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New Feature: Auto follow-up emails based on who didn’t click

  1. Hey Ajay,

    First of all, gotta say I absolutely love this service, I now have several accounts on your premium plan and can’t live without this app!

    I just have some things about auto follow-up that would be nice to see. One, this is pretty weird but my follow-ups that are saved actually transfer from each account. I find this strange because they are completely different emails, different Gmass subscriptions, on different gsuites, and often times even on different IPs. Don’t know how that’s possible, but maybe something to look into.

    Also, one feature request that would be incredible would be that the auto follow-ups are saved to the campaign. So when you autofill a campaign email, you don’t have to rewrite the auto follow-ups as well.

    Thanks again for this incredible service! Keep it up.

  2. If I get lots of bounces and the notification ends up only in my inbox (or the GMASS bounce folder) do I have to remove the bounces from auto-followup manually so I don’t continue to hit those bad addresses ?

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