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How to send high volume cold email [beyond Gmail’s limits]

High Volume Cold Email

If you’re a cold emailer using any cold email platform other than mine, you’re likely subject to limits in the hundreds of emails per day. For most people, that allowance of a few hundred emails/day is enough, since it’s quite hard to find more than even 100 targeted prospects’ email addresses per day, where your message is relevant enough to the prospect that it doesn’t seem spammy.

But, let’s say you’re just that good at finding leads and capturing email addresses. Let’s go crazy here for a second and say you’ve fine-tuned a process that brings in 5,000 new email leads per day, and every day, you want to email these 5,000 email addresses and set a follow-up sequence that sends every few days until they reply. Now you’re in deep, because not only do 5,000 new email messages need to send every day, but once the follow-up schedules start to kick in, you’ll actually be sending more than 5,000 emails/day, when you take into account the original message volume and the follow-up email volume.

So, given G Suite’s limits of 2,000 emails/day and most cold email platforms’ own limits, how can you accomplish this?

You could set up multiple G Suite accounts and eventually send 2,000 emails per day per account. However, as years of experience has shown, it doesn’t always work so smoothly, and often times G Suite caps an account’s sending volume at a level much lower than 2,000 emails/day. This can work for some users but won’t work for most.

Last year, I invented a way to integrate an SMTP service into a high volume cold email process such that you can send as many emails as you want through an SMTP server like SendGrid, while preserving the ability to detect replies and send follow-up emails to non-responders. We do this through a little bit of inventiveness in how we relay the emails through an SMTP and sync the data back to your G Suite account.

Recent High Volume Cold Email Campaigns

Here is a sampling of recent large cold email campaigns sent by our platform in the last few weeks. Included are the number of auto follow-up stages and the open and reply rates. Some of these were distributed in daily batches via Gmail and some were sent via a third party SMTP relay.

This cold email campaign data is updated daily.

From AddressSubjectFollow-up StagesRecipientsOpen RateRepliesDate
[email protected]I_______w D________n - I_______e M______e12,50081.4%2210/02/24
[email protected]B___d C___________n | L____y E_______e B___d x {________}33,87080.3%1,42110/03/24
[email protected]I__s T__e to R__P | O_____r P__________l C______s @ C___f12,19279.7%1809/27/24
[email protected]T____g t_e O__E W__h I_C33,26070.1%75010/01/24
[email protected]{___________, R____e S______g C___s a_d B___t Q______? L___s C____.33,43569.0%2110/01/24
[email protected]C_n y_u h__p me {___________?22,64153.0%2210/01/24
[email protected]W______g t_e V_______________l d_____? G_t o_r v___e h___d & g_t t_____s f_r H___s N____l G__a 1______412,30152.0%310/02/24
[email protected]T_e B__t T____l B__s F_r 2__512,08651.0%1010/01/24
[email protected]P_____r O_________y – W_____n26,99448.6%2010/03/24
[email protected]B___d C___________n | L____y E________e B___d x33,49346.1%57910/03/24
[email protected]M_____g to d_____s F_________g f_r {______y N___} in 2__523,23143.9%20610/01/24
[email protected]R___y f_r t_e H_______? F______s f_r t_e f___t 5 s______s 👀22,56843.4%6010/02/24
[email protected]R___y to S_____t Y__r M_____l W_____g N___s12,73242.7%210/01/24
[email protected]I_________n r______d f_r W____r s______s q____s12,84741.8%11509/30/24
[email protected]S_____g to t_e P__________? O___r l___l p_____t m_____s e____y w__h H____y24,00240.0%43310/01/24
[email protected]J__t r______g o_t to s_e if y_u n__d a_y s_____t12,88439.9%010/03/24
[email protected]J__t r______g o_t to s_e if y_u n__d a_y s_____t110,54938.2%210/01/24
[email protected]A S______l S_____e Y_u M_y N_t H__e C_________…26,99735.6%3410/03/24
[email protected]{__________, M_____g r_____t f__m b_____________d | h_________d a______d v____s54,04734.5%1709/27/24
[email protected]S___k in G____h R__?27,36133.9%1110/02/24

Steps to sending high volume cold email:

  1. Set up your G Suite account, and connect it to GMass.
  2. Set up a SendGrid account or any other SMTP service and subscribe based on the daily volume of emails you want to send. When determining daily volume, take into account the original message plus follow-up emails that need to go out per day.
  3. Connect SendGrid, or your alternate SMTP service to GMass.
  4. When you launch your cold email campaign in GMass, set the SMTP option instead of Gmail.
  5. Configure your auto follow-ups.
  6. Hit the GMass button to launch the campaign.

What happens next?

Even though your emails are being sent by SendGrid, you’ll still see a copy of each individual email in the Sent folder of Gmail. When someone replies, the reply will still be threaded to the same conversation as the email in the Sent folder. And if someone doesn’t reply, and a follow-up email sends automatically in a few days, that follow-up will also be threaded to the same email conversation.

But wait, I’m not technical enough to set up SendGrid!

If setting up your own SMTP service is too complicated, and you don’t want to bother with the implications of DNS records, SPF, DKIM, DMARC, and all the subtleties that are recommended for deliverability, you have a couple of options:

  1. Sometimes we allow users to use our SMTP service — but typically for cold email that isn’t opt-in, we don’t.
  2. There’s a fiverr gig these days where someone will help you configure a SendGrid account for use with GMass.
  3. You sign up for SendGrid and subscribe, and then send us your credentials and we’ll link GMass to SendGrid for you.

By the way, if you’re an advanced web developer and this all sounds to easy for you, you may want to read my technical review of SendGrid to take a look under the hood and see if you want to customize your SMTP process. That review is written specifically for advanced web developers. 

How high is our volume?

When you’re shopping different cold email platforms, ask them how much email they send. Then check our real-time counter for how much email we’ve sent. We’ve sent over 1 billion emails through Gmail and G Suite accounts. Not all of them were cold email campaigns, but a lot of them were.

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  1. Do I need the paid version of SendGrid? If so what particular feature is it that is not available on the free version that I am paying for? Is this something that would be resolved if I simply use HubSpot or MailChimp?

  2. Great article. Do you think the age of the domain and/or the email address affects the results when using GMass
    and SendGrid?

    1. Hi Peter,

      Yes, it could affect deliverability. Even though the emails are being sent using an external SMTP, the from address would still be tied to the email address’s domain. So the email address and domain’s reputation would still play a part on deliverability. However, we couldn’t say how big of a part it does play.

  3. i have a single gmail acount
    i want to send more than 5000 emails per day,
    can you suggest me in a easy way how can i send?

  4. Hello GMASS,

    Could you please provide me with alternative methods to pay my credit card? I’m experiencing some buffering issues and it’s not giving me any results.

    If you provide me GPAY option or UPI option that will be easy for me to make payment.

  5. Hi, I read the different posts on SendGrid account for use with GMass. I have the free GMass
    and I want to send more than 50 emails a day. How many emails can I send with the $25 a
    month with the GMass? Is there a fee for the SendGrid too?

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