Gmail does, this is a critical add-on to your product.

  10. How to stop the warm up process. If you’re selling something, create a proper documentation and FAQ, or have a support assistance to address, we expect a better support when you charge us on a monthly basis.

  11. How can I stop my active campaign, draft a new cover letter and start campaign from scratch?

    How can I deliver more than 10 emails per day?

    1. Hi,

      You can cancel your active campaign via the steps found here: https://www.gmass.co/blog/how-to-cancel-a-scheduled-mail-merge-campaign-and-stop-it-from-sending/

      If your account is hitting against its sending limit, you would need to either set up your own SMTP to connect to GMass or apply to use our in-house SMTP to overcome this limit: https://www.gmass.co/blog/send-unlimited-emails-gmail-using-smtp/#:~:text=Option%20B%3A-,Request%20to%20use%C2%A0our%20SendGrid%20SMTP%20account,-If%20you%E2%80%99re%20sending

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