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Email Follow-Ups

People are busy. Their inboxes are crowded. They may not always see your first email. Or second. Or seventh.

That's why follow-ups are an essential part of any email campaign. Ideally, you'll send automated messages at just the right cadence to your email list which will catch their attention when they're ready — and earn you an open, a click, and/or a response.

Here in the email follow-ups archives page, you can read about techniques for writing and sending follow-up emails in your campaigns.

You'll also find articles about GMass's world-class suite of automated follow-up features, including the ability to send as replies, send on the perfect schedule, and stop sequences when a recipient takes a desired action.

When you're done here, you may also like our page that goes in-depth on all of GMass's follow-up features.

January 3, 2017

Auto follow-up emails now include 8 stages instead of 3

We’ve just rolled out a major update to the automatic email follow-up feature, where now, in addition to your original …

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November 12, 2016

Automatic follow-up email bug fix for large attachments

There can be many complications when sending automatic follow-up emails with large attachments. Click here to read about GMass's solution for this issue!

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July 12, 2016

Create Rich Content for an Automatic Follow-Up Email Sequence

How to create rich-text templates in GMass and Gmail to use in auto follow-up sequences. Also how to edit those templates within GMass.

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June 26, 2016

How to remove someone from an auto follow-up sequence

What do you do when you’re checking a campaign’s calendar view to see your auto follow-up schedule… and you spot …

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May 10, 2016

Setup Gmail Auto Follow-Up Emails Until You Get a Reply [Updated 2025]

Automated email follow-ups in Gmail Overview: Learn how to set automatic follow-up email campaigns to be sent after an email …

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January 6, 2016

Send a new campaign based on subscriber engagement with an old campaign

You can now send a new campaign based on actions your contacts have taken on previous campaigns. Want to send …

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