<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1822615684631785&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1"/>

This offer has ended as of August 11, 2020. We were happy to provide this service for free over the last 5 months, but now, Coronavirus-related campaigns will be treated the same as all other campaigns.

Starting now, you can send any non-commercial Coronavirus email announcement through GMass, even if you’re not on a paid plan. All users, free or paid, can send Coronavirus announcements through GMass, subject to your Gmail account’s limits, and in some cases, if you exceed your limits, we’ll re-route your campaign through SendGrid.

Coronavirus free email
Use your Gmail account and GMass to send Coronavirus announcements to your email list.

How does it work?

  1. Your campaign’s Subject line must include “Coronavirus” or “COVID-19”. It’s not case sensitive, so change the capitalization if you wish.
  2. If you have a free GMass account, you won’t be subject to the normal 50 emails/day limit of the GMass free plan.
  3. Because you’re sending through Gmail, you’ll get the best possible deliverability into your readers’ inboxes.
  4. If you exceed your Gmail account limits, and your campaign is a legitimate Coronavirus-announcement with no commercial intent, then we’ll route your campaign through SendGrid, as long as your total recipient count is under 10,000. We manually review all campaigns before routing through SendGrid, so it may take about 30 minutes after you hit your Gmail limits for us to “push” the rest of the emails through SendGrid.
  5. Please don’t abuse this offer and remember our policy about not having commercial intent. Since announcing this, we’ve seen a bunch of campaigns with Subject lines like “Due to Coronavirus, we’re having a sale!” trying to take advantage of this offer. While it’s perfectly fine to have a sale due to Coronavirus, please subscribe to send a campaign like that. This offer is for non-commercial email announcements about Coronavirus, such as event updates, client/vendor communications, school closings and openings, community updates, staff announcements, and the like.

What if I don’t want to put “Coronavirus” or “COVID-19” in the Subject?

Then unfortunately you would have to subscribe to a paid plan to send your announcement. We need an easy way of knowing what a campaign is about, so looking for this text in the Subject line is the only way to make this offer work automatically at scale. If you’re sending under 50 emails/day, you can use whatever Subject you like, because our free plan already allows you to send 50 emails/day.

I’ve never used GMass. How do you send a Coronavirus email announcement?

  1. Install GMass here.
  2. Watch this video for a 13 second demo.
  3. If your list is more than 1,000 addresses, put them in a Google Sheet instead of pasting them in the To field of the Gmail Compose window.

Have a question?

Contact our support team.

See why GMass has 300k+ users and 7,500+ 5-star reviews

Email marketing. Cold email. Mail merge. Avoid the spam folder. Easy to learn and use. All inside Gmail.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
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Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

What is your conversion rate on cold email?

If you’re emailing prospects, chances are that while cold email is essential to help you generate new customers, you struggle to convert.

Don’t get me wrong, you convert. You just don’t covert anywhere near where you feel you should

It’s hard to find out what works through pure experimentation.

Unless you’re sending out a hundred emails a day and using some methodical approach, it will be hard to draw any conclusions from your cold prospecting efforts. 

That’s why having effective cold prospecting email templates in your toolbox is helpful.

With email templates specifically designed for prospecting through cold email, you have a framework you can build on to find what works and what doesn’t.

Also, it gives you different ways to approach different prospects.

Maybe your last prospect was a startup in its early stages, so it was easy to get hold of the person in charge of sales, marketing, or operations. Maybe your next prospect involves conversing with a seasoned serial entrepreneur who is harder to reach. 

Having several templates gives you the flexibility necessary to appeal to different contacts in a variety of situations, instead of sending out the same old email to everyone.

Treating everyone the same is a sure way to fail at cold email prospecting. 

If you winced a bit because that’s you, then you need to up your game with these cold prospecting email templates. (And before we dive in, if you need a guide to how to adapt these cold email templates to fit your purposes, check out our article on that.)

Cold prospecting email templates: Table of Contents

1. The previous results email

Few things speak as loud as results when you’re using cold email. 

If your product or service has been around for a while, chances are you have some kind of results you can point to in your emails. 

(Remember: the more relevant the results are to what the prospect wants, the better.)

Because it’s based on those previous results (without any other bells and whistles), this is a dependable and straightforward template you can use in pretty much any situation.

Here’s the email:

Results cold email template

Why this email works

Hubspot ran a similar email that netted them:

  • 57% open rate
  • 21% response rate
  • And 16 customers

Pretty nice for one email, right? 

The biggest reason this email works is because of social proof. 

Cold emails are distant. The other person knows you’re human (hopefully), and sees what you’re selling, but that’s about it. 

You want to pull in that prospect quickly, and social proof offers undeniable … well, proof, that you’re not just spouting hot air. 

When you say something like this:

Social Proof

Any prospect will do a double-take and pay closer attention.

This is a simple email and easy to put together, but it’s effective.

2. The personal interest email

Sometimes, all you need to do is make a connection.

What’s one way to do that? Find out what they like, such as:

  • Hobbies
  • Favorite shows, movies, podcasts, etc.
  • Favorite sports team
  • Or anything else with which they’re obsessed

Never forget that no matter how much you work to attract and convert prospects, the act of prospecting comes down to communication

That’s you reaching out to another human being in an attempt to communicate something to them — and hoping for a response. 

With that in mind, the best way to turn a cold conversation into a warm moment is to make a connection with your prospect by identifying with a personal interest of theirs.

You don’t even need to share that similar interest with them; you simply need to show them that you’re willing to do your homework, learn about them, and connect on a human level. 

Here’s the email:

Personal interest cold email template

Why this email works

Anyone who reads that email will know right away that you took your time to learn about them and craft an email that was personalized for them. There are few ways to catch someone’s attention in a cold email that work better than that. 

This email works for another reason if you craft it right: it connects something they know with your product

Subconsciously, this gets them to look upon you and your offer more favorably, whether they realize or not.

3. The competitor email

This is arguably the most timely of all the templates on this list if you apply it when conditions are right. 

If you can find a situation where it fits, it creates a message that’s difficult to ignore, particularly if your prospect is currently having trouble with a competitor’s service or product

The basic idea is this: when one of your competitors is having issues with an aspect of their product or service in an area that you’re strong, reach out to their customers to snag them during that opportune moment:

Competitor cold email template

Why this email works

Again, timing is the factor of this email that can give you a big hit, because it offers a considerable advantage. But if the timing is off, then it’s a hard miss. 

However, if you make sure to time this with recently expressed frustrations with a competitor’s product, or emerging issues with their service, and you reach out quickly, this hook can net high conversion rates. 

The gist of this email is in the angle, so the structure is super straightforward:

cold prospecting email template

This makes it one of the easiest emails to craft, along with being one of the best converting (when sent at the right time). 

4. The helpful email

Another direction you can go is to simply reach out with helpful information.

You could offer content on your blog, podcasts, comprehensive guides, or video content you’ve created to help answer questions or share significant value that your clients and prospects find useful.

For example:

helpful cold email template

Why this email works

Who doesn’t like free?

With this email, you’re front-loading value in that initial touchpoint to generate some goodwill. The more targeted you can be about this, the better, as the last thing you want to do is send prospects content they see as irrelevant. 

However, if you do this right, this email does a great job of building reciprocity.

This email also demonstrates that you’re an expert on your subject, which tells your prospect that you might be the right person to go to for answers to their questions. 

5. The “One Thing” hook email

This next email is a bit situational. However, if you can find the right fuel to send an email like this (and you often will), it’s super powerful. 

The premise is simple: find something (just one thing, although more is fine) they can change or improve, then offer to have a quick chat with them about how they can implement that adjustment. 

Here’s the email:

One thing - cold prospect email template

Why this email works

This email combines several things that work:

First, it’s personalized. The premise of this email means you need to have done your homework, they’ll know you did when they read it, and they’re likely to appreciate your effort, often with a reply:

cold prospecting email template

Then, it promises immediate, tangible value. The value you’re delivering in this email isn’t fuzzy; it’s crystal clear:

cold prospecting email template

Plus, that value leads perfectly to your ideal CTA. Not only does the value you’re offering lead seamlessly to a call-to-action, but also you’re getting exactly what you want in the process: a phone call with them: 

Cold Prospecting Email Templates 5

6. The one-sentence pitch

What if you don’t have amazing results to show, or social proof to offer, or you can’t identify any competitive issues to exploit, and you can’t find any improvements to suggest?

Even if you don’t have any of that, you’re still not out of luck. There’s a simple and straightforward cold email template for prospecting that is easy to write and gets results. 

Here it is:

Cold Prospecting Email Templates 12

Why this email works

Like the competitor email, this one has a pretty clear structure:

Cold Prospecting Email Templates 13

Your one-sentence pitch is where you sell them on your product or service in this template. Make sure it’s enticing, but keep it to no longer than one sentence.

One important addition is to mention that you’re not 100% sure they’re the right person to email.

The reality is that when you have located contacts, you’ll often be unsure of whether you’re emailing the right person. 

If you include something like this, you’re safe. If they’re the right person, your email will work fine. If not, there’s a chance they’ll forward your email, particularly if they know the right person well enough to judge whether your pitch could matter to them.  

7. The super-target template

This last one might be the simplest, but it involves one of the single most critical lessons in high-converting cold emails.

Let’s jump right into the email: 

Cold Prospecting Email Templates 1a

Why this email works

This one is, admittedly, a bit of a trick. That’s because there’s nothing special about the email itself (outside of what we’ve already talked about).

What’s special is how effectively it’s targeted. 

It’s as much about targeting the right prospects as it is about writing a good cold email. 

Instead of crafting cold email templates in a vacuum, take a look at your current customers and think about what kinds of cold email would have attracted them to your service. 

Doing this will give you insights about how to position your cold emails to prospects. It will make you more likely to attract people who are actually in need of what you’re offering. 

This email is targeted at early-stage remote startup teams, who commonly have trouble with conference software:

Cold Prospecting Email Templates 2a

How’s that for specific?

Sure, you won’t always have the time to send such a pointed email. However, the more targeted you can make your cold prospecting emails, the greater the results you’re likely to see.

Up your game with these cold prospecting email templates

Depending on the product or service you’re selling, prospecting through cold email can be either tough … or tougher. 

So, you need every tool you can get to catch your prospect’s attention and maximize the return from your cold prospect efforts. 

Use these cold prospecting email templates as a starting point for your own collection of prospecting emails to cover every situation and every type of prospect. 

And don’t forget to check out these cold email resources to learn more about how to craft a great cold email that converts prospects:

Of course, great templates for prospecting are important — but you also need cold email software where you can get the most out of them. Check out GMass — we offer some of the best personalization, automation, and cold emailing tools of any email platform. Get started for free by hitting the Chrome web store.

Ready to send better emails and save a ton of time?

GMass is the only tool for marketing emails, cold emails, and mail merge — all inside Gmail. Tons of power but easy to learn and use.


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Looking for a Yesware alternative?

While Yesware is a good email outreach platform, it’s far from a perfect tool. Its analytics can be inaccurate, and the basic pricing plan lacks key email campaign features.

In this article, I’ll talk about four great Yesware alternatives (including a few free alternatives) for all your email management needs.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

(Click on the links below to jump to a specific section)

Let’s get started.

What Is Yesware?

Yesware webpage

Source: yesware.com

Yesware is an email tracking and email management software that helps you send and track emails in Gmail and Outlook. It’s chiefly used by sales reps to streamline their sales outreach activities.

Here’s a quick run-through of its key features:

  • Can create and manage campaigns from Gmail, G Suite, and Microsoft Outlook.
  • Helps schedule emails and client meetings.
  • Tracks emails to provide key metrics.
  • Provides default templates to help you compose emails.
  • Can set reminders for events and meetings.
  • Supports attachment tracking to analyze engagement better.
  • Integrates with Workato, Salesforce, and other CRM tools.

The Four Drawbacks Of Yesware

While Yesware can help you manage your email campaigns, it has a few drawbacks.

1. Inaccurate Email Analytics Due to False Opens

Yesware’s email tracking features often report unopened emails as “opened” for clients who use firewalls and spam blockers.

This can disrupt the accuracy of your campaign analytics.


As false opens inflate your email tracking statistics, your campaign engagement figures could be inflated!

These inaccurate analytics can, in turn, affect how you plan your future marketing campaigns — making Yesware a potentially inaccurate email tracking tool.

2. The Yesware Pricing Is Limiting

Yesware’s mail merge and email campaign features are not available in its basic Pro plan.

And without campaign management and mail merge features, sales teams might as well not use an email tool.

If you want to use Yesware for email marketing, you’ll have to go for one of their pricier plans:

  • Premium: $35/month per user
  • Enterprise: $80/month per user

For large sales teams with multiple users, these prices could easily stack up to over $500 per month just for an email marketing tool!

3. Limited Campaign Functionality

Regardless of the pricing tier a business goes for, Yesware’s sending limits are capped at 1,000 recipients per upload and 5,000 recipients per campaign. This significantly reduces the outreach of your email campaigns.

For a software centered around mass emails, this is very limiting!

4. Runs on a Separate Interface

Like SalesHandy and SalesLoft, Yesware has its own interface — separate from the Gmail and Microsoft Outlook UI.

Since it’s not embedded into your inbox, you have to switch between multiple tabs or open the Yesware dashboard when you want to run a campaign or check reports.

While this is inconvenient, it also increases onboarding time. Every sales professional will take hours to familiarize themselves with the new Yesware interface – limiting their productivity.

The Four Best Yesware Alternatives

Here’s a look at the best email tracking tools you can use instead of Yesware:

1. GMass

GMass interface

GMass is a powerful email outreach platform that can run mail merge campaigns right from your Gmail account. Its outreach capabilities have made it a part of the sales toolkit used by employees from Google, Uber, and even social media giants like Twitter and LinkedIn.

However, unlike Boomerang or Bananatag, GMass isn’t just for SaaS companies or your enterprise sales toolkit!

It can also be used by individuals, institutions, and small businesses to send emails to a target audience.

With GMass, you can:

  • Quickly send outbound sales or marketing emails to tons of prospects.
  • Personalize email campaigns on a per-recipient basis.
  • Auto-track your campaign engagements accurately.
  • Schedule each email campaign and follow-up email.
  • Easily set up custom tracking domains.

What’s more…

It’s super easy to get started with GMass — just download its Chrome extension, sign up with your Gmail account, and you’re good to go!

Key Features

Here’s a look at what makes GMass a great Yesware alternative:

A. Automatic Email Personalization

Sending personalized emails to your recipients is a great way to boost email marketing engagement.

Think about it.

Would you rather open a generic mass marketing email or one that’s tailor-made to suit your needs?

However, for large email lists, manually personalizing each email is impossible.

Imagine personalizing email marketing campaigns with thousands of recipients!

Fortunately, GMass has a solution.

Unlike Docsify and Boomerang, GMass offers advanced personalization to personalize your campaigns automatically for each recipient.

You can easily personalize your emails with features like:

  • Auto First-Name Detection and Entry – GMass automatically detects the recipient’s first name from their email address, and you can add it to an email addressed to them.
  • Add Customized Paragraphs – GMass lets you personalize large blocks of text in your email for each recipient.
  • Add Customized Images and Links – you can add custom photos and URLs for each person in your email list.

GMass custom image

B. Detailed Email Analytics And Campaign Reports 

While you could use Google Analytics to analyze click-through rates, dedicated email tracking tools like GMass are a better solution for tracking core campaign statistics.

After every email campaign, GMass auto-generates a Campaign Report that displays all the key email metrics you need to analyze campaign engagements.

You’ll also receive a real-time notification for every report update via email (for added customization, you can also snooze these notifications).

Here are a few of the metrics included in the GMass Campaign Report:

  1. Total Recipients:
    The number of email addresses to which the email campaign was sent.
  2. Unique Opens:
    The number of unique email addresses that opened your email.
    Note: GMass gives you accurate email metrics by only tracking unique opens. If any recipient opens an email more than once, the report won’t show these additional opens and inflate the result.
  3. Unique Clicks:
    The number of unique email IDs that clicked on at least one link in your email.
  4. Replies:
    The number of people that replied to your email.
  5. Unsubscribes:
    The number of recipients that unsubscribed from your emails.

GMass campaign report

And there’s more!

Unlike other email tracking software such as Yesware, HubSpot Sales, or MailChimp, GMass places these Campaign Reports within your Gmail inbox to boost productivity. You can easily access these reports from the [CAMPAIGNS] label in your Gmail sidebar within seconds!

C. Quick Email Scheduling 

GMass is a Yesware alternative that supports email scheduling for better engagement.

Just compose the email, schedule it, and GMass will automatically send it at the designated time.

Why schedule an email for later?

  • You can send emails to prospects even when you’re offline.
  • You can plan email campaigns ahead of time.
  • You can schedule emails to reach recipients when they are most likely to check their inboxes.

Change in your schedule?
No problem! You can always reschedule your emails from your Drafts folder.

GMass email scheduling
D. Powerful Campaign Management

Most Yesware alternatives, like Docsify, lack advanced campaign features, which are crucial for email marketing.

However, GMass allows you to send campaigns and mail merges to several prospects or clients at once. Unlike Yesware, Mixmax, SalesHandy, and most other email management software, there is no limit on the number of recipients either!

Need to segment these recipients into multiple audiences?
No problem! GMass supports unlimited email campaigns to help you segment your lists.

Additionally, GMass can even be integrated with third-party services like SendGrid to bypass the Gmail sending limits entirely.

And the best part? 

You don’t have to leave your Gmail inbox to do any of this!


  • Has a more user-friendly interface than most Gmail plugins.
  • Works right inside Gmail and its email app.
  • Can build email lists via any search criteria in your Gmail account.
  • Auto-saves emails you send as templates for future campaigns.
  • Can import contact data from a Google Sheets file.
  • Helps send email attachments.
  • Can connect with Zapier to create email sequences.
  • Has a powerful Google Apps add-on for Android devices.
  • Supports Salesforce integration.
  • Saves your email signature for future emails.
  • Supports free email tracking.
  • Provides efficient customer support.
  • Sends an email notification for each tracking update.


  • GMass only works with Gmail and Google Workspace accounts.
  • The desktop version only works with the Google Chrome browser.


GMass comes in three pricing plans:

  • Individual Plans:
    • Standard: $25/month
    • Premium: $35/month
    • Professional: $55/month
  • Team Plan:
    • Premium: starts at $145/month for a team of five users and offers all features.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.9/5 (300+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 4.8/5 (300+ reviews)

2. Mailshake

Mailshake webpage

Source: mailshake.com

Mailshake is an email outreach and marketing automation platform that helps your business automate its email marketing and sales processes. Like other email tools such as Cirrus Insight, Mailshake lets you send personalized marketing emails to prospects and track engagements easily.

Key Features

  • Helps set up email sequences and marketing campaigns.
  • Can schedule emails.
  • Supports follow-up email automation.
  • Has a native phone dialer for outbound sales.


  • Includes built-in templates to help compose marketing emails.
  • Allows email tracking for open and click-through rates.
  • Supports integration with Salesforce, HubSpot CRM, and other sales enablement software.


  • Functions as a separate UI from Outlook email and Gmail inbox.
  • Can be expensive compared to other email tracking tools.
  • Custom tracking domains are hard to set up.


Mailshake has two different pricing plans, both billed annually with no free trial:

  • Email Outreach: $59/month per user – offers all features except social selling.
  • Sales Engagement: $99/month per user – includes social selling and higher recipient limit.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.6/5 (70+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 4.7/5 (50+ reviews)

3. Prospect.io

Prospect.io webpage

Source: prospect.io

Prospect.io is an email outreach and lead generation tool that’s best suited for B2B companies. It uses a credit-based system where a credit from your plan is used each time you use its email finder feature. Like other lead generation tools, Prospect.io helps you find email IDs of potential leads from social media and other websites.

Key Features

  • Can track real-time email opens, click-through rates, and response rates.
  • Lets you set up personalized drip campaigns.
  • Built-in prospecting features to find a prospect’s email ID, job title, and other data.
  • Helps create personalized email templates that can be shared with other users.


  • The Chrome extension can help you find lead details from websites.
  • Works with Gmail and Microsoft Outlook.
  • Integrates with Salesforce, Pipedrive, and HubSpot CRM.


  • While the pricing plans offer credits, you need to purchase them separately if you want more.
  • Doesn’t offer a free trial.
  • Can be difficult to create drip campaigns.


Prospect.io offers three pricing plans:

  • Essential: $79/month + $29 for each additional user – offers email tracking, campaigns, and templates.
  • Business: $129/month + $39 for each additional user – offers “Essential” features + advanced CRM integration + campaign reviews.
  • Enterprise: custom plan, contact sales for a quote –  offers “Business” features + deliverability checkup and priority support.
  • Additional email finder credits cost:
    • $39 for 250 credits.
    • $59 for 500 credits.
    • $99 for 1000 credits.
    • $299 for 5000 credits.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.4/5 (5+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 3.8/5 (20+ reviews)

4. Gmelius

Gmelius webpage

Source: gmelius.com

Gmelius is an email marketing automation tool that doubles up as a powerful sales automation software. Like ToutApp, another sales engagement platform, most companies use Gmelius to manage their customers, promote their sales cycles, and boost their email productivity.

Key Features

  • Helps personalize drip campaigns for each prospect.
  • You can build and share email templates with sales teams.
  • Generates detailed reports that highlight core metrics.
  • Per-recipient tracking tells you precisely who opened your emails.


  • Supports in-app collaboration on emails with other users (like your sales reps).
  • Has a Gmail extension for Google Chrome.
  • Integrates with Salesforce and HubSpot CRM.


  • App notifications can clutter your inbox if not opened frequently.
  • The free plan only offers limited email tracking features.
  • A/B testing can be complicated to use.


Gmelius comes with four pricing levels:

  • Free: offers five email templates + email opens tracking.
  • Plus: $12/month per user – offers “Free” features + lead management + team collaboration features + unlimited email templates.
  • Growth: $24/month per user – offers “Plus” features + mail merge + click tracking.
  • Enterprise: $69/month per user – offers “Growth” features + dedicated support + data recovery service.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.6/5 (30+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 4.4/5 (100+ reviews)


Choosing the right marketing automation software doesn’t have to be confusing.

While Yesware is an option, it is expensive, lacks accurate analytics, and has inefficient email campaigns!

Why settle for less when you have so many Yesware alternatives to choose?

While all the tools I’ve covered here are useful, GMass is clearly the best alternative with its powerful outreach features at a friendly price point.

Why not download the GMass Chrome extension today and try it out for yourself!

See why GMass has 300k+ users and 7,500+ 5-star reviews

Email marketing. Cold email. Mail merge. Avoid the spam folder. Easy to learn and use. All inside Gmail.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
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Looking for a Mailshake alternative?

While Mailshake is a good email outreach tool, it’s not perfect — it’s expensive, works as a separate interface, and has no native support for Google Sheets.

In this article, I’ll highlight ten great Mailshake alternatives that can address your e-mail marketing needs instead.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

(Click on the links below to jump to a specific section)

What Is Mailshake?

Mailshake is an email outreach tool that’s used by businesses for their sales and marketing campaigns. It helps you send personalized emails to prospects and easily track their engagements.

Key Features

  • Automates email sequences in Gmail, G Suite, and Outlook.
  • Can schedule and send follow-up emails.
  • Has a live campaign management dashboard.
  • Has pre-set templates to help you compose emails quickly.
  • Integrates with Pipedrive, Salesforce, and HubSpot CRMs.

The Four Drawbacks of Mailshake

While you can use Mailshake for creating and sending cold email campaigns, it has some drawbacks.

1. It’s Expensive

Mailshake comes with two pricing plans:

  • Email Outreach – $58/month per user
  • Sales Engagement – $83/month per user

Both of these are billed annually upfront with no monthly option.

The Email Outreach plan offers personalization, automation, A/B testing features, and CRM integrations. The Sales Engagement plan includes all this and other sales automation features.

As Mailshake is built for small businesses, it’s more expensive than most other email tools. And if you have large teams, costs can quickly skyrocket as you’re paying on a user basis!

Additionally, Mailshake doesn’t provide a free trial for you to test it.

2. Doesn’t Support Google Sheets (Only CSV Files)

Another problem with Mailshake is that it has no native support for Google Sheets. You can’t perform a mail merge in Mailshake if your contact data is saved as a Google Sheets file.

Instead, you’ll either have to download your sheets file as a CSV file and then upload it to Mailshake, or use third-party apps like Zapier to connect Google Sheets and Mailshake. That can be tedious and time-consuming when you have many email lists saved in Google Sheets.

3. Difficult to Set Up Custom Tracking Domains

Having a dedicated tracking domain can boost your email deliverability.


Certain spam filters categorize spam based on the domain that sent it. If your email comes from one of those flagged domains, it could go directly to the recipient’s spam folder.

A custom tracking domain helps email campaigns bypass spam filters as they wouldn’t have received or analyzed emails from your custom domain before.

However, it can be complicated to create custom tracking domains in Mailshake. That’s why most people bypass this step and end up facing issues with their email deliverability.

4. Works As a Separate UI

While Mailshake works with Gmail and Outlook, it uses a separate interface.

As it’s not embedded within your inbox, you’ll have to open a separate dashboard or switch between multiple tabs to monitor your campaigns. It can also increase your onboarding time as you’ll have to familiarize yourself with Mailshake’s interface.

The Ten Best Mailshake Alternatives

Instead of using Mailshake, here are ten email outreach tools to try out:

1. GMass

GMass interface in Gmail

GMass is a powerful cold email outreach tool that lets you run mail merge campaigns right from your Gmail account. Its exceptional outreach capabilities have made it a mass emailing tool that’s used by employees from Google, Uber, and social media giants like Twitter and LinkedIn.

However, GMass isn’t just for email marketers. It can also be used by institutions and individuals to send emails from a Gmail address to a target audience.

With GMass, you can:

  • Quickly send sales or marketing emails to tons of prospects.
  • Personalize e-mail campaigns on a recipient-by-recipient basis.
  • Auto-track your campaign engagements accurately.
  • Schedule campaigns and follow-up emails.
  • Easily set up custom tracking domains.

What’s more…
Anyone can quickly get started with GMass — just download its Chrome extension, sign up with your Gmail address, and you’re done!

Key Features

Here’s a closer look at why GMass is a smart Mailshake alternative:

A. Advanced Email Personalization

One of the easiest ways to engage your recipients is to send them personalized emails.

Think about it.
Are you more likely to engage with a generic email or one that’s tailor-made for you?

However, when you have a large email list, manually personalizing the email for each recipient will take you forever.

Imagine doing it for email marketing campaigns with 100+ recipients!

Luckily, GMass offers advanced personalization features that auto-personalize your campaigns at scale.

You can quickly personalize any mass e-mail with features like:

  • Auto First-Name Detection and Entry – GMass auto-detects a recipient’s first name from their email address and lets you add it to an email addressed to them.
  • Add Customized Paragraphs – you can personalize large blocks of text in your email on a recipient-by-recipient basis.
  • Add Personalized Images and Links – you can add customized photos and links for each person in your email list.GMass image personalization

Click here to learn more about sending emails that are personalized for each recipient.

B. Powerful Email Analytics and Campaign Reports

Each time you send an email campaign from your Gmail address, GMass auto-generates a Campaign Report. This detailed report breaks down all the core email metrics you need to analyze your engagements.

Here’s an overview of some of the metrics present in a Campaign Report:

  • Total Recipients:
    The total number of email IDs to which an email campaign was sent.
  • Unique Opens:
    The total number of unique email IDs that opened your email.
    Note: GMass gives you accurate email stats by only tracking unique opens. If a recipient opens an email more than once, the report won’t show these new opens that would inflate the result.
  • Unique Clicks:
    The total number of unique IDs that clicked at least one link in your email.
  • Replies:
    The total number of recipients that replied to your email.
  • Unsubscribes:
    The total number of recipients that unsubscribed from your emails.GMass Campaign Report

What’s more… 

Unlike Mailshake, MailChimp, and other tools that require you to open a separate tab, GMass places your Campaign Reports right inside your Gmail inbox. You can easily access them from the [CAMPAIGNS] label in the Gmail sidebar.

C. Easy Scheduling

GMass also lets you schedule your e-mail campaigns for maximum engagement.

Whether you’re emailing prospects for white hat link building campaigns or webinar invitations, you can easily schedule them in GMass.

Just compose your email, schedule it, and GMass will automatically send it when the time arrives.

The benefits…

  • You don’t have to be online to send emails to your prospects.
  • You can plan your campaigns well in advance.
  • You can set your email marketing campaigns to reach recipients when they are most likely to check their inboxes.

If there’s a change of schedule, you can always reschedule your emails from the Drafts folder.

Email scheduling in Gmass

D. Quickly Create Email Lists

Unlike Mailshake, GMass works with Google Sheets.

While GMass can still use CSV or Excel files to create mail merges, if your contact data is in a Google Sheets file, you can directly connect it to GMass!

Additionally, GMass’ Build Email List feature makes it super easy to create large email lists from scratch.

Just do a Gmail search using a keyword, and the tool will auto-build an email list using the IDs in the search results. You can even use it to build email lists from your transactional emails!

For example, let’s say you own a business called “Ted’s Tadpole Tanks.

If you want to send emails to people who left feedback on your website, you can perform a Gmail search using the keyword “[Ted’s Tadpole Website].” GMass will then build an email list using all the email addresses from the transactional emails:

Using the Build Email List feature in GMass

E. Automate Follow-Up Emails

Sometimes your recipients might not open your email or might forget to respond to it.

So what can you do?
You send a follow-up email.

But what if you have to follow-up on hundreds of recipients? 
You can’t do that manually, right?

Fortunately, GMass can automate the process for you!

It lets you send follow-ups quickly to help boost your response rates. You can even customize everything about these follow-up emails, such as:

  • The trigger for sending the follow-up email.
    For example, GMass can send a follow-up when a recipient clicks on a link in your email.
  • The number of follow-ups to be sent.
  • The time gaps between each follow-up email.
  • The follow-up message.Sending follow-ups in GMass


  • Simple interface for maximum ease of use.
  • Works right inside Gmail.
  • Quickly build email lists using any search criteria in your Gmail account.
  • Can easily import contact data from a Google Sheets file.
  • Emails are auto-saved to be reused as templates for future campaigns.
  • Can send email attachments in mass emails.
  • Can connect GMass to Zapier to create automated email sequences.
  • Has a powerful Gmail add-on for Android devices.
  • Can optimize deliverability for non-commercial, low-volume emails.
  • Works with Salesforce CRM.
  • Attentive customer support team.


  • GMass can only be used with Gmail and Google Workspace accounts.
  • The desktop version works only with Google Chrome.


GMass comes in three pricing plans:

  • Individual:
    • Standard: $25/month
    • Premium: $35/month
    • Professional: $55/month
  • Team:
    • Professional: starts at $145/month for a team of five – supports all features.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.9/5 (300+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 4.8/5 (300+ reviews)

2. Woodpecker

GMass Campaign Report

Woodpecker is an email automation tool that’s used by Outlook and Gmail users. It lets you send personalized mass emails and track prospect engagements.

Key Features

  • Access detailed reports that highlight open rate, bounce rate, and more.
  • Can personalize bulk emails by adding custom fields.
  • Can send automated follow-up emails.
  • Supports auto-detection of campaign replies.


  • Has custom lead generation features for businesses.
  • Helps identify duplicate IDs in your campaign.
  • Has a Google Chrome extension.


  • Doesn’t support sending email attachments.
  • Works as a separate inbox.
  • The base plan is fairly expensive.


Woodpecker is available in three pricing plans:

  • Start-up: $40/month per user – email automation + real-time reporting features.
  • Team Pro: $50/month per user – includes “Start-up” features + CRM and Zapier integrations.
  • Enterprise: custom pricing – includes “Team Pro” features + custom solutions.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.8/5 (10+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 4.5/5 (20+ reviews)

Click here to read my detailed review of Woodpecker email.

3. Yesware

Yesware's email interface

Yesware is a sales automation tool that’s used by email marketers and sales reps. It helps you send bulk emails, follow-up on them, and schedule meetings with prospects.

Key Features

  • Can create and share email templates with your sales teams.
  • Get real-time notifications of prospect engagements.
  • Can create personalized drip marketing campaigns.
  • Access detailed tracking reports to analyze campaign performances.


  • Can be used by Outlook and Gmail users.
  • Can track the time spent by prospects on your attachments.
  • Integrates with Salesforce and LinkedIn Sales Navigator.


  • May not auto-save your e-mail campaigns.
  • Campaign data can get cluttered as the app alerts you when you open your own emails.
  • If an email has multiple recipients, it may not clearly show who opened it.


Yesware lets you choose from three pricing plans:

  • Pro: $15/month per user – real-time email tracking and analytics + email templates + follow-up reminders.
  • Premium: $35/month per user – offers “Pro” features + team and advanced campaign features + LinkedIn Sales Navigator integration.
  • Enterprise: $80/month per user – offers “Premium” features + Salesforce integration.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.2/5 (150+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 4.4/5 (650+ reviews)

4. Streak

Streak's email interface

Streak is a CRM and mail merge tool that works with Gmail. It helps you track your sales activities, schedule campaigns, and share email templates with your sales teams.

Key Features

  • Supports a shared library of email templates.
  • Can schedule email follow-ups and set reminders for it.
  • Get instantly notified when a prospect opens your email.
  • Can create custom views of your sales pipeline.


  • Easily track and share prospect activities with your sales teams.
  • Shows your upcoming tasks across all pipelines.
  • Has a mobile app that can also be used to log sales calls.


  • May not clearly show who viewed the email in an email thread.
  • No dedicated sales dashboard — leading to your sales processes cluttering your Gmail account.
  • The base plan has no reporting features.


Streak offers three pricing plans:

  • Personal: free – outreach features + basic CRM features like autocomplete data and task reminders.
  • Professional: $59/month per user – includes “Personal” features + advanced CRM features like sales reports and email filters + basic API access + Zapier integrations.
  • Enterprise: $159/month per user – includes “Professional” features + advanced customizations + full API access.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.5/5 (350+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 4.5/5 (100+ reviews)

5. Gmelius

Gmelius's email interface

Gmelius is a cold email outreach tool that doubles as sales and marketing automation software. Like other marketing software, such as Outreach.io, Gmelius customers use it to integrate their email marketing campaigns into other, more elaborate team collaboration tools.

Key Features

  • Supports personalizing drip campaigns for each recipient.
  • Can build and share email templates with your sales teams.
  • Access detailed reports that highlight your core metrics.
  • Can create mail merges from spreadsheets to send mass emails.


  • Can collaborate on email campaigns with your team.
  • Has a Chrome extension for Gmail users.
  • Integrates with Salesforce and HubSpot CRM.


  • The app notifications can clutter your inbox if you don’t open it frequently.
  • The Free plan has limited email tracking features.


Gmelius comes in four pricing plans:

  • Free: offers five email templates + email open tracking.
  • Plus: $12/month per user – offers “Free” features + lead nurturing + team collaboration features + unlimited email templates.
  • Growth: $24/month per user – offers “Plus” features + mail merge + click tracking.
  • Enterprise: $69/month per user – offers “Growth” features + dedicated customer support + data recovery service.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.6/5 (30+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 4.4/5 (100+ reviews)

6. Bananatag

Bananatag's email interface

Bananatag is a Mailshake alternative that works with Gmail and Outlook. It lets you create bulk emails from templates, schedule them, and track prospect engagement.

Key Features

  • Can create personalized email templates.
  • Can schedule your emails to be sent later.
  • Provides detailed email analytics and reports.
  • Supports email attachment tracking.


  • Easy to install and use.
  • Get instantly notified when someone opens your email.
  • Can sync emails to your CRM software.


  • Notifications come as separate emails and can clutter your inbox if you have large email lists.
  • Limited customization over email campaigns.


Bananatag is available in two pricing plans:

  • Pro: $12.50/month – email tracking for 100 emails/day + scheduling and real-time reporting features.
  • Team: $25/month per user – includes “ Pro” features + tracking for 200 emails/day + team collaboration features.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 5/5 (5+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 4/5 (20+ reviews)

7. Prospect.io

Prospect.io's email interface

Prospect.io is a lead generation and email outreach tool that’s used by sales teams and marketers for emailing prospects.

It uses a credit-based system where one credit from your plan is used up each time you use its email finder feature. Like other lead generation tools, such as Ninja Outreach, Prospect.io helps you find email IDs of potential leads from their social media profiles and other websites.

Key Features

  • Can set up personalized cold email campaigns.
  • Can find and verify a prospect’s email ID and other data.
  • Supports email open rate, click-through rate, and bounce rate tracking.
  • Can create email templates and share them with your team.


  • Its Chrome extension helps you find lead details from their social media profiles and other websites.
  • Works with Gmail and Outlook.
  • Integrates with Salesforce, Pipedrive, and HubSpot CRM.


  • While the pricing plans offer you several credits, you need to purchase them separately if you want more.
  • No free trial available.
  • Can be slightly complicated to create drip campaigns.


Prospect.io comes in three pricing plans:

  • Essential: $79/month – unlimited email campaigns + email automation and prospecting features + 250 credits.
  • Business: $129/month – includes “Essential” features + CRM integrations + 1,000 credits.
  • Enterprise: custom pricing – includes “Business” features + email deliverability + priority support.
  • Additional email finder credits cost:
    • $39 for 250 credits.
    • $59 for 500 credits.
    • $99 for 1,000 credits.
    • $299 for 5,000 credits.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.4/5 (5+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 3.8/5 (20+ reviews)

8. HubSpot Sales

HubSpot Sales's email interface

HubSpot Sales is an email marketing software that helps you track leads and streamline your sales activities. You can also create sequences for personalized emails and monitor how your prospects interact with them.

Key Features

  • Automates email follow-ups.
  • Has a built-in activity stream that auto-logs each lead’s activity history.
  • Supports lead-scoring to help you prioritize potential prospects.
  • Access customizable reports that track your campaign engagement.


  • Use built-in email templates or create customized versions and share them with your sales teams.
  • Has a drag-and-drop sales pipeline editor.
  • Integrates with Salesforce and HubSpot CRM.


  • Can be time-consuming to configure sales workflows.
  • Not ideal for cold emailing as it goes against their user policies.
  • The basic starter plan isn’t very feature-rich.


Hubspot Sales offers four pricing schemes:

  • Free: offers HubSpot CRM + five templates + 200 email notifications + live chat and real-time reporting features.
  • Starter: $35/month – includes “ Free” features + 1,000 templates + email sequence features.
  • Professional: $350/month – includes “ Starter” features + sales emailing features + Salesforce integration.
  • Enterprise: $840/month – includes “Professional” features + team management and lead scoring features.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.5/5 (2000+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 4.3 /5 (600+ reviews)

9. Cirrus Insight

Cirrus Insight's email interface

Cirrus Insight is a cold email outreach software that lets you easily create email campaigns with customized email templates. It’s a popular marketing tool that works with Gmail and Outlook.

Key Features

  • Can create drip marketing campaigns.
  • Has email templates that can be personalized and reused.
  • Can set reminders for follow-ups on sales and marketing proposals.
  • Supports a meeting scheduler to help you plan prospect meetings.


  • Can track email attachments.
  • Can manage your email schedules on Google Calendar.
  • Integrates with Salesforce CRM.


  • Limited customizations with follow-ups.
  • Can be complicated to build email campaigns.
  • The Starter plan isn’t very feature-rich.


The software offers three pricing schemes:

  • Starter: $36/month per user – offers email tracking + email templates + scheduling features + Salesforce integration.
  • Closer: $60/month per user – includes “Starter” features + schedule sharing + team analytics features.
  • Enterprise: custom pricing – includes “Closer” features + drip campaigns + advanced customizations.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.2/5 (90+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 4.2/5 (1000+ reviews)

10. Lemlist

Lemlist's email interface

Lemlist is an email outreach software that lets you build and track sales and marketing campaigns. It also lets you create personalized images and video thumbnails to add to your emails.

Key Features

  • Can set up custom tracking domains for better campaign deliverability.
  • Supports A/B testing of your campaigns.
  • Can schedule e-mail marketing campaigns and follow-ups.
  • Can create cold email sequences.


  • Can personalize images, video thumbnails, and landing pages.
  • Can be used with LinkedIn Sales Navigator to find prospects on LinkedIn.
  • Integrates with Salesforce, Pipedrive, and HubSpot CRMs.


  • Has a limit on the number of emails you can send per day.
  • Can be difficult to use for first-time users.
  • Can’t send files as email attachments.


Lemlist comes in three pricing plans:

  • Silver: $29/month – send 100 emails/day + supports one user + text personalization + email automation.
  • Gold: $49/month per user – offers “Silver” features + A/B testing + personalized images + CRM integrations.
  • Platinum: $99/month per user – offers “Gold” features + video integrations + priority customer support.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra – 4.6/5 (250+ reviews)
  • G2 Crowd – 4.5/5 (10+ reviews)


Choosing an email outreach software doesn’t have to be confusing.

While Mailshake is an option, it can be expensive, works as a separate UI, and has no support for Google Sheets!

Why settle for that when you have tons of Mailshake alternatives?
While each of the tools I covered here is good, GMass stands out by offering powerful outreach features at a great price point.

So why not download its Chrome extension and try it out today?

See why 99% of users say they’ve had their best deliverability ever with GMass

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge all in one tool — that works inside Gmail


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
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Is Mailshake the best email outreach tool for your needs? 

This Mailshake review will cover its pros and cons to help you decide if it’s a good fit for your emailing requirements. I’ll also include the best Mailshake alternative to handle your email outreach needs.

Here’s what this article covers:

(Click on the links to jump to a specific section)

Let’s get started.

What Is Mailshake?

Mailshake is an email outreach software and sales engagement platform that helps you send emails from Gmail and G Suite. It’s mainly used by email marketers, SaaS companies, and sales teams to personalize, schedule, and track email campaigns with ease.

Note: Unlike Ninja Outreach or Buzzstream, Mailshake is purely an outreach software for email marketing. This means sales professionals need to have their own list of prospects with their contact information already. 

Would you prefer to choose a tool that has built-in prospecting features instead?
Don’t worry; prospecting is easier than it sounds!

For example, you could use social media such as LinkedIn to get contacts and begin prospecting in seconds. You don’t necessarily need a separate tool for it!

The Five Key Features of Mailshake

Let’s check out some of Mailshake’s key features:

1. Easy Email Personalization

Mailshake helps you personalize each cold email for better outbound sales campaigns.

How does this help?
As you’re adding personalized details to your cold emails, they won’t seem like spammy content marketing messages.

It won’t be just another generic sales engagement email in your prospect’s inbox; instead, it will be one that’s tailor-made for their needs.

Even if you’re using generic email templates, personalization alone can boost your campaign performance and response rate. This could help with better engagement and increased sales.

Mailshake automatically adds your recipient’s details to your emails via a mail merge when you start a new campaign:

Here’s what it can add:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Company Name
  • Page URL

You can manually import a CSV file of your contact details to create an email list for your outreach campaign.

Alternatively, you can import data from another platform, such as:

  • LinkedIn lead generation forms
  • Pipedrive
  • Or any other compatible sales engagement platform via their Zapier integration

Note: Mail shake does not support Google Sheets, so you need to save your email list as a CSV file for the mail merge to work. 

2. Email Automation for Follow-Ups

Mailshake allows you to schedule follow-up emails that are part of the same thread as the original outbound email.

As these are part of the same thread, your follow-up messages will look more relevant and will be opened more. This is a simple solution to boost your cold email outreach.

It doesn’t matter if your emails are about link building for white hat SEO or lead generation for outbound sales campaigns — keeping things in the same thread helps!

You can even customize the time between follow-ups and when the follow-ups stop with email automation.

For example, Mailshake can stop sending automated follow-ups once you receive a reply. You can then choose how to proceed with the client through the built-in CRM or via their Zapier integration with a supported sales engagement platform.

3. Live Campaign Management

One of Mailshake’s best features is the option to edit campaigns that have already begun.
The tool allows you to edit the outbound email as well as follow-ups for recipients who haven’t yet received the email.

Mailshake even allows you to pause email sending or add new recipients to an active campaign while you build your email list through prospecting.

4. Cold Email Templates

Mailshake has a few handy cold email templates to help you get started immediately. While these are designed to be used as they are, it’s a good idea to personalize these email templates and their content to improve sales engagement.

Someone else is probably using the same email templates that you plan to use.

And why is that a problem?
If your first cold email to a list of prospects resembles something they’ve received before, they won’t interact with it — making it hard to grow your business.

The Three Disadvantages of Mailshake

Mailshake is a useful email outreach tool, but it’s not flawless.

Here are the main disadvantages:

1. Separate User Interface from Gmail (or Your Google Workspace Email Account)

Although your Mailshake account works via your Gmail or Google Workspace account, the app uses its own interface — separate from Gmail. 

This means you can’t access your outbound email folders or drip campaigns within Gmail itself. Instead, you need to use Mailshake’s separate interface.

This increases onboarding time, as you need to familiarize yourself with a new app and its interface. Moreover, it’s distracting to switch interfaces when managing your emails.

Of course, you could contact their support team or customer service for help, but that would just further increase onboarding time and effort.

2. Setting Up Custom Tracking Domains Is Hard

While Mailshake can support custom tracking domains, setting them up is difficult.

But how do custom tracking domains help?
Many built-in spam filters automatically categorize certain domains as spam. If your cold email comes from the same domain, they’re going to go straight to your recipient’s spam folder. This will negatively impact cold outreach — whether you’re aiming for link building or lead generation!

That’s why you need a custom domain to grow your business. It’s not going to be pulled up by most spam filters — increasing your chances of reaching a customer.

However, the Mailshake software makes it complicated to create a custom tracking domain. That’s why most people bypass this step and could face issues with their email deliverability.

3. High Pricing

While Mailshake offers you email personalization, advanced integrations (such as Zapier, Slack, and Pipedrive, etc.), and analytics, it comes at a cost.

Their two pricing plans clock in at $58/month and $83/month — both with an annual prepaid plan required.

As this is a user-based model, each team member increases the pricing significantly. When you’re managing large sales teams, these costs can easily add up quickly, and you could be paying more than $1,000 a month just for your outreach tool!

GMass: The Best Mailshake Alternative

Although Mailshake is a great tool, it has some drawbacks.

Luckily, GMass is an outreach tool that acts as a simple solution for all of those issues.

What is GMass?

GMass website

GMass is an email outreach software that allows you to manage email campaigns and email sending within your Gmail inbox itself. 

Apart from regular sales teams and SaaS companies, its convenient outreach features and ease of use have made it the ideal outreach software for clients like Google, Uber, and even social media giants such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

GMass helps you:

  • Automatically track campaign outreach stats
  • Easily send cold emails and drip campaigns to tons of influencers, contacts, or consumers
  • Automatically personalize email content for each customer individually.

Why GMass Is Better Than Mailshake

GMass overcomes a lot of the disadvantages that Mailshake faces.

Here’s a closer look at how:

1. Integrated Inside Gmail

Unlike Mailshake, Ninja Outreach, and most other outreach tools, GMass is an outreach software that operates inside your Gmail inbox.

This means you can do everything, from creating drip campaigns and checking analytics to sending outreach emails, without leaving your inbox.

GMass labels in Gmail sidebar

2. User-Friendly Custom Tracking Domains

Unlike Mailshake, GMass’ software lets you easily create custom tracking domains.

How does this help?
Custom tracking domains allow you to bypass spam filters that categorize spam by domain.

This way, you can quickly create a personalized campaign that’s not trashed before it reaches your recipient!

3. Affordable Pricing Plans

GMass also offers you far more user-friendly pricing plans than almost every other outreach platform, including Mailshake and Ninja Outreach.

Here’s a breakdown of GMass’ pricing:

  • Individual:
    • Standard: $25/month
    • Premium: $35/month
    • Professional: $55/month
  • Team:
    • Professional: starts at $145/month for a group of 5 and includes all the features.

Whether you only need a single-user plan to drive sales and outreach or a team plan for many marketers to help grow your business, GMass’ plans will always be the more user-friendly alternative.

Other Handy GMass Features

GMass also comes with tons of other email features that make managing campaigns a piece of cake!

Here’s a closer look at them:

1. Email Analytics

GMass automatically generates a Campaign Report after sending each email campaign. This gives you your core marketing statistics at a glance to analyze email engagement.

What’s even better is that GMass displays the Campaign Report within your Gmail inbox. Instead of opening another interface, you can access all your outreach reports from the Gmail sidebar!

The GMass Campaign Report includes:

  1. Total Recipients: Number of email addresses to which you sent your email campaign.
  2. Unique Opens: Number of unique email IDs that opened your email.
    Note: GMass tracks unique opens to give you accurate email stats. If a person opens the same email twice, the report won’t show this as another “open” to inflate your results.
  3. Didn’t Open: Number of recipients who didn’t open your email.
  4. Unique Clicks: Number of unique email IDs that clicked on at least one link in your email.
  5. Replies: Number of recipients that replied to your email.
  6. Unsubscribes: Number of recipients who unsubscribed from your emails.
  7. Bounces: Number of emails undelivered due to invalid email addresses.
  8. Rejections because your Gmail account is over-limit: Number of emails that weren’t delivered as you’ve surpassed your account’s email sending limit.
  9. Blocks: Number of undelivered emails as the email address marked your account as spam.

GMass Campaign Report

 2. Email Personalization

Email personalization dramatically improves engagement with customers.

After all, what would you rather click to open?
A spammy, generic, mass marketing email?
Or one addressed specifically to you and your needs?

However, manually personalizing hundreds of cold emails would take forever.

Luckily GMass automates this process for you.

Note: Thanks to GMass’ Google Sheets integration, you don’t even need to make a separate CSV file (something Mailshake forces you to do). All you need to do is enter your list of prospects into a Google Sheets document, and GMass will do the rest.

GMass’ automatic email personalization features include:

    • Auto First-Name Detection and Entry: Automatic detection and entry of each recipient’s first name from their email address.
    • Personalized blocks of text: Customize entire paragraphs for those customers or influencers who deserve special treatment.
    • Customized Images and Links: Personalize any email image and link for each email recipient.
      Link personalization in GMass

3. Automated Follow-Up Emails

Email marketers usually have to follow up on emails to optimize their outreach.

However, this can be a problem when it comes to mass marketing.

Can you imagine manually following up on hundreds of recipients?

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution.

GMass supports follow-up email automation for up to eight stages.

GMass also lets you customize these follow-ups, such as:

  • The trigger for sending a follow-up email
    For example, customers who sign up for a newsletter could instantly receive a Welcome email.
  • The number of follow-up emails each individual receives
  • The time between each follow-up email
  • The exact content of the follow-up email.
    Follow-up stages in GMass

4. Powerful Email Scheduling

To maximize engagement, sending emails at the right time is vital.
Emails should be sent when the prospect is most likely to check their inbox.

But how do you make sure the email is always received at the right time?
By scheduling them in advance!

GMass lets you easily schedule all your email marketing campaigns.
Simply compose the messages, set the time, and GMass will send them at that time.

It’s like leaving your email outreach tool on autopilot!

Moreover, if there’s a change in schedule, you can reschedule any email from the Gmail Drafts folder in seconds!
Email scheduling in GMass


While Mailshake is a great email marketing tool, it isn’t perfect. It’s expensive, the app requires you to switch interfaces between tasks, and it doesn’t support custom tracking domains.

Why settle for it when there’s a better tool like GMass?
This email outreach platform has all the features you need for powerful management of all your email campaigns.

Why not download the Chrome extension today and try it out yourself!

Ready to send better emails and save a ton of time?

GMass is the only tool for marketing emails, cold emails, and mail merge — all inside Gmail. Tons of power but easy to learn and use.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
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Is Yesware the right email outreach tool for you?

This Yesware review will help you determine whether it’s a good fit for your email sending needs.

I’ll go over its features, pros, and cons to give you a clearer picture of this email communication software. I’ll also highlight the perfect Yesware alternative for your email outreach needs.

Here’s what this article covers:

(Click on the links to jump to a specific section)

What Is Yesware?

Yesware is an email tracking and outreach platform that was developed in Boston, Massachusetts (United States).

Its email tracker helps you run campaigns in an email client like Gmail or Outlook. As Yesware CEO, Matthew Bellows, likes to put it, “It’s not hardware, it’s not software. It’s Yesware.

The product allows you to:

  • reach out to prospects
  • track emails and monitor customer engagement
  • run email campaigns
  • handle customer support and sales
  • upload prospect data to your CRM automatically
  • link with your existing sales toolkit via its Salesforce integration and LinkedIn sales solution

The Key Features of Yesware

Here’s a closer look at some of the key Yesware features:

1. Email Campaign Management

Yesware comes with powerful campaigns to help you send mass emails to tons of prospects via your Gmail inbox.

Yesware’s campaigns help you merge contact data from multiple sources such as:

  • CSV files
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  • Salesforce
  • Any other compatible CRM

This functionality helps you boost sales productivity as you:

  • Don’t have to add recipients manually to send large sales campaigns.
  • Can personalize your campaigns for each of your prospects to improve your business relationships with them.

(Check www.yesware.com for a list of all compatible SaaS integrations.)

2. Schedule Emails with Send Later

Send Later is Yesware’s email scheduling feature.

It lets you schedule your emails by simply entering a date and time. Yesware will automatically send emails to the customer when that time arrives.

The benefits?

  • You won’t have to be online to send emails.
  • Sales professionals can use this feature to boost email communication effectiveness.


You can schedule emails to reach the prospect when they’re most likely to check their inbox — thereby increasing engagement!

Yesware also lets you create schedules according to the timezone of the recipient. Additionally, you can set email reminders and schedule meetings via its Book a Time feature. This can help sales teams streamline their prospecting and email marketing activities.

3. Built-In Templates

Writing emails from scratch can be time-consuming.

Luckily, Yesware’s pre-made templates can help you get started quickly. Just use a template, add your data, and send it out!

However, make sure your sales team personalizes these email templates.

Other email marketers and sales reps could be using the same email templates that you have selected.

As a customer, would you trust two brands who send the same email to you?
No. Right?

Tip: Yesware’s Sales Navigator integration can help sales managers quickly find lead details to personalize their campaigns. 

Three Drawbacks of Yesware

While Yesware is a good email outreach product for sales reps, it’s not perfect.
Here are its main drawbacks:

1. Its Basic Plan Misses Key Features

The biggest problem with Yesware is that it can be expensive to use.

A) Expensive Campaigns

Any basic email outreach tool should be able to create and send outreach campaigns, right? 

Regardless of company size, any sales funnel needs efficient email campaigns to target prospects.

However, Yesware doesn’t offer campaign features in its basic Pro plan, which costs $15/month per user.

If you want to create campaigns, you have to go for their costlier plans like:

  • Premium Plan – $35/month per user
  • Enterprise Plan – $80/month per user

This Yesware pricing model can make the product very expensive for large sales teams with multiple sales managers and sales reps. You could be paying more than $500/month just for email communication and email tracking software!

Even if you do choose the Premium or Enterprise plan, all Yesware pricing plans have a sending limit of 1,000 recipients per upload and 5,000 recipients per campaign.

That limits the functionality of your campaigns — making it hard for any sales rep to reach their monthly targets. Additionally, it’s impossible for most businesses to manage their large sales campaigns with such low limits.

B) Lack of a Mail Merge

Mail merge is a basic functionality offered by most email outreach tools (Toutapp, GMass, etc.), and computer software programs like Microsoft Word and Excel.

It lets you add basic personalization to emails by plugging in recipient data, such as their name and address, from:

  • a database like your CRM (Salesforce, Highrise)
  • or social media.

Unfortunately, you won’t get this functionality with the basic tier of the Yesware pricing model.

Just like campaigns, mail merge is another feature that’s only available in the Premium or Enterprise plan. You’ll have to go for these expensive plans just to use the mail merge feature!

2. Firewalls Can Disrupt Analytics

False email opens are one of the biggest problems for any email marketer. It occurs when an email is opened, but not by the recipient. This can happen due to various reasons — firewall triggers being one of them.

Why is this a problem?

False email opens can inflate your email tracking statistics. Because of this, data analytics will show more engagement in your mass email than there actually was!

This, in turn, can affect how sales professionals analyze your campaigns.

For example, Yesware may inflate the number of times your tracked emails were opened.


Yesware’s attachment tracking and email tracking features usually falter when it comes to a firewall or anti-virus program. Users with these programs may be signaled as having opened your tracked emails, even if they haven’t!

This could make your sales managers and sales teams think that their campaigns and subject lines are working well when they’re not.

However, because these figures are inflated, the actual sales you receive from the campaign will be underwhelming.

Due to false opens, the email tracker could give you inaccurate stats that could disrupt your sales process. And as you will be building strategies based on false records, you could face low conversion rates and further productivity dips.

Note: This is one of the most frequent complaints mentioned in user reviews of the product.

The Perfect Yesware Alternative: GMass

Yesware is a great tool, but its disadvantages outweigh the pros.
Fortunately, GMass is an email outreach product that can solve all those issues!

What is GMass?

GMass interface in Gmail

GMass is an email tracking software that tracks emails and manages email campaigns right inside your Gmail account. Its powerful outreach capabilities have made it a popular mail merge tool that’s used by employees from Google, Uber, and social media giants like Twitter and LinkedIn.

However, it can also be used by individuals and small businesses to send emails to a target audience.

GMass lets you:

  • Automate campaigns in Gmail.
  • Create personalized mail merges for tons of clients.
  • Track campaigns with metrics like open, click-through, reply rates, and more.
  • Track results on the Gmail mobile app.

But that’s not all!

Anyone can quickly get started with GMass — just download the Chrome extension, sign up with your Gmail account, and you’re ready!

Why GMass Is Better Than Yesware

Here’s a closer look at why GMass is better than Yesware:

1. Accurate Email Analytics

GMass provides accurate email stats in a Campaign Report that’s auto-generated after every email campaign. As this report breaks down your core email statistics with real-time tracking, you can gauge potential client engagement to improve your sales cycle!

It tracks metrics like:

  • Total Recipients: Number of email IDs that received your campaign.
  • Unique Opens: Number of unique email addresses that opened an email.
    Note: GMass tracks unique email opens to show you accurate email stats. If the same person opens your email twice, it won’t show up here to inflate your results.
  • Didn’t Open: Number of email addresses that didn’t open your email.
  • Unique Clicks: Number of unique recipients who clicked on at least one link in your email.
  • Replies: Number of email IDs that replied to your email.
  • Unsubscribes: Number of people who unsubscribed from your emails.
  • Bounces: Number of emails undelivered due to invalid email addresses.
  • Rejections because your Gmail account is over-limit: Number of emails that couldn’t be delivered as you’ve gone over your account’s email sending limit.
  • Blocks: Number of undelivered emails because the recipient marked your Gmail account as spam.

GMass Campaign Report
What’s more…

The software places the Campaign Report right inside your Gmail inbox. You can easily monitor campaign tracking from your Gmail sidebar.

Additionally, as Google apps are compatible with each other, you can use this Gmail integration to track emails in the Gmail app on your Android devices.

Note: GMass can also send you notifications about campaign updates via email. For maximum ease of use, these notifications can be turned off easily. 

2. Limitless Campaigns Included with All Plans

While Yesware only includes campaigns in its most expensive tiers, GMass offers campaigns and mail merges in all its plans. This lets you run email marketing campaigns irrespective of your budget and company size!

Additionally, as GMass places no limits on the number of recipients for a campaign, you can run campaigns for large email lists. 

What about Gmail’s sending limits?

GMass can be integrated with third-party services like SendGrid to bypass Gmail sending limits entirely. The GMass team actually uses this integration to send newsletters to over 400,000+ recipients!

And the best part?
You don’t have to leave the Gmail interface at all!

3. User-Friendly Pricing and Better ROI

GMass also offers more user-friendly pricing plans than almost every other outreach platform, including Yesware and HubSpot Sales.

The software has three pricing plans::

  • Free: supports automated email tracking for 50 emails/day + all the other features.
  • Individual:
    • Minimal: $8.95/month – unlimited email tracking + all features except auto follow-ups.
    • Standard: $12.95/month – includes “Minimal” features + removes GMass footer for sent emails.
    • Premium: $19.95/month – includes “Standard “ feature + auto follow-ups.
  • Team:
    • Premium: starts at $89/month for a group of 5 and includes all features.

No matter what your company size, GMass is the best, most user-friendly email tool you can add to your sales toolkit.

Other Useful GMass Features

GMass has many more features that make email management and tracking emails a piece of cake!

Here’s a detailed look at them:

1. Automated Follow-Ups

While follow-ups are integral to email campaigns, it’s impossible to follow up on each prospect manually.

Imagine doing that for hundreds of prospects!

Luckily, GMass lets you automate follow-ups to boost your sales productivity.

It also lets you customize each follow up email with settings like:

  • The trigger to send a follow up email.
    For example, every time someone signs up for your newsletter, they’re instantly sent a welcome email.
  • The number of follow-ups sent to each customer.
  • The time between each follow up email.
  • The follow-up message.

Sending follow-ups in GMass

2. Integration within Gmail

Unlike most email tools, GMass’ Gmail integration works inside your Gmail account.

GMass label in Gmail sidebar

This way, you won’t have to switch between tabs to manage your emails or familiarize yourself with a new interface!

Any task in your email to-do list can be handled within your Gmail inbox.

It doesn’t matter if it’s related to:

  • tracked emails
  • campaigns
  • analytics

With GMass, you’ll never have to leave your inbox, or Google Chrome, for that matter!

This also extends to the Gmail app, where GMass is available as an Android add-on.

3. Powerful Email Personalization

Email personalization is essential to improve your outreach.

Think about it.

What would you rather open:
A generic, spammy, mass marketing email?
Or one that’s customized for you?

However, manually personalizing all your cold emails, from their subject lines to their content, would take forever!

To boost your productivity, GMass supports mail merge automation. With its Google Sheets integration, you don’t need to create a separate CSV file for a mail merge!

GMass can automatically plug-in contact details from a Google Sheets file into each email campaign.

It provides email personalization features like:

  • First Name Detection and Entry – Automatically detect and enter each prospect’s first name from their email address.
  • Personalized Blocks of Text – Personalize entire paragraphs for each recipient.
  • Customizable Images and Links – Personalize images and links for each recipient.

Link personalization in GMass

4. Flexible Scheduling

If you want to maximize conversions, you need to send your email campaigns at the right time — it’s sales intelligence 101.

Think about it.

If your prospects receive your emails when they’re most likely to check their inbox, they’re more likely to open them.

But how do you send hundreds of emails at the right time?

GMass supports easy scheduling for all your email campaigns for maximum sales productivity.
Just compose the emails, set the schedule, and GMass will send them accordingly.

It’s quick, simple, and automatic!

Change in the schedule? No problem. 
Just reschedule unsent emails through the Gmail Drafts folder, and you’re all set.

Email scheduling in Gmass


While Yesware is a useful tool for email outreach, it has some drawbacks.

The email campaigns and mail merge features are limited, and your analytics could get inflated by spam filters.

Why settle for this when a better sales tool like GMass exists?

This mail merge tool has all the features you need in your sales toolkit for successful email marketing! So why not download the Google Chrome extension today and experience it yourself?


Ready to transform Gmail into an email marketing/cold email/mail merge tool?

Only GMass packs every email app into one tool — and brings it all into Gmail for you. Better emails. Tons of power. Easy to use.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
No credit card required
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Does cold email work for landing a job?

How reliable is sending a cold email directly to the HR department or head of sales, marketing, or engineering for a job opening you’re interested in getting?

Should you even bother? Is your only option to drop your resume into an ocean of applications for the most sought-after jobs and hope to strike gold? 

Many think that to get your foot in the door of a big or fast-growing company you need:

  1. A contact on the inside, and/or
  2. The most impressive resume

The truth is, while both definitely help, it’s the knowledge of how to craft a great cold email and a little persistence that get the job done. It’s the only way to guarantee you’ll get noticed – every time.

Take a look around, and you’ll find countless stories of people who wrote and sent cold emails for jobs they eventually landed. 

It works, but you need to have the know-how to craft an effective cold email – one that will get a response – and the persistence to follow-up if necessary. 

That’s where this guide comes in. 

In what follows below, we’re going to break down some critical tips you need to make the most of cold emails for jobs you’re applying to, as well as go over some templates you can use.

Here is what we’ll be covering …

Table of Contents:

  • 5  Tips for writing a cold email that gets you the job
  • 3 Cold email templates for jobs
  • Additional resources
  • Frequently asked questions

First, let’s talk about some key tips. These are things you should know if you want to make the most of sending cold emails to land a job for yourself. 

Tips for writing a cold email that gets you the job

If you’ve identified one or more companies to work at with openings that you’d like, and you know you’ll either have to send a resume through a job board or shoot someone internally a cold email, what’s the first step?

First, before you get to writing your email, let’s talk about a few things you should keep in mind:

1. Find the best person to contact

One of the most important but often overlooked steps is finding the right person to contact.

The last thing you want to do is take all this time preparing a great cold email that has a real chance of catching the right person’s attention … only to send it to the wrong person. 

Fortunately, the internet — specifically LinkedIn — gives us an easy way of finding that person.

Start by searching for the person you’re looking for based on their position. (If you don’t know exactly what title they use at that company, check their website, or guess, and you’ll often get the right result.)

For example, if you’re looking for the head of engineering at Buffer, start by typing that into the search bar: 

Cold emails for jobs - tip 1

Next, switch the main search type from ‘Jobs’ (default) to ‘People’:

Cold emails for jobs - tip 2

Once you’ve done that, look to the right of that same search settings bar under “Current companies” and type in Buffer. You should see it pop up as you type:

Cold emails for jobs - tip 3

And bam, you’ve got several relevant search listings available to you: 

Cold emails for jobs - tip 4

From there, you could send them a message, but it will cost you LinkedIn Premium. Not only that, but an email sent to their inbox will be much more effective than a message sent to a social profile. 

Instead, you can use a Chrome extension such as AeroLeads to dig up the email addresses of contacts on LinkedIn for free. (Or, read this guide on sneaky ways to find your contact’s email address.) Then, shoot them an email directly to their inbox, which helps warm up that cold contact a bit. 

However you go about it, make sure you take the time to find the right contact for the position you’re interested in having. Once you’ve got that, it’s time to move on. 

2. Invest time in crafting a great cold email subject line

It’s not enough to write a great email. If your subject line leaves much to be desired, they won’t even bother opening it. 

Crafting a great cold email subject line is a whole topic in itself. However, here’s the 10,000-foot view:

  • Keep it short: Most people read email on their smartphones, so try and keep your subject line to less than 25-30 characters if possible, the average subject line limit for most email apps.  
  • Make it enticing or entertaining: You need to give them a reason to open the email, and you need to try and make it compelling. If you can’t, at least try and make it intriguing so that they want to click out of curiosity to find out more. 
  • Make sure you can deliver on your promise: Don’t say something sensational in your subject line just to get a click. You need to make sure that whatever you say in your subject line matches what they’re going to get in the body of your email.  

For example, the subject line below pulls together most of these ideas, although it’s a bit long. 

However, the really enticing part shows up at the beginning, which is the key:

Cold emails for jobs - tip 6

If you want to know more about how to craft a great subject line for cold email campaigns, read our guide: 43 Cold Email Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened Instantly (and When to Use Them)

3. Find relevance (warm things up)

When it comes to crafting your actual message, one of the most important things you can do is to find some sort of relevant connection between you and the other person.

In an experiment by Contently co-founder Shane Snow and EveryVowel founder Jon Youshaei (as reported by FastCompany), a highly targeted and personalized email campaign sent to 1,000 of the busiest executives in the world netted them a 45.5% open rate. 

That’s incredible, even by basic warm email standards (roughly 2X-3X the industry standard) – and these were cold contacts

Not to mention, their targets are very busy people typically considered nearly impossible to reach.  

How did they get these kinds of open rates with cold email? Personalization and relevance. 

They reached out using first names and looked for ways they could make a personal connection or anything of relevance to say to the other person. 

Find something you have in common.

So, how can you apply this when inquiring about a job opening through cold email? 

Imagine them asking: why me? Why should I be interested in this email you’re sending? 

One of the easiest ways to do this is to find something you have in common. 

The reality is, we’re all starving to connect with others. If you can find some relevant connection between the two of you, you’ll personalize your email and draw them in. 

Maybe you read through their Twitter feed and noticed they went to the same college, that they like your NFL team, or they live in your town/state: 

Cold emails for jobs - tip 5

Just find something you can use to start pulling that initial message from ice cold to lukewarm, and you’ll find your chance of getting a response goes up considerably. 

It isn’t always possible, but it’s powerful enough that you should always keep it in mind whenever you’re reaching out. If nothing else, use their first name in the body of the email.

4. Show (instead of telling)

One of the biggest mistakes people make in that first contact about a job inquiry through email is talking about themselves and never showing why they’re a great fit for the job. 

For example, DON’T:

Cold emails for jobs - tip 7

Instead, DO: 

Cold emails for jobs - tip 8

Everyone talks. Talk is cheap.

Instead, show them samples of what you can do (or quote a recommendation — there are all kinds of ways you can do this). 

If you can show value, you’re giving them real, convincing evidence that you’re the right person for the job and will be much more likely to get a response. 

5. Keep it professional without being stuffy

Often people go overboard in the way they communicate when using outreach, to the point of cringe-worthy and stuffy over-professionalism. 

And yet many more swing the other way, and try too hard to sound like an old friend. 

Don’t do either of those things. 

This is bad:

Cold emails for jobs - tip 9

This is better:

Cold emails for jobs - tip 10

The second example not only combines a few of the other points we’ve been talking about, but it also keeps it professional without getting stuffy. 

Professional is respectful. Stuffy is impersonal. You want to show respect, but you don’t want to be impersonal. (After all, you’re trying to make a connection!)


Now that you have a good idea of what it takes to craft a high-quality cold email, let’s get into some cold email templates.

Keep in mind that these are just a starting point. Use these templates to get a better idea of how you should structure your email to get a response. 

Then, take some time to craft an email that’s unique and personalized based on you and for them

Here’s the first template: 

Template 1: Use your previous work samples

This is a template we covered earlier, but it’s worth repeating as it’s arguably the best way to approach just about anyone for a job opening.

Remember when we talked about “showing, not telling’? 

This template works for a simple reason: while everyone is busy merely sending in their resumes (i.e., telling the hiring manager why they’re a good fit), you take it one step further and show them.

So, gather together your two or three best previous work samples and get ready.

These can be:

  • Graphics
  • Writing samples
  • Statistics (preferably via charts or some valid documentation/report)
  • Demos

Here’s an example: 

Cold emails for jobs - template 1

Keep in mind that you still want to attach your resume to each email you send. 

That’s a given, but you don’t want to place the focus on your resume for the same reasons we’ve mentioned above. 

Your samples will be more effective at convincing them you should get the job over other candidates. So, make sure they’re the highlight. If you want to mention that you’ve attached your resume, consider including it in a P.S. 

Template 2: Create a sample on-the-fly

What if you don’t have a snazzy relevant example or proof of results you can send them?

One option you can always use that has the same effect is to create something on the spot. 

Take a few hours to put together:

  • Social media manager: A list of suggestions to improve the social marketing of said company along with a few example graphics or a strategy outline. (Show that you’ve done your research.)
  • Sales: A plan that outlines suggested changes based on recent research and evidence you may have seen in your previous role.
  • Engineer: Create a short and simple demo of a feature you suggest adding and an explanation of why — what you believe it will do for the user experience, etc. 

These are all things you can create on the fly. And the cool thing about this strategy is it will show them just how serious you are about the position, even more than the previous template (although it takes more work). 

Here’s an example:

Cold emails for jobs - template 2

Template 3: The follow-up 

The reality is, most of the time, you won’t get a response to your first email. 

That means your follow-up game needs to be sharp. You need to do more than send something minimal like this:

Cold emails for jobs - don't do this

You do want to keep your follow-up email concise and to the point.

However, you also want to make sure to reiterate some of what you mentioned in your original email.

That’s because they probably haven’t read your original email yet

So, if you send a follow-up email like the above, you’re not restating any of those relevant value points that you worked so hard to craft in order to get their attention. 

Instead, repeat the most important parts with an example like this:

Cold emails for jobs - template 3

Notice that last line? There’s nothing wrong with a little power play. Make it clear that you’re interested in being employed very soon, just not exactly in those words.

And don’t hesitate to follow up more than once. It can often take several emails before you get a response. 

You’re on their clock in terms of how soon they’re looking to fill the position, but as long as it’s still open, it doesn’t hurt to follow up a second time at least. 

Get the job with a well-crafted cold email

Having a personal contact within the company or decades of experience is nice, but what if you don’t have either of those?

Cold email can give you a way of standing out in a crowded sea of resumes.  

But you need to do it right– and that means following these tips and using the templates as a starting point for crafting a thoughtful and high-quality cold email campaign to those companies who you’re looking to hire you. 

To learn more about how to craft a high-quality cold email campaign for your job search, check out these guides:

Frequently asked questions

Does cold emailing work for jobs?

You can’t send just any old email to a completely cold contact and expect great results. However, a well-crafted cold email to a recruiter or manager is far more effective than a boring cover letter. 

That’s because great cold emails for jobs you’re inquiring about can include samples of previous work or even custom examples you created just for them, which are more effective than a traditional resume. 

Should you attach a resume to your cold email?

Yes! Always attach your resume to any cold email you’re sending for a job opening. 

However, don’t depend on your resume to convince those in charge of recruiting that you’re the right person for the job.

Instead, include samples of what you can do in your email to show them your skills or results from previous roles in other companies.


Ready to transform Gmail into an email marketing/cold email/mail merge tool?

Only GMass packs every email app into one tool — and brings it all into Gmail for you. Better emails. Tons of power. Easy to use.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
No credit card required
Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

WPForms is a popular plugin for WordPress that makes it easy to add forms to posts and pages, but it doesn’t let you override the form’s “submit” action. In fact, using the free version of WPForms doesn’t store the data at all, and with a paid plan, it stores the data in your WordPress installation’s MySQL database, so that you can view it both in the WP Admin Console and by querying your MySQL database directly.

In many cases though, you may want the data stored elsewhere, like a SQL Server database, if your backend is Microsoft-based. Or you may want your own code to do something specialized with the form data upon submission. You might want to send a confirmation email to the subscriber that goes beyond WPForms’ email notification functionality (like attaching a file to the email), or you might want to make an API request to your CRM system, like Salesforce.com.

Here is how you can work around the WPForms limitations to get your form to do exactly what you want.

While you can’t override where the form “submits,” you can use the URL Redirect feature to take over the form’s flow to do whatever you want. But first, if you want to customize how the form works and override what WPForms actually does, why use WPForms or another WordPress forms plugin at all? In my case, the reason is that I hate building forms, and really anything UI-related. I’m a great backend developer, but trying to get a form to be aesthetically pleasing, responsive, and having to validate form fields makes my skin crawl. I just want the form design part done for me, and that’s the value I get from using WPForms.

The basic steps we’ll implement to control the flow of form data will be:

  1. Use the WPForms URL redirect feature to send the form data to a custom .NET controller.
  2. The .NET controller will store the form data in SQL Server, do other data processing, and then redirect the user back to the form with a “thank you” message.
  3. We’ll add custom JavaScript to the form so that when there are URL parameters present, the “thank you” message is displayed using a nice Bootstrap alert box.

Let’s get started. I’m not going to cover the basics of how to use WPForms to design and insert a form into your post, because that’s been covered a million times elsewhere. To keep things simple, let’s say your form is a basic email signup form.

1. Modify the form’s confirmation settings

Change the confirmation settings from the default “thank you” message to a URL Redirect. This will allow you to redirect the user to your .NET Controller after submitting the form. Now redirecting to the generic controller without the form values won’t do you any good, so you have to use this WPForms hack [link] to add the form’s values as URL parameters.

Redirect a URL on WP Forms
Setting a Redirect URL on a WPForms form makes it easy to take control over what happens to the form data.

Notice that WPForms refers to the “{field_id=”1″}” part as a Smart Tag. It is nothing more than a variable, or a placeholder. Why they’re inventing their own language, calling it a “Smart Tag,” is probably some slick marketing move, but there’s nothing smart about this “tag.”

When the form is submitted, you want the user to be redirected to your controller, in this format:

https://www.yourwebsite.com/controller/[email protected]

which in the above example translates to:

https://www.gmass.co/gmass/[email protected]

2. Write the .NET Controller

Now we write our controller to store the data in SQL Server and do any other processing we want on the form data, like perhaps sending a notification email. Note that WPForms already has a email notification option, but perhaps you want more control over how that notification email is sent. There are some things you cannot do with the default WPForms email notification system:

  1. You can’t include attachments in the email.
  2. You can’t include embedded inline images.
  3. You can’t send one email to the subscriber and a different email to the admin.
Default email notification settings for WPForms
The default email notification settings for a WPForms form.

Here’s the code from my simple Controller that handles the form data.

        public ActionResult MobileHandler(string email)

            //save in database
            using (var db = new GmassDBEntities())

                db.mobilesignups.Add(new mobilesignup
                    emailaddress = email,
                    useragent = Request.UserAgent.Truncate(500),
                    insertedon = DateTime.UtcNow


            //send email. this uses a custom email function that routes the email via Gmail, but normally you would just use an SMTP service
            var template = Gmass.Controllers.GmassController.GetGmailDraftIntoMimeKit("[email protected]", "r4325624252226116662");
            SmtpHelper.SendTextEmail("[email protected]", email, template.Subject, template.HtmlBody, "[email protected]", true);

            //redirect the user back to the page with the form, with a URL parameter added so I know the form has been successfully submitted
            return Redirect($"/mobile?email={email}");


At the end of your controller, redirect the user back to the form.

3. Add JavaScript to the form page to say “thank you.”

Ultimately, you want your user to end up back on a page that confirms that the form submission worked, or just thanks them. You could create a separate .NET view, or build a custom page for this, but I find the best form flows are where I end up back on the form with a thank you message, so that I can submit the form again if I want.

My controller above redirects the user back to the form at gmass.co/gmass/[email protected]

I want to make it so that the page displays a nice confirmation message if the URL parameter “email” is present, because that’s how I know the form was just submitted successfully.

Using JavaScript, this is easy, but it might not be obvious how to add JavaScript to an individual WordPress page/post. You might think, as I did, that you can just add some JavaScript to the Text Source of a page, but that doesn’t work so well, because WP will add formatting and <p> tags to your code, breaking your JavaScript.

Adding JavaScript manuallyIf you manually add JavaScript to the “text” view for a post/page in WordPress, it ends up being reformatted withtags when you publish, rendering the JavaScript broken.

I chose to use the Code Embed plugin. This makes adding JavaScript to an individual page easy.

The JavaScript simply looks for URL parameters, and if it finds one called “email,” then it sets the innerHTML of a DIV and makes it appear. Here’s the code:

//generic routine to get a parameter's value from the URL
function getUrlParameter(name) {
    name = name.replace(/[\[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]');
    var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)');
    var results = regex.exec(location.search);
    return results === null ? '' : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));

//if the email parameter is present in the URL, then display the confirmation message
if (getUrlParameter('email').includes('@')){
	document.getElementById("confirmation").innerHTML = "Now get to your desktop and check your email for that link.";
	document.getElementById("confirmation").style.display = "block";


And that’s it. If you want to see a working example, go to https://www.gmass.co/mobile. I built this page as a landing page for mobile device users. The page works just as I’ve described above:

  • This is a WordPress page with a WPForms form on it.
  • I’m using the free version of WPForms.
  • When you fill out the form, it’s handled by WPForms, and then redirects to gmass.co/gmass/mobilehandler, which is a .NET controller Action method.

The code for that controller Action method is above. You can do a “View Source” on gmass.co/mobile to see the JavaScript that displays the green confirmation message when the page is redirected by the controller.

Other ways?

I find the above technique the simplest way to control what happens to the form data when using WPForms, but there are other ways. If you upgrade WPForms so that it actually stores the data in your MySQL database, you could easily export the data out of MySQL into SQL Server or your CRM either manually, with code, or even Zapier. In the case of getting the data into SQL Server, Zapier has a specific zap for that , but it requires providing direct access to SQL Server, which you might not want to do. I tend to prefer Zapier-less solutions anyway. MySQL stores the form data in two tables, wp_wpforms_entries and wp_wpforms_entry_meta, as described in the WPForms docs.

Other ways to mix WordPress and .NET?

If you liked this article, check out my other article on combining a WordPress installation with a .NET website to create magic.


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Cold email templates aren’t something you just copy and paste… tweak a few words… and then watch the sales roll in.

Whether you’re… 

  • Sending your first Gmail mail merge campaign
  • Trying to schedule a new batch of sales calls, or
  • You’re a seasoned cold email ninja

… cold email templates are your best friend. 

Sure, you want (need) to personalize each email based on who you’re pitching. And you will.

But the truth is that when you’re sending a large number of emails, you need a framework that you can scale

That’s where templates come in. 

A few key templates can give you a way of scaling your outreach efforts while also making personalization systematic (i.e., easier). 

For example, place a joke on line X and a personal note about their business on line Y. 

It’s always the same structure — easy to visualize in your mind and plan when you’re crafting a campaign, while simultaneously simplifying the writing of the emails themselves

Here are five of the most useful and versatile cold email templates we’ve ever seen, which you can use and adapt to virtually any situation. 

5 Cold Email Templates for Any Situation

Run a quick Google search, and you’ll find a ton of cold email outreach templates you can grab and use instantly. The internet is a wonderful place. 

The problem is, most are examples that have been used previously, in some cases by an entire company. 

Why does that matter?

First, they’ve been ripped already, hundreds if not thousands of times, and reused by others — quite possibly in your same space. 

Also, they often have nothing more than two or three sentences of explanation, which is not enough to understand how the email was crafted, only what the key gimmick is. 

Because of this, you might take the “template,” change it up a bit, and think you’re set. 

But then you don’t get the results you want and wonder where you went wrong.

That’s why, below, we’ll cover five real, fundamental templates. Plus, we’ll break them all down line-by-line so you’ll understand their inner workings.

After that, we’ll show you the fundamental elements that make a great cold email template. So, you’ll understand what makes a great cold email regardless of the purpose. 

That way, you won’t be copying an example. 

You won’t be taking someone else’s rehashed email that’s probably several years old. 

You’ll have everything you need to craft great cold email templates that make your cold email efforts so much easier. 

So, let’s start with the first template and one of the most common: a simple template to help you set up demos for your product (no matter what kind of product it is). 

1. Cold email template to entice someone to schedule a demo

One of the most common uses of cold email is to schedule product demos or sales calls.

These days, that’s often for a SaaS sales pitch, but you can use the template below for any product with very little modification. 

This email is longer than most of the templates we’ll provide, but it’s necessary to explain the product concisely. (Call it an MVD or “minimum viable description.” Yes, I just made that up.)

Here it is: 

Schedule a product demo

Why this template works

Product demo or sales emails can often feel bloated. 

It’s easy to say too much and turn off your reader before they ever get to your CTA.

After all, anyone in charge of product adoption at a company is probably going to be busy.

However, it’s also necessary to explain what you’re offering. Otherwise, why would they want to schedule a time to see what you’ve got?

This template strikes the right balance between those two needs, getting to the point relatively quickly but also offering clear and relevant value.

In this template, the first line is the most difficult. You’re not just introducing yourself, but also summarizing your product or service in an enticing way:

product demo cold email template 1

These next two lines are important because it’s tough to find the right contact when you’re trying to schedule a demo. 

You might just need to go with anyone you can find that appears to be on the relevant team, so you can’t be sure if they’re the decision-maker:

product demo cold email template 2

Then you finish with a clear CTA, making it explicit what you’d like them to do, whether they are the right person or not:

product demo cold email template 3

If you know you have the right person, you can make the CTA even clearer by adding two suggested times for them to pick from. 

For more examples and inspiration, check out our entire collection of B2B cold email templates.

2. Cold email template to pitch your services

Assuming you’re not a SaaS seller (in which case the previous template is probably more relevant to you), pitching a service can be difficult.

That’s because you have nothing concrete to offer in your email.

However, with the right template, pitching your service can become much easier.

For example, with this template:  

Pitch a service

Why this template works

If you’re in the service business, cold email is way more effective than sales calls. 

In the blink of an eye, you can send out an entire campaign to dozens of prospects (which GMass can help you do). Even if you don’t get a response, you’ve created that first touch-point, and now you’re off to the races. 

This email, in particular, is great for a few reasons.

It’s based on legendary copywriter John Caples’ example, and it includes a few important parts.

In the first line, you draw a credible connection to them that makes it personal:

pitch cold email template 1

If you’re not a user of their product or a fan of their work, don’t worry. 

You can offer any kind of praise or admiration for their recent work or success.

Next, in the same line, I’m getting straight to the point and mentioning why I’m emailing them. Boom. 

Then I’m dropping some personal credibility not just in a sentence but with a succinct list (everyone loves lists): 

pitch cold email template 2

And then I’m moving straight to the close.

But I’m not just asking for a time to talk, I’m specifically saying I have ideas that I think can help improve some aspect of their business, this works very well for piquing curiosity:

pitch cold email template 3

If you’re a recruiting manager who wants to use this type of cold email template and framework for your outreach to candidates, check out even more examples with our recruiting email templates.

3. Cold email template to entice a response by teasing a “one big thing” hook

Similar to the previous template, this one is even simpler but just as powerful.

This one comes from a different angle, though. 

As opposed to it having a specific purpose, this email uses a specific strategy: finding one thing, preferably an improvement, they can make, and offering to have a quick chat about it or show them how they can fix it: 

suggest cold email template 1

Why this template works

This template is great because it’s hyper-focused on the value you can give them:

suggest cold email template 2

It’s not the kind of template you can use every time, but depending on your product or service and how much information you can dig up about them, if you can pull it off, it can be super compelling. 

Another great part about this email is that the CTA is clear. They know exactly what is in store for the call, which makes them more likely to respond:

suggest cold email template 3

4. Cold email template to network or create a connection

Networking through cold email can feel pretty awkward and inauthentic, considering that you’re trying to create a genuine connection with a person you don’t know yet. 

However, if done right, it can be very effective without coming off awkward or needy

Here’s an example: 

Network cold email template 1

Why this template works

There are just two pieces to this email, but those make it quite different than any other kind of cold email template.

First, the intro makes a connection and offers a compliment. Nothing new there. However, you then transition to a talking point, something that would interest them:

Network cold email template 2

Then pitch your conversation starter:

Network cold email template 3

For the CTA/conversation starter, you need to make sure your question is well-thought-out. 

You want to pique their interest on a subject you think they’d enjoy talking about and ask a smart, insightful, or entertaining question.

This kind of template is harder to replicate. However, what it costs in effort it makes up for in simplicity since you need just two things:

  • The content, and
  • A conversation starter/question

By the way, this same approach can be very helpful when using cold emails for job searches. or when you’re sending prospecting emails (and want templates for those).

5. Compelling cold email follow-up template

Are you sending a follow-up email for non-responses?

If not, you’re missing out on one of the single most important elements of any cold email strategy.

Here’s an example:

Follow-up cold email template 1

Why this template works

The reality is, most people you email are busy. And most people you email have inboxes that look like, well… a war zone

So the follow-up needs to be simple and get the point across in fewer words. (They can check the email thread if they didn’t get the original email — or, with GMass, you can send your automated follow-ups as replies in the same thread.)

If they got your original email, they already know your topic. So your follow up can be so succinct; it just has to rephrase your offer and close in two simple sentences.

That’s why this works. If you do follow up, you might just be asking them what they thought about your original offer and leaving it at that.

The problem with this is you’re making your original email pull the weight while they’re responding to your new email. 

For the follow-up email to work, you need to rephrase your offer + include another CTA:

Follow-up cold email template 3

To take your follow-up email to another level, you can even add a personal message at the beginning:

Follow-up cold email template 2

This works because you’ve already sent them one email. You might not have actually met them prior to this or have any connection, but the fact that you’ve messaged them before creates a kind of bridge so that this seems natural. 

Think about when you meet someone and exchange introductions. As soon as you know their name and shake hands, that layer of total unfamiliarity immediately melts. 

Now, you’re no longer strangers.

This can often make the follow-up email even more effective than your original email, as you’re moving it from being cold to warm(ish). 

And if you want even more cold email follow up templates, check out our even more in-depth guide on the art of the cold follow-up.

What makes a good cold email template?

So far, I’ve covered simple but effective cold email templates for just about every situation (anything beyond that ventures into lukewarm territory). 

Also, I broke down, line-by-line, why they work. 

I did this not just so that you’ll understand why that specific template works, but so that you know, fundamentally, what makes an effective cold email

However, let’s take it a step further.

My goal with this post is not to spit out a few templates and call it a day. 

Of course, you’ll want to start with the best cold email software program. But beyond that, I want you to be confident that you can craft great cold email templates for your own specific purposes, every time.

The truth is, your space, product, or service might require a bit of a different angle. 

Maybe it’s a certain tone that’s not usually taken in cold emails. Perhaps you’re trying to set up live in-person demos with local businesses, or something else unique. 

So, it’s not enough to have these templates; you need to know how to create your own customized templates. 

That’s because the more customized your cold emails are to your prospects, the better they’ll perform. 

So, let’s talk about what makes a good cold email template

These are the universal elements that you need to include in your templates no matter:

  • The space in which you’re operating 
  • The CTA you’re including, and
  • The person to whom you’re talking. 

First, you need a compelling subject line. 

Cold email template fundamentals #1: Compelling subject line

Cold email subject lines are an art in themselves, so if you want to learn more about how to craft a great one, read our guide: 43 Cold Email Subject Lines That Get Your Emails Opened Instantly (and When to Use Them).

The reason your subject line matters is simple: if they don’t open the email, that prospect is dead in the water. Game over. 

In fact, it’s worse than that.

According to a study by Convince & Convert, 69% of people report an email as spam just by reading the subject line. 

That’s it. They don’t even click on the email and read what it says. In return, your deliverability is in jeopardy. 

All that work you spent writing a great intro line and a powerful CTA will be completely wasted if they don’t first open the email. 

And you get them to do that by crafting a great subject line.

When it comes down to it, there are three main rules you need to follow to create a great subject line: 

  1. Keep your subject lines short
  2. Don’t use clickbait subject lines
  3. Offer something enticing

Keep your subject lines short

First, let’s get the easy one out of the way. Short subject lines get more clicks. Simple and easy.

Like this one, if you’re emailing YouTubers or influencers (substitute “subs” for “followers”): 

Cold email subject lines 1

Mobile phones display 25 to 30 characters for email headings in the average email app. If you can manage it, try to keep your subject lines at or under that length.  

This isn’t always possible, and it also depends on your target market. (Professionals are more likely to read on their computer, but even so, don’t overlook mobile.) However, shorter is better.

Don’t use clickbait subject lines

Clickbait won’t necessarily increase your open rate, but using it will virtually guarantee your response rate will tank for those that do open.

One of the worst things you can do is break your promise, and what you’re promising doesn’t start when they first open your email — it starts in your subject line:

Don't use clickbait in subject lines

If your subject deceives them in terms of what your email is about just to get them to open your email, they’ll hit the spam button and call it a day. Even if they don’t hit the spam button, they certainly won’t respond.

You’re not trying to get short-term results (a high open rate) but long-term success (actual conversions), so invest in honest communication that builds trust instead of tearing it down, especially when you’re sending cold emails.

Offer something enticing

This might be the most important point of all because it’s the one thing that makes your subject lines clickable. 

By enticing, I mean, make your email interesting enough that it promises something of value to the recipient. 

That could be something that interests them, something you’re offering them, or even just humor. (People are attracted to honest human interaction, and humor is always appealing.)

For example, this subject line might speak directly to my prospect if they’re hiring managers: 

Cold email subject lines example 1

You could also come at them from a different angle, not mentioning them outright but something associated with the benefit of your product or service.

Like this, if your product offers healthy pre-made meals for children:

Cold email subject lines example 2

Either way, you’re speaking directly to them, which is one of the most powerful ways to offer the promise of value. 

Cold email template fundamentals #2: Speak their language

This is a deceptively simple point, but just as important as any of the others.

These days, most digital spaces welcome an informal, casual tone. If you send an email in a stuffy, overly formal professional tone, you’ll sound like a greedy robot who doesn’t care.

Don’t do that.

Then again, the point isn’t to sound casual and friendly.

Some spaces, like finance, and some purposes, like seeking investors, require more professionalism. If you sound too casual, you’ll come off as a joke and won’t be taken seriously. 

The point is, rather, to sound like… well, them.

You want to speak their language, communicate with them as if you’re on the same wavelength

It tells them that you understand them and what they’re doing, and it forms a kind of immediate mental connection.  

So, if you haven’t already, get to know your prospects. 

Dive deep into their mind so that you can understand what and how they think. 

Then write something you think would interest and resonate with them specifically. 

Cold email template fundamentals #3: Just one relevant, clear, and value-based CTA

Having a CTA is obvious. 

The thing is, I often see cold emails come through without one of these three things:

  • The promise of value
  • Relevance
  • Clarity

Just asking them for a time to talk because you’re a fan of the product, work in the industry, or you have something to pitch them isn’t good enough. 

Why should they care? 

Maybe it’s relevant to them because they enjoy talking shop about their profession, but it doesn’t promise value to them, so it won’t be as effective.

Sure, you might get a response, but you won’t get as many responses as you would if you had infused that same CTA with value.

For example, this is the same approach but with a super-specific value proposition added:

Cold email CTA template

A quick five-minute chat, and you get a potentially useful idea to improve your product from a fan. 

Could you pass that up? I didn’t think so. 

This CTA is also relevant, though, because it has to do with their product. 

If it had to do with a product you say could make them more productive throughout their workday, it’s still relevant, but much less so. 

I’d be far less likely to respond to that than to someone offering quick and potentially valuable feedback about my product. 

Lastly, make sure your CTA is clear. Don’t ask for coffee, ask for coffee Monday at 2 PM, or Tuesday at 4:30 PM EST, and ask them which they’d prefer. 

That clarity will further increase your response rate because you’re making it as easy as possible for them to respond. 

Cold email template fundamentals #4: Personalize, every time

Personalization is one of the most important principles of a good cold email. 

The last thing someone wants to read is something that looks like it was written for a thousand other people. 

Notice looks is italicized, and for good reason. 

A good cold email template very well might be written for 1,000 people, but with a bit of personalization, it becomes specific to one person, and they feel it. 

To them, you’re writing the email personally for their eyes.

For example, if you’re trying to network, mentioning a book they wrote or a subject they’re interested in is a great way to create an instant connection on the first line: 

Cold email personalization example

When you do that, you’re communicating on a basic human level. People respond to that because we’re all attracted to authentic connection with other human beings.

If I can tell that you’re a real human reaching out personally to me and that you’re offering something potentially of value, I’m far more likely to respond.  

At GMass, we’ve spent years crafting our cold email platform to help your mass emails look like personal, one-on-one emails. That includes the ability to send messages as replies; to add personalization beyond just your standard mail merge options including entire paragraphs, links, images, and attachments; and to automatically detect first names from just an email address.

Make your mass emails feel like personal emails and you’ll make a stronger connection every time.

Cold email templates and beyond: Final thoughts

Templates are the best place to start, but no one knows your business or prospects better than you.

Take these cold email templates, along with the tips I have just covered for crafting an effective cold email template of your own, and do more than reuse others’ examples.

The truth is, once someone makes their examples public knowledge, everyone takes them and reuses them, which makes them far less effective.

But by taking these templates along with a good working knowledge of the fundamentals of a good cold email, you can craft effective cold email templates of your own that:

  • Get responses
  • Closes prospects, or
  • Kindle a profitable business or career connection

(Or all of the above.)

So, learn the fundamentals of good cold email templates and good cold email strategy in general.

By doing so, you’ll become an email ninja who can create your own effective templates specifically crafted to your prospects and purposes, instead of being a rehasher and leaving your results up to hope and chance

And don’t forget to check out our other guides on crafting crazy-good cold emails:

Ready to put these cold email templates to work? Get started with GMass for free and send your personalized cold emails that get the results you’re looking for.

Ready to send better emails and save a ton of time?

GMass is the only tool for marketing emails, cold emails, and mail merge — all inside Gmail. Tons of power but easy to learn and use.


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Looking for the best cold email software?

While sending cold emails can be tricky, you now have hundreds of cold email tools to streamline the process for you! So you need to narrow down the right tool to help you with every aspect of the cold email process, from personalization to follow-ups to reporting.

In this article, I’ll highlight the 15 best cold email software solutions and show you how to choose a cold email marketing tool according to your needs. I’ll even cover three FAQs about cold emailing.

Cold Email Software: Table of Contents

(click on the links below to jump to a specific section.)

Let’s dive in.

Top 15 Cold Email Software

Here are the leading cold email tools for 2022:

1. GMass


GMass is a powerful cold email software with built-in cold email automation tools that lets you run sales and marketing campaigns right from your Gmail account. Its powerful mail merge capabilities have made it a popular cold email outreach tool used by employees of Uber, Google, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

GMass is also perfect for solopreneurs, startups, salespeople, and anyone who wants to use Gmail for cold outreach.

One of the best things about GMass is that it’s incredibly simple to use, and you can quickly get started — all you have to do is download the Chrome extension and sign up with your Google account.

Key Features

Here’s a detailed look at GMass’ key features that help you send effective cold email campaigns:

A) Email List Builder

GMass’ Build Email List feature makes it super easy to create massive mailing lists.

All you have to do is perform a Gmail search using a keyword, and GMass automatically builds an email list using the IDs in the search results.


For example, let’s say you are the business owner of “Ted’s Tadpole Tanks.”

If you want to send emails to everyone you’ve interacted with about your product or service, you can perform a Gmail search using the term “tadpole.” GMass will then auto-build an email list using the email IDs from the search results.

Additionally, if your recipient details are stored in an Excel, CSV, or Google Sheet file, you can quickly create a mailing list by connecting the file to GMass.

B) Powerful Email Personalization

As cold email prospects are usually people who don’t know you, they’re likely to mark your email as spam if it’s a generic message.

Instead, you should send personalized cold emails!

This increases your chances of connecting with your prospects without risking your sender reputation. Personalization can help your emails avoid the recipients’ spam filter and also boost your open rates.

GMass offers automatic personalization settings to help you out here.

It gives you powerful features like automatically:

C) Advanced Email Analytics and Mail Merge Reports

GMass auto-generates a Campaign Report each time you send a cold emailing campaign that gives a detailed breakdown of important email statistics.

Here’s an overview of some of the stats present in a Campaign Report:

  1. Total Recipients: The number of recipients to which you sent an email campaign.
  2. Unique Opens: The number of unique recipients who opened your email. Note: GMass only tracks the first instance to avoid inflating the number of opens in your report.
  3. Didn’t Open: The number of recipients who didn’t open your email.
  4. Unique Clicks: The number of unique recipients who clicked at least one link in your email.
  5. Replies: The number of recipients who replied to your email.


The best part?
Most cold email tools like Mailshake, Saleshandy, and Mixmax, require you to open a separate interface to view reports, and having to switch between tabs to manage your stats can become an issue.

However, GMass places your reports under the [CAMPAIGNS] label in the Gmail sidebar — making it easy to access all your campaign data right inside Gmail. You also get web-based responsive reports and a dedicated dashboard for maximum flexibility.

D) Automatic Follow-Ups

Most email marketers have to follow up on prospects after the initial cold email.

Fortunately, GMass makes following up on even hundreds of recipients a breeze. It automates the process of sending follow-ups to help you engage your prospects and boost open rates.

You can even customize everything about these follow-ups, like:

  • The trigger for sending follow up emails to recipients. For example, you can set GMass to send follow-up emails only when recipients reply to your campaign.
  • The number of follow up emails a person receives.
  • The automated follow up message.
  • The time gaps between follow-ups.

E) Bulk Email Scheduling

With GMass, you can easily schedule bulk emails to reach your recipients at the right time.

All you have to do is just compose your email and schedule it. GMass will then automatically send the email at the specified time — you don’t have to be online when it goes out!

And if you want to change the schedule, you can simply reschedule it from the Gmail Drafts folder.



  • Simple setup.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Can build bulk email lists using any search criteria in your Gmail account.
  • Quickly import any contact list from a Google Sheet file.
  • Can automate email sequences using Google Sheets and Zapier.
  • Can test email deliverability.
  • Send drip campaigns on a set schedule or triggered by the actions of email recipients.
  • Has a free email verification service.
  • Has a powerful Gmail add-on for Android devices.
  • Salesforce and HubSpot CRM integration.
  • Active customer support.


  • The tool works only with Gmail and Google Workspace accounts.
  • Only works with the Chrome browser.


GMass offers three comprehensive pricing plans to suit various user needs:

  • Individual:
    • Standard ($25/month or $225/year):
    • Premium ($35/month or $325/year):
    • Professional ($55/month or $525/year):
  • Team:
    • Professional (starts at $145/month for a team of five): supports all features

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.9/5 (680+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.8/5 (660+ reviews)

Go back to the list of tools

2. Woodpecker


Woodpecker is a cold email marketing software that integrates with Gmail and Outlook. It allows you to send personalized emails and follow-ups and also lets you track them.

Key Features

  • Automate email sequences.
  • Cold email campaign scheduling and tracking.
  • Automatic reply detection.
  • Powerful team-activity dashboard.


  • Auto-detects duplicate contacts in your cold outreach campaigns.
  • Dedicated features for B2B lead generation agencies.
  • Has a Google Chrome extension.


  • No free plan available.
  • Can’t send email attachments.


Pricing plans start at $39/month per user to contact up to 1,500 addresses per month. ($44/month to contact 6,000 people; $49/month for unlimited contacts.)

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.8/5 (10+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.4/5 (30+ reviews)

Want to find out more about Woodpecker?
Read my detailed Woodpecker email review.

Go back to the list of tools

3. Lemlist


Lemlist is a popular email tool that lets you personalize anything in your cold emails or other methods of outreach (like LinkedIn).

Key Features

  • Email automation triggers.
  • Create personalized images and videos.
  • Schedule automatic follow-ups.


  • Use the A/B test feature to determine your most effective emails.
  • Can use any customized cold email template.
  • Integrates with Zapier and CRM software.


  • As it works as a separate interface from your email, you’ll have to switch through multiple tabs to manage each cold outreach campaign.
  • No free plan available.
  • Can be challenging to set up a drip campaign.


Pricing plans start at $50/month per user with unlimited cold outreach campaign emails, text personalization, and email deliverability features.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.6/5 (320+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.4/5 (70+ reviews)

For more information on Lemlist, read my comprehensive Lemlist review. And see how the campaign creation process works in GMass versus Lemlist versus Mailshake.

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4. Yesware


Yesware is a sales prospecting tool used by professional sales reps and email marketers. It lets you create and send personalized cold email marketing campaigns in Gmail and Outlook.

Key Features

  • Create custom email templates to personalize your emails.
  • Schedule drip campaigns.
  • Set follow-up reminders.
  • Email tracking with real-time notifications.


  • View each campaign’s data on a campaign dashboard.
  • Can track how prospects use your email attachments.
  • Has a Salesforce integration.


  • Doesn’t have a free plan.
  • No mobile apps for Android or iOS devices.
  • May not clearly show who opened an email if it has multiple recipients.


Pricing plans start at $15/month per user with email tracking, productivity tools, and reporting features.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.3/5 (160+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.4/5 (710+ reviews)

Not sure if you should say ‘yes’ to Yesware?
Read my in-depth Yesware review to help you decide. 

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5. Overloop


Overloop (formerly Prospect.io) is a lead generation and email automation tool that helps companies and freelancers find leads and reach out to them via cold emails.

It uses a credit-based system to discover email IDs of potential customers or prospective clients from their social media and other websites.

Key Features

  • Search or verify email IDs of your list of prospects.
  • Create personalized campaigns, including drip sequences.
  • Customize and share email templates with your sales team.
  • Reply detection – including tracking of bounce rates and out-of-office responses.


  • Works with Gmail and Outlook.
  • Powerful integrations with Salesforce and HubSpot CRM.
  • Has a Chrome extension that helps you find prospect details from LinkedIn.


  • Creating drip campaigns can be complicated.
  • No free plan available.
  • Unused email credits in a month don’t roll over to the next month — you lose them.


Pricing plans start at $42/month per user with unlimited email campaigns, reporting features, and 50 email finder credits.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.3/5 (10+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.3/5 (50+ reviews)

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6. Gmelius


Gmelius is a sales automation and cold email outreach tool that works with Gmail and is meant for team collaboration. It helps streamline your sales processes with its lead generation and email campaign features.

Key Features

  • Personalize your outbound sales campaigns.
  • Customize and share any cold email template with your sales team.
  • Monitor your email campaign performance with advanced analytics.
  • Schedule recurring emails to send weekly or monthly reports.


  • Get real-time desktop and mobile alerts for lead engagements.
  • Has a browser extension for Google Chrome.
  • Salesforce and HubSpot CRM integration.


  • No Zapier integration in the basic plan.
  • Email campaigns are missing important features.
  • No free plan available.


Pricing plans start at $12/month per user and includes email open and reply rate tracking, automations, and unlimited email templates.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.7/5 (30+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.4/5 (330+ reviews)

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7. Streak


Streak is a CRM platform that integrates with Gmail. It can be a handy tool for the busy sales rep or marketer.

Streak helps you manage your sales funnel, send mail merges, and track cold calling and engagements.

Key Features

  • Personalize mail merges with custom email templates.
  • Schedule automated emails and follow-ups.
  • Detailed email tracking reports.
  • Email sidebar provides immediate context about each email.


  • Has email filters to help you sort through prospect responses.
  • Collaborate with your sales department on cold email campaigns.
  • The Android and iOS mobile apps can log cold calls.


  • No dedicated sales dashboard — your sales processes can clutter your Gmail inbox.
  • Will have a lot of redundancy if you use another CRM.
  • Base plan doesn’t offer any native integrations or data validation features.


Has a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $19/month per user and support 5,000 contacts and 800 mail merge emails per day.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.5/5 (400+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.5/5 (120+ reviews)

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8. SalesHandy


SalesHandy is a sales automation and email marketing tool that enables you to send cold emails and engage with leads.

Key Features

  • Send personalized emails to multiple recipients.
  • Automate follow-ups to individual emails or entire email campaigns.
  • Built-in email limiter ensures you don’t send many emails per day and risk your domain reputation.
  • An email verification tool helps check the validity of email addresses before sending emails.


  • Free email tracking with Gmail.
  • Schedule bulk emails to be sent to recipients in different time zones at a time they are most likely to be opened.
  • Link tracking and real-time notifications when emails are opened.


  • You have to pay separately for verifying email lists.
  • No native mobile app for both Android and iOS devices.
  • Limited mail merge capabilities.


SalesHandy has a free plan with limited features. Paid plans start at $12/month per user with features like email tracking, templates, and analytics.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.5/5 (80+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.4 /5 (110+ reviews)

For more information on SalesHandy, read my complete SalesHandy review.

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9. Klenty


Klenty is a sales engagement platform for sending personalized email and automated follow up messages.

Key Features

  • Email automation and personalization.
  • Open, click, reply rate, and bounce rate tracking with live-feed reports.
  • Detailed reports to optimize every outreach campaign.
  • Duplicate detection helps ensure no contact in your prospect database is accidentally contacted multiple times.


  • Simple user interface.
  • Easily import prospects from CSV, Google Sheets, or CRM in one click.
  • Integrations with Zapier and Pipedrive CRM to automate your workflow.


  • Contact management issues — adding a contact to one list could remove them from another.
  • Lacks team management and collaboration features.
  • No free plan available.


Pricing plans start at $55/month per user with features like unlimited contacts, email cadences, API, Gmail plugin, and mail merge.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.8/5 (30+ reviews)
  • G2: 4.6/5 (120+ reviews)

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10. MailRush.io


MailRush.io is a prospecting and cold outreach tool that lets send personalized cold emails for marketing campaigns.

Key Features

  • Tracked email engagement metrics include delivery rate, click rate, open rate, and bounce rate.
  • LinkedIn sales navigator searches for lead generation.
  • Identify invalid email addresses.


  • Create a drip sequence for your email marketing campaigns – automate emails and follow-ups based on recipient actions.
  • Easy-to-use drag and drop email template builder.
  • 24/7 live chat support available.


  • No free plan available.
  • Downloading large contact lists for email campaigns can be time-consuming.
  • You have to pay extra for email validation and Linkedin prospecting.


Pricing plans start at $19/month per user with one domain link and email automation features.

Customer Ratings

  • Capterra: 4.2/5 (5+ reviews)
  • G2: N/A

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5 Bonus Cold Email Tools

I’ve highlighted some of the best cold email tools above.

But if you want to explore more tools, here are five bonus software you could check out:

  • MailShake: A cold email marketing tool with live campaign management features like pausing email sending or adding new recipients to active campaigns.
  • Contact Monkey: A powerful tool to manage cold email campaigns within your Gmail or Outlook email account.
  • Snov.io: A cold outreach and sales engagement platform for marketers and sales teams, primarily for prospecting.
  • QuickMail: This is a popular tool for managing sales outreach with detailed analytics on email campaign performance.
  • SmartReach.io: A cold email platform for email automation, prospect management, and team collaboration.

Now I’ll explain how you can choose the best cold email software for your needs.

How to Choose Cold Email Marketing Software

Using a cold email tool is a surefire way to boost your email outreach and conversion rate.
But with hundreds of such tools available, how do you choose the right one?

To help you out, here are three key things to look for in excellent cold email software:

1. Personalization Features

Personalization is an essential feature of any cold email software.

Because it helps you make a meaningful connection with each potential customer or client.

While every cold emailing tool offers some personalization, the extent to which they provide it differs from tool to tool.

Some tools offer only basic personalization features such as automatically adding recipient names and addresses, while others (like GMass) also let you include customized images and links to your emails.

Invest in an outreach tool with a wide range of personalization features to make your emails more targeted. This will make your recipients more likely to engage with your emails, as they won’t feel like you’re mass emailing them.

2. Email Tracking and Analytics

A key feature of any email marketing software is email tracking and analytics.

Look for a cold emailing tool that tracks your email open rates, link clicks, bounced emails, and response rates. These statistics help you determine how effective your campaigns are and modify your future emails accordingly.

As most tools make this a premium feature, it’s smarter to invest in those that provide powerful email tracking features in their base plans.

3. Campaign Automation

A major benefit of using cold email tools is that they automate the process of creating and sending emails.

Look for a cold emailing tool that does most of the heavy lifting for you — like creating mailing lists, mass email personalization, and automatically sending cold emails and follow-ups or drip sequences.

(A drip sequence is a campaign that includes your initial email followed by a triggered sequence of one or more follow-up emails.)

And if the tool provides all these essential settings in a single compact tab, that’s even better. You can quickly launch an email campaign in seconds without having to juggle between different browser tabs!

Now that you know how to choose the best cold email software, I’ll go over some FAQs related to cold email marketing.

3 FAQs About Cold Email Marketing

I’ll answer three FAQs about cold email marketing to help clear any confusion you might have:

1. What is Cold Emailing?

Cold emailing involves sending outreach emails to people you haven’t interacted with before.

In a way, cold emailing is similar to cold calling, where you ring up prospects to see if they’re interested in a product or service. But unlike cold calling, cold emails are less intrusive.

Well-crafted, effective cold emails don’t push a hard sell but rather engage your ideal customer and give them the necessary information to encourage a response.

2. What Are Some Best Practices for Cold Email Marketing?

Here are three things to keep in mind for cold email success:

A. Have a Powerful Subject Line for Your Email

Subject lines matter.

Remember, it’s the first thing people see when your email lands in your prospect’s inbox. It could be the decisive factor in whether they open it or not!

How do you master it?
Including your prospect’s first name in the subject line is a smart way to add some instant personalization to your outreach emails.

With GMass, you can use recipient details like their name, company name, or other information to create subject lines that get your emails opened instantly.

You could also pose a question to the recipient to quickly grab their attention.

For example, if you’re marketing link building services, you could write:
“Hey John, does (company name) need a hand with SEO?”

As this shows that the email is clearly meant for John, he is more likely to open the email if his answer to your question is “maybe” or “yes.

Additionally, ensure that the text in the subject line is fully visible to the recipient.

Think about it.

Would you bother opening an email if its subject line ends with “…”?
No, right?

While subject line length varies with email service providers and the device used by the recipient to check their inbox, it’s a best practice to keep the subject line to six to ten words.

Takeaway: Use a subject line that’s short enough for a potential client to view clearly but long enough to be informative and engaging.

B. Make the Email About the Recipient

Remember, the trickiest part of sending cold emails is making a connection with the recipient. That’s why, to craft highly effective cold emails, you should take a moment to get into their head.

The key is to make the email 95% about the recipient and 5% about your business. 

And while email personalization is essential, it doesn’t end with just including the recipient’s name.

You need to mention why you are emailing that person specifically and show them that you’re familiar with what they do. For example, including personalized images and links are effective ways to make the email about the recipient.

Another email strategy to follow is to get straight to the point.

No one wants to read an email that talks at great length about your company and its product or service. It’s best to give the recipient what they would like to know at the start of the message.

For example, if you offer content marketing services, you could point out:

  • How your target audience can improve Google rankings for each blog post.
  • The conversion rate boost their blog post will receive.
  • Case studies to show your track record helping people like them.

To get this right and boost efficiency, you can create custom cold email templates that focus on the recipient.

Takeaway: Keep the email message short, personalized, and straightforward.

C. Make It Easy for the Recipient to Opt-Out

It’s always essential to include an unsubscribe option in your emails.

As you’re sending cold emails to people who don’t know you, there’s no guarantee that they’ll be interested in hearing from you. And if they aren’t, it’s a good email strategy to let them opt-out of your mailing list.

This way, you won’t be risking your sender reputation when cold emailing prospects.

The easiest way to do this is to provide an unsubscribe link at the bottom of your sales emails. This way, the recipient can quickly opt out from receiving your emails without marking your message as spam.

With GMass, you can insert an unsubscribe link anywhere in your cold email campaigns with the click of a button. If anyone opts out of your cold emailing campaign, GMass automatically removes their email IDs from your recipient list — you don’t have to do it manually!

Takeaway: Always include a simple opt-out link in your cold sales emails.

3. Is it Legal to Send Cold Emails?

It’s important to remember that different countries may have different legislation on cold emailing and spam emails.

In the United States, cold emailing is legal, and you can send emails to individuals you’ve never met. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates spam emails and cold emailing for business purposes. It has relatively liberal spam laws under the CAN-SPAM Act.

In the European Union, cold emailing is legal under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). However, it does have strict requirements similar to those enforced in the U.S.

Generally, both the U.S. and E.U. laws permit you to send cold emails as long as you:

  • Mention how you found the recipient’s information and why you’re reaching out to them.
  • Provide email recipients with the ability to opt-out or unsubscribe.
  • Accurately include your contact details in the email.
  • Identify any advertising in the email.
  • Avoid using contact lists that third parties have obtained illegally, such as via website crawling bots.

If you fail to comply with these regulations, you may receive fines exceeding $43,000 in the U.S. and €20 million in the E.U.

Cold Email Software: Final Thoughts

Choosing the right cold email software doesn’t have to be confusing, and it can help you create rewarding cold email outreach campaigns with ease.

While all these tools offer something, GMass stands out for its simple UI and powerful cold email outreach features. It’s got everything you need to run cold email campaigns effectively.

Why not download the GMass Chrome extension and check it out today?

See why GMass has 300k+ users and 7,500+ 5-star reviews

Email marketing. Cold email. Mail merge. Avoid the spam folder. Easy to learn and use. All inside Gmail.


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The most common question I get is: How is GMass different from [X]?

In one sentence? GMass is the only email platform to send mail merge, email marketing, and cold email messages — all super fast inside Gmail (with virtually no learning curve) and all while avoiding the spam folder.

In multiple sentences? Here’s how GMass is different (and why our 300,000+ users and 7,500+ glowing reviews say it’s not just different, but better)…

GMass Is the Only Platform That Can Be Used for Traditional “Email Marketing” and “Cold Emailing”

When you look into email platforms, you’ll find traditional, newsletter-style tools like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Klaviyo, and ActiveCampaign. And you’ll find sales engagement/cold outreach tools like Lemlist, Mailshake, and Instantly.

GMass is the only tool that spans both categories seamlessly.

With GMass you can send a well-designed HTML newsletter to 100,000 recipients.

You can send a cold email outreach campaign to 100 targeted leads with an automated set of sequential follow-ups that go out until you get a reply.

On top of that, with GMass’s easy-to-use mail merge features, you can also use GMass for internal and external comms, small targeted messages, trackable job applications, or even things like birthday party invitations, save-the-dates, or running a fantasy football league.

There’s no other email platform in the world that’s even close to being this versatile.

Why not? Only we figured out how to bridge the gap between a native Gmail account and a third-party SMTP service — and it wasn’t easy.

(On that note: At GMass, we send our newsletters, welcome messages, internal communications, and all other emails through GMass. Other email platforms aren’t equipped for that, so they often use someone else’s platform for a least some of their emails, like Mailchimp, Intercom, SendGrid… and GMass.)

GMass Works Inside Gmail, Not Outside — Making It Easy to Learn and Even Easier to Use

GMass works natively inside Gmail, not outside on a different website.

Since GMass is a Chrome extension, to use it you just go to the same browser tab you’re using for your ordinary free Gmail account or paid Google Workspace account.

GMass fits naturally and non-obtrusively into the Gmail interface, adding just one button to the compose window. That makes GMass easy to learn and convenient to use — you’re using the same Gmail compose window you use for all your emails.

There’s a single settings box in which you manage your entire campaign — you don’t have to go through a long, slow campaign creation wizard or search through an endless maze of menus and buttons.

Plus, composing directly inside Gmail is quicker than bulky third-party editors. You can attach files and embed images inline. You can use Gmail’s standard formatting tools. Your emails live in the same folders you’re used to — like drafts in the Drafts folder and sent items in the Sent folder.

That means you can launch a campaign in a matter of seconds.

And when you send emails through Gmail, you’ll be sending through Google’s servers which have some of the best deliverability rates in the world — helping keep you out of spam folders.

Use Google Sheets, Too

It’s not 1995 anymore. GMass works with your contact lists in Google Sheets, not CSV files. (Though if you need, you can turn CSV files into Google Sheets).

Why does this matter? You can use formulas in your spreadsheets. You can use dates (say, to send emails to customers on their birthdays). You can filter rows, only sending emails to some recipients (say, where their location is New York). If you’re technically minded (or use the samples from our blog), you can even use Google Apps Script to do pretty much anything you need.

GMass can watch your spreadsheet for you so anytime you add a new row, GMass can automatically send an email to the contact in that row.

And you’ll save a ton of data entry work with GMass’s ability to update Google Sheets — GMass can write campaign data like opens, clicks, and replies right back to your Google Sheet.

Since there are endless Zapier integrations for Google Sheets, you can get your data from almost any system into your Google Sheet then let GMass do its magic.

GMass Can Break Right Past Gmail’s Sending Limits

There are lots of advantages to sending emails via Gmail versus external email platform servers (as we’ve discussed above).

But we also had to take on some challenges as we built the most advanced sending algorithm for Gmail of any email platform.

The big one: Gmail wasn’t meant to be an email marketing, cold email, or mass email platform. It has sending limits: up to 500 emails/day for Gmail accounts and up to 2,000 emails/day for Google Workspace accounts.

With GMass, you never have to worry about those limits. We break right through Gmail’s sending limits for you. Here’s how.

  • GMass counts how many emails you’ve sent in the past 24 hours
  • Calculates how much of your campaign can sends
  • Slows down sending speed as you near your limits
  • Watches for Google’s “You’ve exceeded a limit” bounce notification
  • Then, depending on your preferences, GMass will either pause your campaign and continue sending when your limit resets… or route emails through a third-party SMTP service like SendGrid to continue sending.

Check out all the SMTP options you have with GMass — including hopping on our very own SMTP servers if you’re sending opt-in email.

Plus, GMass has MultiSend for inbox rotation if you don’t want to mess with SMTP servers — GMass can distribute your campaign across multiple email accounts to keep sending volumes lower on all of ’em.

99% of GMass Users Report the Best Deliverability They’ve Ever Had

Your emails need to hit people’s inboxes, not their spam folders.

Virtually all GMass users see better deliverability than they’ve ever had before — and if there are any issues, GMass has the industry’s best suite of free deliverability tools to help you fix the problem.

By sending through Gmail, not a separate server, GMass users get all the benefits of Gmail’s high deliverability.

GMass features like custom tracking domains with SSL (super rare!), deep personalization, and customizable send speed throttling can all also make an impact on deliverability.

An Unrivaled Suite of Deliverability Tools

GMass’s free deliverability tools go well beyond what you’ll find elsewhere.

  • Spam Solver is a unique tool that tests your campaigns, determines inbox versus spam rates, and helps you tweak your email to improve those numbers.
  • GMass offers email verification — checking every address before an email goes out to make sure you won’t have a wave of damaging bounces.
  • Email Analyzer uncovers all the technical details of an email to help you diagnose where things might be going wrong.
  • And the Email Deliverability Wizard aggregates data across GMass campaigns, allowing you to get data-backed answers to your deliverability questions.

GMass Has Features You Won’t Find Anywhere Else to Save Tons of Time and Send Far More Effective Campaigns

GMass has all the “table stakes” features of an email marketing and cold email platform. (For instance: schedulingautomationsanalyticsmessage previewingunsubscribe management, bounce handling.)

But GMass also has a massive array of innovative features you won’t find anywhere else — features that save you time, help you send emails that get far better results, or both.

Instead of a shared tracking link, use a custom link for improved deliverability and branding. And GMass is the only place you’ll get an SSL certificate to make your tracking link secure — a huge deliverability advantage.

Triggered Emails

GMass is the only Gmail-based email tool that offers triggered emails — which are automated messages that go out to contacts when you know they’re in their inbox.

With triggered emails, you can set up messages to go out immediately (or on a delay) when recipients open and/or click on a campaign — so you know they’ll get your message while they’re checking their email and more likely to engage.

The Best Email Lists Can Come from Within

You can instantly build a new email list from a Gmail search with GMass — in other words, create a brand new list just by searching your own email history. Or create a new list based on recipients’ behavior in a past campaign, like sending to everyone who opened but didn’t click.

Mass Emails That Are Indistinguishable from One-on-One Emails

GMass has the industry’s largest array of features focused on making mass emails indistinguishable from one-on-one emails.

Those include:

Automations That You Can Set Up in Minutes — No Flowcharts or Complexity Required

Follow-ups are extremely effective — so we want to encourage you to use them. But when the process of setting up an email sequence is complex and time-consuming, we’ve found people are more likely to skip it.

In GMass, you can send a sequence of up to eight follow-up messages (that stop after a person performs your desired action like clicking or replying) — and you can do it in a minute or less.

Every Email Is a Template

GMass isn’t bloated with generic cold email and mass email templates. The templates you can use in GMass are… your own previous emails. After all, you created and refined those to make them work for your audience.

Choose any prior campaign from the templates box in the GMass campaign settings and you can re-use it (and edit it) for your new campaign.

Manage Your Replies — and Get Through Your Responses in Record Time

Most email software is only focused on the first wave of emails you send to someone. After people start replying — you’re on your own, champ.

GMass is the home of The Reply Project, our special interface you can use to blaze through email replies faster than you’ve ever done before. See all your emails open on one screen, then type in quick responses or use templates or ChatGPT for ultra-fast responses.

Pixel Tracking Tools Keep Your Stats Accurate

GMass’s unique tracking pixel gets around the open tracking blockers out there, giving you more confidence in your stats.

But… we don’t want you to trigger opens on the campaigns you send. (Say, when you open an email from a campaign in your Sent folder.) GMass’s Tracker Blocker helps you keep your reporting as accurate as possible by making sure you don’t accidentally trigger false opens for your campaigns.

Send Every Email with the GMass Button Instead of the Send Button

GMass puts its own button right next to the send button in Gmail. Over time, you’ll probably start sending your emails — every email — by hitting GMass rather than the send button. After all, when you send through GMass you’ll get stats on your email (see when it’s opened and what people clicked) — plus you can do quick scheduling, follow-ups, and more.

Plus More Features Where We’re Not the Only One — But One of the Few

Here are some other great features with GMass that you might find on a handful of other services — but not many. And we’re not sure anyone has all of these.

  • Skip weekends. Make sure your automated follow-ups skip weekends and only go out during the work week.
  • Quick email polls. Set up simple, one-question email polls in your emails.
  • A/B testing. With simple A/B testing, we’ve made it easy to run tests on every campaign you send.
  • Transactional emails. You can send transactional emails through GMass’s transactional SMTP relay — getting all the benefits of sending through Gmail plus better searchability.
  • API, webhooks, and Zapier. Build GMass into your own applications or connect it with virtually any other app on the market using our APIwebhooks, and Zapier integration.

We Aren’t Perfect… Yet — Here Are Our Weak Areas

Alright. That’s a lot of words on all the things GMass does different or better than the other email software platforms on the market.

But — we’re not perfect. At least not yet.

We’re a Gmail-only product, so if you’re with Outlook or another email provider, you won’t be able to use GMass inside your client. (However, you can use your address as an Gmail alias and then use it with GMass.)

GMass can feel clunky to those that prefer a wizard to guide them through a campaign setup; this is definitely a tool that gets out of your way, which most but not all people prefer.

And we’re still working on integrations with big name CRM systems like Salesforce and Hubspot (though our Google Sheets and Zapier integrations open up a world of possibilities).

We recognize our weak areas and we’re always working to grow and improve. Do you have a problem GMass could solve if it just had one more feature or did one more thing? Let us know. Our best way to figure out what to build next is hearing it from our users.

Time to Get Started with GMass

In brief, here’s what makes GMass easier, faster, and more effective than any other email platform:

  • The only platform that goes seamlessly between cold email, email marketing, and mail merge
  • Works inside Gmail — no new software to learn
  • 99% of users report the highest deliverability they’ve ever had thanks to the world-leading deliverability tools and features
  • Dozens of other features you won’t find anywhere else that save you time and help you send more effective messages
  • An eagerness to talk with you, learn your needs, and figure out what we can do to fulfill them

Get started by downloading the GMass Chrome extension from the Chrome Web Store. Hop on the free trial — you can send up to 50 emails per day as you’re getting to know what GMass can do.

And you can follow our quickstart guide from there to get set up — and send your first campaign in minutes.

See why GMass has 300k+ users and 7,500+ 5-star reviews

Email marketing. Cold email. Mail merge. Avoid the spam folder. Easy to learn and use. All inside Gmail.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
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