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There's a good chance your website (or at least its blog) is running on WordPress. We're just playing the odds there — it's the most common publishing platform on the internet.

Here in the WordPress archives, you'll find articles we've written over the years about running a WordPress blog.

Some of the articles are technical solutions to issues that aren't covered elsewhere; other articles are advice about site administration and optimization.
Yoast redirect

November 12, 2020

Should you let Yoast handle the redirect when your slug changes?

Given that this blog runs on WordPress, I sometimes change the slug of a post to optimize it for SEO …

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Connect WPForms to backend

February 15, 2020

How to connect WPForms to a custom backend (example using .NET and SQL Server)

WPForms is great for designing forms and adding them to your WordPress posts. If you want the data to go somewhere other than MySQL, here's how you do it.

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October 14, 2019

Ajay’s Honest Guide to Optimizing a WordPress Blog

Here's my guide to killing it with your WordPress blog, and unlike most people, I'm not going to push a million plugins on you.

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September 26, 2018

How to serve WordPress pages and ASP.NET MVC pages from the same IIS folder

I hand-coded my website landing pages as MVC Views, and now I want to convert those landing pages to WordPress, while keeping the URLs intact.

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