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As you might've guessed, we've written a little bit about GMass on the GMass blog.

Here in the GMass archives category page you can find the articles we've written, often about how to get the most out of a GMass feature — but sometimes about even broader cold email and email marketing strategy with a GMass twist.

If you're here because you're new or new-ish to GMass and you want to learn about everything GMass has to offer (spoiler: a lot), you might want to head over to the tour.
Send to multiple lists in a single campaign with GMass Multi Merge

June 23, 2022

Send to Multiple Lists in a Single Campaign with GMass Multi Merge

Send a single email campaign to multiple lists in GMass. Connect 2+ Google Sheets, segmented behavior-based campaigns, or search-driven mailing lists.

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Preview text - what it is - how to set it up

June 17, 2022

Preview Text: What It Is, Best Strategies, & How to Set It in GMass

What is preview text? Here's how to set it in GMass for a single email or for a sequence. Plus strategies and best practices for preview text.

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List Unsubscribe Header - What It Is and How to Implement It

June 16, 2022

List-Unsubscribe Header: What It Is and How to Implement it in GMass

Understand the list-unsubscribe header, who should use it to add easier unsubscribe links in email clients, and how to enable it in GMass.

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Using GMass Send-as-Replies Feature

May 3, 2022

Using GMass’s Unique “Send as Replies” to Keep the Conversation Going (3 Examples)

How to use GMass's unique and powerful "send as replies" feature to keep a conversation going by sending a new campaign as a reply to a previous one.

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GMass for teams 7 features and benefits

April 28, 2022

GMass for Teams: 7 Features & Benefits

GMass teams features include collaboration and sharing options, plus a price discount for every member of your entire team.

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campaign templates in Gmail

November 17, 2020

How to use Campaign Templates in Gmail

We’re often asked how GMass handles “templates.” The simple answer is that every email you send with GMass is a …

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January 10, 2020

What Makes GMass Better?

Why should you choose GMass over the million other email campaign tools? Here's the answer.

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Email marketing mistakes

August 18, 2019

Four common email marketing mistakes and how to avoid them

How many times have you received an email that starts with “Dear *|FNAME|*”? It happens so often it’s laughable, and …

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July 23, 2018

Apply to use OUR own SMTP services and overcome Gmail’s limits

GMass gives you the ability to send unlimited emails by connecting a third-party SMTP service to your account. This allows …

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March 30, 2018

How to send a fast and simple mail merge in Gmail

Sending a mail merge in Gmail from a list of email addresses is very simple with GMass. That list can …

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December 29, 2017

You can now pause your mail merge campaign

We just added a feature that allows you to pause and resume your Gmail mail merge campaign at will. When …

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October 9, 2017

Auto follow-up email enhancements

GMass offers a feature allowing you to send auto follow-ups out until getting a response to the original email. Start using this auto-email tool today!

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Start your free trial of GMass now

Install in 30 seconds — no credit card or sign up form required

Try GMass for free Then check out the quickstart guide to send your first mail merge email in minutes!
