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New Features

GMass is always growing and evolving based on your feedback, requests, and mass email and cold email needs.

Whenever our team rolls out a new feature for GMass (or one of our other email deliverability tools), you'll find the announcement as well as a how-to guide here in the new features archives.

Read up on new features (or features that used to be new and are now more mature) and get rolling with everything GMass offers.

September 25, 2023

GMass MultiSend: Inbox Rotation to Distribute a Campaign Across Multiple Email Accounts

Everything you need to know to take a single GMass email campaign and distribute it evenly across multiple email accounts.

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August 30, 2023

New in GMass: Instant Reply and Bounce Detection

GMass can now detect when someone replies to your campaign or when one of your message bounces the moment it happens — no more delays!

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July 17, 2023

Triggered Emails in GMass: Send When a Prospect Is in Their Inbox

With GMass you can send triggered emails that go out immediately when someone opens or clicks on a message in your campaign.

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June 19, 2023

Delivery Routes in GMass: Tweak Service-Specific Settings for Max Deliverability

How to tweak important deliverability settings for specific domains/email providers to fix issues around SMTP servers and open/click tracking.

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Send to multiple lists in a single campaign with GMass Multi Merge

June 23, 2022

Send to Multiple Lists in a Single Campaign with GMass Multi Merge

Send a single email campaign to multiple lists in GMass. Connect 2+ Google Sheets, segmented behavior-based campaigns, or search-driven mailing lists.

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Preview text - what it is - how to set it up

June 17, 2022

Preview Text: What It Is, Best Strategies, & How to Set It in GMass

What is preview text? Here's how to set it in GMass for a single email or for a sequence. Plus strategies and best practices for preview text.

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beatmakers - track who listens to your beats

April 12, 2022

New feature for beat makers: Track who listens to your beats and how long

Beat makers: GMass turns your audio file into a trackable file so you can see who listened and how long they listened for.

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pixel blocking Chrome extension

March 14, 2022

The story of our new pixel blocking Chrome extension

Today we’re launching a new Chrome extension, called Tracker Blocker, that is a companion extension for GMass. If you’re using …

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test email sequence

March 2, 2022

New Feature: Test your email sequence

You can now test your email sequence and see exactly what it will look like in the Inbox before you …

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precise control over the subject line

November 4, 2021

Precise control over the subject line of email sequences

You now have precise control over the subject line and how the conversation “thread” appears in an email sequence. First, …

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The Gate

October 13, 2021

New Feature: The Gate

You send out a campaign and get a bunch of replies asking for more information. Now you can easily and quickly REPLY to all those replies.

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sentiment analysis on email replies

October 12, 2021

New Feature: Sentiment Analysis on Replies

We're now using AI to score every reply to an email campaign. Quickly see the sentiment score and whether the overall sentiment is positive or negative.

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Try GMass for free Then check out the quickstart guide to send your first mail merge email in minutes!
