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We’ve launched a beta version of the GMass API that can handle basic GMass functionality around creating lists and sending campaigns. Over time, we’ll be adding more functionality, like accessing reporting data.

Our API is the only API we know of that allows you to completely create and send a cold email campaign all from within the API, without ever having to do anything in the user interface.

Getting Started

All endpoints begin with https://api.gmass.co/api/. The API is mostly RESTful and conforms to OpenAPI standards. To get started with the API:

  1. Create an API Key in your Dashboard. Go to the “API Keys” section.
  2. Visit the API homepage, which serves as a reference for all API methods.
  3. You can perform a test API call to retrieve all the Google Sheet titles in your account with this URL: https://api.gmass.co/api/sheets?apikey=your-api-key
  4. You can access test forms for all methods using our Swagger-generated site here. Note that the Swagger site does include descriptions of methods, but the more comprehensive documentation is at https://api.gmass.co/docs.


You can authenticate into the API using your API key and passing it either:

  1. Via the query string as “apikey”
  2. Via an HTTP header using X-apikey

Note that it must be passed as “apikey” and not any other variation of that. api-key and api_key will not work.

How to send a campaign

The basic steps of sending a campaign through the API are similar to the steps you would take in the Gmail interface with the Chrome extension.

  1. Determine the Google Sheet and the corresponding Worksheet that your email list is in using the /api/sheets and api/sheets/{sheetid}/worksheets endpoints.
  2. Create a GMass list address (for example: [email protected]) using the /api/lists endpoint, in which you’ll use the spreadsheetId and worksheetId from step 1.
  3. Create a campaign DRAFT using the /api/campaigndrafts endpoint. You can add CC and BCC addresses here, as well as file attachments. This will return a Gmail DRAFT Id, which you can then use to send a campaign.
  4. Send the campaign with the /api/campaigns endpoint and pass in the Gmail DRAFT Id from step 3, plus other campaign settings.

You can store the GMass alias addresses and reuse them in campaigns, and thereby skip steps 1 and 2 most of the time.

We’ll be adding endpoints, functionality, and better documentation with time.

What else can you do?

Retrieve a list of all your campaigns using the campaigns method.

Retrieve the lists of recipients, opens, clicks, replies, unsubscribes, and bounces for a particular campaign.

Send a transactional email through your Google account. You can view a log of your transactional emails inside your dashboard.

Error handling

All calls to the API will return an HTTP 200 OK status code if the method call is successful.

If you don’t get an HTTP 200 OK status code, your code can assume there has been an error. Error codes include:

  • HTTP 401 Unauthorized: Passing in an invalid API key
  • HTTP 400 Bad Request: Passing in an invalid spreadsheet ID or invalid campaign ID
  • HTTP 404 Not Found: Calling a method that doesn’t exist. For example, https://api.gmass.co/api/invalidmethodname will return a 404
  • HTTP 500 Internal Server Error: Calling a method where the result is an error that is unexpected

Al API errors are logged and reported to our sysadmins. If we see a lot of errors from your account, you’ll likely be hearing from our support team.


The API described above allows you to poll GMass for information related to your campaigns and account. You might also be interested in our webhooks API which can “push” notifications to your server upon events like sends, opens, clicks, replies, unsubscribes, and bounces.

See why GMass has 300k+ users and 7,500+ 5-star reviews

Email marketing. Cold email. Mail merge. Avoid the spam folder. Easy to learn and use. All inside Gmail.


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Want to be great at finding and managing email leads?

An email lead is someone who’s expressed interest in your product or service and has opted-in to your mailing list.

And as they’re genuinely interested, you’ll have a better chance to convert them into customers. That’s why generating leads and nurturing them should be a critical part of your sales and email marketing strategy.

In this article, I’ll explain what an email lead is and why email lead generation matters. Then, I’ll highlight the best ways to generate email leads and explain why buying email lists is a bad idea.

Finally, I’ll walk you through the crucial steps involved in nurturing email leads.

This Article Contains:

(Click on a link to jump to a specific section.)

Let’s get rolling.

What Is an Email Lead?

An email lead is someone who has signed up for your emails and is interested in learning more about your product or service.

Why focus on email lead generation?

Here are a few reasons to prioritize email lead generation for your businesses:

Now, if your business is new and you haven’t got many subscribers, you’ll naturally be low on email leads.

But don’t worry.

Generating leads doesn’t have to be difficult…

2 Effective Email Lead Generation Methods for 2021

You can generate email leads for your business in many different ways.

Here are two highly effective email lead generation techniques you can use today:

A. Include Signup Forms on Your Website or Landing Page

Embedding a signup or lead form on your website or landing page is a popular way to gather email leads.

Your website visitors can voluntarily fill out a mailing list subscription form to receive:

  • New blog post alerts
  • Weekly email newsletters
  • Updates on product line-ups
  • An opportunity to fill out surveys
  • Invites to a company webinar or event
  • Exclusive access to discounts and other gated content

It’s important to specify precisely what you’ll use an email lead’s mailing address for and that you won’t sell it to a third-party.

This shows your potential leads that they can trust you with their privacy.

Additionally, try to make the lead magnet for your signup form as enticing and on-brand as possible. This helps convince your visitors that signing up for your email marketing communications is a worthwhile idea and something that they can benefit from doing.

B. Add Email Subscription Links on Social Media

If your business is active on social media, you could leverage it to find quality email leads.


Most social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn allow you to include links in your social profiles.

For example, including a link to a signup form within your Facebook page can quickly help potential customers join your mailing list.

Moreover, you can circulate your signup forms using Twitter or Facebook ad campaigns to improve further your chances of generating leads. This way, you’re coupling your social media and email marketing strategies to find more viable email leads efficiently.

Why You Shouldn’t Buy Email Lists

Many email marketers turn to buying email lists when it comes to finding new leads.

But buying email lists is a risky lead generation strategy.


Here are three reasons why you should stay away from purchasing email lists:

1. Excellent Email Leads Aren’t for Sale

An excellent email lead is essentially someone who has voluntarily opted to receive your marketing communications and wants to know more about your offerings.

However, when you buy email lists from a third-party, it would contain people who aren’t interested in you or your offerings.

They might not have even heard of your business!

So reaching out to them is a terrible idea because there’s no way to know if they’re actually interested in you. More importantly, you’re less likely to find a qualified lead who belongs to your target audience within such email lists.

2. Poor Email Deliverability

Remember, when you buy email lists, the email leads in that list may not know who you are.

These recipients could view your emails as unsolicited messages and mark them as spam.

Additionally, specific email addresses within a purchased email list could be spam traps.

What’s a spam trap?

A spam trap is an email address that helps an internet service provider (ISP) identify spammers. Essentially, sending emails to these email IDs tells the ISP that you’re a spammer.

Moreover, some of the email addresses in your purchased list could be inactive.

What do all these mean for you?

Having your emails marked as spam and sending emails to spam traps or inactive IDs will raise red flags with your ISP/email client. This harms your sender reputation and email deliverability rates.

Read about why your emails go to spam and how to solve it

3. Violates the GDPR Rules

Another crucial reason you shouldn’t buy email lists is that it could be illegal.

According to the European data privacy act, known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), you need explicit consent from an individual to contact them or use their data.

However, purchased email lists aren’t GDPR compliant as the email IDs (recipients) on that list have not agreed to receive your communications.

So if you’re using them to find email leads, you could be breaking the law.

Not only would this result in legal issues for your business, but it would also severely damage your reputation — negatively affecting the relationships you’re trying to build through email leads.

How to Nurture Email Leads and Boost Your Conversions

Email lead generation doesn’t end with getting the email addresses of your leads.

You must also follow it up with effective lead nurturing techniques.

After all, your goal is to create revenue-generating customers who benefit from your product or service!

So here are four sure-shot ways for properly nurturing an email lead to become a potential customer:

A. Provide Value to Your Email Leads

Once you’ve got a lead signed up for marketing materials, you need to keep them hooked.

But how?

Provide as much value as you can to your email leads.

Research what matters to them, learn what problems they’re trying to solve, identify any pain points they’re struggling with, and try to offer a solution that can improve their situation.

Your solutions can take the form of a variety of gated content, such as:

  • Long-form articles, blog posts, or ebooks
  • Video tutorials and podcasts
  • Interviews with subject matter experts

The idea is to give your target audience an incentive to stay on your mailing list, engage with your marketing campaign, and gradually become paying customers.

Slowly but surely, you’ll be able to convert each of these warm leads into a customer.

B. Segment Your Email Lists Based on Buyer Persona

When nurturing sales leads, remember that not all content is relevant to everyone.

People working in different industries or niches value different information and resource materials. And if you’re sending the same content and deals to everyone, they’re going to feel like it’s generic and adds little or no value to their lives.

My point? 

You need to segment your email lists based on buyer persona.

If you have different products or services catering to different buyer personas, you must send out relevant content that matches each buyer persona.

This enables you to send the right message to the right person, boosting your open rate and sales conversion rate.

C. Reach Out to Your Leads Consistently

Consistency is key when nurturing your email leads.

Don’t be a company or business that reaches out to your recipients rarely and at odd intervals.


Your recipients receive tons of emails from companies like yours. So if you’re inconsistent with your outreach activities, you’ll probably stop being relevant to potential leads.

However, this doesn’t mean that you should flood your leads’ inboxes with marketing emails every day.

Start by sending a marketing or promotional email once a month to warm up your sales leads.

Eventually, you can take this up a notch and send as many as two to three targeted emails a month — as most marketing experts do.

D. Leverage the Power of an Email Automation System

Now, there are two ways you can perform lead generation.

Manually build your email lists, type hundreds of personalized messages, track older emails with spreadsheets, and write individual follow-ups based on the responses you get.

Or, you can do it the smart wayleverage an email marketing and automation tool like GMass to do the heavy lifting for you. This way, you can focus more on lead management and finding strategies to convert those leads into customers.

What’s GMass?

GMass is an email marketing and marketing automation tool that works right inside Gmail. Its ease-of-use and superior outreach capabilities have made it a popular tool used by employees in large companies like Google and Uber and social media giants like LinkedIn and Twitter.

The best part? 

GMass is also perfect for any small business owner, solopreneur, casual email user, and even institutions like churches.

And to use GMass, just download the Chrome extension and sign up with your Gmail account. It’s that simple!

GMass helps you:

  1. Build extensive email lists from directly inside your Gmail inbox.

2. Send out automatic personalized bulk emails to your email leads.

  1. Track email deliverability metrics to analyze how well your email leads engage with your campaigns.

  1. Set up automated follow-up emails to stay in constant touch with your email leads.

  1. Send behavior-based email marketing campaigns based on your email leads’ reactions to your previous email marketing communications.

  1. Schedule your mass emails to go out at optimum times for all your email leads.

  1. Send cold emails and drip email campaigns to your potential leads.
  2. Manage email leads even when you’re on the move by using the GMass add-on for the Gmail Android app.
  3. Integrate with lead generation software like Salesforce, SMTP tools like SendGrid, and spreadsheet software like Google Sheets to level-up your lead generation and email marketing game.

Final Thoughts

Email leads are valuable for your business since they’ve expressed a prior interest in your products and stand a better chance of becoming paying customers.

However, you’ll need to find and nurture email leads the right way for this to work.

Don’t try to buy email lists as they’re irrelevant, negatively affect your reputation, and could be illegal!

Do things the right way, and you will benefit from the results in the long run.

And while generating email leads and nurturing them can seem challenging, you can streamline the process with GMass.

GMass lets you build email lists directly inside Gmail, send personalized mass emails, track email marketing performance metrics, schedule automated follow-ups, and more.

So why not try GMass today and nurture your email leads to success?

Ready to transform Gmail into an email marketing/cold email/mail merge tool?

Only GMass packs every email app into one tool — and brings it all into Gmail for you. Better emails. Tons of power. Easy to use.


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Looking for some top-notch prospecting tools?

Prospecting is one of the best ways to increase your customer base and revenue.

It’s a critical part of your sales cycle and usually involves:

  • Building an ideal customer profile.
  • Identifying people who match it.
  • Approaching them.

Sound complicated?

Don’t worry.

The right sales prospecting tool can make the prospecting process a lot easier.

In this article, I’ll explain why you need prospecting tools and highlight the seven best software options available today. I’ll go over their key features, pros, limitations, pricing, and ratings to give you a clear picture of each tool.

Prospecting Tools: Table of Contents

(Click on a link to jump to a specific section.)

Let’s get prospecting!

Why You Need Prospecting Tools

Prospecting involves qualifying leads and advancing them along the sales funnel. It helps you increase your company’s customer base and bottom line.

However, the prospecting process isn’t easy and gets overwhelming if you’re doing everything manually. Luckily, the right prospecting tools can make your life much easier.

Prospecting tools help you:

  • Find and nurture leads.
  • Perform in-depth research on prospects.
  • Prioritize prospects based on your customer profile.
  • Monitor prospects who are using competitors’ tools.
  • Approach numerous prospects efficiently.
  • Maintain consistency during prospect follow-ups.
  • Streamline the sales process.

Check out my ultimate guide to sales prospecting to discover effective sales prospecting techniques and strategies. 

Now, there are tons of prospecting tools available.

Some of them help you find leads, some make prospect outreach easier, and so on.

In other words, there’s no single tool that does everything in prospecting.

You’re going to need a combination of them to get the job done.

Luckily, I’m going to highlight some of the different types of tools you’re going to need…

7 Excellent Prospecting Tools to Skyrocket Your Sales Productivity

Here are the top seven prospecting tools I’d recommend:

Each of these tools is fantastic at a particular aspect of sales prospecting.

My suggestion? 

Use all or some of them together to make your prospecting process as streamlined as possible.

I’ll explore their key features, pros, limitations, pricing, and ratings to give you a clear understanding of each tool:

1. GMass for Email Outreach

GMass is a powerful email marketing and marketing automation tool perfect for reaching out to prospects.

Its superior outreach capabilities and ease-of-use have made it a popular tool used by employees in large organizations like Uber and Google, as well as social media giants like LinkedIn and Twitter.

The tool is also perfect for small businesses, startups, solopreneurs, casual email users, and even institutions like churches.

The best part?

GMass works within Gmail, so you don’t need to toggle between multiple apps when managing your campaigns.

Here’s how GMass makes prospect outreach easy:

A. Powerful Email List Builder

Building comprehensive prospect email lists is crucial to your sales process.


They contain leads that you can later qualify and convince to become paying customers.

Unfortunately, manually building an email list of prospects can be painstaking and time-consuming. You’ll need to compile an extensive potential prospect list, carefully evaluate whether they match your buyer persona, and put together an email list accordingly.

However, with GMass, building email lists is a breeze.

You just need to enter some relevant keywords related to your target accounts in the Gmail search bar and click Search. Then, GMass quickly builds an email list from your search results and adds email addresses automatically to the Email Compose window.

For example, say you type “pets” in the Gmail search bar.

Gmail displays all emails that include the term “pets.” These are people (target accounts) who are connected in some way to the search term “pets” and may constitute the audience you want to reach.

You can now begin crafting your email message for these prospects.

B. Automatic Email Personalization

GMass lets you create automatic personalized emails at scale.

Why does that matter?

When you’re prospecting, not everyone you approach becomes a customer. So, to increase your sales conversion chances, you must reach out to numerous prospects.

You could send everyone on your list the same message, but that’s not going to work.


72% of recipients only engage with personalized emails.

This means that you have to send a personalized email to each prospect.

However, it’s impractical to personalize each email manually before you send it, especially if you’ve got an extensive prospect list.

Luckily, GMass enables you to auto-personalize bulk emails, including automatically personalizing:

This way, your sales prospecting emails feel tailor-made, which improves engagement and sales conversion rates.

C. Schedule Bulk Emails

To maximize email engagement, you must send out your emails at optimal times.

They need to reach your prospects when they’re checking their inbox, or else your emails will get lost in the sea of other emails they receive every day.

Fortunately, scheduling mass emails is incredibly convenient in GMass.

All you have to do is compose the email message, click the arrow next to the GMass button, and choose a time for your campaign. When it’s time, GMass automatically sends the emails to your prospects.

And if there’s a change in plans and you need to reschedule the timing of your email, just head to the Drafts folder inside Gmail and make adjustments there.

D. Detailed Email Analytics Reports

Prospecting isn’t something you get right from the get-go.

So you’ll need to review and improve your outreach strategy continually while prospecting.

GMass can help with that.

The tool generates in-depth campaign analytics reports within your Gmail inbox to help you correctly evaluate email campaign performance.

It highlights critical metrics like:

  • Total number of prospects to whom you sent an email campaign
  • Total number of unique opens and clicks
  • Reply and unsubscribe rates
  • And so much more.

And the best part?

GMass can bypass most tracking pixel blockers, so your performance reports are as accurate as they can be.

E. Automated Follow-Up Emails

If you want to convince a qualified prospect to become a customer, you need to stay on their radar. And sending an email just once won’t help with that.

You need to follow-up on your prospecting messages.

Follow-up emails show prospects that you haven’t forgotten about them and continue to care about their mission and objectives.

Moreover, follow-up emails can nudge the prospects to engage with your outreach campaigns.

GMass helps you set up automated workflows to keep sending follow-up emails until a prospect:

  • Opens an email
  • Clicks on a link inside
  • Responds to it

Besides, the tool also allows you to customize everything about these follow-up emails, like the:

  • Trigger to send out follow-up emails
  • Number of follow-up emails to send
  • Time interval between consecutive follow-up emails
  • Content of your follow-up email messages

GMass Advantages

  • Works within Gmail’s intuitive and easy-to-use interface
  • Offers a feature-rich free version
  • Saves your older emails as templates to modify and reuse in future campaigns
  • Integrates with various SMTP tools to help you overcome Gmail’s email sending limits
  • Helps improve the deliverability rates of your bulk email campaigns
  • Detects your recipients’ first names from their email addresses automatically
  • Lets you send behavior-based campaigns that are customized based on prospect responses to your previous emails
  • Offers an email verifier that helps minimize your bounce rate by verifying prospect email addresses before sending emails
  • Lets you access outreach capabilities on your Android phone with a Gmail app add-on

To start using GMass, simply download the Chrome extension and sign up with your Gmail account. It’s that easy!

GMass Limitations

  • Works only inside Gmail

GMass Pricing

GMass offers three comprehensive pricing plans to suit various user needs:

  • Individual:
    • Standard: $25 per month or $225 annually. Includes unlimited emails, contacts, and campaigns. Plus mail merge personalization, Spam Solver, and dozens of other features.
    • Premium: $35 per month or $325 annually. All Standard plan features, plus auto follow-up sequences, API access and Zapier, and triggered emails.
    • Professional: $55 per month or $525 annually. All Premium features plus GMass MultiSend for inbox rotation and high-priority support.
  • Team:
    • Professional: starts at $145 per month for a team of five – supports all features.

GMass Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.9/5 (580+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.8/5 (560+ reviews)

2. Leadfeeder for B2B Website Tracking

Leadfeeder is a B2B prospecting and website tracking software that provides info about companies visiting your websites to help you improve your B2B sales.

Leadfeeder Key Features

  • Visitor identification lets you know which companies visit your website.
  • Email notifications alert you when a target company visits your website.
  • Browser behavior tracking allows you to find out which pages a visitor viewed.

Leadfeeder Pros

  • Enables you to develop outreach strategies based on visitor behavior on your website
  • Helps B2B companies find contact details of employees at a company that visited their website
  • Users can filter and hide companies to focus only on leads that matter.

Leadfeeder Limitations

  • The free version offers only limited features.
  • It gets expensive if you’ve got numerous leads in your sales funnel.
  • Leadfeeder lacks team collaboration capabilities.

Leadfeeder Pricing

Leadfeeder offers two pricing plans:

  • Lite (forever free):
    • Supports up to 100 leads
    • Allows data retention for the last three days
  • Premium (starts at $79/month):
    • Supports an unlimited number of leads
    • Allows unlimited data retention
    • Supports CRM integrations
    • And more.

Leadfeeder Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.3/5 (80+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.8/5 (380+ reviews)

3. Datanyze for Sales Intelligence

Datanyze is a popular sales intelligence and B2B prospecting tool that helps you find the contact and company data of your prospects.

 Datanyze Key Features

  • Provides access to contact info like email addresses, mobile phone numbers, and LinkedIn profiles of prospects
  • Can generate icebreakers containing information from the prospect’s world (like personal social media feeds, local news publications, etc.) to help sales leaders start conversations while cold calling or emailing
  • Offers a Chrome extension that allows you to gather sales prospect data directly from your browser in real-time

Datanyze Pros

  • Intuitive and straightforward user interface
  • Reveals what web technology a website might be using
  • Can export sales prospect data as CSV files

Datanyze Limitations

  • Does not offer a free plan — only a 90-day free trial
  • Can collect only limited information for small businesses and websites

Datanyze Pricing

Datanyze offers three pricing plans:

  • Nyze Lite (90-day free trial):
    • Allows access to email addresses
    • Allows access to phone numbers
    • Provides a Chrome extension
    • Provides ten credits
  • Nyze Pro 1 ($29/month):
    • 80 credits per month
  • Nyze Pro 2 ($55/month):
    • 160 credits per month

Datanyze Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.1/5 (40+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.2/5 (420+ reviews)

4. Owler for Company Research

Owler helps you find new prospects, research them, and craft personalized messages based on that info.

Owler Key Features

  • Comprehensive company profiles provide data like employee count, annual revenue, location, funding, and more.
  • Competitive graph shows key competitors in your sector or industry.
  • Advanced search lets you filter through Owler’s database based on location, employee count, public/private company status, revenue, and more.

Owler Pros

  • Can access in-depth data of 14 million+ companies worldwide
  • Real-time news and Google alert reports related to customers and prospects help you stay up-to-date with developments
  • Provides custom keyword alerts, brand customization, Salesforce integration, and more for sales teams

Owler Limitations

  • User interface can be challenging to use
  • Can be expensive for teams — costs $1,500/year for three seats
  • Limited customization options for notifications

Owler Pricing

Owler offers three pricing plans:

  • Community:
    • Follow up to 5 companies
    • Follow your top 3 competitors.
    • Access limited financial data of companies.
    • Track news and alerts for up to 5 companies.
  • Pro ($35/month):
    • Follow unlimited companies
    • Monitor unlimited companies
  • Max ($50/month per seat, minimum five seats):
    • All Pro features
    • Sycn with CRM
    • Automation

Owler Ratings

  • Capterra: N/A
  • G2: 4.2/5 (30+ reviews)

5. BuiltWith for Technology Lookup

BuiltWith is an advanced prospecting tool that can help you figure out what competitor technologies a particular website is “built with.” You can then approach them with your solution as an alternative instead.

BuiltWith Key Features

  • The lead generation tool covers tech used by 370 million+ web domains.
  • Competitor comparison helps you find a potential customer who is using trial versions of a competitor’s software.
  • The Company-to-URL feature can convert company names into a list of websites.

BuiltWith Pros

  • Can create highly targeted reports for its users using advanced filtering
  • Helps you estimate the technology spend data of a website
  • Enables you to find your ideal prospect from existing customers using LeadsDiscovery

BuiltWith Limitations

  • BuiltWith doesn’t offer a free plan.
  • Paid plans are costly — they start at $295/month.
  • User reviews mention that the tool can be challenging to use at times.

BuiltWith Pricing

BuiltWith offers three pricing plans:

  • Basic ($295/month):
    • Supports up to two technologies
    • Allows up to two keywords
    • Provides up to two retail reports
    • And more
  • Pro ($495/month):
    • Supports an unlimited number of technologies
    • Allows an unlimited number of keywords
    • Provides an unlimited number of retail reports
    • And more
  • Team ($995/month):
    • Includes all “Pro” features
    • Supports an unlimited number of system logins
    • And more

BuiltWith Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.2/5 (10+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.2/5 (40+ reviews)

6. Calendly for Virtual Meetings

Calendly is an online meeting scheduling platform you can use to connect with prospects.

Calendly Key Features

  • Schedule one-on-one, collective, and group meetings.
  • Calendly metrics and reporting let you track prospect engagement.
  • It connects with Google, Outlook, Office 365, or iCloud calendars.

Calendly Pros

  • Can easily send out confirmation and reminder emails to improve meeting attendance
  • Can accept payments from prospects using credit cards, PayPal or Stripe
  • Supports centralized billing for user subscriptions
  • You can set up some automations around scheduling and emails by bringing Calendly and GMass together with Zapier

Calendly Limitations

  • Paid plans can be expensive for large teams — starting at $8/user per month.
  • It can be difficult to navigate.
  • It offers limited personalization options to customize your profiles.

Calendly Pricing

Calendly offers five pricing plans:

  • Basic (free):
    • Supports one calendar/user
    • Allows one event type
    • Can schedule an unlimited number of events
    • And more
  • Essentials ($8/user per month):
    • Supports two calendars/user
    • Allows an unlimited number of event types
    • Supports group events
    • And more
  • Professional ($12/user per month):
    • Supports six calendars/user
    • Includes all “Premium” features
    • Supports Google Analytics integration
    • And more
  • Teams ($16/user per month):
    • Supports six calendars/user
    • Includes all Professional features
    • Connect to Salesforce
    • And more
  • Enterprise (contact for pricing)
    • Supports six calendars/user
    • Single sign-on
    • Security and legal reviews
    • And more

Calendly Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.6/5 (1370+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.7/5 (910+ reviews)

7. Salesforce Sales Cloud for Customer Relationship Management

Salesforce Sales Cloud is a sales tool that focuses on CRM (Customer Relationship Management). It helps a sales rep manage the sales pipeline and nurture relationships with prospects.

Salesforce Sales Cloud Key Features

  • Lead management helps you track a sales lead from click to close.
  • Visual workflow lets automate your sales prospecting and other business processes using a simple drag-and-drop editor.
  • Reports and dashboards provide a real-time glance at your prospecting and sales performance.

Salesforce Sales Cloud Pros

  • Comes with a robust mobile app to help you manage prospects when you’re on the move
  • Can integrate with many third-party apps to amp up the impact of your prospecting effort
  • Offers powerful customization and configuration capabilities to suit any organization

Salesforce Sales Cloud Limitations

  • It doesn’t offer a free plan, just a free trial.
  • Paid plans are expensive — starting at $25/month.
  • There’s a steep learning curve since the tool comes with many advanced features.

Salesforce Sales Cloud Pricing

Salesforce Sales Cloud offers four pricing plans:

  • Essentials ($25/user per month):
    • Supports account, lead, contact, and opportunity management
    • Supports email integration with Gmail or Outlook
    • Offers a mobile app
    • And more
  • Professional ($75/user per month):
    • Supports all “Essentials” features
    • Provides collaborative forecasting
    • Supports rules-based scoring of a potential lead
    • And more
  • Enterprise ($150/user per month):
    • Includes all “Professional” features
    • Allows opportunity splits
    • Includes advanced reporting features
    • And more
  • Unlimited ($300/user per month):
    • Includes all “Enterprise” features
    • Offers 24/7 support and configuration services
    • Provides the Developer Pro Sandbox
    • And more

Salesforce Sales Cloud Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.9/5 (15,510+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.2/5 (11,020+ reviews)

Prospecting Tools: Final Thoughts

Prospecting tools make your life easier by simplifying lead generation, prospect list building, research, and outreach efforts.

Different prospecting tools help with various aspects of your prospecting strategy.

That said, the goal of a sales professional while prospecting is to qualify leads and convert them into paying customers. And one of the most crucial stages in prospecting is outreach.

For effective prospect outreach, you require a tool that helps you build email lists effortlessly and communicate with prospects consistently and in a personalized manner.

Fortunately, GMass does all that and more.

With GMass, sales pros can build prospect email lists, send out personalized email messages to them, follow up with prospects, track their engagement, and ultimately, achieve better sales conversion rates.

So why not try GMass today and skyrocket your prospecting outreach outcomes?

Ready to transform Gmail into an email marketing/cold email/mail merge tool?

Only GMass packs every email app into one tool — and brings it all into Gmail for you. Better emails. Tons of power. Easy to use.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
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Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

Want to learn how to craft an excellent prospecting email?  

Look, I get it.

Prospecting is hard. Writing a prospecting email can be even harder.

As a sales rep, you need to write an email that will genuinely stand out among the hundreds of emails in your prospect’s inbox to increase your chances of landing a conversion. That’s a cold email copywriting challenge for anyone.

After all, any business decision-maker you reach out to is bound to be on the radar of thousands of cold emailers. So it’s no secret that most of us simply hate receiving cold emails.

But don’t worry.

In this guide, I’ll cover what email prospecting is and highlight useful tips and prospecting email templates to help get you started.  I’ll even introduce you to a powerful tool to streamline your email outreach activities.

Prospecting Email Writing: Table of Contents

(Click on a link to jump to the specific section.)

Let’s get started.

What Is a Prospecting Email?

A prospecting email is an outreach email used by sales representatives to contact a potential customer or lead.

Prospecting emails are useful for several reasons, such as introducing yourself and your business or highlighting a possible solution you feel could benefit the recipient.

The key idea behind a prospecting email is to reach out to people who are interested in your product or service.

While you may have never interacted with them before, you should be sure that they’re interested in what you’re selling or promoting to increase your chances of landing a sale.

5 Simple Tips for Writing Effective Prospecting Emails

While other marketing channels like cold calling can still be useful, email remains the go-to lead generation channel for many businesses today.

However, just because it’s popular doesn’t mean it’s easy.

It can be challenging for even a seasoned sales professional to craft a prospecting email that leads to a sale.

So before sitting down and writing your prospecting email, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Research your prospect

While it’s easy enough to gather some contact information of a potential client, things can get tricky when you need to dig a little deeper.

And as time-consuming as this can be, you need to have all the relevant details before writing your email.


As a salesperson, it’s impossible to get a conversion without first confirming if a customer fits into your buyer persona.

Doing your research ensures that the prospect you’re reaching out to has the potential to move through the sales pipeline, which helps you avoid wasting their time and yours.

But where do you start?

If your prospects are already part of your email list, an excellent starting point would be to check the resources they have interacted with on your website — like an ebook they may have downloaded. This can provide valuable information on what they’re hoping to find.

Additionally, go through your prospect’s social media.

Twitter and LinkedIn are generally the most effective, as their posts tend to be public. Alternatively, you could try Facebook and Instagram.

Moreover, checking out the “about page” of your prospect’s company or personal blog may reveal useful information about their interests.

2. Have a captivating subject line

It doesn’t matter how thorough your prospecting efforts are because…

…if you don’t get your email’s subject line right, you won’t get anywhere.

As many as 69% of recipients mark an email as spam based on the subject line alone.

So here are a few tips to help you craft a compelling subject line:

  • Keep your subject line short (ideally, less than 30 characters). Not only does this briefly clarify what the email is about, but it also ensures that it’s visible on mobile devices.
  • Mentioning the recipient’s name is always a good idea as it helps personalize the email.
  • Include a compelling question such as “Can we help you achieve [goal]?”
  • Check out our complete guide to cold email subject lines for more tips, advice, and examples.

You must also avoid using spam terminology like “Buy now” or “Great offer” in your subject line, as it can make your email appear spammy. When your emails are marked as spam, it affects your sender reputation and future email deliverability — which greatly harms your prospecting activities.

Wondering how to avoid spam filters?

Check out my in-depth guide on why your emails go to spam for some effective solutions. 

3. Keep your email short

According to a recent study, outbound emails containing about 20 lines of text (or about 200 words) result in the highest click-through rates.

People don’t enjoy reading long emails, so keeping them short and to the point is an excellent way of letting your prospect know you value their time.

Feel free to include everything you need to construct a complete email, but avoid adding anything that could distract the recipient from the core message.

For example, you don’t need to include things like “I hope this email finds you well.”

Instead, go straight to the point and pique their curiosity to encourage a response.

4. Include social proof

Including social proof is a tremendously powerful way of making your prospecting email look more legitimate. Mentioning it in an email can improve response rates by as much as 468%!

So why does including social proof have such a positive effect?

Social proof is quite compelling because it leverages the way our brains have evolved to think. One of the most vital cues our brain uses for decision-making is seeing what everyone else is doing.

A practical method for incorporating social proof into your email is to attach a study that reinforces the message. You could also include testimonials from one of your most well-known customers.

5. Send your email at the right time

Timing can make a big difference in whether people open your emails or not.

However, knowing when to send your email can be tricky since there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer.

As a sales representative, your experience will tell you the best time to send your email depends on your recipient. And the best way to determine that is to experiment.

However, studies have shown that certain days and times can be more effective than others. For example, Tuesday has some of the highest response rates, with Thursday and Wednesday coming in second and third, respectively.

As for the best time, the same studies suggested that late morning, around 10 AM, is the most popular. Alternatively, 8 PM, 2 PM, and 6 AM could also result in higher response rates.

6 Free Prospecting Email Templates to Use Today

If you want your sales emails to stand out from the tons of emails a prospect receives every day, you need to ensure they’re as engaging as possible.

However, manually writing each email from scratch can be a time-consuming process.

Fortunately, here are six excellent email templates you can use to get started right away:

1. Suggest a solution

If you’ve noticed a prospect on an online forum commenting on a problem your product could help with, incorporate it into your email.

Hi [prospect],

I saw your comment on [network] about the [pain point] you’re experiencing and wanted to let you know that I may be able to help you. 

We at [company name] regularly help our clients resolve similar problems, and I believe we have a few solutions you might benefit from using. In short, we [provide a brief description of the product or service]. 

If you’re not interested in a demo right now, the blog post below may also help. 


If you want to hear more, I am happy to get on a call to walk you through how we can help.

Either way, thanks for your time. I hope you find a solution soon! 

All the best,

[Your name]

2. Reference a recent company announcement

If your target company is quite large, referencing a company announcement can be relatively easy.

This method is also useful because most announcements indicate some form of change, which can be an excellent opportunity to provide your prospects with solutions.

Hi [prospect], 

Since I work in [your industry], I came across your [company name] while reading our industry’s recent news updates.

I noticed your company just announced [company announcement]. 

Because of [event], I believe an important priority for you now is [business aspect]. 

Am I right?

So, we at [company name] thought you might like to hear about how we’ve helped [some company names] adjust to their new situations as smoothly as possible. 

If you’d like to hear a little more about how our [solution] can help, would you like to have a ten-minute call early next week? If so, I’m happy to send a few time options, or you can book a spot on my Calendly schedule.

All the best, 


3. Provide value

See if you can find an opportunity to provide the recipient with some quick, useful information. For example, you can leverage some insights you may have from working in a specific industry to push your value proposition.

The key here is to avoid being disparaging — and starting with a compliment never hurts.

Hey [prospect],

I wanted to let you know that I enjoyed the design of your company’s website. 

The visuals are compelling and drive home the message. It’s also fairly easy to navigate the UI. 

I have forwarded the website link to several contacts I think could benefit from your services. 

However, if you’ll permit me to point out one thing, I noticed a small error in [where the mistake is]. It’s an easy fix, and I’d love to help you with it. 

If you’re interested, would you like to have a call sometime this week? 



4. Find common ground

If you’ve noticed you and a potential prospect have some common ground, use it to reach out to them and encourage a sale.

Hi [prospect], 

I noticed that you recently started working with [brand name], so I thought I’d use the opportunity to introduce myself. 

[your company name] has worked extensively with [brand name] before, so if you need some help getting started, let me know. I can always introduce you to [person at brand name] if that would be useful. 

Our product is the perfect complement to [brand’s offering], and if you’re looking to enhance its functionality, I may be able to help. 

Anyway, thanks for your time and best of luck! 

All the best,


5. Ask if you’re talking to the right person

People tend to enjoy helping others, especially when it doesn’t take too much effort.

Capitalize on this and reach out asking if you’re contacting the right person.

Hi [prospect], 

I’m trying to reach the person I could talk to about [issue your product solves].

I’ve worked with businesses such as [prominent client names] to help improve their [business aspect] by [brief product description], and I would like to help you, too. 

I was wondering, could you put me in touch with the person I should contact? 

Thanks for your time, 


6. Send a congratulations email to a new hire

If you notice a prospective company has recently made a new high-profile hire, consider sending them an email wishing them well in their new role.

Dear [prospect], 

Congratulations on your new position with [company name]! 

We have been following your accomplishments at [previous company], and I was wondering if you are thinking of implementing similar strategies at [company name]?

We have helped similar businesses implement [aforementioned strategy] successfully. Here are a few case studies [link]

If you’d like more information, I’d love to schedule a call sometime early next week



How to Simplify Your Email Outreach With GMass

Using the tips and templates I covered above should help you write captivating sales prospecting emails.

However, between personalizing your emails to suit each recipient and ensuring they’re being sent at the right time, crafting an excellent prospecting email can be time-consuming.

And that’s without considering the multitude of follow-up emails you’ll likely need to send.

Fortunately, GMass can streamline the process quickly.

If you want to consolidate your emailing process, consider using an email outreach tool like GMass.

What is GMass?

GMass is a powerful email marketing automation tool that works directly inside your Gmail account. Its robust set of features has made it popular among employees at social media giants like Twitter and LinkedIn and multinational tech corporations such as Uber and Google.

However, the beauty of GMass is that everyone can use it.

Whether you’re a salesperson at a large conglomerate, a small business owner, or in charge of your church’s newsletter, GMass can help streamline your entire email process.


From tracking how your recipients interact with your emails to scheduling follow-ups, GMass takes the hassle out of almost every aspect of email outreach.

Here’s a quick look at how some of GMass’ impressive features can improve your email prospecting activities:

You no longer need to spend so much time creating personalized emails from scratch — GMass can do it for you!

  • Detailed email reports and analytics: GMass provides accurate email campaign reports, highlighting a time-based distribution of opens and clicks. There’s also a live feed showing opens, clicks, and unsubscribes in real-time, so you can quickly analyze your campaign’s effectiveness.

  • Automate your follow-ups: If you’ve reached out to a prospect and they haven’t responded, GMass can set up automatic recurring follow-ups to help you improve engagement. You can even customize the content of each follow-up and how long to wait before sending it.

  • Schedule your emails: Ensure your emails reach your prospects at the best times by scheduling them in advance. GMass will automatically send your emails when the time arrives.

All you have to do is click the red magnifying glass after running a Gmail search.

The best part?

Signing up and getting started with GMass couldn’t be easier.

Simply download the extension from the Chrome store and sign up with your Gmail address!

Prospecting Emails: Wrapping up

While sending successful prospective emails can be difficult, your gains will come from a lot of experimentation and research.

Start by looking at your prospect and trying to understand their needs better. Then, use the tips and templates I covered here to create the perfect prospecting email.

And to boost your emailing capabilities further, give GMass a try.

Packed with tons of useful features, from automatic email personalization to creating mass campaigns in seconds, GMass is the ultimate emailing tool for your outbound prospecting needs.

Download the GMass Chrome extension and experience the benefits of effective prospecting emails today!

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge inside Gmail

Send incredible emails & automations and avoid the spam folder — all in one powerful but easy-to-learn tool


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Want to be great at prospecting and skyrocket your conversion rates?

Prospecting involves looking for potential clients from a large pool of leads.

It’s a crucial step in the sales process and plays a significant role in increasing your customer base and revenue.

Now, there are different ways to perform sales prospecting — you can use cold calling, cold emails, leverage social media, and so on. You also have several prospecting tools available to make the job a lot easier.

But in essence, prospecting boils down to a few key elements.

In this article, I’ll explain what sales prospecting is and its different methods. I’ll then go over how to prospect effectively and give you eight practical tips to help you succeed.

Prospecting: Table of Contents:

(Click on a link to jump to a specific section)

Let’s jump right in, shall we?

What Is Prospecting?

Prospecting is the process of finding new clients or buyers for your products or services.

It involves:

  • Finding a potential buyer or client.
  • Creating a database that contains their info.
  • Trying to convert them into paying customers.

What’s the difference between a lead and a prospect?

It depends.

Different sales and marketing blogs and experts have varied opinions. Regardless of the differences, this guide will help you set up a process to find prospects and approach them.

Now back to the difference.

Several experts will tell you a lead is someone who has expressed interest in your offerings — they visited your website, signed up for the mailing list, requested a quote, and so on. Essentially, this definition is from a marketing perspective.

On the other hand, a sales prospect is a qualified lead — someone who fits your buyer persona perfectly and falls within your target audience.

Prospecting is all about qualifying leads and advancing them through the sales funnel.

For example, you could scour a list of leads obtained from attending an event. But after examination, only two of ten leads turn out to be qualified prospects.

Who performs prospecting?

While prospecting is usually a job for your sales rep, it doesn’t always have to be. In some startups, you may also find co-founders trying to qualify and close a high-value potential customer.

My point? 

Prospecting isn’t limited to just salespeople anymore, and that’s all the more reason to get your prospecting strategy right.

What Are the Different Sales Prospecting Methods?

There are several ways to approach prospects and try to convert them into revenue-generating customers.

Here are some popular sales prospecting methods you could employ:

A. Cold Calling

Cold calling is a popular sales prospecting technique where you ring up people who haven’t explicitly expressed interest in your product or service.

I’m not fond of an outbound prospecting technique like cold calling because it’s intrusive and rarely welcome — less than 2% of cold calls achieve a sales meeting appointment with a cold prospect.

However, it’s still a prospecting tactic a salesperson could use to get their foot in the door.

B. Cold Emails

In this prospecting method, you send emails to people you’ve got no prior relationship with to try and convert them into customers.

When you compare a cold email vs a cold call, cold emails are less intrusive.

They’re also an effective way to reach out to people you’re not connected to — the average response rate for a personalized cold email is 15 to 25%.

Check out my ultimate guide on cold emails for everything you need to know.

C. Warm Emails

This inbound marketing technique involves sending emails to people who’ve expressed some familiarity with your product or service.

They could have signed up for your mailing list, referral program, or so on, and might find your emails useful. So, there’s a better chance for conversion when using this inside sales method.

D. Social Media

You can leverage social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter for social selling. In particular, LinkedIn prospecting is popular and effective for many B2B situations.

You approach prospects you have no relationship with to discuss your product or service offerings.

This prospecting technique can involve:

  • Sending messages to people on social media sites.
  • Activities like participating in social media discussions.
  • Answering questions your leads might have, and more.

The 7 Steps to Effective Prospecting

Since prospecting is all about finding new sales opportunities to increase your customer base, you can’t afford to get it wrong.

However, effective prospecting isn’t something you master in a few days — it requires patience and the willingness to learn and evolve.

Don’t worry.

I’ve distilled everything you need to know about the sales prospecting process into seven easy-to-follow steps:

I’ll cover each of these steps in detail so you’ll clearly know what to do:

1. Build a Detailed Customer Profile

To qualify leads, you first need to determine what your ideal customer is like.

How do you do that?

Look at your existing customer base and identify any characteristics they share.

As a sales professional, try answering questions like:

  • What industry or niche are they in?
  • What demographic are they a part of?
  • What is their estimated annual revenue?
  • What’s their monthly budget for your service?
  • What are their pain points?

This helps you figure out the buyer persona of people who are likely to do business with you and narrows your pool of prospects — saving you both time and money.

2. Build Your Prospect List

Once you’ve got a solid idea of what a good prospect would look like, it’s time to start building your prospect list.

Now, you can leverage different pools of data to find names for your prospect list:

  • Free trial users
  • Email newsletter subscribers
  • Social media followers
  • And more

That said, the prospects you find using the strategies above are generated by your marketing team.

You can also employ a sales-driven approach to building prospect lists.

For this, you sift through multiple channels and avenues searching for the ideal prospects, like:

  • Historical customer and lead data from previous campaigns
  • Services like Google Alerts to look for mentions of your product or service that people are looking for on social media or Quora, etc.
  • Industry blogs and publications to identify companies to reach out to
  • Events and conferences in your target niche
  • Company lists from business directories, chambers of commerce directories, and so on
  • And more

With an extensive prospect list in your hands, you’re ready to start implementing strategies for converting these prospects into paying customers.

3. Research Your Prospects

This is a crucial step in prospecting — one that most sales professionals still get wrong.

Before you approach a prospect, evaluate whether they could actually benefit from your product or service. Otherwise, you’ll be pushing something your prospects don’t need, and the sale may never go through.

Once you conclude that a prospect can benefit from your offerings, see if they match your ideal customer profile and operate within your sales territory.

Quick tip: If you’re selling to B2B buyers, remember to look for a key thought leader or decision-maker in the prospect’s organization. These are the people you want to reach out to since they greatly influence the buying process.

4. Prioritize Your Prospects

It’s tempting to approach as many prospects as you can.

However, if you distribute your efforts over too many prospective clients, you can’t pay enough attention to each one and might blow your chances of making any conversions at all.

But how do you know which prospect to focus on more?

Estimate the lifetime value of a potential customer — essentially, how much business they would do with you now and in the foreseeable future.

Use these estimates to rank and prioritize your leads.

Focus on those who are likelier to convert and can offer higher returns on investment.

Then, dedicate your efforts toward nurturing those leads.

5. Prepare Your Outreach Strategy

When preparing your outreach strategy, remember to comb through your prospects’ websites and social media profiles. This will help you understand their brand voice and what matters to them.

Look for ways to boost their mission, add value, and craft your cold/warm email messages (or cold calling scripts) based on this knowledge. Be ready to prove that you genuinely care about helping a potential prospect achieve their objectives.

An important point to consider here is that your goal isn’t to push a hard-sell. Instead, it’s to guide a qualified prospect closer to a solution that makes the prospects’ lives easier.

6. Reach Out to Your Prospects

After enough research, it’s time to approach your prospects.

As I’ve mentioned earlier, there are different methods you can use for prospecting.

You can:

  • Call strangers who have no prior relationship with you.
  • Send cold/warm emails to them.
  • Approach them through social media messages.

Calls make your sales prospecting conversations feel more human, while emails and social media messages are less intrusive.

Determine what’s the best channel for a particular sales prospect and use that.

Next, identify the best time to reach a prospect.

Pick a time that could be optimal for the prospect and offers minimal interruption.

Now, make the call or send that email.

When sending cold emails, personalize them for every ideal prospect. Making emails feel unique and tailor-made improves your chances for engagement.

As many as 72% of recipients engage only with emails customized to their specific interests.

That said, personalizing every email is a challenging task, especially if there’s a high prospect volume.

However, with an email outreach and marketing automation tool like GMass on your side, you can:

Skip ahead to read more about excellent prospecting tools like GMass.

Additionally, if you’d like to kick-start your prospecting email workflow, check out these prospecting email templates.

7. Look for Opportunities for Improvement

Once you’ve made contact with prospects and tried to convert them, it’s time to review your prospecting effort and see how it has affected your sales strategy.

Check for improvement opportunities — see if you can streamline any prospecting steps to make your sales cycle smoother.

Most importantly, try to gather some feedback from your prospects.

Encourage them to let you know what you got right and what felt off.

As a salesperson, it’s essential to learn from your mistakes and leverage your strengths.

Eventually, this will help you become a sales leader who’s adept at the art of sales prospecting!

8 No-Nonsense Tips for Successful Prospecting

Here are eight practical tips that could come in handy while prospecting:

1. Reach Out Only to the Right Prospects

This one’s a pretty obvious sales prospecting tip, yet it’s frequently ignored.

While prospecting, your goal is to qualify leads — to see if they fit your buyer persona, are within your sales territory, and so on.

Only reach out to people who meet your specific criteria to increase your chances of converting them into paying customers.

2. Don’t Try to Hard-Sell

Prospecting helps increase your company’s customer base, but it’s never about pushing a hard-sell.

Talk to your prospect about your product or service, help them see why it matters to them, and let them be the sole decision-maker.

Your goal while prospecting is to find viable leads and advance them along the sales pipeline. The selling part only comes later in the sales process.

3. Offer Value to Your Prospects

Avoid making the prospecting communications all about yourself.

Instead, focus on your prospects — talk about things that matter to them and try to add value.

And if possible, give away some free resources that can help your prospect.

This is one of the most effective ways to get your business out there and build trust with your prospects.

4. Follow Up Consistently with Your Prospects

Your first sales prospecting call, email, or message gets your foot in the door.

However, to be successful at persuading a sales prospect to become an important, revenue-generating customer, you must follow up on your communications.

Reach out to your prospects time and time again.

Check to see if they’ve got any questions for you, and ask if you can be of any further assistance.

Following up consistently with your prospects can significantly improve your sales conversion rates.

5. Know When to Stop

Although following up consistently with your prospects is a good practice, there’s a catch — sometimes, you’ll have to accept that you won’t get a conversion.

You may not want to give up, but there are times when it’s best if you stop.

Just remember that you’re here to offer prospects value — not to make them feel uncomfortable or resentful.

If your prospects refuse to see the value you offer or aren’t interested, then respect their decision and move on.

Instead of wasting your time and resources on them, you can put all that good energy toward someone else with more potential.

6. Keep an Eye on Your Competition

Try to keep an eye on your competitors and their offerings.


Your competitors are likely to approach some of your prospects. So you’ll need a clear idea of how your product is different from and better than theirs to convince a prospect.

Go through competitor websites, business pages, social media profiles, and more to get an idea of what you’re up against.

7. Leverage the Power of Social Media

Social media can have a significant bearing on whether or not you can sustain a thriving business.

Leverage the power of social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to stay in the know about what’s happening in your niche or industry.

Additionally, you can also use these platforms to find and connect with new prospects.

8. Use Prospecting Tools to Your Advantage

Finally, use prospecting tools to streamline your prospecting activities.

Here are some sales prospecting tools you could consider:

A. Email Finding Tools

Email finding tools can help you find the email addresses of your prospects online. They can narrow your results by generating potential email IDs for different people in a company.

Some excellent email finder tools you can use are Clearbit Connect and AeroLeads.

Check out my article on the top five email finder tools for more details.

B. Data Enrichment Tools

Data enrichment tools help you find relevant information on your prospects, like their company information, interests, affiliations, and more.

You can use such details to prepare your outreach strategy and create personalized messages.

Some popular data enrichment tools are UpLead, Crunchbase, and Owler.

C. Outreach Automation Tools

Outreach automation tools can simplify and streamline your cold email outreach and engagement efforts.

Why do they matter?

Only a small fraction of your prospects convert into paying customers, so it makes sense to reach out to a large number of prospects.

However, creating personalized messages for a giant list of prospects and consistently following up with them can make your sales process increasingly expensive and time-consuming.

That’s where an outreach automation tool comes in handy.

And the best email outreach automation tool out there is GMass.

GMass is powerful email outreach software designed to help you send effective emails at scale.

It’s used by employees of large companies like Google and Uber and social media giants like Twitter and LinkedIn.

The tool is also perfect for small businesses, solopreneurs, individual users, and even institutions like churches.

The best part? 

GMass works directly inside Gmail.

To start using the tool, simply download the Chrome extension and sign up with your Gmail account.

GMass helps you:

  1. Send out automatic personalized emails to tap into your prospects’ specific interests to improve response rates.

  1. Send out automated follow-up emails to your prospects until you get a response.

  1. Generate detailed real-time reports to analyze your prospecting email campaign’s performance.

  1. Integrate with Google Sheets to perform effortless Gmail mail merges for your prospect list.

  1. Build massive and targeted email lists directly inside Gmail with searches.

  1. Validate the email addresses in your prospect list with a built-in verifier to maximize email deliverability.

  1. Overcome Gmail’s email sending limits by routing your emails through an external SMTP server.

  1. Send out behavior-based campaigns based on actions the contacts have taken in response to your previous prospecting campaign.

  1. Schedule email campaigns to go out at optimal times to your prospects to maximize engagement.

Prospecting: Final Thoughts

Prospecting is one of the easiest ways to keep your sales pipeline flowing and increase your customer base.

However, when sales prospecting, just remember to start by creating your ideal customer profile and prioritizing leads through research. And when reaching out, keep your conversations personalized and positive.

Finally, keep in mind that you’ll need to evaluate your prospecting effort continually to get better at the prospecting process.

Additionally, be sure to leverage the power of different social media platforms and sales prospecting tools. And if you’re seeking an email outreach tool for strategic prospecting, look no further than GMass.

GMass helps you:

  • Send personalized mass emails.
  • Schedule your emails to go out at the right times.
  • Automate your follow-up efforts.
  • Build email lists.
  • Put together behavior-based campaigns.
  • And more.

So why not try GMass today to take your sales prospecting activities to the next level?

Ready to send better emails and save a ton of time?

GMass is the only tool for marketing emails, cold emails, and mail merge — all inside Gmail. Tons of power but easy to learn and use.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
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Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

Want to do a mail merge in Outlook? 

Performing a mail merge in Microsoft Outlook helps you send personalized mass emails individually to a large mailing list.

However — you should know this going in — Outlook isn’t great for mail merge. We’re still going to tell you how to do it, but you should know going in, it’s not ideal. If you have the option to use Gmail instead, you’ll be much better off. Later in this article, I’ll give you the quick rundown of the fastest and easiest way to do a Gmail mail merge (again, since that’s going to be a better route to go if possible).

But first, I’ll walk you through the steps for how to perform a mail merge in Outlook. I’ll also cover the limitations of the mail merge Outlook process and highlight the best mail merge approach for 2023.

Mail Merge in Outlook: Table of Contents

(Click on a link to jump to a specific section.)

Let’s jump right in, shall we?

What Is a Mail Merge?

A mail merge is an automated process of creating personalized mass emails by using data from a spreadsheet or database file.

Essentially, a mail merge fetches the details of multiple recipients from a source file and inserts them into your email message template.

Why should you send personalized emails?

A personalized email looks like it’s tailor-made for a particular recipient, making it feel unique and relevant. This improves your engagement rate, as around 72% of recipients will engage only with emails that are personalized to reflect their specific interests.

Performing a mail merge involves a few fundamental steps:

  1. Creating an email with specific placeholders for personalization (for example, {First_Name}, {Last_Name}, and so on).
  2. Consolidating the data that’s required to customize these placeholders into a spreadsheet or database file.
  3. Linking your email message with the spreadsheet or database file to perform a mail merge.
  4. Sending your personalized mail merge campaign.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of the mail merge process, let’s see how you can send mail merge Outlook messages:

How to Perform a Mail Merge in Outlook

To perform a mail merge in Outlook, follow these steps:

Let’s go over each of these steps in detail:

Prepare Your Email Content in Microsoft Word

The first step is preparing your email’s body copy.

For this, you need to use Microsoft Word to create your merge document.

Here’s how to prepare your starting document in Word:

1. Open Microsoft Word and select Blank document.

2. Click the Mailings tab in the ribbon (menu bar).

3. Click the Start Mail Merge button under the Mailings tab.

4. Select E-mail Messages from the drop-down list.

5. Type in the body of your email message in plain text format.

Leave placeholders in the email message for the parts you want to personalize, like First Name, Due Date, etc.

Note: No placeholders are required at this stage.

You don’t need to include placeholders while creating your email message body in MS Word. Instead, you can directly insert the merge fields later. However, adding placeholders at this point will help you identify where you’re supposed to insert merge fields at the end of this process.

Set Up Your Mail Merge Data in Microsoft Excel

Before you can send out personalized bulk emails, you’ll need a spreadsheet with the data for your recipient list.

How do you do that?

Create an Excel spreadsheet listing the data your mail merge might require (like First Name, Due Date, etc.) and format it suitably.

To do this:

1. Open Microsoft Excel and select Blank workbook.

2. Add column headers for the data you want to personalize in the email message — like First Name, Due Date, etc.

3. Add your data under the respective column headers.

4. Click on the File tab at the top left corner of the ribbon and select Save As.

5. Type in a suitable name for your mail merge data file and click Save.

Link The Mailing List With The Email Message

You’ve created your mail merge message in Word and consolidated your personalization data in an Excel spreadsheet.

What now?

It’s time to link your starting document and the Excel file to perform the mail merge.

To do this:

1. Open MS Word and click the “Select Recipients” button from the Mailings tab.

Then, click on Use an Existing List.

Note: Alternative to Existing List

Instead of using an existing list, you can also create a new list or choose specific contacts from your Outlook contact directory.

However, as this can be a little more complicated and time-consuming, I don’t recommend creating a new list or selecting it from the Outlook contacts folder. It’s a lot easier to just make a spreadsheet in Excel and then link it here.

2. From your computer’s File Explorer, find your mail merge data file and select it.

3. In the new dialog box that pops-up, choose the sheet that contains your data in your spreadsheet. Remember to check ‘First row of data contains column headers.’ (located at the left of the OK button.)

Then, click OK.

Note: If there’s only one sheet in the Excel spreadsheet, that sheet will be automatically highlighted in the dialog box.

Additionally, do not tick the First row of data contains headers option if you haven’t added column headers for your data in the first row. However, I recommend adding column headers to your sheet to minimize the chances of any errors occurring.

4. Select and replace each placeholder with a corresponding column header from your Excel spreadsheet by clicking on the Insert Merge Field button.

For example, we replace the placeholder {First Name} in the Word Doc with the <<First_Name>> merge field from the Excel spreadsheet.

Here’s what it’ll look like after inserting the merge field:

Preview and Finish the Mail Merge

While your mail merge document is now ready, it’s always important to preview your message to ensure everything looks all right.

Here’s how to preview your mail merge:

1. Click the Preview Results button under the Mailings tab in Word.

2. Verify that the mail merge fields are displaying correctly.

3. Click the arrows next to Preview Results to toggle between mail merge records and check for any merge field issues.

4. Click the Finish & Merge button and select Send Email Messages.

5. From the dialog box that appears, choose the column header containing email addresses for the To: field.

6. Type in the message Subject line, choose “All” for Send records and click OK.

Once you click OK, the mail merge messages will automatically get added to your Outlook Outbox.

 Note: A record represents a recipient in your data file.

If you don’t want to send emails to all the records in your file, just enter the starting and ending numbers in the From: and To: fields, respectively. For example, if you want to select records from rows 30 to 75 in your Excel sheet, add those numbers here.

Mail Merge Wizard

If you’re a little confused about these steps, you can always use the Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard option in Start Mail Merge drop-down list in Word. It’ll guide you through each of the steps I just mentioned.

An easier option?

Just use GMass to send mail merge emails in Gmail.

Send the Mail Merge Messages

Now all that’s left is to send out those mail merge emails.

Here’s how to do that:

1. Open Outlook.

2. Click the Outbox folder from the left-hand menu, and you’ll find the personalized mail merge messages within the folder.

3. Click the Send/Receive All Folders button.

Your merged emails will now go to each person on your recipient list.

Limitations of Performing Mail Merges in Outlook

Sure, an Outlook mail merge allows you to send personalized email messages to thousands of recipients.

However, if there’s one thing that’s clear, it’s that performing mail merges in Outlook isn’t easy.


Here are some disadvantages of performing an Outlook mail merge:

  • Mail merge functionality isn’t available on the Outlook web app.
  • Users must toggle between three different applications (Microsoft Word, Excel, and Outlook) to send merged emails.
  • You’ll need to opt-in for an Office 365 subscription (which starts at $12.50/user per month for business use) or use proprietary versions of the software ($249.99 for one computer) to use Outlook mail merge.
  • You’ll need to use separate tools or add-ins to add a personalized subject line or a personalized Outlook mail merge attachment.

Not an ideal scenario for anyone looking to send out personalized mass emails, right?

But don’t worry.

You can always use Gmail’s mail merge feature instead!

Why Gmail Is a Better Mail Merge Tool than Outlook

Gmail is a much more practical alternative for mail merges and sending personalized messages.


Here are some reasons why Gmail is better than Outlook mail when it comes to performing mail merges:

1. Won’t Break the Bank

Unlike Microsoft’s Outlook, which comes with expensive pricing plans, Google offers Gmail free of cost.

To access all of Gmail’s excellent email features, you just need to create a free Google account.

2. No Desktop App Required

Remember, you can’t access Outlook’s mail merge capabilities from their web app. It’s only available on the Outlook mail desktop app.

However, Gmail lets you use mail merge directly from the web app.

This way, you don’t have to toggle between multiple desktop apps to perform a mail merge!

3. Streamlined Mail Merge Process

It’s no secret that the Outlook user-interface and mail merge process can be confusing for many users.

On the other hand, Gmail features a streamlined and uncluttered user-interface. This makes it easier for you to use the tool, even for massive mail merges.

But what about the Gmail mail merge process?

How complicated is it?

If you use GMass, it’s a piece of cake!

What’s GMass?

GMass is powerful email marketing automation software that works directly inside Gmail.

Its superior mail merge capabilities have made it a popular tool used by employees in companies like Google and Uber and social media giants like Twitter and LinkedIn.

The tool is also perfect for small businesses, startups, solopreneurs, and nonprofits and institutions like churches.

The best part?

To try out GMass for free, just download the Chrome extension and sign up with your Gmail account — no credit card required.

How to Send a Mail Merge in Gmail with GMass

With GMass, you can effortlessly create mail merge campaigns from both Excel and Google Sheets.

Just follow these steps to perform a mail merge in GMass:

1. Format your data file inside Google Sheets — add header names to your first row (like FirstName, LastName, Email, etc.) and data from the second row onward.

Note: If you’re using an Excel spreadsheet to store the data of multiple recipients, simply upload the Excel file to Google Drive, open it in Google Sheets, and follow the same steps.

2. Next, sign in to your Gmail account and open the Compose window.

Type in your message and click on the GMass button at the top right corner of the window.

Don’t worry about adding email addresses in the To field or personalization placeholders in your message. GMass will do all of that for you!

3. In the dialog box that appears, select the Google Sheets file and the corresponding sheet you want to use for the mail merge.

4. Once done, click CONNECT TO SPREADSHEET.

Then, GMass will automatically insert email addresses in the To field of your mail merge message.

5. Now, click the downward-facing arrow next to the GMass button to access the GMass Settings window. You can then auto-personalize your emails, schedule them, set follow-ups, and more.

6. To personalize your email automatically, click the Personalize drop-down list to view all column headers (spreadsheet fields) present in the Google sheet. Or you can type a left curly brace { in your email and the list of available merge tags will appear.

7. Select suitable column headers and add them as placeholders anywhere in your message body to personalize your emails.

8. Once your email message is ready, click the GMass button to send out your personalized mail merge messages.

Unlike Outlook, where you’ll have to go through several steps and multiple apps to send out merged emails, GMass helps you send out personalized mass emails directly from Gmail in just a few clicks!

For more info on mail merges, check out my guides on:

But that’s not all.

With GMass, you can also:

1. Send fully personalized emails at scale, customizing paragraphs, images, links, attachments, and more.

2. Schedule mail merge email campaigns to go out at the right time to maximize recipient engagement.

3. Access campaign reports inside your Gmail inbox folder to gauge the performance of your mail merge emails.

4. Send automated follow-up emails to boost your reply rate.

5. Save emails as templates to reuse them later.

Mail Merge in Outlook: Final Thoughts

Performing an Outlook mail merge helps you quickly send personalized mass emails.

However, you’ll need to rely on three different Microsoft applications to effectively carry out a mail merge this way — Word, Excel, and Outlook.

A far better alternative is to use Gmail for your mail merge campaigns.

And the easiest way to perform a Gmail mail merge is to use GMass.

GMass helps you effortlessly create mail merges from both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

Moreover, you can personalize your mass emails, track deliverability metrics, send automated follow-ups, and do so much more.

So why not try GMass today and take your mail merge campaigns to the next level? It’s free to get started and send up to 50 emails per day during your free trial.

Ready to transform Gmail into an email marketing/cold email/mail merge tool?

Only GMass packs every email app into one tool — and brings it all into Gmail for you. Better emails. Tons of power. Easy to use.


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A mail merge lets you quickly send a batch of personalized emails to a large email list.

Often, you’d use tools like MS Word and Excel to perform a mail merge, but that’s not the only option out there.

You can also use the mail merge Google Docs approach.

In this step-by-step guide, I’ll show you how to create a mail merge using a Google Doc template. I’ll then explain why Google Docs isn’t your best option to perform mail merges and walk you through the simplest way to do a mail merge!

Mail Merge Google Docs: Table of Contents

(Click on links to jump to specific sections)

Let’s get started.

How to Perform a Mail Merge in Google Docs

Before we dive into the mail merge Google Docs process, it’s essential to know that Google Docs doesn’t have a native mail merge feature — unlike Microsoft Word.

As a result, there are three popular ways to do a mail merge in Google Docs:

  • Using the Google Docs API.
  • Using Google Apps Script.
  • Using a third-party add-on.

If you’re familiar with coding, you can use the Google Docs API or the Google Apps Script platform to create your mail merge.

Otherwise, consider using a third-party add-on like Autocrat, Smartsheet Merge, or Avery Label Merge. These Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) apps let you create personalized Google Doc files by automatically inserting data from a Google Sheet or Google Form.

Note: There’s a more straightforward way to perform a Gmail mail merge. Instead of using a third-party tool like Autocrat to start mail merge, use Google Sheets with GMass, the ultimate mail merge tool.

However, whether you’ll be using the Google Docs API, the Google Apps Script platform, or a third party add-on for your mail merge, you’ll need the following:

  1. A Google Sheet (data file) containing the data you want to merge into the document.
  2. A Google Doc (main document) containing the letter or email template with placeholders to insert mail merge data.

Now that you know what you’ll need for a mail merge workflow, I’ll go over how to perform a mail merge in the Google Docs web app using Autocrat:

A. Create the Data File and Main Document

Before using Autocrat, we need to create the data file and template document required for the mail merge process.

Here are the steps involved:

Step 1
Create a Google Sheet containing the data you want to merge — this Google Sheet will be your data file.

Ensure that you include a header for each data column you’ll use to personalize your Google Docs document. These headers can be anything, like First name, Title, Company, Address, etc.

For example, here’s the Google Sheets data file I’ve created:

Google sheet

Step 2
Next, create your main document — the file containing the message you’ll send, with placeholders to insert your data.

To do this, type your email body in a Google Doc and add merge tags to it.

What is a merge tag?
A merge tag is a placeholder where Autocrat will insert the data from your Google Sheet.

To add merge tags, enter your column headings and enclose them within the << >> symbols. An example of a merge field you could use is <<First name>>.

Here’s the template I’ve created:


B. Install Autocrat

Once your Google spreadsheet and Google document are ready, you need to install the Autocrat add-on.

Follow these steps to install the add-on:

Step 1
Open the Google Sheet containing your data and click Add-ons > Get add-ons.

Get add-ons

Step 2
Search for “Autocrat” in the Google Workspace Marketplace (formerly Google Apps Marketplace and later G Suite Market Place).

Then, install the mail merge add-on, select your account, and grant necessary permissions to Autocrat.

Choose an account

Go back to Contents

C. Use Autocrat to Perform the Mail merge

Here’s how to use Autocrat to perform a mail merge:

Step 1
Select Add-ons > Autocrat > Open in your Google Spreadsheet file to launch Autocrat.

Open button

Step 2
Once Autocrat has launched, click NEW JOB.

New job

Step 3
Provide a name for the merge job, and press Next.

Next button

Step 4
From the Choose template window that opens, click From drive, choose your main document from your Google Drive, and click Next.

From drive button

Step 5
You now need to link your source data (Google Sheet) to the template document (Google Doc).

If the tags in your template document match the column names in your source data precisely, Autocrat will automatically map them. Otherwise, you’ll need to map each merge tag to the corresponding column header manually.

map source data

After verifying that the mappings are accurate, click Next.

Step 6
Enter the file naming convention you want to use for the mail merge documents.

Here, I’ve given the file name as <<First name>> bill. This way, the mail merge documents created will have personalized file names, making it easier to identify them.

File settings tab

You can then save the merged document as a PDF or Google Docs file.

Step 7
Choose the folder where you want to save your merged docs and click SAVE.

Choose folder

Step 8
Click the play button to start mail merge.

Additionally, you can use the pencil button to edit the mail merge, the eye icon to preview it, and the trashcan button to delete it.

Play button

Once you’ve run the job, your merged Google document would look something like this:

merged document

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Now that you’ve seen how to do a mail merge in Google Docs, I’ll explain why you need a better way to do mail merges:

Why Google Docs Isn’t Ideal for Performing Mail Merges

If you’re used to performing a mail merge using an Excel spreadsheet and a Word document, you’ll find that the mail merge process in Google Docs is more complicated.

It’s because Google Docs doesn’t have native mail merge capabilities.

You’ll need to use either the Google Docs API or a third-party tool like Autocrat, Avery Label Merge, or Smartsheet Merge.

Not only are they complicated to use, but they serve just one purpose: running a mail merge.

You can’t create email lists, analyze recipient engagements, or even automate follow-ups — all of which are essential for email outreach campaigns.

For a far more straightforward and comprehensive mail merge solution, consider integrating Google Sheets with GMass. Not only does GMass help you create effortless mail merges, but it can also handle almost any other aspect of email outreach.

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The Easiest Way to Perform Mail Merges Today


GMass is an easy-to-use mail merge tool that works directly inside your Gmail account. Its advanced features have made it popular among employees in giants like Uber and Google, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Whether you’re an email marketer, small business owner, or casual mail sender, the tool is perfect for you.

How to Create a Mail Merge with GMass

GMass’ Google Sheets integration lets you perform massive mail merges instantly.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1
Download the GMass Chrome extension and sign in with your Gmail account.

Step 2
Add the mail merge data to a Google Sheet and format it as plain text.

Google sheet

Step 3
Compose your email and then click the GMass button in the top right-hand corner of your Gmail draft.

You don’t need to add any placeholders here.

Gmass button

Step 4
Click From a Google Sheet, and from the drop-down menu that shows up, select the Google Sheets file you created earlier.

From a google sheet

If you have multiple sheets in your spreadsheet file, choose the sheet you want to use for the mail merge.

Email template button

Once done, click on CONNECT TO SPREADSHEET.

Step 5
GMass will now automatically insert email addresses into your email’s To field.

To field

Step 6
Select the downward-facing arrow next to the GMass button to bring up the Settings window.

Arrow button

Here, you can automatically create personalized emails, set up automated follow-ups, schedule mass emails to go out later, and more.

Step 7
To personalize your email, select the Personalize drop-down menu to view all column names in your spreadsheet.


Step 8
Select the required column headings you want to add and then paste them at the right spots in your email.

Remember to ensure that you include the corresponding placeholder for each mail merge field.

Final test final

Step 9
Once you’re done, click the GMass button to send your merged emails — it’s that easy!

However, performing a Gmail mail merge isn’t all that GMass can do for you.

Here are some more powerful GMass features:

  • Automatic Personalization: From simple email personalization like automatically personalizing the subject line to fallback values and personalized links and attachments, GMass takes care of it all.
  • Email Analytics & Reports: Analyze the performance of your emails using detailed reports showing the open rate, click rate, unsubscribe rate, and more.
  • Automated Follow-ups: Keep sending automated follow-up emails to a recipient until they open your message, click on a link inside the email, or respond to it.
  • Scheduling: Schedule your emails to reach the recipient’s inbox when they’re most likely to respond.
  • Bypass Gmail’s sending limits: Send up to 10,000 emails per rolling 24 hours — bypassing your account’s sending limits. Moreover, GMass will automatically schedule all the emails you can’t send today to be sent the next day.

To start using this robust outreach tool, download the Google Chrome extension for GMass today and sign up for free with your Gmail or Google account.

Go back to Contents

Next, I’ll go over a couple of commonly asked questions about mail merge:

2 Mail Merge FAQs

1. What Is a Mail Merge?

A mail merge is used to create personalized emails or any other document at scale by using data from a spreadsheet or data file.

Usually, the process requires two separate documents:

  • The main document that you’ll be sending out (like an email). This document will have placeholders for the data that will be added automatically during the mail merge.
  • A data file containing the information you’ll link to your main document. This file can be a spreadsheet, Google Doc, or Google Slide.

At the end of the process, the mail merge would have combined the two documents into one personalized message.

2. How to Do a Mail Merge with Microsoft Word and Excel?

You can perform a mail merge using the Microsoft Word and Excel apps on your computer.

This way, you can create multiple documents at once, like bulk invoices, customized mailing labels (or merge labels), and mass emails.

To perform a mail merge with Excel, follow this process:

  • Add your mail merge data into an Excel spreadsheet (data file).
  • Type in your email or letter in a Word document (template file).
  • Add the recipient list from your spreadsheet to the template document.
  • Use the “Insert Merge Field” option to add mail merge data into your email or letter body.
  • Preview results and finish the mail merge.

Read my step-by-step guide on performing a mail merge using MS Excel and Word for more info.

Go back to Contents

Wrapping Up

While it’s not impossible to perform a mail merge with a Google Docs template, the process is much more complicated than using Microsoft Word and Excel.

Even though tools like Autocrat can help you to a certain extent, they’re not an ideal solution — the process remains largely inconvenient, and you’re limited in terms of what you can do.

Fortunately, GMass offers you a more straightforward way to perform a mail merge and boost email marketing outcomes. From automatic email personalizing and follow-ups to detailed analytics and reporting, GMass is the only emailing tool you’ll ever need.

Why not try out GMass’ Google Chrome extension today and perform massive mail merges with ease?

See why 99% of users say they’ve had their best deliverability ever with GMass

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge all in one tool — that works inside Gmail


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February 18, 2021 Update: This issue is now resolved. GMass is back on the Chrome Web Store and can be installed from there.

This morning, February 17, 2021, Google removed GMass from the Chrome Web Store due to an unspecified policy violation. We are working with Google to resolve this, but in the meantime, you can still install GMass. How? You can install the extension locally rather than from the Chrome Web Store.

To install GMass locally into your Chrome browser, follow these steps:

  1. Retrieve the zip file from our server.
  2. Unzip the files to a folder anywhere on your computer.
  3. Go to chrome://extensions in your Chrome browser.
  4. Make sure “Developer Mode” is enabled, and then click the “Load unpacked” button in the upper left.
  5. Now choose the folder where you unzipped the files from step 2.
  6. After you’re done, GMass will be installed locally.

Video Demo


Q: Why did Google remove GMass from the Chrome Store on February 17?

A: We don’t know yet, but we’re working to find out. We’ve contacted a support channel meant specifically for publishers of Chrome extensions and are awaiting a response.

Q: Does this mean that GMass is unsafe?

A: No. GMass is safe. GMass is one of the most trusted and highly-reviewed Gmail extensions in existence. It’s been used by almost one million people since it was launched in 2015. If you need a confidence booster, see our reviews on G2 and Capterra.

Q: Does this kind of thing happen a lot?

A: Not to  us, but Google is notorious for suddenly removing a Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store without any warning. Here is a support forum for extension developers, and there are lots of reports of extensions being removed without explanation.

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge inside Gmail

Send incredible emails & automations and avoid the spam folder — all in one powerful but easy-to-learn tool


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Today we are launching a new tool to help you make better decisions, which will lead to better Inbox placement, higher open rates, and — if you’re sending cold email — more interested prospects. It’s called the Email Deliverability Wizard, and it gives you data-driven answers to questions that you, as an email sender, might have.

For example, you may know that you can bypass Gmail’s sending limits by connecting to a third-party SMTP service. Well, great, but which SMTP service should you choose? SendGrid? Mailgun? Amazon SES? Now you can compare open rates among all major SMTP services.

If you’re sending cold email, you might wonder what the impact of verifying your emails first has on deliverability. Now you can find out.

To use the tool, just set the properties of the campaigns you want to see and hit the Update button, and then watch the magic happen below.

Here are some of our favorite questions to answer:

Things to know:

  1. Not enough matching campaigns? If your search results in too few campaigns, or no campaigns at all, you might have to widen your search criteria. For example, if you search for cold emails launched in the last 24 hours, sent via the SMTP service Sendinblue, with at least 1,000 recipients, where email verification was turned ON, you might not get any results because that’s too specific a criteria to match.
  2. Be aware of the Date Range filter. If you’re a cold emailer and you set your filter to Campaign Type=Cold Email, be cognizant of the Date filter as well. Most cold email campaigns consist of a set of follow-up stages, so if you search for cold email campaigns launched in the last 24 hours, you’ll likely see LOW reply rates. But if you search for cold email campaigns launched in the last 7 days, then you’ll get campaigns where at least 1 or 2 follow-up stages have been sent, and you’ll see higher response rates.
  3. Correlation does not imply causation. It’s a phrase I heard over and over in high school science class. What does this mean? It means that just because you see that campaigns sent with SendGrid have higher open rates than campaigns sent with Mailgun, it does not necessarily mean it’s BECAUSE the campaigns were sent with SendGrid vs. Mailgun. There could be other factors involved. For example, it might be that the cleanest senders are using SendGrid while more gray-area senders are using Mailgun.
See why GMass has 300k+ users and 7,500+ 5-star reviews

Email marketing. Cold email. Mail merge. Avoid the spam folder. Easy to learn and use. All inside Gmail.


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Creating excellent sales emails from scratch can be incredibly time-consuming — especially if you have thousands of people on your email outreach list.

That’s why email marketers and sales professionals rely on effective sales email templates.

Since most of the information is already there in a template, you just have to modify and personalize it for each recipient’s needs before sending it out.

In this article, I’ll provide 15 proven sales email template examples and three best practices you can follow to make the most of these templates.

This Article Contains:

(Click on the links to jump to specific sections.)

Let’s jump right in.

15 High-Converting Sales Email Template Examples

Here are 15 ready-to-use sales email templates guaranteed to win conversions:

1. Sales Introduction Email Template

Sending a sales introduction email is an excellent first step when approaching cold leads.

In this cold email template, you briefly introduce yourself, why you’re contacting them, and your value proposition.

Subject line: Have you tried [strategy A]?

Hi [prospect’s first name],

I was going through the [prospect’s company name] website and saw that you’re doing some fantastic work in the [prospect’s industry/niche] space. 

What fascinated me is how your team is consistently accomplishing [prospect’s goal 1] and [prospect’s goal 2].

Working with companies like [customer company A] and [customer company B] has helped me realize that implementing [strategy A] and [strategy B] could work wonders for businesses like yours.

If you’re interested, I’d like to discuss how [your company name] can help you achieve:

  • [Outcome 1]
  • [Outcome 2]
  • [Outcome 3]

In the meantime, why don’t you check out customer stories ([URL]) to get a better picture of what it’s like working with us?

Thanks for your time.

[Your name]
[Your designation (for example, Sales Rep)]
[Your company name]
[Your contact info (like mobile number)]
[Your social media icons (for example, a link to your LinkedIn Profile)]

2. Referral Email Template

An email referencing a mutual connection who can vouch for you shows that you’re not just another random sales rep. Usually, this credibility is reason enough for the recipient to open your cold email.

Subject line: [Mutual connection name] said we should connect

Hi [prospect’s first name],

I’m a [your job designation] at [your company name], and we help businesses with [service 1] and [service 2].

After talking to [mutual connection name] recently, it seemed like you’re the go-to person at [prospect’s company name] to reach regarding [company function].

I’d love to get on a call next week to discuss how we can help you overcome:

  • [Problem A]
  • [Problem B]
  • [Problem C]

If you’re not the right person to approach about this, could you please refer me to the decision-maker responsible for [company function]? I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for your time!


[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

3. Competitor Comparison Email Template

An email covering the issues with using a competitor’s product/service can be very effective at capturing the prospect’s attention and getting responses.

This cold email template conveys your expertise and offers an alternative to make the prospect’s life easier. As a result, the recipient is more likely to respond to your cold email.

Subject line: A better alternative to [your competitor product/service name]

Hello [prospect’s first name],

I believe that [prospect’s company name] uses [your competitor product/service name] for [purpose A] and [purpose B].

[Your competitor company] is a great company. But chances are, you’re weighed down by limitations like [limitation 1] and [limitation 2] that hinder you from achieving [goal A] when using their product.

Would you like to do better?

[Your product name] helps businesses effortlessly handle [purpose A], [purpose B], and more, without any of the above limitations. We offer services like [offering A] and [offering B] that could be immensely valuable to you.

Because there’s a significant difference between [your competitor’s product/service name] and ours, I’d like to help you understand our benefits.

Would you be willing to join me on a call next week?

Have a great day,

[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

4. Trigger Event Email Template

A trigger event (for example, a startup raising series-A funding) offers a natural conversation starter you can use in your cold emails.

Crafting an email around a trigger event conveys that you pay attention to the prospect’s career and know what they’ll need to advance their goals further.

Subject line:Congrats [prospect’s first name] on [achievement]!

Hi [prospect’s first name],

I wanted to offer congratulations on your [achievement].
It’s an incredible achievement that puts [prospect’s company name] ahead of its competitors.

However, most companies like yours require [your solution] to accomplish [goal] at this stage of your growth.

[Your company name] has helped businesses like yours with [service A] and [service B] since [your company’s year of establishment]. Clients like [your customer company A] and [your customer company B] love us for our [benefit 1] and [benefit 2].

Would you like to join me on a brief call to see how we can do the same for you?

Feel free to book a meeting time on my calendar: [your calendar URL].


[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

Go back to Contents

5. Free Tool/Trial Users Email Template

Sending a sales email targeted at active free trial/free version users helps convert some of those qualified leads into paying customers.

Subject line: More functionalities with the [paid plan name]!

Hello [prospect’s first name],

I hope you’re enjoying the [free trial or free version] of [your product/service name].

Did you know that there are more robust functionalities in the [paid plan name], like:

  • [Enhanced functionality A]
  • [Enhanced functionality B]
  • [Enhanced functionality C]

Using [paid version plan name], you can also benefit from [benefit 1] and [benefit 2].

If you find these functionalities useful, why don’t we get on a call to discuss how [your paid version plan name] can better boost your [mission] and [goals]?

Feel free to book a convenient time on my calendar: [calendar URL].

I look forward to hearing from you.


[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

6. Free Value Email Template

Instead of trying to make a sales pitch right off the bat, go for a sales email that offers valuable guidance to your prospects. They’ll appreciate that you made an effort to help them.

Subject line: Great Facebook page, but… 

Hi [prospect’s first name],

I was going through [prospect’s company name]’s Facebook profile. It’s an impressive page, and I bet that the [service A] and [service B] services you offer provide immense value to your clients!

However, I noticed that [missing aspect A] and [missing aspect B] were missing. 

Unfortunately, this could negatively affect your [prospect’s goal 1] and [prospect’s goal 2].

But don’t worry. It’s easy to fix.

All you need to do is implement these recommendations:

  • [Recommendation 1]
  • [Recommendation 2]

If you’d like a little more assistance with improving [prospect’s company name]’s offerings, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’d love to help out. 


[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

7. Helpful Content Email Template

Sales emails usually ask prospects for things like referrals, meeting appointments, phone numbers, and more.

That’s why a sales email doing the opposite — giving prospects useful resources for free — tends to be well-received. For example, you can include valuable content marketing assets (like ebooks) in your sales prospecting email, and your qualified leads will be more likely to respond.

Subject line:Your article on [topic/niche]

Hello [prospect’s first name],

I was researching [topic/niche] when I came across your article on [website name].

I found these key takeaways especially useful:

  • [Finding A]
  • [Finding B]

Since you are interested in this topic, I’d recommend you check out these fantastic [blog posts]:

  • [Blog post A]
  • [Blog post B]

They cover [theme A] and [theme B] extensively and also touch upon ideas like [idea A], [idea B], and [idea C].

I look forward to reading more of your work in the future.

Have a great day,

[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

8. Inbound Email Template

According to a study, up to 50% of sales go to the first salesperson who responds to a lead.

What does that mean for you?
When a sales lead downloads an ebook, case study, or another content marketing asset from your website that indicates high purchase intent, you should email them asking if they’d like more help. This keeps you on the prospect’s radar, making it easier to convert them.

Subject line:Found our [lead magnet] helpful, [prospect’s first name]?

Hi [prospect’s first name],

I just noticed that you downloaded a/an [lead magnet – for example, ebook] from [your company’s website] designed to help [prospect’s industry/niche] companies achieve [target A] and [target B].

Here are two additional resources that may come in handy:

  • [Social proof exhibit A]
  • [Social proof exhibit B]

Is there anything more you’d like to know about [topic covered in the lead magnet]?

If there is, let’s get on a quick call to clear things up!
Please feel free to block time on my calendar here: [your calendar URL].


[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

Go back to Contents

9. Building Rapport Email Template

Building rapport with your recipient makes them receptive to what you say.

An easy way to build rapport is by sending a cold email that asks for advice. It shows that you respect the prospect’s opinion and care about building a relationship with them, enhancing your response chances.

Subject line: Advice on [prospect’s area of expertise]

Hello [prospect’s first name],

I wanted to take this opportunity to convey how much I admire your contributions to [prospect’s area of expertise]. What particularly inspired me was how you accomplished [accomplishment A] and [accomplishment B].

If it’s not too much to ask, could you offer some advice on [specific question related to prospect’s area of expertise]?

Suggestions from a seasoned expert of your standing would be invaluable in helping me with [objective 1] and [objective 2].

I would very much appreciate hearing back from you.


[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

10. LinkedIn Connection Email Template

Taking your conversations with connections out of LinkedIn is generally a good idea for better engagement.

You can engage with your LinkedIn prospects across different channels and nurture them effectively. Besides, sending an email to your connection helps you stand out from their network.

Subject line:Thanks for connecting on LinkedIn, [prospect’s first name]!

Hello [prospect’s first name],

Thank you for accepting my LinkedIn connection request!

I’m a [your job role] at [your company name] that specializes in [your company’s specialty]. 

Your LinkedIn posts on [topic/idea] piqued my interest and prompted me to send a connection request.

I look forward to reading more of your unique insights and following your professional growth.

Should you ever need help with [your company’s specialty], drop me an email or a LinkedIn message, and we can set up a quick call.


[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

11. Discount Offer Email Template

Research shows that almost 75% of consumers search their inboxes for discounts.

You can capitalize on that demand by sending sales emails with exclusive offers that woo your target market.

Subject line:[Prospect name ], get [X]% off on [your product/service name] this Black Friday!

Hi [prospect’s first name],

Thank you for being a part of the [your company name] community! 

As a show of gratitude, we’re offering you an exclusive discount of [X]% on [your product/service name] this Black Friday

To avail of this limited-time offer, visit [your landing page] and apply this promo code ([unique code]) during checkout. 

Once you do, you can enjoy premium benefits like:

  • [Value proposition 1]
  • [Value proposition 2] 

If you have any questions, send me a quick note, and I’ll get back to you with clarifications.

Have a great day,
[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

12. Demo Request Response Email Template

A sales demo can help a lead advance along the sales pipeline.

However, for the demo to be successful, you must first set the right expectations.
An email highlighting what the demo covers will help your prospect be prepared, resulting in a more productive demo session.

Subject line:[Prospect’s first name], your [your product/service name] demo is confirmed

Hi [prospect’s first name],

Thank you for requesting a demo of [your product/service name]!

The demo will have two parts:

  • A call to discuss the specific problems that [prospect’s company name] faces.
  • A presentation showing how [your product/service name] can help overcome those problems.

During the #2 call, I’ll also go over how we’ve helped customers in [prospect’s industry/niche]:

  • Solve [pain point A]
  • Address [pain point B]

You can book a call at this link: [your meeting scheduler URL]

In case you’ve got any questions you’d like to cover during our #1 call, feel free to let me know, and I’d be happy to help.

[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

Go back to Contents

13. Welcome Email Template

Once a lead signs up for a free trial, send them a warm welcome email explaining what to expect going forward and how you’ll help. Creating a positive impression through the welcome email will make it easier to close the sale down the line.

Subject line:Welcome on board, [prospect’s first name]!

Hi [prospect’s first name],

Welcome to the [your product/service name] community. 

To help you make the most of this free trial, I’ll routinely share free resources on using [your product/service name]. 

For starters, here’s a video showing you how to set up [your product/service name]:

If you have any questions, just reply to this email, and I’ll be happy to sort things out!

Have a good day,

[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

14. Follow Up Email Template

Sending a follow-up sales email helps you stay on top of the prospect’s mind, improving your chances of closing a sale.

Moreover, sending a follow up email right after a sales phone call allows the potential customer to recall what you’ve discussed and provides them with the next steps to take.

Subject line: Following up on our call [prospect’s first name]

Hi [prospect’s first name],

This email is a quick follow-up to our phone call from yesterday.

We talked about how [your product/service name] can help [prospect’s company name] with:

  • [Pain point A]
  • [Pain point B]

I want to check in to see if you have any questions or would like more clarity on any of our offerings. If you found [your product/service name] useful, shall we take the next step?

We could set up a meeting that fits your schedule: [calendar URL].

Also, to see how we fare compared to our competitors, you may want to check out this article: [post URL].

I look forward to our partnership.


[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

15. Confirmation to Stop Email Template

When you don’t hear back from a prospect even after several emails, it’s best to call it quits — otherwise, you’ll seem pushy.

You can send an email for the last time, saying that you won’t contact them again unless they ask you to.

Subject line:Time to quit, [prospect’s first name]?

Hello [prospect’s first name],

Unfortunately, I couldn’t get your response to my previous email or those before it.

No problem!
I understand that work gets very busy at this time of year.

How would you like me to proceed?
I could either:

  • Stop contacting you because you’re not interested in [your product/service name].
  • Follow up a couple of months later when you’ve got more bandwidth.

Let me know what you think, and we’ll have things your way.

Until then,

Best regards,
[Your name, designation, company name, contact details, social media buttons, etc.]

The fifteen plain text email templates I’ve covered above should suit most of your sales email needs.

However, you don’t have to stick only to those.
You can always tweak and create your unique email sales template!

Go back to Contents

Whether you plan to use the templates I’ve provided or create your own, keep these guidelines in mind when using sales email templates:

3 Best Practices to Make the Most of Sales Email Templates

Here are three best practices to help you effectively use sales email templates:

1. Pay Attention to the Key Elements of Effective Sales Emails

An effective email sales template contains these critical components:

  • Subject Line: captures the prospect’s attention and hints at what your prospecting email will cover.
  • Opening Lines: establishes context, builds credibility, makes a good impression, and serves as an introduction to your sales pitch.
  • Body: clarifies how your product/service can assist and why it makes sense to purchase or do business with you.
  • Call to Action (CTA): highlights the next steps your qualified leads can adopt, like booking a meeting.
  • Signature: conveys professionalism and authenticity and helps improve brand recognition.

Getting these components right will help you create effective cold emails that have a massive impact on your sales process.

2. Personalize Your Sales Email Content

To make your cold email outreach efforts successful, avoid sending generic emails.

Instead, when you email clients or prospects, focus on personalizing your sales email template — personalizing just your email subject line can boost your open rate by 22%!

To personalize your email copy, include details like the:

  • Prospect name.
  • Prospect company name.
  • Industry/niche
  • Competitors.
  • Goals.
  • Pain points, and any details unique to them.

Moreover, it’s a great idea to include social proof examples (like testimonials and customer stories) in your email. This way, you establish that you’re the right person to approach about a specific customer pain point.

3. Use Sales Email Automation Software When Sending Your Sales Emails

Creating personalized emails can help boost your lead generation and sales conversion processes. But it’s challenging to keep track of everything when dealing with thousands of emails and prospects.

Fortunately, tools like GMass can help you here.

What’s GMass?


GMass is a robust email marketing and sales email automation tool that works inside Gmail.

This cold emailing tool is actively used by solopreneurs, small business owners, startup founders, sales professionals, and even employees in tech giants like Google and Uber.

With GMass, you can:

  • Save any sales email as a template to reuse it in the future.
  • Automatically personalize your sales prospecting emails to include different prospect names, subject lines, company names, industry types, and more.
  • Analyze the open rate, response rate, and more of your cold outreach emails right from your inbox.
  • Schedule your sales email campaigns to go out at the right time.
  • Send automated follow-up emails to your previous email until you get a response.
  • Leverage behavior-based campaigns to maximize your engagement and conversion rate.
  • Access all email marketing features you need from your smartphone via the add-on for the Gmail Android app.

Final Thoughts

Sales emails let you easily promote a product/service and connect with a potential customer.

However, not every sales email copy converts, and it can be time-consuming for your sales team to create new sales emails each time they come across a prospective customer.

That’s why it makes sense to leverage sales email templates to get the job done.
But to make the most of your sales email templates, you will need a powerful email marketing tool like GMass.

GMass helps your sales team personalize effective cold emails at scale, schedule them, track your cold email outreach performance, and do so much more.

Why not try GMass today to boost your sales email game?

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge inside Gmail

Send incredible emails & automations and avoid the spam folder — all in one powerful but easy-to-learn tool


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Wondering what a queued email in Gmail means?

While the Gmail app is one of the most popular in the world for a reason, it’s not without its problems. And one of the more common — and annoying ones on the mobile app, especially the Android version — is having multiple queued emails for hours.

Fortunately, there are lots of available solutions.

Even better: In 99% of cases, you should find a pretty simple solution.

In this detailed guide, I’ll cover why your emails are getting stuck in a queue and go over some potential fixes to the dreaded “Gmail queued” error.

Queued Email in Gmail: Table of Contents

What Does Queued Mean in Gmail?

The queued meaning in Gmail is not quite drafts, and it’s not quite sent — it’s more like purgatory for your email. The Gmail app couldn’t send your message immediately for some reason and will reattempt to send it later.

What’s that “some reason”? We’re going to diagnose it through the rest of this guide and help you fix it so we can get your message out.

Hopefully. You can speed up the process by trying the fixes below.

However, there are also some factors that might’ve caused the email to go to the queue which you should address before you start doing things like worrying about Gmail sync issues and having to clear Gmail app cache storage. These are broader account and environmental issues which you can take care of right away.

Some Things to Check with Gmail Queued Before Trying Solutions

As we just discussed during the “what does it mean queued in gmail” section, the first move here isn’t to start dumping cache and reinstalling files.

No, to begin, we need to see if Gmail is the problem — not something else.

Here’s your checklist of possible factors to eliminate before you try the more drastic solutions on this list:

Were you having connectivity issues (wifi or network) when you sent — and are you still having them?

Quite possibly the biggest culprit for queued emails is a weak or dropped network connection.

If you tried to send an email but had connectivity issues, either on wifi or a mobile network, your email could wind up queued rather than going out. Gmail won’t send without a stable connection to a mail server.

This is also why we need to be careful before we start on the more drastic solutions in this article. We can’t guarantee your message has been saved as a draft in Gmail. We hope it has. It probably has. But we can’t guarantee it has.

So we’re going to tread lightly and try every possible solution we can before we risk losing your draft.

Is your phone running out of space?

If your phone is running out of storage space, that can lead to issues with email sending. Check the storage by going to Apps > Settings > Device maintenance / Device care > Storage to see how much room is on your Android phone.

Are you running the latest version of the Gmail app?

It’s always worth checking to see if there’s an update. Google may have patched the issue you’re experiencing in its latest version of the Gmail application.

Was your email over the file size limit (especially if you used an attachment)?

Gmail doesn’t like huge attachments. It has an attachment size limit of 25mb. It will try to convert your file to a Google Drive link if your attachment is larger than that — but since you’re using mobile, sometimes the entire process of uploading that large file, Google processing it, Google converting it, and Google adding it to your message can have hiccups. That can lead to your email winding up stuck in the outbox.

(Btw, if you ever want to send larger attachments, here’s how to send files that exceed the Gmail attachment limit.)

Could your account be reaching its daily limit?

You might not know this, but Google puts a daily cap on how many emails you can send in a 24-hour period through your Gmail account.

So if you’ve been sending a lot of emails — especially if it’s a lot more than you normally send on an average day — you might actually be pushing up against that.

Here at GMass, we actually have ways of helping you get past that limit, by the way.

What’s GMass?

Odds are you found this article because you Googled “what does it mean queued in gmail” or something like that and have no idea what GMass is, but we’re actually a Chrome extension that transforms Gmail into an email marketing platform. If that sounds crazy and like something you’ve never heard of before… that’s because it kind of is.

So let’s make a quick deal. Open this link on what makes GMass great in a background tab. Then, when we’re done fixing your queued email issue, come back and read all about it. Deal?

If none of the above made a difference…

If none of the above were the obvious cause of or solution to your problem, it’s time to try some more active fixes. Here are the solutions you can try to fix your queued email in Gmail.

5 Ways to Fix a Queued Email in Gmail

* – we can’t really back this guarantee in any way, but we’ve never encountered a situation where these solutions don’t get the email unstuck

Try these solutions if you’re facing queued mail issues. Odds are one of these first two methods will unlock your issue. If they don’t, you can continue going through the progression.

By the final fix, in virtually every single case we will get your email out of the queue. Gmail will either send it… or swallow it. Either way, we’re backing up the text so you can rework it and send it again.

Yes, I recognize that saying “you might lose your email” isn’t the answer you’re looking for. But we’re here to be honest.

Sometimes you sent an email at the wrong, glitchy moment. It stinks. But it’s not the end of the world — it’s not to late to back things up and save your work. All in all, if that happens, it should cost you about five to 10 minutes. There are worse fates.

⚠️ Before you start: Back up the text of your email(s) in another app

We highly recommend opening your queued email, copying the text, pasting it into a new file in another app on your phone, and saving it. If needed, also copy the email addresses to whom you’re sending the email.

Our goal is not to lose the email you wrote throughout this process, but since it is possible you will lose it… at least if you back it up, you’ll be able to paste it into a new message to try again. (And next time, you can use the tips we share later in this article to avoid queued emails in the future.)

Method 1: Disable and enable Gmail sync

Sometimes, queueing issues occur because of an error in Gmail’s syncing abilities.

Rebooting these settings might help.

1. Begin by opening the Gmail app and going to Settings.

You can access phone settings by tapping the three horizontal lines near the search bar and scrolling to the bottom.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Gmail sync

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Gmail sync

2. Select your Google account.

3. Scroll down until you find the Data Usage heading. Locate the Sync Gmail underneath that.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Gmail sync

4. Untick that checkbox and restart your phone.

5. After you’ve restarted your phone, recheck the Sync Gmail box.

Hopefully, that solved the problem.

If not, try the next fix.

Method 2: Clear Gmail’s cache

A bloated cache is another common reason for Gmail queued issues. Here’s how to solve that problem.

1. Head over to your Android phone’s settings app.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Clear cache

2. From here, find the Android apps manager. On more recent versions, this menu is called Apps.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Clear cache

3. From the Apps menu, select All.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Clear cache

4. Scroll down until you find Gmail (the apps are listed alphabetically).

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Clear cache

5. Then, tap Storage.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Clear cache

6. At the bottom of the screen, you should see two options: Clear data and Clear cache. Tap both of these.

Again, make sure you backed up the text of your email by copying the text into a file somewhere else first before you do this, just to be safe.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Clear cache

This will clear all the temporary cached files like site data on your Android phone.

7. You will need to log in again.

Odds are this is going to solve the problem of how to fix queued email in Gmail.

But if this (or the Gmail sync trick) hasn’t cleared out the emails Gmail has queued up on your phone, we do have more solutions to try.

Method 3: Make sure Gmail can use background data

Repeat steps 1-4 from Method 2, taking you to the Gmail app phone info screen.

But now, instead of clicking on Storage like we did in Method 2, we’ll try something else to send your email queued in Gmail.

1. Tap Mobile data.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Background data

2. Make sure the Allow background data usage option is on and enable Allow app while Data saver on.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Background data

Method 4: Ensure Gmail is not in offline mode

You’ll need the desktop version of Gmail for this — either on your laptop or on a browser on your Android phone that can access web versions of websites.

1. Open the Gmail application in your browser.

2. Open Settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Offline mode

3. Click See all settings.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Offline mode

4. Select the Offline tab and make sure the Enable offline mail option is unchecked.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Offline mode

Method 5: Remove and re-add your Gmail account

Alright. So this is our last resort for how to fix queued email in Gmail. I keep repeating it, but please back up whatever queued email Gmail hasn’t sent by copying the text somewhere else so we don’t lose them.

1. Head to your Android device settings and scroll down until you find Accounts and backup.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Remove and readd

2. Tap Accounts.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Remove and readd

3. Scroll down until you find the Gmail account with which you’re having issues and select it.

4. Tap Remove account.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Remove and readd

5. From the pop-up window, confirm that you want to remove your account.

Gmail queued - Fix a queued email - Remove and readd

6. Double-check that your account is gone by opening the Gmail application.

7. Next, reboot your device and navigate to the Gmail app.

8. Gmail will show you the standard setup dialogue, then let you add your account. Fill in your email address and password.

9. Let the app process everything and you should see your Gmail inbox. Your outbox will be empty — with no email queued in Gmail.

Hopefully because your message sent, not because it was lost forever. If it was lost forever, that’s why we backed it up — so now you can paste it into a new message and send it.

Steps to Avoid Email Queued in Gmail in the Future

This has been a pain, right?

You didn’t want to read this article. I didn’t want to write this article. (Well, spoiler, I didn’t write this article. I’m a different guy, a few years after the article first went up, who rewrote this article almost from the ground up, but still.  Getting a simple Gmail out shouldn’t be this hard!)

So let’s make sure you never have to come back to this particular article. Instead, you can check out some of the other super useful stuff we’ve done on GMass like:

And to prevent queued emails in Gmail in the future, here are some recommendations:

Make sure when you send emails from your phone, you’re sending important ones from stable internet connections

The best way to avoid getting stuck in this queue situation in the future is to send your most important emails from your phone when you’re on reliable wifi (or strong mobile) connections.

As I said earlier, the most precarious situation for sending emails from your phone is an unstable internet connection. If Gmail can’t get a reliable internet connection, that’s when your email winds up queued in the outbox.

So if you’re sending a really important email from your phone, wait until you’re connected to a network you can trust.

Keep the Gmail app up to date

Make sure you’re using the latest version of the Gmail app on your phone. Older versions might have bugs or other issues that lead to emails falling into the queue; Google will generally patch those by the newer version.

Send your most important emails from the desktop version of Gmail

I can’t say for sure queued emails never happen when you’re sending from the Gmail desktop web app… but I’ve never seen anyone encounter it. And I’ve been living inside of the Gmail world for a very, very, very long time.

I know it’s a mobile-first world in many cases. But when you’re dealing with mission critical emails, there’s still nothing like the reliability of a computer to help you get your message from point A to point B.

Use an app like GMass to make sure your email gets where it needs to go

GMass, if you aren’t familiar, is a Chrome extension that transforms Gmail into a fully-functional email marketing platform.

GMass turns it into something else

But that’s not all it does.

GMass is actually a perfect way to make sure single emails get where they need to go. There are many GMass users who send every single Gmail email — whether it’s to one person or one thousand people — via GMass.

Let me explain.

When you have the GMass extension installed and connect your Gmail account (no credit card required, by the way — and a free trial for up to 50 emails per day!), GMass adds a new button right next to the send button in the Gmail compose window. It works just like the Gmail send button. But it does all sorts of extra magical stuff.

GMass adds a new send button

You’ll type your email normally in Gmail.

The only thing you’ll do different is you’ll click the new red GMass button instead of the usual blue send button to send the message.

Your email will still go through Google’s servers like regular Gmail.

But now, GMass will be keeping an eye on itno getting stuck in the queue on our watch. And if anything should get weird with your email, our world-class support team will be all over it to help.

GMass will add automatic open and click tracking for your emails, so you’ll have proof that they arrived and whether or not your recipient checked them.

And if there’s an issue like we mentioned above where you’re pushing your daily Gmail limit, GMass can help you use a third-party SMTP server to break Gmail’s limits and get your message out.

As I mentioned, GMass has a free trial where you can send up to 50 emails per day. It’s incredibly beginner friendly (though tons of pros use it too). It’s fast and easy to learn — and even faster and easier to use. There’s a quickstart guide to walk you through literally every step of the process.

Whether you want to use GMass to help send your regular emails, or you’re now thinking of ways you could use it for cold emails, marketing emails, mail merge, or anything else — you can get started in a matter of a few minutes by downloading the Chrome extension here.

And never worry about getting stuck with queued emails in Gmail again.

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge inside Gmail

Send incredible emails & automations and avoid the spam folder — all in one powerful but easy-to-learn tool


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
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