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New Features

GMass is always growing and evolving based on your feedback, requests, and mass email and cold email needs.

Whenever our team rolls out a new feature for GMass (or one of our other email deliverability tools), you'll find the announcement as well as a how-to guide here in the new features archives.

Read up on new features (or features that used to be new and are now more mature) and get rolling with everything GMass offers.
GMass SMTP service

September 22, 2021

Introducing a new kind of SMTP Service

Instead of using SendGrid, Mailgun, or Amazon SES to send emails from your website, use the GMass SMTP service and have your emails sent by Google.

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August 24, 2021

Guide to using the Zapier integration

You can now use the Zapier integration for GMass. Technically it’s still in beta and hasn’t been officially approved by …

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August 19, 2021

Guide to using webhooks

GMass now supports webhooks for the following types of events: Sends Opens Clicks Replies Unsubscribes Bounces What’s a webhook? There’s …

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introducing AB testing

August 4, 2021

Introducing A/B Testing

You can now A/B test your email outreach campaign using our powerful platform. Here are the basics: Easily vary your …

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Skip the send file

August 25, 2020

Skip logging emails to the Gmail Sent folder

It's like a vacuum cleaner for your Sent folder. After you send an email campaign, we'll vacuum up your Sent folder to prevent all the campaign clutter.

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Email verification tool

July 24, 2020

Our new free email verification service [with API]

You can now verify your email addresses for FREE. We'll even update a Google Sheet for you with PASS/FAIL for each address. So stop using NeverBounce!

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hosted and embedded images in Gmail

April 8, 2020

How to set hosted vs embedded images in Gmail

In most cases when you insert an image into the Gmail Compose window, it inserts as an embedded image. Now YOU can control whether it's hosted or embedded.

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November 4, 2019

Chrome extension improvements made tonight

A few minutes ago, we deployed a few enhancements to make scheduling, pausing, and resuming a better experience. “Skip Weekends” …

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October 23, 2019

Our new “Spam Solver” tweaks your email until it hits the inbox

Stop manually tweaking your email, hoping it will end up in the Inbox instead of Spam. Our "Spam Solver" will tweak it for you until you're happy.

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August 15, 2019

New option to view and download email lists directly inside the Gmail Compose window

You now have the option to expand an “alias” recipient list into the actual email addresses in the Compose window’s …

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email analyzer

May 27, 2019

Our new Email Analyzer checks for SPF, DKIM, and blacklists

The new Email Analyzer is for the email marketer that wants to check the SPF and DKIM of their email messages …

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April 4, 2019

We’re clicking your links and checking them twice

This guide teaches you how to use the free link checker, by GMass, to check all the links of an HTML email campaign.

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Transform your Gmail account into an email marketing powerhouse

GMass is easy to learn and easy to use — but brings unbelievable email power into Gmail

Try GMass for free Then check out the quickstart guide to send your first mail merge email in minutes!
