<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1822615684631785&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1"/>

About a month ago, our primary domain, gmass.co, was added to the Spamhaus Domain Blocklist, a.k.a the DBL. The Spamhaus Project operates the world’s most widely used blacklists that are used to filter email and other Internet traffic. Spamhaus can’t block any traffic itself. They just publish IPs and domains from which they recommend that others block traffic. Their power is derived from the sheer number of organizations that have opted to use their lists of IP addresses and domains names to filter email. Microsoft, for example, uses the Spamhaus SBL list of IP addresses to block email to consumer email accounts @live.com and corporate accounts hosted on Office 365. While Spamhaus does provide explanations for listing IP addresses on their SBL list, they do not provide explanations for listing domains on their DBL list, but based on the evidence, I’m fairly certain a Spamhaus admin saw the GMass website, decided they didn’t like it, and then added my domain to the blocklist. More on that later.

Listed by Spamhaus

The implications of being on the DBL are far and wide, and as I’ve discovered, the consequences go far beyond just having email blocked. In fact, I discovered that big companies like Twitter and LinkedIn use the Spamhaus DBL in ways about which most people are completely unaware. The exact return code for gmass.co is, which means Spamhaus has categorized it as a “spam domain.”

But it’s not. And Spamhaus won’t tell us why they’ve put gmass.co on their list. So read on.

What happened, exactly?

In early August, GMass released a new feature, the Email Verifier. It’s similar to commercial email verification services like NeverBounce and ZeroBounce, but ours was a free service. Our email verifier worked by establishing an SMTP connection and analyzing the response after the RCPT TO command. This is sometimes known as the “broken handshake” method of verifying an email address. Other platforms, whose sole business is email address verification, use this technique plus other techniques to validate an address.

Shortly after I launched the verifier, the four IP addresses I was using to conduct verifications became listed on the Spamhaus CSS list, which is an automated list of IP addresses that are engaged in “sending low reputation email” or represent “compromised hosts.” The CSS list has a self-removal delisting process, which I used to delist the IPs, because I was confident that I wasn’t violating any of the rules, and I figured that the listings were simply due to high SMTP traffic originating from IPs that had never had any SMTP traffic before.

Also, I soon consolidated the verifier so that all verifications originated from a single IP rather than multiple ones.

Eventually, the CSS self-removal process stopped working, so I reached out and asked for the IP address to be manually removed. My request was denied.

Here’s the interesting part. My logs show that my domain, gmass.co, was added to the DBL within ten minutes of a Spamhaus admin responding to my request for the delisting of my IP from the CSS list.

GMass.co has been a registered domain for more than five years, and GMass has offered the same service (sending campaigns through Gmail) for all five of those years, but inside a ten-minute window of a Spamhaus admin responding to my IP delisting request, the GMass.co domain was added. The only way that could have happened is if in denying my IP delisting request, the admin thought:

“Well, gee, not only am I going to deny your IP delisting request, but I’m also going to add your entire domain to the DBL.”

The DBL documentation states: “Most DBL listings occur automatically, although where necessary Spamhaus researchers will add or remove listings manually.”

Based on the timing of events, it sure seems like Spamhaus targeted GMass and added my domain manually. 

The immediate consequences of a DBL listing

The Spamhaus DBL is used in ways I could never imagine. The intent of the DBL is to allow email server admins the ability to filter out email that contains spammy domains, and the DBL admins are the arbiters of decisions about whether a domain is spammy or not. What I found, however, is that the DBL’s reach goes far beyond email.


All links to gmass.co on Twitter stopped functioning. They began to be redirected to a Twitter interstitial page that warned users that the URL is unsafe and recommended they don’t proceed. Here’s what people saw if they clicked a link to gmass.co in any tweet:

Twitter warning

Even the link to gmass.co in my Twitter bio would send users to this “Unsafe URL” page.

At first, I thought Twitter itself blocked gmass.co since I discovered the Twitter issue before I was even aware it was added to the Spamhaus DBL. But then I tested this by tweeting links to other domains that are listed on the DBL, and the same thing happened.

So, Twitter uses the Spamhaus DBL to mark links as unsafe.

I figured I might get around this by using a URL shortener. So I went to tinyurl.com and created a shortened link to the GMass homepage and used that in my Twitter bio. Didn’t work! Twitter was smart enough to check the redirect of a URL, and if the redirect went to a domain on the DBL, it was also blocked. Wow!

This story has a happy ending though. I reported the issue to Twitter using their spam help form.

Twitter Support

Several weeks later, I noticed that links to gmass.co started working again. Other than this auto-response after filling out the form, I never heard anything directly from them, even after they cleared the block on gmass.co.


Similar to Twitter, LinkedIn also blocks links to a domain listed on the DBL. So on the GMass company page, if the domain is shown as gmass.co, this is what you see if you click:

LinkedIn warning

Unlike Twitter, however, LinkedIn does not check for redirects. With LinkedIn, a tinyurl.com shortened link that redirects to gmass.co would still work.

LinkedIn, however, does go one step further than Twitter by blocking all the content on any company page if that company’s main domain is on the DBL.

LinkedIn removes posts

Wait, all my posts are gone!


I should put the thumbs-up “like” icon right here, because no links to gmass.co on Facebook were blocked. I applaud Facebook for making their own decisions about domains rather than using Spamhaus.

The entire country of Norway

This was the most unexpected consequence. A Norwegian GMass user contacted me to tell me that he could no longer use the GMass website, and the extension inside Gmail wasn’t working either. Turns out that Norway’s largest ISP, Telenor, uses the Spamhaus DBL to block people from even accessing the website if its domain is on the DBL.

Telenor warning
Translation: You are about to enter a website which may contain viruses, fraud attempts or other malicious software and the filter Network protection from Telenor has therefore stopped you.

Since our Chrome extension’s API endpoints are all gmass.co URLs, the connections to the endpoints stopped working also.

I tweeted Telenor asking them to stop doing this, but not surprisingly, they didn’t respond.

What about actual email?

Since the main point of the DBL is to block email containing listed domains, you might think that a lot of GMass email was blocked as a result of the DBL, but you would be wrong. That’s because the gmass.co domain rarely appears in email. It only appears in transactional notifications that we send to our own users, such as when they sign up for an account (“thank you” email), or when a campaign finishes sending (“your task is complete” email). But even when we do that, we don’t technically email our users. We “insert” the message directly into their Gmail inbox, bypassing the SMTP protocol entirely. And for our corporate communications, we use the wordzen.com domain since GMass was originally a service of its parent company Wordzen, Inc. (The name of the company has since been changed to GMass, Inc. but we left our old email addresses intact.)

So, we can conclude that by Spamhaus listing the gmass.co domain in the DBL, it stopped exactly ZERO additional spam worldwide.

Spamhaus returns the code for gmass.co, which means it’s a “spam domain,” according to this page. But what does that even mean? Does it mean that they’ve found gmass.co in actual spam? I’d like to see examples, because if that’s the case, it certainly wasn’t sent by us. Does it mean that gmass.co has been designated a spammy organization? (How can we be spammy if we’re not sending many emails?) Does it mean that gmass.co hosts content promoted by spammers? (It doesn’t; gmass.co doesn’t host any user content.)

Spamhaus provides no explanation.

Diving into URL shorteners

Spamhaus recommends that sysadmins of URL shortening services use the DBL to prevent redirects to listed domains. On the DBL FAQ, they state:

“URL shortening services should check every URL’s domain against the DBL and not allow those that are listed.”

This is interesting because a) Spamhaus is admitting that the DBL should be used for purposes beyond email filtering, and b) because apart from my findings with Twitter and LinkedIn above, no regular URL shortening service uses the DBL to prevent redirects. What I mean by a “regular” URL shortener is one that isn’t controlled by a social media company… i.e., one that anyone can use to shorten a URL without the URL having to appear in a tweet or a post. Popular URL shorteners include TinyURL, bit.ly and a relatively new arrival on the market, t.ly. I tried creating shortened URLs to gmass.co with all of these services, and thankfully, they all work. (You can try too by clicking the links I just provided.)

I applaud each of these services for weeding out abuse on their own and not relying on the Spamhaus DBL.

Addressing the elephant in the room: is GMass a spammer?

The DBL policy does state that Spamhaus admins can add domains as they see fit. My guess is that an admin saw the GMass website, decided that GMass is a spam operation, and added our domain to the list. That begs the question: Is GMass a spam operation? Obviously, I don’t think so, but why don’t you decide for yourself?

Here are some facts to consider:

  • GMass doesn’t actually send any email. All of our users’ email campaigns are sent natively through their Gmail accounts or through a third-party SMTP service. The IPs that send the email don’t belong to GMass. They belong to either Google or an SMTP service like SendGrid or Amazon SES.
  • Because GMass doesn’t send any mail through its own IPs, spammers are terminated by the companies whose IPs are being used. If a spammer sends spam using GMass, and is sending natively through Gmail, then Gmail will terminate the account. If the spammer is using GMass to send through SendGrid, then SendGrid will terminate the account. While some spam does occasionally get sent by a GMass user, as it can through many other email service providers, most spammers are eventually terminated by the network that actually sends the spam.
  • GMass employs two full-time security staff who monitor campaign sending activity almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (there are a few gap hours in there, but it’s almost constant). This team analyzes emails for phishing/scammy/illegal content and terminates accounts within minutes.
  • GMass can be used to send cold email, and many of my industry colleagues classify any cold email as spam. Spamhaus defines spam as email that is both “sent in bulk” and “unsolicited.” Cold email is definitely unsolicited, but if it’s highly personalized, then it is not “sent in bulk.” Ultimately, what’s the difference between typing out 30 individual emails and pressing “send” 30 times, versus using automation software to help you do that?
  • Even if you decide GMass is a spam operation, and gmass.co should be listed on the DBL, then so should hundreds of other domains like mailshake.com, yesware.com, mixmax.com, woodpecker.io, lemlist.com… I could go on. What do they all have in common? They’re all email service providers that integrate with Gmail.
  • Spamhaus obviously doesn’t like something about gmass.co. Here’s a list of other domain blacklists that don’t have any issue with gmass.co at all: URIBL, SURBL, Barracuda, VirusTotal, Invaluement.

So then, why did Spamhaus target GMass but none of its competitors? First, they had to become aware of GMass, and by our asking for their help with an unrelated IP delisting request, they became aware. Or perhaps it goes deeper than that. GMass has created controversy in the past. We are the only email service provider to offer a completely free email verification service, and maybe Spamhaus didn’t like that. We invented a technique to prevent pixel blockers from stopping open tracking on campaigns, and perhaps Spamhaus found that practice objectionable. We’ve built a lot of interesting features and technology over the years. We’ve generated controversy. Maybe one feature pushed GMass over the edge and into a “spam operation” classification in the eyes of Spamhaus.

Are GMass users affected?

No. If you use GMass to send email campaigns, you aren’t affected by this issue, because the gmass.co domain does not appear in your email campaigns. The domains that appear in your email message include:

  • Your organization’s domain, if you’re sending “from” your organization’s email domain.
  • If you’re sending from a @gmail.com account, then “gmail.com” is present, not gmass.co.
  • If you have open tracking turned on, then your tracking domain is present.
  • If you have links present, and you don’t have click tracking ON, then the domains in your links are present. Or, if you do have click tracking ON, but your links have anchor text that is a URL rather than a phrase (which bypasses click tracking functionality), then those domains will also be present.

The danger of the growing power of the DBL

I’ve shown that being listed on the DBL doesn’t just impact email delivery. It impacts social media links, and even the ability for some people to access a website listed on the DBL. Imagine, though, if the DBL were able to expand its influence to Google search results, the Google Safe Browsing program, or Facebook. The impact of large social media companies and search engines using the DBL blindly as a domain reputation service without any thought to the consequences for innocent users is frightening and dangerous.

What if Google started penalizing domains in SERPs based on being listed on the DBL?

What if the Safe Browsing program using DBL listings to influence whether a user should be able to access a site, similar to what Telenor is doing?

What if cloud hosting services like AWS and Azure started terminating customers whose domains are listed on the DBL?

These consequences would be catastrophic for the owner of a domain listed on the DBL, especially when there’s no explanation and no recourse for delisting.

The benefits of a DBL listing

Benefits?! I’ve always believed that for every seemingly negative circumstance, the universe creates an exactly equal set of positive circumstances. So what’s the benefit? I’ve always been a data junkie. I love collecting and analyzing and even publishing data, like our domain deliverability tool. In this case, being listed on the DBL, and having my verification IPs listed on the SBL, allowed me to collect a treasure trove of data about which domains use each of the DBL and SBL lists. How can I use this list? First, now that I’m aware of the DBL’s footprint, I can reach out to these organizations and ask them to stop using the DBL (see “the path forward” below). Secondly, I can also be sure to delete my signature block (it contains gmass.co) whenever I’m emailing someone at one of these domains.

The path forward

I don’t know if gmass.co’s listing is permanent or temporary. A lawsuit was filed against Spamhaus by a company called DatabaseUSA recently because their domain was listed on the DBL, and the lawsuit sought an explanation for the listing and requirements for delisting. Because Spamhaus is based in the tiny country of Andorra, they don’t respond to US-based lawsuits, so the judge granted DatabaseUSA a default victory. I was curious if Spamhaus would do anything differently afterward. While the listing of the domain remained on the DBL for months after the lawsuit was decided, sometime around the first week of September, I noticed that their domain disappeared from the DBL. Whether that was the result of the lawsuit or just the domain “aging out” of the list, I don’t know; but if it was age-related, perhaps there’s hope yet for gmass.co.

The natural response for any domain owner whose domain is suddenly listed would be to work around the listing. Perhaps change the domain used in corporate email communication. Perhaps avoid using the email in transactional email. Perhaps changing domains altogether and hoping Spamhaus doesn’t notice.

We aren’t changing much. Although we are going to change the URL endpoints of our Chrome extension so that Norwegian users can still use our software, mostly we’re just asking companies to stop using the DBL. We’ve already seen some success by getting Twitter to punch a hole in their blocklist for gmass.co, and we intend to keep pursuing that effort slowly. If you’d like to help with that effort, please get in touch. Or, if you have your own Spamhaus listing story to share, please comment below, and I’ll get in touch.

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge inside Gmail

Send incredible emails & automations and avoid the spam folder — all in one powerful but easy-to-learn tool


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Wondering if Moosend is the right email marketing tool for you?

Moosend is an email marketing platform and email automation tool that helps businesses send and manage bulk emails.

But is it the perfect software for you?

To help you out, I’ll cover everything you need to know about it in this Moosend review. I’ll highlight its key features, drawbacks, and pricing details. I’ll also mention a great Moosend alternative if the Moosend software doesn’t live up to your expectations.

This Moosend Review Contains:

(Click on a link to jump to the specific section)

Let’s get started.

What Is Moosend?

Moosend is an email marketing and marketing automation platform designed to help you send and manage an email marketing campaign. It allows businesses to segment mailing lists, send newsletters, and evaluate their email campaign performance.

Moosend homepage

What Is the Need for an Email Marketing Platform?

An email marketing platform or email marketing software helps you streamline your business’ email outreach campaigns.

You need an email marketing platform if you want to:

  • Reach out to your email subscriber list.
  • Create personalized emails for them.
  • Understand your deliverability metrics in real-time.
  • Implement email automation workflows.

How does Moosend help you?

With the Moosend software, you can:

  • Reach out to subscribers and customers through bulk emails.
  • Create a personalized email marketing campaign.
  • Segment your mailing list.
  • Implement email marketing automation
  • Analyze campaign deliverability

Who Are the Typical Users of Moosend?

Moosend is email marketing software used by businesses of all sizes, from startups to huge companies like Ogilvy and Fox. Agencies, publishers, SaaS companies, and nonprofits make use of Moosend’s services for email marketing.

Which Mobile Platforms Does Moosend Support?

Unfortunately, Moosend doesn’t offer its services on mobile devices. You’ll need to use a laptop or desktop to manage email campaigns.

What Are the Main Features of Moosend?

In this Moosend review, I’ll highlight four key Moosend features to help you decide if it’s the right tool for you:

Here’s a closer look at each feature:

1. Campaign Creation

Email marketing is all about running effective campaigns to convert people on your mailing list into potential customers.

Running campaigns with Moosend is pretty straightforward with its campaign editor.

The Campaign Editor feature lets you create different campaigns, like a regular campaign, an A/B testing campaign, and an automation campaign.

How to Create a Campaign on Moosend

To create an email campaign, use the Campaign Editor feature and follow these steps:

  • Pick a campaign name, subject, and sender.
  • Choose the campaign type (for example, a regular or automation campaign).
  • Select your mailing list.
  • Choose the text/HTML format for your email content.
  • Upload the email content.
  • Perform a primary spam and delivery test.
  • Schedule your delivery.
  • Review everything.

If you want to send an email newsletter to stay in constant contact with everyone who has signed up on your subscription form, use the newsletter editor feature. It’s a drag-and-drop editor for adding images, text, buttons, and more — helping you create newsletters easily.

Additionally, Moosend offers newsletter templates for creating a newsletter instantly. This way, you won’t have to waste time building one from scratch.

2. Marketing Automation

Moosend offers an email automation feature that helps you create an automated workflow for repetitive tasks, making email marketing much more comfortable.

What can you automate?

Let’s say that I own an eCommerce website:

One of my customers views some of my products on my website and places a product in the cart, but doesn’t make a purchase.

Now, if I have the contact details for this customer, I can manually send them a gentle reminder about their cart abandonment saying, “You still have items in your cart. Would you like to purchase them now?”

Instead of wasting time doing this manually, Moosend lets you automate the process of sending such transactional emails to alert and convert your customers quickly.

Here are a few other examples of automations:

  • Send a product promotion email only to subscribers who have clicked a specific link in your newsletter.
  • Segment your list automatically based on link clicks in a newsletter.
  • Remove subscribers from a segmented list if they haven’t opened your last 20 emails.

What’s a transactional email?

A transactional email is a one-to-one email that’s usually automated and essentially completes a transaction between you and your recipient. For example, the order completion email you receive from an eCommerce website after finishing a purchase is a transactional email.

How to Use the Automation Feature on Moosend

Automation is performed using a predefined “recipe” in Moosend.

Each recipe is essentially an automation sequence where you define triggers, conditions, and steps.

Triggers are events that start the automation when the conditions hold. The steps state what actions the Moosend automation tool must perform. For added flexibility, you can also build a custom automated workflow to your liking.

3. Lists and Segmentation

Remember, one of your primary goals in email marketing is to grow your mailing list.

After all, you need to reach out to more potential customers to grow your business.

With a Moosend account, you can add contacts from Google/Salesforce accounts and import them from spreadsheets or CSV files. This way, you can create massive email lists quickly.

However, if your subscriber list is spread across very diverse demographics, sending the same message to everyone doesn’t work very well. You need custom campaigns with personalized emails that reach out and impact your target segments.

Moosend’s List Segmentation feature lets you segment your customer list based on several broad criteria to cater to varying audience interests.

You can form an unlimited number of groups that classify your customers based on:

  • The number of your campaigns they’ve been part of before
  • The products they’ve viewed
  • Their cart abandonment habits
  • The type of web/mobile browser they use
  • And more
Ajay’s Mail Tip

One quick way to boost recipient engagement is by understanding the right way to start and end emails. Read my detailed guides on how to start and end your emails to learn how to do it.

4. Integrations

You can’t expect one tool to support all the functionalities you and your company need for your email marketing strategy.

To address that, Moosend offers various integrations between its services and third-party software using Zapier and Piesync.

What Integrations Are Available on Moosend?

Some of Moosend’s integrations include:

  • SMTP service: offered by Moosend for sending bulk emails using an SMTP relay.
  • ConnectWise Manage: used to manage customer relations with your subscriber list.
  • LiveChat: a live chat feature to enhance the customer support experience.
  • WordPress plugin: include subscription forms on a WordPress site.
  • WooCommerce: reduce cart abandonment using an automation campaign for purchase reminders.
  • Salesforce: transfer information between Moosend and your Salesforce CRM.

Moosend Pricing

The Moosend pricing model offers two plans:

  • Pro: $9/month for under 500 subscribers, prices go up from there
  • Enterprise: custom rates

What Are the Drawbacks of Moosend?

Sure, Moosend is a handy tool, but it does come with critical drawbacks.

Here’s what you should watch out for:

1. Uses a Separate User Interface from Gmail

No matter how user-friendly a tool’s user interface claims to be, it doesn’t beat something you’re already familiar with, like Gmail.

Sure, you want a tool that’ll make your life as an email marketer easier. But the ease of using a tool also matters — and that’s one place where Moosend lags.

Moosend uses an interface that’s separate from Gmail.

You don’t want to spend all your valuable time trying to figure out how to use a marketing tool like Moosend when you could use that time for lead generation and growing your business. Additionally, you’ll have to spend time juggling between Moosend and Gmail to make sense of your campaigns!

2. Limited Features in the Base Plan

When you’re looking for email marketing software, there will be features you absolutely need more than others.

And unless you use Moosend’s Pro or Enterprise plan, you’re losing out on some essential basic features on the free account.

For example, you don’t get priority support in the free plan.

Additionally, the base pricing plan (Pro plan at $8/month) doesn’t support custom reporting features.

Why is this a huge deal?

Custom reports on campaign performance help you make better decisions about your marketing campaign. It’s a feature that businesses of all sizes rely on heavily — unless they use Moosend, of course.

3. No Mobile Support

Moosend doesn’t offer a mobile app for your email campaigns.

Why does that matter?

When you’re on the move, using a desktop or laptop to manage your email campaigns can be super inconvenient. Unfortunately, since Moosend doesn’t have a mobile app for Android or iOS devices, you can’t easily manage an email marketing campaign when you’re not at your workplace.

The Perfect Moosend Alternative: GMass

While Moosend is a decent tool, it comes with several drawbacks that could severely limit your campaign management.

Fortunately, there’s a better email marketing solution — GMass.

What’s GMass?

GMass homepage

GMass is a powerful email marketing tool and marketing automation platform that offers ease of use and powerful outreach features. That’s why it’s a popular mail merge tool that’s used by employees from large companies like Google and Uber, as well as social media giants like Twitter and LinkedIn.

However, GMass isn’t only for tech giants.

It’s also perfect for individuals, small business owners, institutions, and churches that want to send emails to a target audience and grow their numbers of subscribers.

GMass helps you:

  • Craft personalized emails at scale.
  • Schedule emails in advance to send to your audiences, even if they’re large.
  • Track and evaluate campaign progress.
  • Set up an automation sequence for follow-ups in Gmail and G Suite.

And that’s not all…

To get started with GMass, just download the Chrome extension and sign up with your Gmail account.

It’s that simple!

Three Reasons GMass Is Better Than Moosend

We’ve talked about Moosend and its drawbacks. Now, let’s look at how GMass can help you resolve those drawbacks:

1. Unlimited contacts on all sends

Moosend looks like it has low prices… until you try to send to any reasonably sized list. Then the prices skyrocket. GMass includes unlimited contacts on all plans.

2. Works Right Inside Gmail

GMass works within Gmail itself, unlike most email marketing tools.

As you’ll already be familiar with the Gmail interface, you can quickly get started with GMass.

Additionally, since GMass uses the Gmail email editor, you can compose emails the same way you already do in Gmail. As a result, all your email marketing tasks can be dealt with within Gmail itself!

That includes:

  • Tracking emails
  • Running campaigns
  • Marketing automation
  • Evaluating analytics

This way, you don’t have to switch between multiple tabs or windows to manage your email campaigns — with GMass, everything stays right inside Gmail.

3. Integrated as an Add-On with the Gmail Android App

GMass is also available as a Gmail Android app add-on.

How does that help you?

Using the app, you can effectively manage campaigns and your subscriber list right from your smartphone!

Whether it’s tracking deliverability, performing marketing automation and analytics, or conducting drip campaigns, pretty much everything can now be handled from your mobile.

Other Powerful GMass Features

GMass comes equipped with other advanced features as well.

Let’s take a closer look at some of them:

1. Powerful Email Personalization

Personalization is key to customer engagement, and this is something most marketers can’t afford to take lightly.

Your customers don’t want generic emails sent to them. They don’t want a boring opt-in form or an impersonal link to your landing page.

They want to feel unique and valued.

Luckily, there are several ways in which you can use GMass to personalize the subject and message of your mail-merge campaigns in Gmail. With GMass, you can send custom sign-in forms and special links to your webinars, and so on.

GMass offers several advanced personalization  features like:

  • First Name Detection and Entry – Automatically detect and enter each prospect’s first name from their email address and add it to their email.
  • Personalized Blocks of Text – Entire paragraphs can be personalized for each recipient.
  • Customizable Images and Links – Each recipient can be sent personalized images and links.

Email personalization

Note: If you’re someone who prefers using a Microsoft Excel sheet or a Word mail-merge, here’s a simple tutorial with step-by-step instructions on how to use them with GMass.

2. Automated Follow-Ups

When you send your email campaigns, you usually need to include a call-to-action. This could be something like asking the recipient to revisit their abandoned cart, make a purchase, renew their membership, or simply respond.

However, your customers are busy people. They could miss the first marketing email you send them, or get busy and forget to respond.

Unfortunately, sending a manual follow-up reminder mail to everyone will eat up tons of otherwise-productive time.

Why not use an automation tool for your transactional emails instead?

This drastically reduces the amount of manual effort you’ll need to put in to prompt and remind your potential customers to act.

That’s why GMass includes an automation feature for follow-ups.

Everything about the automated workflow can be customized, such as:

  • The trigger for a follow-up email (such as when someone opens your email or clicks on a link, etc.)
  • How many follow-up emails will be sent during your automation campaign
  • The frequency and interval between follow-up emails
  • The content that goes into the body of the follow-up message

Automated followups

Note: If you’re looking for a more advanced email automation feature, you can always use our Google Sheets Zapier integration.

3. Reporting and Analytics

You can’t piece together productive campaigns without gauging the deliverability of your bulk emails. To stay ahead of the curve, you need an in-depth campaign report that breaks down how your emails are doing.

GMass automatically generates a Campaign Report after you send an email campaign. The report gives you a holistic view of your marketing statistics at a glance.

And all of this is accessible within Gmail itself.

Just click on [CAMPAIGNS] from the Gmail sidebar to view your GMass Campaign Reports.

Reporting and analytics

The Campaign Report highlights several core email metrics like:

  1. Total Recipients: Number of people to whom you’ve sent your email campaign
  2. Unique Opens: Number of unique recipients who opened your email campaign
  3. Didn’t Open: How many people didn’t open the email you sent them
  4. Unique Clicks: Number of distinct email addressees who clicked at least one link in your email
  5. Replies: Number of replies from recipients to your email campaign
  6. Unsubscribes: How many email addressees chose to unsubscribe from your mailing list
  7. Bounces: Number of undelivered emails due to invalid email IDs on the campaign mailing list
  8. Rejections because your Gmail account is over-limit: Number of emails that couldn’t be sent because you’ve overshot the limit for sending emails from your Gmail account
  9. Blocks: Number of emails that went undelivered because the recipients’ email address marked your account as spam.


Moosend is a great email marketing tool used by many businesses.

However, it comes with some serious limitations you’ll want to consider. The base plan’s got limited features, its interface is separate from Gmail, and most importantly, there’s no mobile support.

Fortunately, GMass has tons of powerful features to overcome these disadvantages. From a feature-loaded free plan to mobile support — you’ve got everything for your email marketing needs.

With GMass, you go from a regular email marketer to an expert email professional in no time!

So why not download the GMass Chrome Extension today and try it out for yourself?

And if you were wondering about trying out any other mass email tools, why not check out how GMass compares and outperforms them, too:

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge inside Gmail

Send incredible emails & automations and avoid the spam folder — all in one powerful but easy-to-learn tool


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Thinking about using SocketLabs for your SMTP needs?

SocketLabs is an SMTP service and marketing automation platform designed to optimize your email marketing and outreach.

However, is it the best tool for your business?

Whether you’re new to bulk email services or are migrating from another service like SparkPost or MailChimp, this SocketLabs review covers the key features, drawbacks, and pricing to help you make an informed decision.

I’ll also cover the best tool to help you make the most out of SocketLabs’ features.

This SocketLabs Review Contains:

(Click on a link below to jump to a specific section.)

Let’s get started!

What Is SocketLabs?SocketLabs homepage

SocketLabs (socketlabs.com) is an SMTP relay service and marketing automation platform based in Aston, Pennsylvania. SocketLabs customers use the tool to set up high-volume email marketing campaigns with ease.

What Is an SMTP Relay Service?

An SMTP relay service, or simply an SMTP service, helps your business set up bulk emails and marketing mechanisms. You can use SocketLab’s SMTP service in your go-to email software (like Gmail or Outlook) to add functionality to it.

For example, Gmail limits daily sending to 500 emails/day for free Gmail accounts and 2,000 emails/day for G Suite accounts. However, SMTP services like SocketLabs do not have these limitations, allowing you to send high-volume email campaigns easily.

What Is a Marketing Automation Platform?

Marketing automation allows you to automate several tasks in your marketing process, such as sending emails and follow-ups. These platforms help you save time and effort that you can use for other business activities.

What can SocketLabs do?

SocketLabs various features can help you:

  • Schedule multiple emails and follow-ups with reliable delivery
  • Send mass emails and campaigns without daily sending limits
  • Analyze email delivery and performance via detailed reports
  • Set up transactional emails for online sales
  • Easily customize email design to suit your business email brand

The rest of this review will take a closer look at SocketLabs’ key features and benefits. (But if you’re an advanced web developer and you’d like to customize SocketLabs from the more complex back end, read my technical review of SocketLabs here.)

5 Key Features of SocketLabs

SocketLabs has a ton of features to help SocketLabs customers enhance their email marketing campaigns.

Here’s a detailed look at the best ones:

1. SMTP Server

An SMTP server allows you to manage your bulk marketing and transactional emails with ease.

What are transactional emails?

They’re automatic emails triggered by a specific action or event. For example, if a customer purchases an item, that action would trigger a corresponding transactional email — a payment confirmation sent to the customer.

However, building and maintaining your own SMTP mail server to do this is complex, time-consuming, and expensive.

SocketLabs makes this process easier by providing a powerful, secure SMTP mail server and MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) for your business. This can replace an in-house SMTP server (like Gmail’s) or even the SMTP service hosted by your ISP (internet service provider).

How do you use the SocketLabs server?

All you need to do is sign up for their service to receive your SMTP credentials. Then, enter these into your email client (Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo Mail, etc.) to connect to the SocketLabs SMTP email server.

SocketLabs’ SMTP service features:

  • Excellent deliverability rates to ensure your emails reach the recipient’s inbox and aren’t marked as spam emails
  • Unlimited email sending to bypass sending limits associated with Gmail and Outlook
  • Easy integration with your in-house email applications
  • DKIM record, SPF, and DMARC authentication for all your email messages
What Is DKIM?

DKIM refers to Domain Keys Identified Mail. This process encrypts outgoing mail and gives each email a digital signature to verify that it was sent by the owner of the domain. To keep your email message secure, only the receiver’s mail server can decrypt the incoming email.

What Is SPF?

SPF, or Sender Policy Framework, is a security mechanism to validate IP addresses and web applications that send emails from a particular domain.

The SPF record associated with a domain contains a database of applications and IP addresses authorized to send emails using the specific domain name.

This way, only emails from authorized IP addresses and applications are accepted by the recipient’s mail server, while the rest are rejected or flagged.

What Is DMARC?

DMARC stands for “Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance.” It’s an authentication protocol used alongside DKIM and SPF to provide an additional layer of security to your email and sender domain.

These authentication measures ensure that your outgoing mail remains secure on its way to the recipient’s inbox and can’t be intercepted or altered.

2. Built-In Template Library and Email Designer

To ensure maximum open rates and conversions, you need to design your emails the right way. But if you aren’t experienced with email marketing or design, this can be a tricky process!

Luckily, SocketLabs email offers a range of starter email templates that give you a solid framework to build your emails. These email templates make it simple to plug in your content and create professional emails in no time.

For more experienced users, Socket Labs also features a drag-and-drop email designer. This tool helps you build attractive emails from scratch with ease.

The drag-and-drop email designer allows you to:

  • Design professional emails that resonate with your brand image.
  • Use fluid and responsive layouts that can be read on any device.
  • Easily insert design elements, from text and images to buttons and dividers.

SocketLabs even allows you to personalize these email templates using custom and merge fields. These fields are then filled with mail merge data from your contact list for every single recipient.

This way, you can send personalized, mass emails without manually entering all the personal information yourself.

3. Campaign Management

SocketLabs customers can manage all their email campaigns from the SocketLabs SMTP service itself.

It allows you to set up, automate, and customize drip campaigns with features such as:

  • The name of the email within the software
  • The subject and content of your email message
  • The scheduled time to send each message in your drip campaign

What kind of emails can you send with drip campaigns?

Drip campaigns can be used to automate a series of emails, like:

  • Welcome emails or onboarding messages
  • Email newsletters for specific audiences or customer bases
  • Automatic follow-ups
  • Sales messages and campaigns

By setting up your drip campaigns via SocketLabs, you can automate the entire process — you don’t need to worry about manually sending each email or remembering to follow-up at the right time to maximize email deliverability and open rates.

4. Statistics and Reporting

To optimize your email performance, you need to analyze your marketing campaign against critical metrics.

The SocketLabs email delivery service gives you detailed reports and analytics for all your emails, covering key stats such as:

  • The number of outbound emails sent and accepted
  • The number of failed emails and the bounce rate
  • The number of emails reported as spam
  • The open rate and click rate for each marketing campaign

These analytics help you identify how you can improve your email marketing, such as eliminating elements of a message that cause some emails to go straight to a recipient’s spam folder.

Tip: To improve your email delivery further, the SocketLabs team also offers webinars and guides such as “The Science of Hitting the Inbox for High-Volume Senders.”

5. Integration and SocketLabs API

The SocketLabs network (www.socketlabs.com) supports easy integration with a variety of SaaS and software tools to improve your email marketing functionality.

SocketLabs supported integration includes:

  • Marketing automation: Launchmetrics, SAP Marketing Cloud
  • SMS and digital communication tools: OpenMessage, SuperPhone
  • Email verification software: KickBox, VerSafe
  • Customer experience platforms: Qualtrics, Team Support
  • Ecommerce tools: CashStar, SAP Commerce Cloud
  • WordPress plugin

Apart from these direct integrations, SocketLabs also provides email API access for developers (application programming interface) to set up custom integrations. While most email marketers won’t need these features, it could help an advanced developer who knows what they’re doing.

SocketLabs provides developers with custom integrations such as:

  • Injection API: Send messages via HTTP POST requests instead of the standard SMTP message injection. This allows you to perform inline mail merges in Basic Send within a single HTTP POST request.
  • Notification API or Webhook: Set up real-time notifications for various SMTP events like delivered emails or failed messages in any language, platform, or location.
  • Inbound Parsing API: Deconstruct inbound email messages from text and HTML file data into a file attachment or custom header. SocketLabs provides a detailed summary and report of all parsing activity for your account.
  • Reporting API: Create custom queries for various email metrics such as email opens, clicks, or failed emails.

3 Drawbacks to Using SocketLabs

While SocketLabs is a handy marketing automation platform, it isn’t perfect.

Here’s a closer look at some areas where this tool falls behind:

1. No Contact Management Features

Socket Labs doesn’t support an extensive contact management feature.

What does this mean?

A typical SMTP service or software vendor, like Sendinblue, Mailgun, or SendGrid, allows you to manage your contacts from within your bulk email platform.

For a closer look at these SMTP services, check out these detailed reviews of Sendinblue, Mailgun, and SendGrid.

However, with SocketLabs, you must use another tool with contact management functionalities to keep track of multiple recipients and contact lists. This can be inconvenient for large mailing lists and can get expensive as you’re paying for multiple tools.

2. Can’t Verify Email Addresses

SocketLabs doesn’t provide any email verification services to help you optimize your contact lists and filter out invalid recipients.

How does email verification help you?

Email verification allows you to remove false, misspelled, and invalid recipients from your customer or contact lists. This helps you improve your deliverability rate and ensures that your email messages are sent to the correct inbox. In turn, this reduces the chance of your messages being marked as spam emails.

As SocketLabs can’t help you verify your email lists within the platform, you’ll need to invest in a separate email verification tool to remove invalid recipients from your mailing list.

3. Lacks SMS Marketing or Transactional SMS Message Support

Along with email, SMS is one of the most effective modes of communication for your marketing or transactional message needs.

This is why your typical marketing automation or email service provider also supports SMS marketing and transactional SMS message support. It allows you to connect your email and SMS marketing for a more effective campaign.

However, SocketLabs doesn’t support native SMS features — you’ll need to use one of the supported integrations or use other third-party tools to handle your transactional SMS messages.

SocketLabs Pricing

SocketLabs offers four pricing plans to suit a variety of business needs. Here’s a closer look:

  • Free plan — Up to 40,000 emails in the first month, then 2,000 emails/month + email templates + analytics + email API.
  • Basic plan: $39.95/month — Includes all “Free plan” features + up to 40,000 emails/month + 90 days of performance history + 1 secure whitelisted authentication IP address.
  • Professional plan: Includes all “Basic plan” features + 5 secure whitelisted authentication IP address + 1 dedicated IP address + deliverability consulting + priority customer support.
      • $79.95/month — Up to 100,000 emails/month.
      • $125/month — Up to 200,000 emails/month.
      • $225/month — Up to 400,000 emails/month.
  • Enterprise plan: Custom pricing — Includes all “Professional plan” features + over 500,000 emails/month + 2 dedicated IP addresses + suppression list IP + encrypted engagement tracking.

The Best Tool to Upgrade SocketLabs’ Marketing Functionality

Although SocketLabs is a great service, it has a few drawbacks.

Luckily, a tool like GMass can help you resolve several of these flaws to take your email marketing to the next level.

What Is GMass?

GMass homepage

GMass is a powerful email outreach tool used by employees from major companies like LinkedIn, Google, and Twitter to improve their email marketing. Its powerful mail-merge features make it the best tool to enhance an SMTP service like SocketLabs.

But GMass isn’t just for huge firms or social media platforms!

Anyone — from solopreneurs to small businesses and even churches — can use GMass to send emails to their audiences and multiple recipients.

GMass helps you:

  • Send mass emails via your SMTP service from within the Gmail client.
  • Analyze your email performance via detailed Campaign Reports.
  • Set up multi-user access for your entire marketing team.
  • Personalize mass emails and campaigns for multiple recipients.
  • Schedule multiple emails and follow-ups with ease.

And the best part?

Getting started with GMass is a piece of cake!

Just install the Chrome Browser Extension today to see your email functionality skyrocket.

How Does GMass Improve Your SocketLabs Marketing?

GMass is one of the only Gmail-based outreach tools that can be set up with an SMTP service like SocketLabs or Amazon SES.

But how does this help you?

Let’s take a look:

1. Send Bulk Emails from the User-Friendly Gmail Interface

GMass works within your Gmail account.

This helps you avoid using a complex SMTP service user interface to send bulk message campaigns.

Instead of spending time and effort learning how to use a complex new email delivery platform like SocketLabs, GMass allows you to access its SMTP functionality with the ease of Gmail’s user interface.

This helps you save tons of time and resources that could be used to analyze and improve your email marketing performance instead.

2. GMass Supports Team Plans for Multi-User Access

Most SMTP services and email delivery solutions like SocketLabs do not support multi-user access, especially on their budget-friendly pricing tiers.

However, you can easily connect your GMass account to your SMTP relay service to bypass this limitation! GMass’ Team plans are extremely cost-effective and provide powerful features at affordable prices.

For a detailed look at how easy it is to connect GMass with SocketLabs, click here.

GMass Pricing

You may be worried that a tool packed with so many powerful email marketing features has to be super expensive, right?

Don’t worry!

GMass is one of the most affordable email marketing platforms out there.

Here’s a quick look at its tiered pricing plans:

  • Individual:
    • Standard: $25 per month or $225 annually. Includes unlimited emails, contacts, and campaigns. Plus mail merge personalization, Spam Solver, and dozens of other features.
    • Premium: $35 per month or $325 annually. All Standard plan features, plus auto follow-up sequences, API access and Zapier, and triggered emails.
    • Professional: $55 per month or $525 annually. All Premium features plus GMass MultiSend for inbox rotation and high-priority support.
  • Team:
    • Professional: starts at $145 per month for a team of five – supports all features.


Using an SMTP relay service like SocketLabs is crucial to sending a mass email marketing campaign with ease.

However, as mentioned in this SocketLabs review, this software has a complex user interface and lacks multi-user access. It also can’t verify email addresses for you — increasing your chances of email bounces.

Fortunately, GMass allows you to make the most of your SMTP server service provider and take your email marketing to the next level. As it operates within the Gmail interface, it’s super simple to use, and its affordable team plans make it the best solution to accompany your SMTP relay service.

So why not sign up for GMass today to experience GMass’ email capabilities yourself?

See why GMass has 300k+ users and 7,500+ 5-star reviews

Email marketing. Cold email. Mail merge. Avoid the spam folder. Easy to learn and use. All inside Gmail.


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Looking for a detailed Mailgun review?

Mailgun is an SMTP email service designed specifically for software developers. It focuses on helping users send out bulk emails quickly and boost the engagement of their emails.

However, Mailgun isn’t a perfect tool.

For starters, Mailgun doesn’t have some basic email marketing features, like built-in email templates that are found in most other email tools.

Additionally, as it’s designed for developers, most Mailgun reviews highlight how setting it up and using it can be difficult for anyone who’s not familiar with software programming.

So, is Mailgun worth investing in for your company?

I’ll try and help you answer that.

In this Mailgun review, I’ll cover everything you need to know about the service.

I’ll highlight its key features, pricing, and drawbacks to give you an in-depth look at the tool. I’ll even go over the best email tool to add more functionality to Mailgun.

This Mailgun Review Contains:

Let’s get started!

What Is Mailgun?Mailgun Homepage

Mailgun (mailgun.com) is an email service designed for software developers who want to use an API (Application Programming Interface) to send out mass emails.

What is an email API?

An email API is a tool that gives websites and applications access to the enhanced functionality that’s typically only available on a mail platform. For example, with an email API, your website or app could send transactional emails to your customers.

One of the best things about having a Mailgun account is that the tool also integrates with WordPress. This way, you can install Mailgun as a plugin on your WordPress site to send emails directly from there.

However, the Mailgun mail service isn’t just limited to its powerful API features.

It also has email validation, A/B testing, burst sending, and deliverability optimization features.

Confused about what these features are? 

Don’t worry. I’ll get to them in a minute.

But before that, I need to highlight Mailgun’s SMTP server for sending bulk emails.

What is SMTP, and why do you need it?

SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol) is an email protocol used to send emails online. Setting up your own SMTP helps you bypass the sending limits of email clients like Outlook and Gmail.

For example, when you use Gmail, you’re limited to sending 500-2,000 emails/day, depending on whether you use a Gmail or G Suite account.

When you have an extensive mailing list, this daily sending quota might be extremely limiting. In a situation like this, investing in tools like Mailgun, which have virtually limitless email sending capabilities, can benefit your business.

If you want to learn more about SMTP, check out my ultimate guide to SMTP.

Remember, Mailgun Isn’t an Email Marketing Tool

What you need to keep in mind is that Mailgun is designed as a mail API and SMTP relay tool instead of a marketing tool. If you’re looking for email marketing in particular, you’re better suited to using a tool like Mailjet with Mailgun for efficient marketing email sending.

For a detailed look at Mailjet, check out my review here.

Now, that we’ve covered what Mailgun is, let’s take a look at some FAQs regarding the Mailgun app:

What Does Mailgun Do?

Mailgun (www.mailgun.com) is a transactional email service used by developers and information technology professionals to send, receive, and track emails using its powerful API. Developers can use it to send out transactional emails, monitor their performance, and optimize emails for higher engagement rates.

What are transactional emails?

Transactional emails are “triggered/automated emails” that are usually sent to the customer after a specific action has been performed on an app or website. For example, an email sent to the customer after creating an account on an app can be called a transactional email.

Mailgun also supports various programming languages like Python, Java, Ruby, and the PHP framework to help developers set up Mailgun in a familiar programming language.

Is Mailgun Secure?

Yes, Mailgun is a secure tool. It doesn’t share customer information with unauthorized third parties, and their server infrastructure is stored at top-tier data centers.

Is Mailgun Legit?

Yes, Mailgun is a legit SaaS company based in the United States.

It’s been in operation for over nine years and is trusted by leading tech brands, universities, sports associations, and hotel chains worldwide. Mailgun was acquired by Rackspace in 2012 but became independent again in 2017.

Can Mailgun Receive Email?

Yes, you can use the Mailgun email API for inbound mail processing, and even filter emails for spam by using a spam filter. However, if you’re looking to connect your personal mail address to Mailgun, it’s not recommended.

This is chiefly because Mailgun is designed specifically for developers instead of for general use.

Three Key Features of Mailgun

Here are three key Mailgun features that can help you get the best out of your emails:

1. Email Validation

How many times have you had your outgoing mail bounce because the recipient’s email address was invalid?

Every year, businesses lose thousands of dollars because of bounced emails. Each email that bounces causes your engagement metrics and sender IP reputation to drop. And a low IP reputation means more deliverability problems for all of your emails.

This is why email validation is so important.

It lets you filter out inactive or undeliverable mail addresses before sending mail, and that keeps your bounce rates low. This way, your sender IP reputation isn’t adversely affected.

There are two ways you can use the Mailgun API to validate your emails:

A. Real-Time Email Validation API

Mailgun’s real-time email validation API identifies invalid emails at the time of capture (when an email address is inserted into your database). This way, no user will be able to insert an invalid mail address into Mailgun.

B. Bulk List Validation Tool

Mailgun has a bulk email validation tool that makes it super easy to clean out inactive emails from your list. All you have to do is upload your contacts as a CSV list, and Mailgun will take care of the rest — identifying and removing invalid accounts.

 2. Burst Sending Feature

Why do people ditch standard mail clients in favor of specialized email services like Mailgun?

Email clients like Gmail and Outlook have daily limits on how many emails you can send out. And most of the time, these limits aren’t enough for businesses that need to send thousands of emails in one go.

If you need to send a mass email to thousands of people on Gmail, it can take hours or even days for the mail to reach your last recipient. And that’s if your account isn’t blocked for spam before that!

This is why tools like Mailgun are specially designed for super-fast, high-volume email delivery. Mailgun is focused on sending out any transactional email as quickly as possible.

With Mailgun’s Rapid Fire feature, you can choose to send your emails in bursts at predetermined times, or send out high volume emails around the clock.

Mailgun also features intelligent queue management features, which promises to send out 99% of emails within the first five minutes.

How does this work?

While it’s slightly complex to break down, Mailgun’s cloud architecture allows it to adjust the availability of its resources based on demand. This way, Mailgun can initiate the delivery of your emails in a very short time.

And if your business needs a very high volume of emails delivered, Mailgun also supports performance packages that will attempt to send up to 15 million emails per hour.

3. Email Performance Prediction

There are tons of tools that can show you how many of your emails were delivered.

But how many email tools can tell you the folder in which your mail actually lands?

Knowing whether your emails reached a recipient isn’t enough. You have to know if your email made it to the recipient’s primary inbox, or if it was labeled as spam and sent directly to the spam folder.

This allows you to tweak future emails to perform better.

Mailgun has a feature called Inbox Placement, which can predict email deliverability issues and help you resolve them before sending out your emails. This way, you can increase recipient engagement and ROI from your emails.

But that’s not all.

The feature will also show you how well your emails are doing with each email provider (like Gmail and Outlook), and which email service providers you need to focus on optimizing.

Whether it’s a problem with your subject line, email content, or anything else — Mailgun will help you diagnose these issues and work on them before your email is sent.

Ajay’s Mail Tip

To increase engagement rates, you should also know how to start and end emails to engage your audience. Check out my detailed guides on how to start and end your emails for some no-nonsense tips.

The Four Disadvantages of Mailgun

Now that you know the key features of Mailgun, let’s take a look at some of its drawbacks:

1. Setup Can Be Tough for Non-Developers

Most specialized email tools try to have an easy setup and maintenance process. This ensures that they remain as user-friendly as possible.

However, as Mailgun is such a technical tool, it isn’t easy to set up. To reap the full benefits of Mailgun and its mail server, you must either be a web developer or hire a developer to use the Mailgun API. (In that case, you may want to read my technical review of SMTP services, including Mailgun.)

That’s why, if you lack the necessary programming knowledge, Mailgun may not be the right tool for you.

2. No Email Marketing Features

Remember, Mailgun isn’t built to cater to most email marketers. It’s specifically designed for developers who want to connect the Mailgun API to a website or app.

If you’re an email marketer looking to send your next email marketing campaign, you may not find Mailgun to be very useful.

Mailgun doesn’t feature any email templates and doesn’t support automated email follow-ups to recipients. These are both features that are essential to efficient campaign management.

3. No Free Plan

Tons of email services today offer a free tier for users who don’t have buckets of money to invest in email. While Mailgun used to offer a free plan which supported 10,000 emails per month until the start of 2020, they currently don’t have a free plan for users.

The lowest tier they offer is the Flex plan, which provides three months of free emails.

Mailgun then charges you based on the number of emails you send after the initial three months.

Additionally, when you consider the fact that you need to use a separate tool with it for email marketing, this isn’t a very affordable mail service.

4. Limited Support for Lower-Tier Users

When you spend your money on a service, you expect their customer support teams to be available whenever you need them, right?

Unfortunately, with Mailgun, you might not be that lucky.

Mailgun has five pricing tiers, and even though Mailgun support is available through instant chat and live phone service for the upper-tier plans, it works differently on the lower tiers.

If you use their Flex plan (the most affordable plan), you can submit a ticket whenever an issue arises, but you’ll have limited support from the Mailgun team.

This issue will impact your business severely in situations when you’re in the middle of an urgent email campaign, and your account gets blocked.

Why would your account be blocked?

Your account might get blocked from sending emails because lower-tier users don’t receive a dedicated IP; they have to use shared IP addresses. And if another sender abuses an IP address, any account linked to that IP address (like yours) will be blocked from sending emails.

Matters like this require urgent attention, and if the customer service team can’t deliver quickly, it can cause significant issues for your business.

How Much Does Mailgun Cost?

Now that I’ve covered Mailgun’s key features, let’s take a look at how much Mailgun costs.

The Mailgun pricing is split into five plans: Flex, Foundation, Growth, Scale, and Enterprise.

Here’s what they include:

Mailgun Pricing 1: “Flex”

Three free months, then pay-as-you-use. This plan includes:

  • 5,000 emails/month for free, for 3 months.
  • $0.80/1,000 emails after the first 3 months.
  • Powerful API for emails, SMTP relay, and webhook forwarders.
  • Email tracking and analytics.
  • Suppression management.
  • Retention of searchable logs for 5 days.
  • Detailed documentation.
  • Limited 24/7 ticket support.

Mailgun Pricing 2: “Foundation”

From $35–$75 per month. This plan includes:

  • Everything in the Flex plan.
  • Support for sending 50,000 to 100,000 emails/month.
  • Inbound email routing.
  • 1 dedicated IP for foundation 100k and up.
  • Email address validation.
  • Inbox placement.
  • 1 day of message retention
  • 24/7 ticket support.

Mailgun Pricing 3: ‘Growth’

From $80–$650 per month. This plan includes:

  • Everything in the Foundation plan.
  • Support for sending 100,000 to 1,000,000 emails/month.
  • 1,000 email validations.
  • Retention of searchable logs for 15 days.
  • 1 dedicated IP address.
  • 10 inbox placement tests.
  • Message retention for 3 days.
  • Customer support via instant chat.

Mailgun Pricing 4: “Scale”

From $90–$1,250 per month. This plan includes:

  • Everything in Growth.
  • Support for 100,000 to 2,500,000 emails/month.
  • 1 dedicated IP address.
  • Instant chat support.
  • Live phone support.
  • 5,000 email validations.
  • 15 inbox placement tests.
  • Send time optimization.
  • Retention of searchable logs for 30 days.
  • Message retention for 7 days.

Mailgun Pricing 5: “Enterprise”

Custom pricing. This plan includes:

  • Everything in scale.
  • Support for sending 2,500,000+ emails/month.
  • 1 dedicated IP.
  • Custom features.
  • Deliverability services.
  • Rapid Fire Burst Sending.

The Best Way to Add More Functionality to Mailgun

It’s now clear that while being an extremely powerful tool, Mailgun definitely falls short when it comes to user-friendliness and email marketing.

But what if you could add marketing functionality to Mailgun through another software without having to deal with any added technical work?

It’s simple; all you have to do is connect Mailgun with a powerful, user-friendly email-marketing tool.

In other words, just connect it to an email system like GMass!

What is GMass?GMass Homepage

GMass is a comprehensive email marketing software service used by employees of giant organizations like Google, Uber, and social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn.

But GMass isn’t just meant for giant businesses!

Solopreneurs, small businesses, churches, and individuals can use GMass to send bulk emails to a target audience.

Additionally, GMass works completely inside the Gmail user interface, so you don’t have to worry about using separate tools or opening new tabs to manage your email campaigns.

With GMass, you can:

  • Schedule and send any email marketing campaign from your Gmail inbox.
  • Track the way recipients engage with your marketing emails.
  • Access real-time reports to understand how your emails are performing.
  • Use custom tracking domains.
  • Connect with Mailgun to send powerful, personalized emails to an unlimited number of recipients every day.

That’s not all!

GMass is super easy to set-up.

Just add the GMass Chrome extension to your Chrome browser, and you can start sending marketing emails to your customer base!

How Does GMass Work with Mailgun?

You can set up Mailgun as an external SMTP provider on GMass to send emails through Mailgun’s SMTP server.

With GMass’ enhanced functionality and ease-of-use, you’ll easily optimize your email campaigns and enjoy the benefits of Mailgun’s limitless mail service inside Gmail.

Click here to learn more about setting up an SMTP connection server in Gmail with GMass. 

Wrapping Up

Mailgun is a useful tool if you’re a developer looking for a specialized email service.

However, if your use case is sending out marketing and transactional email, it’s not a great fit.

Luckily, there is a way around Mailgun’s marketing drawbacks.

All you have to do is invest in GMass to add more marketing functionality to Mailgun. Once connected, GMass can help you craft flawless email campaigns in no time!

So what are you waiting for?

Create a Mailgun account and link it to GMass to take your email game to the next level! 

Ready to send better emails and save a ton of time?

GMass is the only tool for marketing emails, cold emails, and mail merge — all inside Gmail. Tons of power but easy to learn and use.


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Looking for a comprehensive SMTP2GO review?

SMTP2GO is a popular SMTP service provider that allows users to send emails by connecting their email software such as Gmail or Outlook with a dedicated SMTP server.

Connecting your regular email software with an SMTP mail server network helps bypass spam filters and improve your email delivery rates by overriding email sending limits and more.

But despite its email authentication and other features, SMTP2GO is not a perfect tool — and it’s worthwhile to take a look at everything it can offer you before you decide to invest in this SMTP service.

In this SMTP2GO review, I’ll go through everything you need to know about the tool.

I’ll cover what it is, its pricing plans, key features, and drawbacks. And if you decide not to invest in SMTP2GO after reading this article, I’ll even highlight an alternative SMTP service provider you could consider.

This SMTP2GO Review Contains:

(click on the links below to jump to a specific section)

Let’s get started.

What Is SMTP2GO?SMTP2GO homepage

SMTP2GO is an SMTP service provider tool used by tons of businesses worldwide to send transactional and marketing emails. You can set up SMTP2GO as the go-to SMTP provider on your email software (like Gmail or Outlook) to send your outgoing emails.

Why would you need a tool like SMTP2GO?

Here are its two key benefits:

1. Better Email Deliverability

When you send a high volume of transactional or marketing emails, you might trigger a lot of spam filters in email providers like Outlook, Yahoo, and especially corporate email servers.

By using an SMTP service, you get a higher email deliverability rate for all your outgoing emails.

Instead of you having to rely on your default SMTP servers, SMTP2GO uses its own SMTP servers to help you send high-volume emails easily. This often helps outgoing emails to avoid being labeled as spam by spam filters.

2. Higher Email Limits

SMTP2GO can even bypass email limits placed on users by an email client (like Gmail or Microsoft Outlook) or an ISP (Internet Service Provider).

Other benefits

The tool also has a built-in email tracker that will give you real-time updates on how recipients interact with your emails.

In addition to connecting with an SMTP relay, you can use its WordPress plugin setup through the control panel on your WordPress site. You can also create different user accounts on SMTP2GO so that your whole team can access it easily.

Also, SMTP2GO is known for its ease of use.

(However, if you’re an advanced web developer and you’d like to customize your SMTP setup, read my technical review of SMTP2GO to get a feel for that landscape.)

Confused about what SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is? 

Check out our comprehensive guide to understand the protocol easily.

Three Key Features of the SMTP2GO Service

To understand how the www.smtp2go.com service can help you, we’ll dive into three key features in this SMTP2GO review:

1. Email Authentication

It’s no secret that there are tons of scams being carried out through email today. And that leaves businesses at risk of having their accounts compromised, and their recipients at risk of receiving malicious emails.

To boost sender reputation, an SMTP2GO account comes with an email authentication feature that will help your business send authorized emails.

It uses two security mechanisms known as SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) to authenticate your emails.

So how do SPF and DKIM work?

A. Sender Policy Framework (SPF)

SPF is a security mechanism that validates the IP addresses and web applications that send emails from a specific domain. For example, the SPF associated with your domain has a database of IP addresses and applications that are authorized to send emails using your domain name.

Here’s how SPF works:

When anyone sends an email, it first arrives at the SMTP mail server, and then the SPF authentication process is carried out. If anyone sends an email from an IP address or application that is not listed in your SPF records, it’s rejected by the server.

B. Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM)

DKIM is a process that encrypts any outgoing emails for security reasons. To ensure that nobody else can access these emails, they can be decrypted only by the receiver’s email server.

These authentication measures by the SMTP2GO SMTP service help protect your outgoing email from being altered or intercepted.

SMTP2GO Website showing DKIM and SPF authentication

2. Automatically Deals with Technical Aspects of Your Emails

Have you heard of blacklist monitoring and ISP throttling?

What about a reverse DNS lookup?

Here’s what these key email concepts mean:

  • Blacklist Monitoring: Refers to monitoring networks to check if a specific IP address or domain name has been blacklisted by ISPs or blacklist databases.
  • ISP Throttling: The intentional slowing down of broadband speeds by the ISP to reduce a user’s bandwidth usage.
  • Reverse DNS Lookup: The querying of the DNS to find the domain name related to an IP address.

When you use the SMTP2GO email service, it takes care of things like blacklist monitoring, ISP throttling, manual reverse DNS lookups, blocked ports, feedback loops, bounce rates, and so much more!

If you were to use a private SMTP server, you’d have to worry about identifying and dealing with all these email challenges yourself and then manually contact your ISP about them.

However, with SMTP2GO, all you have to do is set it up and send your emails. SMTP2GO monitors the network constantly and will identify, resolve, and inform you of any issues that may be blocking your outgoing emails.

SMTP2GO website showing activity tracking reports

3. Multiple Server Systems Around the World to Enable Fast Email Delivery

A stand-out feature of SMTP2GO is how dedicated they are to keep their SMTP relay servers up and running.

They have multiple email server systems in cities like Chicago, London, Amsterdam, Singapore, and Sydney — all connected to their headquarters in Christchurch, New Zealand.

However, that isn’t all.

SMTP2GO also has two data centers — one in Amsterdam and one in New York — that allow you to store data related to emails. They even let you pick the data center to store your data, as that can also play a role in boosting your email delivery.

These SMTP2GO features, which are part of a robust data network and infrastructure, allow SMTP2GO to provide an SMTP email service with virtually no downtime. So, you won’t find yourself having to contact their customer support team regularly to get things to work.

SMTP2GO Website showing multiple global servers

SMTP2GO Pricing

SMTP2GO has several pricing plans available for businesses of all sizes.

While the plans fall under three brackets known as Starter, Professional, and Premier Custom, the pricing depends on the number of emails you want to send per month.

Here’s a quick look at SMTP2GO’s monthly pricing plans:

1. Free Plan


  • Support for sending 1,000 emails/month
  • 5 days of email reporting
  • Customer support via tickets

2. Starter (from $10–$15 per month)


  • Support for sending 10,000 to 40,000 emails/month
  • 30 days of email reporting
  • Chat, ticket, and phone-based customer support

3. Professional (from $75–$520 per month)


  • Support for sending 100,000 to 1,000,000 emails/month
  • All the perks in the Starter package
  • Dedicated IP address
  • Email testing tools like spam filter tests and screenshot tests

4. Premier Custom (custom pricing)


  • Support for sending more than 3,000,000 emails/month
  • All the perks in the Professional package

Three Disadvantages of the SMTP2GO Service

Now that we know what SMTP2GO is capable of, let’s take a look at where the SMTP2GO service can fall short.

There are three known cons we’ll detail in this SMTP2GO review:

1. No Support for A/B Testing

Are you familiar with A/B testing?

It’s the process of sending an email to one small set of subscribers and a variation of that email to another small set of subscribers.

The performance of these emails is then analyzed, and the version of the email with the most engagements (i.e., the one that performs best) is sent to all the other subscribers on your list.

Why is this important?

You can use A/B testing to analyze which email elements are the most engaging.

You can test:

  • Different subject lines
  • Variations within the actual content of the email
  • Links within the email
  • And more!

You can then optimize emails to increase the:

  • Open rate
  • Response rate
  • Click-through rate

However, the SMTP2GO service doesn’t support in-built A/B testing, which is a drawback if you want to test mass emails before you send them.

So if you want to test your outgoing email to increase engagement, you’ll have to obtain a separate email management software to conduct A/B testing.

2. Lacks a Built-In Contact Database

When you want to send emails to a list of recipients, it’s essential to maintain a contact database, right?

Normally, a mail service includes a built-in contact storing system that helps users send mass emails to each recipient’s inbox easily. The contact database of such an email message service can be updated individually or through CSV files.

Some SMTP service providers even use automated signup forms that can add email addresses to your contact database according to specific criteria.

However, the SMTP2GO platform doesn’t support a contact database of its own. You can’t use it to send mass emails to a customer list or any other contact database.

This can be problematic as you’ll have to utilize SMTP2GO for your SMTP server setup and then spend for another tool that provides contact storing and the ability to send mass emails.

3. Expensive Pricing Plans

You’d expect a tool like SMTP2GO to be pretty affordable, right?

After all, it doesn’t support essential features like A/B testing, template management, or a contact database.

However, smtp2go.com isn’t what you’d call a cheap SMTP relay service, and if you run a small business, it probably wouldn’t make sense to invest in a tool like SMTP2GO.

Remember, some of those plans cost upwards of $500 per month! That’s an annual expense of $6,000 for a tool that lacks essential features.

Sure, SMTP2GO has a free version, but with very limited functionality.

For around the same amount you’d spend on SMTP2GO, you can find other SMTP providers that offer more features, like email campaign designers, viewing reports, and template management capabilities.

An Alternative SMTP Provider for Your Investment

Now that you know the pros and cons of SMTP2GO, do you think investing in it is worthwhile?

While it can offer some interesting features, this outgoing email service does lack some essentials that other tools in the same price range include.

Fortunately, we have a great suggestion for an alternative SMTP provider — SendGrid.

SendGrid is a tool that comes bundled with everything you need to optimize your emails for the highest deliverability and engagement rates.

Let’s take a look at why SendGrid is a great alternative to SMTP2GO:

1. It Offers Better Value for Money

Twilio SendGrid is an SMTP provider used by large and small companies around the world.

It offers a free plan for its users, but the features that come with its paid plans make SendGrid one of the most reasonable SMTP providers out there.

SendGrid pricing plans are split into two main categories:

A. Email API Plans

This category focuses on a website and app integration that can send transactional emails through the SendGrid email delivery service.

The paid plans start at $14.95/month and offer features like template editors, conditional testing, and email delivery optimization.

B. Marketing Email Campaign Plans

This category is aimed at email marketers and helps users design an attractive email marketing campaign. Paid plans start at $15/month and offer features like A/B testing, audience segmentation, and design and code editors.

Both of these plans can offer your business a ton of functionality and help you send mail volumes so high that it’ll feel like they’re unlimited!

If you’re looking for email software that can help you track email performance and boost revenue, click here.

2. Easy Onboarding

What’s the point of investing in an email service provider if you don’t know how to use it?

An SMTP provider deals with a ton of technical configurations for things like SMTP relay, authentication methods, and sending limits.

Regardless of how well these tools handle such technical factors (like the connection to the SMTP relay server and SMTP authentication), it’s important that all this is easily accessible and manageable for you.

SendGrid provides some of the best training resources available to its users, including video tutorials, so you know exactly how to make the best use of your SMTP provider.

They even provide advice on how you can use SendGrid to manage mail campaigns better, helping you reach more prospects and boost revenue.

The Best Way to Add Functionality to Your SMTP Service

Irrespective of the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol provider you choose, one fact remains: it’s primarily going to be an SMTP service tool — not a fully-fledged email marketing tool.

It’s one reason why it’s a good idea to always use an SMTP service provider alongside a dedicated email marketing tool.

But which marketing tool should you use for your emails?

It’s simple: just use GMass!

GMass is an email software service that works directly with your chosen SMTP relay service.

So whether you use SMTP2GO or SendGrid, if you’re looking for a powerful email marketing tool, GMass is the perfect software for you.

What is GMass?

GMass homepage

GMass is a popular email marketing tool used by employees of global giants like Google, Uber, and social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn.

GMass works right inside the Gmail mail client, so you won’t have to worry about using a separate plugin or email management software for your email campaigns.

GMass isn’t only for giant businesses!

Solopreneurs, churches, individuals, and SMBs can use it to send emails to target audiences easily.

With GMass, you can:

  • Schedule and send any bulk email from your Gmail inbox.
  • Personalize every message in an email campaign.
  • Track how recipients engage with your emails.
  • Access its real-time reporting capabilities to gauge unsubscribe rates and more.
  • Register custom tracking domains for Gmail with easy setup.
  • Get support from a professional customer service team.

The best part?

It’s incredibly easy to set up!

All you have to do is add the GMass Chrome extension to your browser, and you can start sending emails!

But wait, how does GMass work an SMTP plugin?

The setup for connecting GMass with your preferred SMTP setting is extremely simple, and I’ve outlined how to do it here.

For example, if you’re using SendGrid, you have two options: either use the GMass SendGrid account, or make your own SendGrid account and link it to GMass.

Either way, you can easily enjoy the benefits of using SendGrid’s limitless email sending within Gmail — all while bypassing your Gmail account’s email sending limits!

Click here to learn more about the SMTP setting in Gmail with GMass. 

Wrapping Up

SMTP2GO is a handy SMTP provider that helps users boost the deliverability of their emails and bypass technical issues like spam checks that send emails to your recipient’s spam folder.

However, it lacks critical email testing and other emailing features present in similar SMTP providers and email management software. Additionally, when it comes to pricing, you could probably get more value from another SMTP provider.

So what should you use instead?

SendGrid is a reliable service provider for SMTP that can increase engagement and provide you with a ton of features for better email campaigning and management.

However, irrespective of the SMTP service you choose, remember to connect it to GMass. The powerful GMass service will help you manage emails and boost bulk email engagement rates overnight!

So why not create a SendGrid account and then use it with GMass to take your email campaigns to the next level?

Ready to transform Gmail into an email marketing/cold email/mail merge tool?

Only GMass packs every email app into one tool — and brings it all into Gmail for you. Better emails. Tons of power. Easy to use.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
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Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

How you start a business email is incredibly important.

Your subject line, salutation, and opening line need to be just right. Otherwise, the recipient may decide to ignore your message or stop reading after the first sentence.

But don’t worry.

In this article, I’ll explain how to start a business email and how to format its beginning. Then, I’ll provide six examples and templates you could use. I’ll also discuss five things you should check before sending out a business email.

Finally, I’ll highlight the best way to send business emails to multiple recipients.

Further Reading:

This Article Contains:

(Click on links to jump to specific sections)

Let’s jump right in.

How to Start Your Business Email

There are three essential elements you should include at the start of every business email.

They are the:

You must pay attention to how you craft these elements to ensure that your emails succeed.

To help you out, I’ll go over how to write each element, including examples of which ones to use and which to avoid.

A. Subject Lines

Around 47% of email recipients open an email based on the subject line alone. After all, your business email subject line is the first thing your audience sees.

What does this mean for you?
Your subject line has to be perfect.

Let’s take a look at several subject lines you can use as well as a few you should steer clear of.

5 Subject Lines to Use in Your Business Emails

Here are five subject lines that can increase the chances of your email being opened:

1. Interested in [Your Offering], [Recipient’s Name]?

A subject line that mentions your offering alongside the recipient’s name is likely to be effective.

This subject line offers a quick peek at what you can offer, making it easier for the recipient to see how your email is beneficial. Besides, personalized subject lines have proven to boost email open rates by 50%.

2. Five Minutes for a Quick Call, [Recipient’s Name]?

This subject line works because it speaks directly to the recipient and gets straight to the point.

Your reader will appreciate that you personalized the email by mentioning their name and that you respect their time enough not to beat around the bush.

3. [Mutual Contact] Said We Should Connect

Another good strategy when writing a subject line is to mention a mutual contact.

Mentioning a mutual connection can pique the recipient’s interest and establish some level of trust.

4. [Recipient’s Industry] Has a Real Problem — Here’s the Solution!

Email subject lines personalized based on the recipient’s industry are likely to elicit responses.

Such a subject line works because it promises a solution that’s relevant to the recipient’s industry. As a result, the recipient becomes intrigued and has more incentive to open your email.

5. 5 Days to the [Niche] Conference

This subject line reminds the recipient that an event you’re organizing is right around the corner.

Moreover, it creates a sense of urgency, pushing the recipient to open your email — subject lines conveying urgency are 22% more likely to be opened.

Now that you’ve seen some subject lines that work, I’ll cover a few that you shouldn’t use.

3 Subject Lines to Avoid in Your Business Emails

Here are three subject lines you should avoid in your business email messages:

1. One Time Free Email Offer

This combination of phrases is one of the worst you could use as a business email subject line.

Because it sounds spammy and too good to be true.

Moreover, this email subject line may trigger the recipient’s spam filter, sending your email to the spam folder. As a general rule, avoid any subject lines or phrases that sound like clickbait, as these could trigger the spam filter.

Discover why your emails go to spam and how to solve it.

2. Important

Although it’s advised to keep subject lines short, it’s unwise to use one-word subject lines.

One-word subject lines can be perceived as lazy and unprofessional. Besides, such subject lines may not provide any context for your email, so the recipient has no incentive to open it.

3. $$$

Like one-word subject lines, a subject line that contains only symbols won’t encourage recipients to open the email because such a subject line offers no context.

Additionally, spammers have used this subject line way too often. As a result, recipients aren’t likely to believe your email is legit. Instead, they’ll probably take one look and flag your business email as spam.

In short, stay away from subject lines that can damage your sender reputation and decrease the deliverability of any future email marketing campaign.

Need more help with crafting effective subject lines?
Check out my article on 43 cold email subject lines that get your emails opened for additional information

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Once you’ve crafted the perfect subject line, you’ll need to choose the ideal greeting. I’ll now go over some of the best and worst email greetings to use.

B. Salutations

The salutation is the first line where you address the target audience you’re writing to. As a result, you must pick an email salutation that’s relevant to the situation.

You can choose the right salutation based on:

  • Your familiarity with the audience.
  • The number of readers.
  • The readers’ positions in an organization.

First, I’ll cover five email greetings you could use. Then, I’ll go over three email salutations you should avoid in business emails.

5 Salutations to Use in Your Business Email

Here are five excellent salutations you could use:

1. Dear [Person’s First Name] or Dear [Person’s Last Name]

A common email greeting like this one is a safe bet no matter who you’re writing to.

This subject line is both respectful and polite.

Depending on the email’s purpose and your relationship with the recipient, you could use the recipient’s first name, last name, full name, or title (for example, Dear Mr, Dear Professor / Prof, Ms, Mx, Dr, etc.).

2. Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening [Name]

If you know the recipient’s time zone and the time of day when they’ll probably read your email, you can use a time-sensitive greeting like “Good morning”.

It’s also a good idea to add the recipient’s name for a more personalized experience.

3. Hello, Hello there, Hello Everyone, Hello [Name]

Whether you’re sending a business email to a colleague, customer, employer, or team, “Hello” is an acceptable greeting.

This email greeting works well with recipients you’ve emailed before. It’s slightly friendlier and more personal than you’d want to be with someone you’ve never emailed before.

4. Hi, Hi there, Hi Everyone

Using “Hi” works perfectly if you’re writing less formal emails.

This salutation is ideal when your target audience is from industries like tech or marketing, where the culture is more informal.

5. Greetings

This greeting is appropriate for when you’re addressing a team or group of people. The salutation also works if you don’t know the recipients’ names.

Now, I’ll cover a few salutations that you should avoid.

3 Salutations to Avoid in Your Business Emails

Here are three greetings you should stay away from:

1. To whom it may concern

This salutation comes across as impersonal and archaic.

Additionally, it gives the impression that you haven’t taken the time to find out the recipient’s name.

2. Dear Sir/Madam

“Dear Sir or Madam” is another outdated greeting commonly used in the past for business letter and formal letter writing.

The bad news is that today it’s considered too stiff for business email writing. Moreover, it shows a lack of interest in finding out the recipient’s name.

A more suitable greet would be Dear Professor, Mr, Ms, or Mx [recipient’s name].

3. Hey

While this greeting is acceptable in informal emails, it’s best to avoid this greeting when writing a business email.

Such a greeting may come across as too nonchalant and unprofessional for business settings.

Now that you know the best greetings to use and those to avoid, I’ll show you some great opening lines for your formal business emails.

C. Opening Lines

Your subject line got the recipient to open your email, and the greeting was good enough for them to continue reading. Now, you need to impress the recipient with your opening lines.

To give you a hand, I’ll cover five effective opening lines and go over three opening lines to avoid.

5 Opening Lines To Use In Your Business Email

Here are five effective openings you could use:

1. “Allow me to introduce myself.”

This opening line works well if you’re sending an email to someone for the first time.

It gives you the chance to politely introduce yourself first before moving on to the purpose of your email message.

2. “It was great meeting/hearing from you.”

If you’ve just attended a conference or made a new business contact, this opening line is perfect for when you send them an email for the first time.

3. “Thank you for getting in touch.”

If you’re responding to a business email or some other business correspondence, this opening line is a polite and appropriate choice.

4. “I’m reaching out about …”

This opening line gets straight to the point, which is great when you’re emailing a customer, colleague, or any busy professional.

It lets the recipient know why you’re emailing as they read the opening line.

5. “To follow-up on our meeting/call …”

This is an opening line that works well when you’re sending a follow-up email to a customer, prospect, or even a colleague. It reminds the recipient about your last conversation and lets you pick up from where you left off.

Next, let’s take a look at some opening lines you should stay away from.

3 Opening Lines to Avoid in Your Business Emails

Here are three of the worst opening lines you could use in professional emails:

1. “I know you’re really busy…”

When sending formal business emails, you don’t know the recipient well enough to know how busy they are. Whether with subscribers or prospective business partners, it’s best to avoid email opening lines that are too presumptuous.

2. “Can you do me a favor?”

This is one of those phrases you should never use in professional emails.

Not only is this opening line unprofessional, but it also focuses on the sender instead of the recipient. Besides, not many people will bother to continue reading emails asking them for something instead of presenting a value proposition.

3. “Sorry to bother you, but …”

The bad news about using this opening line in business correspondence is that it immediately undermines the sender’s credibility.

Moreover, instead of coming across as polite, it comes across as insincere.

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Next, I’ll show you how to format the beginning of a professional email message properly.

How to Format the Beginning of Your Business Email

Writing effective professional emails isn’t the same as writing a formal letter.

Here’s how you can format a business email correctly:

Step 1
Write the email greeting or salutation on the first line.

Step 2
Add a comma after writing the greeting or salutation.

Step 3
In a new paragraph, state the purpose of your business communication (the opening line). Then, move on to the body of the letter.

Step 4
Write the introduction in the next paragraph.

Step 5
The choice of font is also important in formal writing. Stick to a standard readable font like Arial or Verdana that is supported by all email platforms.

Here’s an example with all the five elements in place:


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Now that you know how to format the beginning of your formal business emails, I’ll go over a few examples that you could use to start your email the right way.

6 Examples and Templates to Start a Business Email

Let’s take a look at six examples of how to start an email in various scenarios.

While you can use any of these email templates for your business email, remember to personalize your subject line, greeting, and opening lines based on your relationship with the recipient.

1. Cold Email for Lead Generation or Sales

The beginning of your sales email should be interesting and convincing enough to:

  • Hold their attention long enough to get them to read the entire email.
  • Come across like you have their best interests in mind.


Subject Line: Mr. Duggan said we should connect.

Dear Ms. Miles,

During lunch yesterday with Mr. Duggan, he mentioned your firm is looking to increase its social media presence — and it happens my company specializes in web hosting, social media marketing, and branding.

It may be mutually beneficial for us to meet since I recently helped ABC Inc meet its social media goals by implementing the XYZ campaign on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

2. Cold Email Writing for Networking

These emails are meant to build rapport with a shared connection, a sales prospect, or someone with shared interests.


Subject Line: Clean Technologies Initiative — Time for a Quick Chat?

Hello Mr. Cyrus,

I noticed you and I are both members of the CleanTech Association on LinkedIn and that you just opened a new office in the Bay Area.

Since you’re a Bay Area local and share similar ideas on clean technologies, I wondered if you’d be interested in catching up over a cup of coffee next week. I’d love to know your thoughts on a sustainability initiative I’m developing.

3. Cold Email for Backlink Outreach

Here’s a simple business writing template you could use for writing effective emails for your link building strategy:


Subject Line: Useful Stats for Your Next Blog Post

Hello James,

I know you’ve been closely following the impact of COVID-19 on startups, and I wanted to show you this interactive chart on startup responses triggered by the pandemic. I created this from my survey of 200 startup business owners.

I noticed that your blog publishes a weekly news roundup, and I wondered if you thought this infographic could be a good inclusion.

4. Email to a Potential Recruiter While Looking for a Job

A job application cover letter to a potential employer could start like this:


Subject Line: Marketing Management Position Enquiry

Hi Shane / Dear Hiring Manager,

I read the recent Entrepreneur article about ABC Inc’s rapid growth since landing $4 million in venture capital last April. That’s very exciting and makes me wonder, do you have plans to expand your sales and marketing team?

I’ve had great success as the brand manager for XYZ Company for the past seven years working on a diverse range of marketing campaign strategies. I’m planning to move into a broader marketing role, and ABC has been on my radar. 

Note: Use a greeting with a job title (for example, “Dear Hiring Manager”) in a cover letter only if you’re emailing the person for the first time and you don’t know the recipient’s name. Once they respond to you, even if it’s a form letter, make a note of their name and use it in the future. 

5. Email After Completing an Interview

If you’re wondering how to start a business email with your potential employer after an interview, here’s a great example of a thank you note.

In this case, because you’re now acquainted, address the recruiter by their first name and not as “Dear Hiring Manager”.


Subject Line: Thank You for Your Time

Hello Julia,

Thanks for taking the time to speak to me yesterday. I enjoyed our conversation about the customer service and sales manager position and appreciated learning more about working with your team.

It sounds like a rewarding role, given the opportunities for networking and advancement. I think my master’s degree in international business, as well as my customer service experience, make me an excellent candidate.

Please don’t hesitate to call me if you need any details or references.

6. Business Email to Your Manager

Let’s see what a formal letter or email to your CFO about a budget increase could look like.


Subject Line: Budget Increase Request for Advanced Product Testing

Dear Andy,

I am submitting this request for your approval of a budget increase relating to our XYZ project. To complete the project successfully, I request an increase of $5,000 from the initial $50,000 budget. 

The reason for this increase is the need for additional raw materials required for advanced product testing before the final release. With this increase, we can ensure the perfect implementation of our tool as a working product. 

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Next, I’ll show you five things to check before hitting send on that business correspondence email.

5 Things to Check Before Sending a Business Email

Here are five things to check before sending your business email:

1. Spelling Mistakes and Grammatical Errors

The recipient may excuse typos or spelling mistakes in informal emails. But they’re a big no-no in a business letter or email, as it can lower your credibility.

Check your grammar and spelling using any of the relevant tools available online.

Moreover, double-check the spelling of your recipient’s name in all formal emails. You don’t want to put off the audience with a misspelled name in the greeting or salutation.

2. Exclamation Points

Using exclamation points in formal emails can be perceived as rude.

Additionally, your reader may feel like you’re trying to create a false sense of urgency. It’s best to avoid using these punctuation marks unless it’s a very informal greeting or letter.

3. Maintain The Right Tone

Your tone shouldn’t be too flowery, abrupt, or curt.

Keep your formal written communication conversational, polite, and positive.

A simple test is to read your emails aloud to see how they sound. If the letter sounds fine, it probably reads fine, too.

4. Writing in All Caps

Avoid writing anything in all caps as this denotes shouting in text form. Although your aim may be to emphasize a particular word or phrase, your recipient is likely to interpret all caps as you yelling at them.

5. Avoid Colloquialisms and Jokes

Colloquial and slang terms have no place in any business writing — be it letters, emails, memos, etc. because they’ll make you appear highly unprofessional.

Additionally, the colloquial language of one generation may not make sense to another. You can’t just assume the person reading your email will understand your slang or find your joke funny — they may find it offensive.

Go back to Contents

Now that you know how to start a business email, I’ll introduce an email outreach tool that can help streamline all your business emailing efforts.

The Best Way to Send Business Emails to Multiple Recipients

Formatting and proofreading your business email using all the tips I mentioned can help you craft better business emails. However, simply writing the perfect business email will not boost your email engagement rate.

Besides, when emailing multiple recipients, you may need to preserve their privacy.

How can you do that?
You could add each business email address to the Bcc field.

But sending multiple emails this way means you won’t be able to personalize each email.

If only you could turn your regular Gmail or Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) account into a super effective mass email platform…

That’s where GMass comes in.

What is GMass?


GMass is a powerful email outreach platform that lets you send email campaigns right from your Gmail inbox. With impressive mail merge capabilities, it’s a popular Chrome extension used by employees from major companies like Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

But it isn’t just for large companies.

Anyone — from individuals to small business owners and churches — can use GMass to improve their formal emailing experience and send emails!

With GMass, you can:

How do you get started with GMass?
It’s incredibly simple — you only need to download the GMass Chrome extension to your browser, sign up with your Gmail or Google Workspace (formerly G Suite account), and you’re ready to go!

Go back to Contents

Final Thoughts

To build the desired connection with your reader, you’ll need to craft the beginning of your business email perfectly.

Just follow the tips and practices I’ve covered here to create effective emails. And with an email marketing tool like GMass, you can take your Gmail experience to the next level!

Simply install the GMass Chrome Extension to supercharge your outreach emails!

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge inside Gmail

Send incredible emails & automations and avoid the spam folder — all in one powerful but easy-to-learn tool


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
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Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

Looking for a detailed Mailjet review?

Mailjet is a comprehensive email tool that helps a user send marketing emails to masses of recipients. It has several user-friendly features like email tracking, customizable templates, and it even boasts an SMTP server to help you send tons of emails.

However, this doesn’t mean that Mailjet is a perfect tool.

In this Mailjet review, I’ll go through everything you must know about the Mailjet platform.

I’ll cover what Mailjet is, its key features, and its shortcomings to help you decide if this platform is the best solution for your needs.

This Mailjet Review Contains:

Let’s dive in.

What is Mailjet?Mailjet homepage

Mailjet (mailjet.com) is an email tool used by email marketers to create and send custom emails to a target audience.

Available in five languages (including Spanish and Italian), Mailjet also features an email builder that can help you create highly responsive emails in no time. Additionally, it integrates with platforms like WordPress for added functionality.

Mailjet service also has a free SMTP server to help you send unlimited marketing emails via an SMTP relay.

Wondering what SMTP and SMTP relay mean?

Check out my ultimate guide to SMTP to learn everything you need to know about SMTP. 

However, here’s a very brief look at what an SMTP service can do for you:

Setting up an SMTP server of your own helps you bypass the sending limits imposed by email clients like Gmail. For example, Gmail has a limit of sending 500-2,000/emails a day, depending on the kind of account you have.

If you were a company with tons of customers, a daily 2,000 limit may be too restrictive for your operations. In this case, investing in an SMTP server like Mailjet that can send an unlimited number of emails every day would help.

How Do I Use Mailjet?

You can sign up on Mailjet’s website and subscribe to the package you prefer. Once the signup process is complete, you can use Mailjet to design emails to capture your audience.

Then, just use Mailjet’s SMTP service to send out high-volume emails to your contact list.

(Or, if you’re technically advanced and you want to set up a customized installation of Mailjet, you’ll want to read my technical review of Mailjet before you go any further.)

What is Mailgun?

Mailjet also has an email API (Application Programming Interface) platform called Mailgun. Mailgun is suited to businesses looking for a more technical email solution without most of the marketing features.

Businesses use Mailgun to set up SMTP and increase deliverability rates without worrying about email templates or other marketing features.

However, it’s important to remember that the Mailjet service doesn’t feature a landing page builder, unlike similar email providers such as MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, and GetResponse.

Five Key Features of Mailjet

To get an idea of how the Mailjet service works, here’s a quick look at five key Mailjet features:

1. Comprehensive Email Tracking

If you’re an email marketer, you need to keep track of how your email campaigns perform, right?

Mailjet is a software service that generates comprehensive email statistics, helping you see exactly how your outbound marketing emails perform.

The Mailjet service also has automatic email tracking that keeps you updated on participants’ email activity in real-time. Besides tracking core metrics like email opens and clicks, Mailjet also allows you to track every individual customer who has opened the incoming emails you’ve sent.

Mailjet also shows you tons of other email metrics like your deliverability rate and the percentages of unsubscribers, soft bounce emails, and hard bounce emails.

Unsure what softbouncing and hardbouncing emails are? 

What are soft bounce emails? 

Emails that get returned after reaching the recipient’s receiving mail server. This usually happens because the receiver’s inbox is full, the email is too large, or because the server is down.

What are hard bounce emails?

Emails that are rejected because the email address is invalid or doesn’t exist.

If you’re looking for a list of email tools that feature built-in email tracking, check out my review of the top 10 email tracking software

2. Multi-User Collaboration

What’s the point of using an email marketing platform if your entire digital marketing team can’t use it, right?

With the Mailjet mail service, you don’t have to worry about sharing one account with everyone.

The Mailjet service is built around team collaboration and offers tons of features for team collaboration. For example, Mailjet lets you set individual permissions for each team member.

What does “setting individual permissions” mean?

You get to decide which members of your marketing team can create, manage, view, and send email campaigns.

You can even decide if a user gets to create and edit email templates, or if they have no access to email templates at all.

If your business has several managers, you can also give them access to transactional email features. These emails further the recipient’s interest in your business and lead to transactions that will boost your sales.

What are transactional emails?

Transactional emails are event-triggered emails that usually complete a transaction initiated by a customer. For example, if a customer made a purchase on your website, the receipt that gets automatically emailed to them is called a transactional email.

But that’s not all!

The Mailjet mail service allows you to create sub-accounts for separate departments, teams, and clients. These sub-accounts will function completely independently of each other, which means users can’t access sub-accounts without authorization.

3. Customizable Templates (Passport)

Do you want recipients to interact with your email marketing campaign? 

Then you should stop sending generic email templates!

If you want recipients to engage with your marketing emails, you need to send personalized emails that are tailored to the reader.

How does Mailjet help you here?

Mailjet has several built-in, customizable email templates from which you can choose. These can range from a simple newsletter template to an interactive marketing email template.

This Mailjet feature is known as “Passport,” and it can help you design attractive marketing emails in a matter of minutes. It’s a comprehensive and easy-to-use editor that allows you to add customized text, images, links, and social media buttons to your emails.

If you’re looking for extra customization of your bulk emails, you also can add blocks of HTML code and insert a unique email body and subject line for each customer.

Passport also allows you to test how your bulk emails look on various screen sizes before you decide to send them.

Ajay’s Email Tip

To boost recipient engagement rates, knowing how to customize marketing emails with templates isn’t enough. You should know how to start and end bulk emails in a way that engages your audience.

4. Free SMTP Server

Do you want to be limited by your email client’s sending limit?

Or would you like the ability to send an unlimited number of marketing emails?

SMTP, or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is an email protocol used to send outgoing mail.

When you use an email client like Outlook or Gmail, they limit how many emails you can send in a day to avoid clogging up their email servers.

But with an email tool like the Mailjet service, you can set up your own SMTP server, which supports limitless email sending!

You can easily set up the Mailjet SMTP server with any email system and authenticate it with your credentials. The Mailjet SMTP server allows you to use a wide range of SMTP ports depending on your ISP and email client.

Why is a range of ports helpful?

While the standard SMTP ports are 25 and 2525, some ports can be blocked by your ISP. By using the Mailjet service, you get all the variations you need to avoid dealing with blocked SMTP ports.

You can also encrypt your marketing emails using the SSL or TLS encryption methods. This ensures that your emails are secured when moving from your server to the recipient’s email server.

Mailjet also has a dedicated deliverability support team that will help you set things up and monitor your emails to maintain high levels of deliverability.

5. Other Handy Mailjet Features

Here’s a roundup of some other excellent features Mailjet offers:

A. A/B Testing

Know what A/B testing is?

It’s the process of sending out two variations of the same email to two different sets of recipients.

Once these emails are sent, their performance is analyzed, and the best-performing email is sent to the rest of the recipient list.

These emails are tested for their:

  • Subject line
  • Body of the email
  • Links in the email

After testing, you can optimize them for:

  • Open rates
  • Click-through rates
  • Higher responses

But that’s just traditional A/B testing.

With the Mailjet service, you can send out not two, but ten versions of the same email to different sets of recipients! The best performing email is then sent to your contact list.

With A/B testing in the Mailjet service, you can test various aspects of your email like:

  • Sender name
  • Subject
  • Content
  • Email design

You can even check which call-to-action is more effective based on the responses you receive. You can also compare your campaigns on metrics like open rate, click rate, soft bouncing emails, and hard bounces.

B. Subscriber Management

A strong subscriber base is the root of most successful businesses.

However, the problem with subscribers is that they rarely come to you looking to sign up on your email lists. It’s up to you to attract website visitors and impress them enough to join your contact list.

Mailjet can help you here because it’s more than just an email marketing platform. The Mailjet service gives you access to a subscriber widget that you can easily customize and add to your website.

You can customize text and email design, and choose to embed the subscriber widget on a page or deploy it as a pop-in. When people visit your site, you can also ask them for personal information to customize future emails even more when you send them.

Mailjet also has a double opt-in feature, where a pop-up opens to reconfirm whether a site visitor wants to be added to your mailing list. This double opt-in feature serves as legal protection, as it helps Mailjet stay GDPR compliant.

(GDPR is a data protection regulation enforced by the European Parliament to protect their citizens’ data.)

Three Disadvantages of Using Mailjet

Now that I’ve covered Mailjet’s essential features, let’s take a look at the disadvantages of using Mailjet:

1. Limited Automation Functionality

Automated emails are key to developing your marketing strategy.

You can use automation and autoresponder features to send out emails at the right time, even when you’re not online.

While similar email marketing tools support email automation based on whether emails are opened or left unopened, Mailjet’s marketing automation conditions are mostly limited to time gaps between emails.

So you can’t set up automation workflows to send follow-up emails based on whether a recipient opened or ignored your original email.

Additionally, once you activate an email automation workflow, Mailjet prevents you from editing it. So if you need to change something, you’ll have to create automation workflows from scratch.

2. Managing Lists Can Be a Hassle

Sending out promotional emails doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get a response from recipients.

Your emails can end up unopened, not replied to, or could even bounce.

When an email bounces, it could be a soft bounce or a hard bounce.

Soft bounces are temporary issues that are resolved with time. However, hard bounces are permanent since they only occur when the email address is invalid or doesn’t exist.

It’s normal to remove hard bounces from your contact list to avoid bounce notifications in the future. You can also decide to remove inactive subscribers who don’t interact with your emails.

However, the Mailjet app doesn’t give you the option to remove any subscribers from your campaign activity page. You have to go to a separate contacts page or the campaign exclusion list and manually take an email address off your campaigns.

That’s not all. 

If you’ve entered a wrong email address, Mailjet doesn’t allow you to correct it. You’ll have to delete that specific entry and enter the contact details all over again.

If you’d like to use a tool that has hassle-free list management, you can check out the GMass guide to building email lists here.

3. Limited Choices for Segmentation

Ever wondered why segmentation is important for an email marketer?

Let’s say you’ve subscribed to the mailing list of an electronics store.

You’re interested in items like phones and laptops, but you don’t care about TVs or cameras.

But what if the weekly incoming emails from that store talked mostly about TVs and cameras, and very little about new laptops?

You’d probably lose interest and eventually unsubscribe, right?

However, if the store sent you incoming emails that focus more on laptops and phones, you’d be interested and even make purchases from them.

This is why segmentation is important. 

It helps group people with similar interests and behaviors together.

This way, businesses can send different emails that cater to specific groups of their audience, increasing their chances of making a conversion.

While Mailjet has a feature that allows segmentation, it’s limited to using basic contact information and behavior as criteria for its segmentation. For example, you’re limited to using clicks and email opens that occur within a given timeframe as segmentation criteria.

You don’t get access to tons of other, more helpful segmentation criteria like geographic location, personal interests, and survey or quiz results.

What Is Mailjet Pricing?

Now that you know what Mailjet can do for you, let’s take a look at how much it’ll cost you to invest in the Mailjet app.

Mailjet has four pricing plans that can be billed as monthly or annual credit card payments: Free, Basic, Premium, and Enterprise. These plans differ based on the number of emails you’re allowed to send and additional features.

Here’s how much they cost and what you’ll get with each plan:

1. Free Plan


  • 6,000 emails/month (limited to 200 emails/day)
  • Unlimited contacts
  • Email editor
  • Email stats
  • API and SMTP relay features

2. Basic Plan (From $9.65–$333.95 per Month)


  • All free plan features
  • Support for sending 30,000 to 900,000 emails/month
  • Dedicated IP address for users who send 150,000+ emails/month
  • No Mailjet footer
  • Customer support
  • Free sub-accounts

3. Premium Plan (From $20.95–$398.95 per Month)


  • All Basic plan features
  • Support for sending 30,000 to 900,000 emails/month
  • Marketing automation
  • Multi-user collaboration features
  • Contact segmentation
  • A/B testing
  • Priority customer support

4. Enterprise Plan (Custom Pricing)


  • All Premium plan features
  • Support for sending over 900,000 emails/month
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Unlimited scalability for high volume email sending
  • Custom onboarding and migration procedures
  • Custom number of users and advanced permissions
  • And more

You can contact Mailjet’s customer service team at [email protected] to find out more about the Enterprise plan pricing.

Wrapping Up

Sure, Mailjet is a useful email tool that provides several important features for any email marketer and helps increase your email deliverability.

Its ease of use makes it a good choice for the emailing needs of large and small businesses engaged in e-commerce.

However, it’s not perfect.

For a tool that offers tons of advanced features, it misses out on covering basic things like meaningful automation and hassle-free list management.

In case you decide that Mailjet isn’t the email service provider for you, consider looking at other email marketing tools that better cater to your needs.

And if you’re looking for some tools to send out marketing emails, you can check this guide to the top 7 cold email tools.

But to spare you the trouble of going through another article, why not give GMass a shot?

GMass is a popular email marketing software used by companies like Google, Twitter, and Uber.

It’s affordable, works within your Gmail account, and even features a Chrome extension for easy access. GMass also integrates with SendGrid (an SMTP service provider) to give you everything that Mailjet offers and more!GMass signature image

Ready to send better emails and save a ton of time?

GMass is the only tool for marketing emails, cold emails, and mail merge — all inside Gmail. Tons of power but easy to learn and use.


Download Chrome extension - 30 second install!
No credit card required
Love what you're reading? Get the latest email strategy and tips & stay in touch.

Tired of spending hours going over multiple SendGrid reviews to determine whether it’s the best email software for your business?

Your search ends here.

SendGrid is an email marketing software solution and SMTP service that allows you to send bulk emails while maintaining superior email deliverability for your email campaigns.

But can it address all your needs?

In this SendGrid review, I’ll lay out a detailed overview of all its main features and drawbacks and cover SendGrid pricing to give you a better understanding of this service.

I’ll also talk about how you can overcome the drawbacks of this service to boost your overall email experience.

And while this review is intended for all users, if you’re a highly advanced web developer, you’ll want to see my technical review of SendGrid to a look under the hood.

This SendGrid Review Contains:

(Click on the links below to jump to a specific section.)

Let’s jump right in.

What Is SendGrid?SendGrid homepage

Twilio SendGrid is an email marketing and SMTP service that can help you send bulk emails with extremely high email deliverability rates.

What’s an SMTP Service?

An SMTP service allows you to set up your own email sending mechanism for your business. This way, you don’t have to rely on the limited email sending mechanisms of regular email service providers like Gmail.

If you want a more detailed understanding of SMTP and how it works, check out my ultimate guide to SMTP.

Is SendGrid Safe?

SendGrid has earned SOC 2 Type II certification for its robust security and data protection measures. All your email data is encrypted by TLS, and SendGrid also provides two-factor authentication to protect your account.

Why Should I Use SendGrid?

SendGrid is one of the most powerful email solutions out there. It allows you to:

  • Send a high-volume email marketing campaign with ease.
  • Set up automated transactional mail.
  • Generate reports to monitor your email performance and deliverability.
  • Build powerful custom solutions with SendGrid API integrations.
  • Design responsive promotional emails that work on a mobile app as well as a desktop browser.

However, SendGrid does have some drawbacks. Check them out here.

Let’s further explore how this SMTP provider can help you:

5 Key Features of SendGrid

SendGrid has a wide array of features to service various email marketing needs.

Here’s a closer look at five of its main features:

1. Send Bulk Emails with High Deliverability Rates

Choosing SendGrid allows you to send massive email campaigns to your audience with ease.

All you need to do is create your email, choose the recipient list, and schedule your campaign. SendGrid can take care of the rest!

But wait … this is a common feature among most email marketing tools, like Amazon SES, Mandrill, or MailChimp. What makes SendGrid different?

The SendGrid email service provider can ensure an extremely high email delivery rate through a range of features such as:

  • Integrated email tests: SendGrid can help you test your promotional emails and email newsletters for spammy content and broken links with ease.
  • Spam testing: Spam testing allows you to test your scores via powerful spam filters to optimize your deliverability before sending your bulk emails.
  • Email validation: SendGrid’s email validation API allows you to test your contact list for mistyped, inactive, or invalid emails. This helps you further improve your delivery rates by emailing to only verified email addresses.
  • Dedicated IP: The biggest downside of a shared IP address is that your sender reputation can be impacted by spammers using the same IP address. SendGrid allows you to use a dedicated IP address to avoid this issue.

2. Transactional Email Support

SendGrid also allows you to set up a transactional email easily for your online products or eCommerce sites.

What is a transactional email?

A transactional email is an automated email sent from a business to a customer. They are triggered by certain predetermined events — such as making a transaction.

Most transactional mail contains information about:

  • Account confirmation and registration.
  • Payment confirmation and receipts.
  • Updates to the user’s account, such as password resets or changes to personal details.
  • Delivery and shipping notifications, etc.

As transactional mail is an email response to an action, customers usually expect these automated emails. This ensures that they usually have very high open rates — especially when compared to cold emails.

SendGrid allows you to automate your own transactional email easily via SendGrid’s API or SMTP service.

3. Built-In Email Templates and Editor

With SendGrid, you have a variety of options when it comes to creating your promotional emails.

For a quick and easy solution, you can use SendGrid’s built-in email template library to begin writing your draft. However, remember that personalizing emails for each recipient isn’t just helpful, but essential to building better customer relationships.

If you prefer to build your emails from scratch, SendGrid offers an HTML editor, as well as a drag and drop editor to suit your needs.

These editors allow you to manage various details regarding your emails or email campaigns, including:

  • Intended audiences
  • A/B testing
  • The content and media included in the email

4. Robust Reporting

How do you know how well your emails are performing?

Traditionally, the only way to tell how well an email campaign performs is through actual replies and conversions. However, these metrics aren’t enough to give you a detailed understanding of your email performance.

Luckily, an SMTP provider like SendGrid allows you to track your email performance real-time across several key metrics, such as:

  • Emails delivered
  • Unique opens and clicks
  • Bounce rate and spam reports
  • Unsubscribes
  • And more

This data helps you make sense of your marketing email statistics and improve your email marketing efforts.

Additionally, choosing the SendGrid platform allows you to:

  • Analyze your prospects with detailed audience insights.
  • Compare mailbox providers via its analytics.
  • Export your data as a CSV file.
  • Create custom reports through data exports.

5. Powerful Integrations and API

For maximum convenience, your SMTP service provider and app should be able to connect to the other computer software you use. This helps you remain productive across apps.

And the SendGrid platform supports tons of integrations with popular tools to help you centralize your marketing efforts.

Some of the supported tools for SendGrid integration include:

  • Zapier
  • Airtable
  • Twilio for SMS marketing
  • Google Cloud Platform

You can use the SendGrid integration to transfer data across various tools, set up reminders, automate simple email tasks, and more.

Additionally, SendGrid’s robust SMTP API and web API allow you to set up custom integrations easily with an API key. This will help you service various business needs, from list management to email sending.

SendGrid Pricing

There are two plans listed on the SendGrid website (sendgrid.com): the Email API Plans and the Email Marketing plans.

Is SendGrid Free?

SendGrid provides a free Email API and a free Email Marketing plan that support a limited number of features. It offers 40,000 emails for the first month, then 100 emails per day.

SendGrid Pricing

Here’s a detailed look at SendGrid’s free and paid plans:

  • Email API Plans (Pricing is an estimate before taxes and overages if you exceed sending limit.)
    • Free plan: 40,000 emails for the first month, then 100 emails/day + API key, SMTP relay and webhooks + delivery optimization + dynamic template editor.
    • Essentials plan: includes all “Free” features + live chat customer support.
      • 40K: $14.95/month — 40,000 emails/month.
      • 100K: $29.95/month — 100,000 emails/month. 
    • Pro plan: includes all “Essentials” features + Email validation + dedicated IP + subuser management + phone customer service from SendGrid support.
      • 100K: $89.95/month — 100,000 emails/month.
      • 300K: $249/month — 300,000 emails/month.
      • 700K: $449/month — 700,000 emails/month.
      • 1.5M: $749/month — 1,500,000 emails/month.
    • Premier: Custom pricing (get in touch with the sales support team) — includes all “Pro” features + customer success manager + prioritized customer support.
  • Email Marketing Plans (pricing is an estimate before taxes and overages if you exceed sending limit).
    • Free plan: 2000 contacts + 6000 emails/month + segmentation + A/B testing + 1 signup form (no credit card required).
    • Basic plan: includes all “Free” features except marketing automation + 5 signup forms + SendGrid support via chat.
      • 5K: $15/month — 5,000 contacts + 15,000 emails/month.
      • 10K: $25/month — 10,000 contacts + 30,000 emails/month.
      • 20K: $50/month — 20,000 contacts + 60,000 emails/month.
      • 50K: $120/month — 50,000 contacts + 150,000 emails/month.
      • 100K: $200/month — 100,000 contacts + 300,000 emails/month.
    • Advanced plan: includes all “Basic” features + marketing automation + dedicated IP + customer support via phone.
      • 10K: $60/month — 10,000 contacts + 50,000 emails/month.
      • 20K: $100/month — 20,000 contacts + 100,000 emails/month.
      • 50K: $250/month — 50,000 contacts + 250,000 emails/month.
      • 100K: $450/month — 100,000 contacts + 500,000 emails/month.
      • 200K: $900/month — 200,000 contacts + 1,000,000 emails/month.

The 2 Main Drawbacks of SendGrid

Now that we’ve seen how choosing SendGrid can help you, let’s take a look at some areas where SendGrid falls behind.

1. Basic Plans Lack Key Features

SendGrid features flexible pricing plans over several tiers that offer a variety of features. However, the Free and Basic plans of this SMTP provider lack several essential features for most businesses.

For example, these plans do not support:

  • Marketing automation for more than 6,000 emails per month.
  • Multiple-user access and sub-users.

For these, you need to go for the Advanced plan, which starts at $60/month and increases in price according to the number of emails or contacts you need. This could be unaffordable for a startup or small business.

2. Interface Isn’t User-Friendly

For new users, the SendGrid interface can often be confusing and complicated to use.


This is because several features aren’t visible at first glance, and can only be found by sifting through various menus.

Due to the complexity of the user interface, email management may take additional time and effort that your employees could have used for other tasks!

Do these drawbacks sound like a deal-breaker for you?

Don’t worry!

Here’s an easy way to overcome the SendGrid drawbacks and enhance your email experience:

How to Make the Most of Your SendGrid Account

Although SendGrid is a great tool, it has a few drawbacks that can impact your email performance. Luckily, GMass can help you solve these easily!

What Is GMass?GMass homepage

GMass is a popular email marketing software service that allows you to manage all your email needs from within your Gmail inbox. Its powerful features are used by employees from companies like Linkedin, Google, Uber, and Twitter.

But GMass isn’t just for huge firms or social media giants!

Individuals, a startup, or even a church can use GMass to send email campaigns easily to their audiences.

GMass helps you:

  • Send massive email campaigns via SendGrid from within Gmail.
  • Automatically personalize each marketing campaign.
  • Schedule emails and follow-ups with ease.
  • Analyze your performance via powerful reports.

The best part?

It’s super easy to get started using GMass.

Just download the Chrome extension to send your marketing campaign easily!

How Does GMass Differ from SendGrid?

GMass is an email outreach tool that works with Gmail — your email service provider — to enhance your email marketing processes. GMass is not an SMTP service, which means that it can’t send your emails by itself.

On the other hand, SendGrid is an SMTP service with email marketing features. SendGrid helps you send emails without an email service provider. As regular email service providers like Gmail have low daily sending limits (500-2,000 emails/day), using an SMTP service like SendGrid enables you to send bulk emails that surpass this limit.

How GMass Works with SendGrid

Most email outreach tools are limited by the server sending limits of the email providers. For example, in Gmail, it’s 500 emails/day for a free account and 2,000 emails/day for G Suite accounts.

However, this isn’t the case with GMass.

GMass can integrate with your SendGrid account to bypass the Gmail mail server sending limit and send unlimited emails via the SendGrid SMTP server.

This way, GMass allows you to combine the mass emailing capabilities and high deliverability of the SendGrid server with the ease of use and familiarity of the Gmail interface.

Worried that setting up GMass with your SendGrid account is extremely complex?

Luckily, the process is actually super easy.

All you need to do is tweak some settings in your SendGrid account to allow GMass to send your emails via the SMTP server, verify your MAIL-FROM address and send a single email to configure GMass.

Click here for a detailed step-by-step guide to take you through this process.

How GMass Can Overcome SendGrid Drawbacks

Using GMass allows you to overcome the main drawbacks of SendGrid in an easy and affordable manner.

GMass Provides Key Features That Basic SendGrid Plans Lack

Through GMass, you can easily set up follow-up, scheduling, and email automation for as many emails as you want. Additionally, unlike SendGrid, GMass offers Team plans that support unlimited emails!

This lets multiple marketers from your marketing team access your email marketing tool and take advantage of the SendGrid SMTP relay and MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) with the Basic SendGrid plan.

GMass Lets You Use SendGrid with the User-Friendly Gmail Interface

By working within your Gmail account, GMass further helps you bypass the complexity of the SendGrid user interface. For most of your email management needs, the GMass features offered within your Gmail inbox are more than enough!

This way, GMass works with SendGrid to create the perfect tool for all your email marketing needs.

Here’s a closer look at some other GMass features:

Key Features

A. Advanced Reporting

GMass automatically generates powerful campaign reports so you can track your email performance without having to leave the Gmail interface. These provide detailed stats and metrics, like unique opens, unsubscribes, the bounce rate, and more.

B. Powerful Personalization Feature

To reduce the chances of your emails ending up in the spam folder, you need to personalize your mass email campaigns.

GMass supports powerful and easy automation to personalize tons of emails in no time.

You can customize almost every aspect of your email via the GMass personalization feature, from personal details to custom images and links, etc.

C. Easy Scheduling

GMass allows you to schedule emails for individual recipients to optimize open rates.

All you have to do is draft your email message and schedule the sending time and date for sending it. GMass will automatically send the email when the time comes, even if you’re offline.

D. Follow-Up Automation

GMass helps you automate your follow-up messages in advance.

You can personalize several aspects of these messages, including the trigger to send the follow-up email and the number of follow-up emails you send, etc.

GMass Pricing

GMass is one of the most affordable email marketing tools available, with the greatest value for your money. Here’s a quick look at the pricing tiers for every company size:

  • Individual:
    • Standard: $25 per month or $225 annually. Includes unlimited emails, contacts, and campaigns. Plus mail merge personalization, Spam Solver, and dozens of other features.
    • Premium: $35 per month or $325 annually. All Standard plan features, plus auto follow-up sequences, API access and Zapier, and triggered emails.
    • Professional: $55 per month or $525 annually. All Premium features plus GMass MultiSend for inbox rotation and high-priority support.
  • Team:
    • Professional: starts at $145 per month for a team of five – supports all features.


To take your email marketing to the next level, an email marketing tool like SendGrid is vital.

However, as you’ve seen in most SendGrid reviews, the SendGrid platform does have its own downsides. For example, the basic plans lack key features, and the user-interface can be complex to navigate.

Luckily, GMass is the perfect solution to enhance your email performance via SendGrid and overcome these drawbacks.

So why not sign up for GMass today and perfect your email experience?

See why GMass has 300k+ users and 7,500+ 5-star reviews

Email marketing. Cold email. Mail merge. Avoid the spam folder. Easy to learn and use. All inside Gmail.


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It’s like a vacuum cleaner for your Gmail Sent folder.


We’ve recently heard from users who don’t like the idea that if you send 500 emails to your list, there are then 500 emails in your Sent folder. That is the nature of email in general, to put every email you send in your Sent folder, and that’s how GMass has always operated. To satisfy the needs of these users, though, there’s now an option to skip having mass emails go to the Sent folder when you send a campaign.

Just check this box in the Settings panel:

Try to avoid using this setting

Generally, we don’t recommend using this setting unless the number of emails in your Sent folder is really bothering you. If you don’t like your Sent folder clutter because you need to find non-campaign emails in your Sent folder with ease, we recommend learning to search better, using Gmail’s powerful search feature.

For example, let’s say you send a campaign to 500 people and the Subject Line is:

Member Meeting this Friday

And now, you’d like to see your Sent folder without the 500 emails for this campaign. You can search your Gmail account like this:

in:sent -subject:"Member Meeting this Friday"

This means, show me all the emails in my Sent folder except for the emails with a Subject containing the words “Member Meeting this Friday.”

If, however, you don’t want to bother with searching like this, and you don’t want your campaign to crowd your Sent folder, then use this setting.

Consequences of skipping logging to the Sent folder

If your campaign’s sent emails don’t show up in the Sent folder, there are several things that will be different in your email flow:

  1. Replies to your emails won’t be “threaded.” Meaning, when a reply arrives, if you have conversation view turned on in Gmail as most users do, the original email message won’t be below the reply because it no longer exists in your Sent folder.
  2. As a result of #1, Gmail might think that a reply is Spam or Promotions. One of the ways Gmail decides which emails go to your Inbox versus elsewhere is by determining if an email is a reply to an email you’ve already sent. Since the “sent” email is now missing, Gmail will have a tougher time deciding which emails are replies to emails you’ve already sent. So be extra vigilant about monitoring your Spam and Promotions folders if you’re expecting replies.
  3. You can’t use the auto follow-up feature. This feature is especially popular among cold emailers, so if you’re using GMass for cold email, definitely do not enable this setting.
  4. GMass can’t track bounces. Because bounces are threaded with the original email, if the original email isn’t present in your Sent folder, GMass can’t determine what campaign a bounce is associated with, and so bounce notifications will just be ignored.

Then, when should you use this setting?

  • Use it when you’re emailing members of a private club with an announcement, and you don’t need to follow up.
  • Use it for any email announcement where you’re not expecting replies.

This option replaces the “Fast SMTP” option, which is no longer present

Previously, if you chose to send a campaign via SMTP, like SendGrid, rather than native Gmail, you would see an additional checkbox called “Fast SMTP.” Enabling this sent your campaign faster than normal, but only if your campaign was sending over SMTP. The way it sent your campaign faster was by skipping logging emails to the Sent folder. Herein lies the irony of sending natively via Gmail versus sending with a third-party SMTP service.

Skipping logging to the Sent folder makes sending with Gmail natively slower, while skipping the Sent folder makes sending with SMTP faster.

How is that possible?

When you send any email natively with Gmail, whether it’s with the normal Gmail Send button or the GMass Send button, Gmail automatically logs that email to the Sent folder. It requires an extra step for GMass to delete that email, if you enable that setting. When you send using GMass and a third-party SMTP service, by default, the email isn’t logged to the Sent folder; so now, if you want the email to appear in the Sent folder, it’s an extra step to log it there. That’s why skipping the logging slows native Gmail sending down while speeding SMTP sending up.

How it works

If you have this setting enabled while sending natively with Gmail, at first, the campaign is logged to the Sent folder, but then, after the campaign is done sending, GMass starts deleting the emails one by one from the Sent folder. So, while your campaign is in the middle of sending, you will still see the Sent folder filling up with your emails, but then, you’ll eventually see those rows disappear.

Delete permanently or place in Trash?

In most cases, GMass doesn’t have permission to delete emails permanently from your account. Therefore, when using this setting, the emails are placed in your TRASH, where they are normally deleted automatically after 30 days. Of course, you can also manually delete emails in your TRASH as well.

If you wish to grant GMass permissions to delete emails from your Sent folder permanently, bypassing the TRASH, then re-connect your account here.

See why GMass has 300k+ users and 7,500+ 5-star reviews

Email marketing. Cold email. Mail merge. Avoid the spam folder. Easy to learn and use. All inside Gmail.


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If you want to send and receive AOL mail from another email program, you’ll first need to set up your AOL server settings.

Unfortunately, if you haven’t done this before, this can seem complicated.
But don’t worry.

This article includes all the details you need to do this easily.

I’ll include the SMTP, POP, and IMAP settings for an AOL email address and how you can set them up for your AOL email program.

I’ll also explain how to configure general AOL mail settings to suit your preferences and what to do if you’re having difficulty adjusting your AOL mail settings. Finally, I’ll answer two FAQS about SMTP, POP, and IMAP.

This Article Contains:

(Click on a link below to jump to a specific section.)

Let’s dive in.

SMTP and POP/IMAP Server Settings for AOL Mail Server

Here are the SMTP and POP/IMAP server settings for AOL Mail:

Note: If you want to know what SMTP, POP, and IMAP are, feel free to skip ahead to the FAQ section. You can always jump back here when you’re done. 

1. AOL SMTP Settings

SMTP Server name: smtp.aol.com

SMTP Port: 465

Encryption: TLS / SSL encryption

SMTP Username: your entire AOL email address (including the “@aol.com”)

SMTP Password: your AOL mail password

2. AOL POP Mail Server Settings

AOL Server name: pop.aol.com

Port Number: 995

Encryption: SSL

POP Password: your AOL mail password

3. AOL Mail IMAP Server Settings

AOL Mail IMAP Server: imap.aol.com

Port: 993

Encryption: SSL

IMAP Password: your AOL email password

When entering your account info, make sure that you use your full email address, including @aol.com. Also, ensure that SSL encryption is enabled for both incoming and outgoing mail.

Note: For AOL users who migrated to AOL’s email service with Verizon email, check out my article on How to Set Up Verizon Email Settings to set up your mail account. 

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Next, let’s look at how you can add account settings in email clients, such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird, etc.

How to Set Up Your AOL Server Settings

In most cases, your email app allows you to set up SMTP, IMAP, and POP settings via your account settings in the mail app you’re using.

All you need to do is add your AOL account to the email application and enter the SMTP and POP/IMAP parameters in your account settings to set up your incoming and outgoing mail server.

For example, here’s how you can go about a manual setup for these protocols in Microsoft Outlook account settings:


Open your Microsoft Outlook mail app.

Go to File > Info > Account Settings > Server Settings.

Then, click on Outgoing Mail and enter the relevant settings.

server settings

AOL SMTP Settings

AOL Server name: smtp.aol.com

Server Port: 465

Encryption: TLS/SSL

Authentication Required: Yes

SMTP Username: your entire AOL email address (including the “@aol.com”)

SMTP Password: your AOL account password

You can use the same outgoing server mail setting to set up your AOL app for a Mac or Windows 10 mail app, an Apple iPhone or Android mobile app, or a web browser program.

Now you’re all set to begin writing the emails you need to send from your email program!

If you need help with starting your emails, here’s a handy guide that tells you everything you need to know about how to start your emails.

2. POP and IMAP

After you’ve set up your SMTP settings in your mail app, you can begin sending outgoing mail from your AOL account.

However, you still need the AOL Mail POP settings or AOL Mail IMAP setting to receive incoming mail from your email service!

Don’t worry.
Just like setting up your SMTP settings, configuring your AOL mail IMAP setting and AOL POP settings is also a piece of cake.

If you have an Outlook account (formerly Hotmail), navigate to File > Info > Account Settings > Server Settings

Then, click on Incoming Mail and enter the network settings.

account settings

Here are the AOL mail settings you need to set up either incoming server protocol for your AOL inbox:

a. AOL POP Settings

AOL Server name: pop.aol.com

Server Port: 995

Encrypted connection: SSL

b. AOL IMAP Setting

IMAP Server: imap.aol.com

Server Port: 993

Encrypted connection: SSL

Once you’re done with your incoming mail server account settings setup, you should begin receiving your AOL webmail on your email app as well.

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How to Configure AOL Mail Settings

If you’re looking to make your AOL mailbox more efficient, or maybe you just want to give it some personality, you can customize your AOL email settings.

Fortunately, you don’t need to be an advanced user or a techie to configure your mail setting in your AOL mail account.

Any user can personalize how they write AOL emails, manage incoming emails, alter the general look of their inbox, and more.

Here’s how AOL users can access AOL mail settings :

1. Sign in to your AOL Mail account.

2. Click on “Options.


3. Select the tab for the setting you want to change.


Once you’ve accessed your mail settings tab, here are the various settings you can customize:

1. General Settings

  • General Settings lets you customize all the basic aspects of your AOL mail account, such as:
  • Today on AOL: Check this box to show the latest news, mail tips, and unread emails.
  • Sender Name Display: Choose whether you want to display the email sender’s name or their email address.
  • Reading: Choose how you want the emails to be displayed in your inbox.
  • New Mail: Choose whether you want to be notified when a new email arrives and customize the notification settings.
  • Mail Away Message: Notify senders of your absence with a mail away message. You can either create one of your own or use a predefined one.
  • Auto Sign Off: Set up your email to sign off automatically after a specific period of time. This could be helpful if you use a public computer or often forget to log off.
  • Theme Suggestions: Adjust your mail interface by choosing one of the AOL app themes.
  • Contacts: Select how you want your contact information displayed.
  • Pop-up Windows: Check “Always write mail in a new window” to ensure that each time you compose an email, it opens in a new window.


2. Compose Settings

The Compose Settings deal with your outgoing email configuration.

Under AOL’s Compose Settings, you can customize your message settings and then click “Save” to finalize your selection. Here are the different settings you can configure:

  • Cc/Bcc: Choose whether you want Cc (Carbon Copy) or Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy) options displayed when composing messages.
  • Default Compose Mode: Choose how you want the email compose screen displayed.
  • Write mail in a pop-up screen: Select this to have new emails composed in a pop-up screen.
  • Write mail in full plane compose: Select this to have new emails composed in a full plane format.
  • Write mail in a separate window: Select this to have new mails composed in a separate window from your mailbox.
  • Rich Text/HTML: Create a signature and enable Rich Text/HTML editing to use your preferred font and color.
  • Display Name: Enter the name you want the recipient to see when you send an email.
  • Autosave: Select if you want your email to save automatically after a certain amount of time.
  • Sending: Here are the settings you can enable in this option:
    • Choose if you want messages checked for spelling before sending.
    • Choose if you want an email address automatically added to your contact list after you’ve sent an email.
    • Choose if you want an email confirmation to appear on a separate page when an email is sent.


3. Filter Settings

You can also create filters to ensure your incoming AOL emails go where you want them to.
You can create, edit or delete filters from the same screen.

A. To Create a Filter

  • Click “Create Filter.”
  • Enter the parameters of the filter.
  • Click Save.


B. To Edit a Filter

  • Move your mouse over the filter name.
  • Click “Edit.”
  • Enter the alteration you want to make.
  • Click “Save.”

C. To Delete a Filter

You can delete a filter by clicking the X next to “Edit.”

D. Spam Settings

Here are the spam email settings you can customize:

  • Spam Filter: Adjust the filter to a stricter level if you want to avoid receiving spam messages.
  • Content Filter: Create a filter with any keyword you don’t want to receive, and those emails will go straight to your spam folder.
  • Block Senders: Create a blacklist of senders whose mail you don’t want to receive. You can have them sent to your spam folder automatically.


4. Calendar Settings

You can adjust these calendar settings for your AOL emails and then click “Save” to finalize your selection:

  • Default View: Select your default view – Day, Week, or Month.
  • Time Zone: Choose your time zone.
  • Display: Choose what time your day usually starts.


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Now that I’ve explained how to adjust AOL mail account settings, I’ll cover what to do if you’re having problems configuring your AOL Mail settings.

How To Resolve Problems When Configuring AOL Mail Settings

AOL might display some error messages when you’re trying to configure your mail settings.

These error messages could be due to security changes made in June 2021 — when AOL stopped allowing connections from certain third-party apps unless a user updates their password settings.

Some 3rd party desktop programs affected include Thunderbird Mail, Outlook, Apple Mail, Yahoo, and Windows Mail. Some of the mobile third-party email apps affected include the iOS Mail app, Gmail app, and Samsung Mail app.

If you’re one of the people experiencing this error during setup of your AOL mail server settings, here’s a quick fix for this issue:

  • Go to aol.com and click on the mail icon to sign in to your AOL mail account.
  • Go to “My Profile.
  • Select “Change Password.” You’ll then have to sign in to your AOL mail account, and a screen will appear.
  • Select “Manage App Passwords.
  • Select your device from the list.
  • Select “Generate app password and follow the instructions below the password.
  • Then, use the app password along with your email address to sign in to your email app.

Once you complete these steps, you should be able to configure your AOL settings.

If you use multiple devices to check your AOL mail messages, you’ll need to follow this procedure with each of these devices.

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I’ll answer two FAQs about the SMTP, POP, and IMAP protocols to clear any confusion you may have:

1. What Is SMTP?

SMTP is a protocol needed to set up your AOL mail account in another email client.

But what exactly is a protocol, and how does SMTP help you?
A protocol is a set of rules that dictate how communication occurs or how information is sent between one mail account and another.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, or SMTP, is a protocol used by email software to send outgoing mail to the recipient’s e mail account via your email provider.

How does it work?
SMTP uses a Mail Transfer Agent (known as the SMTP Relay), which ensures that all your mail goes to the right e mail account.

Ajay’s Email Tip

If you don’t know the correct email address of the person you want to email, a good email finder tool can help you. Explore the top five email finder tools available today to identify what meets your needs best.

The SMTP Relay helps send email from SMTP clients, which are the email programs you use, to each SMTP mail server.

What is an SMTP mail server?
An SMTP mail server is any computer that runs SMTP!

This outgoing server makes sure your email message takes the correct route to your recipient’s mail application. Each email moves from server to server until it reaches its destination.

By the way, to discover how to track your outgoing mail accurately, read my article on the best email tracking software you can use in 2021.

SMTP uses a set of commands that simplify this sending process between multiple email servers from your outgoing server. However, it can’t transmit attachments — only text.

So how are your attachments sent?
Usually, the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) protocol comes into play here.

It encodes the non-text data into text before sending an email through your email providers to your primary, CC, and BCC recipients.

BCC refers to “Blind Carbon Copy” and helps you send emails to recipients discreetly. But you shouldn’t use BCC to send emails to multiple recipients.

Check out my guide to using BCC correctly for more information.

2. What are POP and IMAP?

As SMTP deals only with sending outgoing mail, you need something to receive incoming mail in your mail application inbox as well, right?

That’s where POP and IMAP help you. You can set up your incoming mail server to receive all email messages through your email provider using either the POP or the IMAP protocol.

Let’s take a look at how these incoming server protocols work:


POP stands for Post Office Protocol, which is used to receive incoming mail. The current version that’s widely in use is POP3.

POP3 is great for personal computers as it downloads incoming emails to the local device any time you want to check your mail. This way, you don’t have to be online to check your emails!


The Internet Message Access Protocol, or IMAP, is another protocol used to receive incoming emails from your email service.

Unlike POP, IMAP protocol saves all of your incoming emails on a mail server. Every time you check your inbox, your email program contacts the incoming mail server and lets you access your mail from any device with an internet connection.

Essentially, your IMAP server acts as cloud-based storage for your emails. That’s why IMAP is considered a more efficient and faster alternative to POP3.


To sum it up, POP3 downloads incoming mail to your local device while IMAP stores them on a server. This makes IMAP a more efficient option.

However, IMAP requires a stable internet connection every time you want to check your emails, while POP allows you to check your inbox offline.

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Final Thoughts

While AOL webmail features a powerful mail client of its own, it’s easy to set up your AOL email account on any email app of your choice.

You can also customize your AOL mail settings to better suit your needs with ease.

Simply follow the steps I’ve covered in this article to configure your settings, and you’re all set to manage your AOL email account.

See why 99% of users say they’ve had their best deliverability ever with GMass

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge all in one tool — that works inside Gmail


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Is Brevo (formerly called Sendinblue) the right email marketing tool for you?

This Sendinblue review can help you determine whether it’s the best email marketing tool for your marketing needs.

I’ll talk about its key features and drawbacks, and I’ll highlight Sendinblue pricing, to give you a clearer picture of this marketing tool.

This Sendinblue Review Contains:

(Click on a link below to jump to a specific section.)

Let’s jump right in!

What Is Sendinblue?Sendinblue homepage

Sendinblue (sendinblue.com) is a marketing automation tool and email marketing service provider that offers a variety of marketing, contact management, and automation features.

Like other email tools such as MailChimp, the Sendinblue email marketing platform is available as both a standalone marketing tool and a Sendinblue plugin for WordPress.

Due to the sending limits of email services like Gmail and Yahoo, the Sendinblue platform uses its own SMTP server and infrastructure to send any large email campaign with ease. This way, you’re not limited to the sending limits that most standard SMTP servers offer you.

Ajay’s Email Tip

To bypass the Gmail sending limits and send unlimited emails, you can use a third-party SMTP service with GMass as an affordable bulk email alternative. Click here to find out how easy and cost-effective this is.

What else can Sendinblue do?

Sendinblue users use this marketing tool for a variety of needs, such as:

  • Automated emails.
  • Marketing campaign management.
  • Bulk SMS message work.
  • Customer live chat.

To look at some of the key features of this email marketing platform, keep reading. (Or, if you’re an advanced web developer and you’d like a peek behind the scenes, read my technical review of Sendinblue here.)

5 Key Features of Sendinblue

Sendinblue has various features to fulfill several email marketing and sales requirements. Here’s a closer look at five of the key features provided for Sendinblue users:

1. Marketing AutomationSendinblue website showing the Marketing Automation feature

Marketing automation allows you to automate a wide range of actions or tasks.

The Sendinblue automation feature helps you create an automated workflow that triggers a specific action when predetermined conditions are met.

Similar to an autoresponder, Sendinblue allows you to automate several actions within one elaborate custom workflow or several separate ones.

These can include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Sending SMS messages or SMS campaigns.
  • Sending an automated email or email campaign (such as a welcome email whenever someone subscribes to your email list or newsletter).
  • Organizing different contacts in your contact list.
  • Updating your email list via the automation workflow.
  • Setting up double opt-in and unsubscribe options for customers.

The best thing is that your custom workflow can be as simple or complex as you want, with several conditions present to dictate exactly when and what action should be done.

So how does automation help you?

There are several benefits to marketing and email automation for businesses.

  • Speeds up lead generation: Target warm prospects with automated emails or an email campaign to guide them towards the right content, boosting your conversions.
  • Engages your audience:  Easily set up an automated marketing campaign workflow to keep subscribers up to date and constantly engaged with your content.
  • Increases eCommerce conversions: Use a custom workflow to retarget frequent customers or follow up with an SMS campaign for leads who didn’t complete a purchase.
  • Saves time and money: By using an automated workflow, you save a lot of time and effort that can be invested in more complex or core business tasks.

However, remember that Sendinblue automation can’t do all the work for you.

To establish true engagement with your audiences, you’ll still need a strong and persuasive beginning to your email. Click here to find out how you can perfect the openings and subject line of all your emails.

2. CRM and Contact Management

Unlike a traditional email marketing tool, Sendinblue also provides a built-in CRM (customer relationship management) software solution. This allows you to manage your contact list from within your email marketing platform!

All you need to do is upload your contact list to the Sendinblue platform to begin using their contact management features. For added flexibility and ease of use, you can also use the Sendinblue integration for Salesforce.

Tip: The best way to build your contact list for email marketing is to use an email finder tool. If you need one of these, here’s a guide to the best email finder tools available today.

You can store all kinds of contact information on your Sendinblue account, including:

  • Basic contact details like names, emails, and phone numbers.
  • Notes from a meeting or call.
  • Documents related to a particular contact.
  • Tasks related to the contact.

All your contacts can be organized in single or even multiple contact lists based on particular characteristics or functions.

You can easily add these contacts to your automated workflow to centralize your contact management and marketing efforts!

3. Transactional Email ManagementSendinblue website showing the Transactional Email feature

The Sendinblue tool offers powerful and customizable transactional email features to suit all kinds of businesses.

But wait … what exactly is a transactional email?

A transactional email refers to a range of automated emails that span everything from purchase confirmation emails to password reset requests.

This is an essential feature for dedicated e-commerce stores, as well as any business that offers online products.

Unlike marketing emails (which are sent according to a business’ email marketing campaign or strategy), transactional emails are triggered by certain events, such as interactions, preferences, or updates.

You can choose an email template from within the Sendinblue email template library for a professional email design, or create your own from scratch with their drag and drop editor or HTML email editor.

And that’s not all!

Sendinblue also gives you real-time stats and analytics to monitor deliverability, hard bounces, and engagement. This way, you can easily keep track of your performance to optimize marketing processes and conversions.

4. SMS Marketing

Sendinblue allows you to manage your SMS marketing and email marketing campaign activities from the same user interface. 

How does this work?

You can create, send, and manage all your automated SMS marketing campaigns from the Sendinblue platform itself.

Additionally, it’s super easy to send SMS campaigns from Sendinblue.

All you need to do is write your SMS messages, choose the contact list, and schedule the marketing campaign.

You can also:

  • Send a transactional SMS message to your customers.
  • Personalize your SMS messages with robust personalization features.
  • Segment the SMS campaign audience for accurate targeting.
  • Monitor the performance of your SMS campaigns.

5. Facebook AdsSendinblue website showing the Facebook Ads feature

To increase your outreach and engagement using social media, Sendinblue helps you set up a Facebook ad to target new customers or retarget existing leads.

You can customize every aspect of your Facebook ad via Sendinblue, including these:

  • Add creative elements that use a single image or a carousel.
  • Choose the image and text the ad contains.
  • Determine the call to action (CTA) that directs prospects to the next step.
  • Set the duration and budget for your automated campaigns. (Sendinblue optimizes the per-day expenditure to give you the best results.)

Also, you can choose to target an existing contact list or use the Facebook Lookalike Audience feature to target similar customers.

As with Sendinblue’s email automation and SMS marketing features, you can keep track of your Facebook ad performance from your email marketing service provider.

Sendinblue gives you several metrics to analyze your automated campaigns and performance, such as:

  • People reached
  • Impressions and clicks
  • Cost per click
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Unique clicks

The user-friendly Sendinblue dashboard also features graphs to help you visualize the number of impressions and clicks over the campaign duration.

Other Notable Features

  • Powerful audience segmentation for advanced targeting efforts.
  • A landing page design tool to help guide your customers through your sales funnel.
  • Retargeting for increasing conversions from warm leads.
  • A signup form with Captcha so you can continually grow your email list.
  • Sendinblue integration with tools like Zapier, Google Analytics, and WooCommerce, etc.

Sendinblue Pricing

Sendinblue features a free plan and four paid plan tiers to suit a variety of business requirements.

Here’s a closer look at these:

  • Free plan: (300 emails/day) — includes SMS campaign management features + unlimited contacts + Zapier integration and Sendinblue plugin for WordPress, Magento.
  • Starter (20,000 emails/month): $25/month – includes “Free” features + removes daily sending limit.
  • Business (20,000 emails/month): $65/month – includes all “Lite” features + removes Sendinblue logo from emails + A/B testing + advanced statistics + phone support.
  • Enterprise plan: Contact Sendinblue for a custom quote –includes all “Premium” features + priority customer support + dedicated account manager and infrastructure + SSO.

No matter what size your business is, there’s a Sendinblue pricing plan to suit your needs.

2 Main Drawbacks of Sendinblue

Now that you know how Sendinblue can help you, let’s take a look at the main drawbacks of this email marketing solution.

1. Basic Plans Lack Key Features

When compared to email marketing software like ActiveCampaign or GetResponse, the Sendinblue pricing structure looks like it provides much higher value for money. This is because you pay based on the number of emails you send rather than the number of contacts.

However, this tool comes at the expense of the basic plans lacking several key email management features.

The Lite plan at $25/month does not support A/B testing or advanced statistics and adds the Sendinblue logo to all your emails. For accessing these features and removing the Sendinblue logo, you need to go for the Essential plan at $39/month.

However, both these plans still lack key features such as multi-user access, live chat, Facebook ads, and automation for more than 2,000 contacts. These are only available at the Premium tier of the tool, which starts at $66/month.

To access SSO (single sign-on) or use a dedicated IP address, you need to go for even higher-priced plans.

Sure, if your business only needs a bulk email tool and CRM or SMS message features, the basic Sendinblue pricing plans could be fine. However, if you need any of the other features above, you’ll need to go for the Premium or Enterprise tiers. These can make the tool unaffordable for small businesses and startups.

2. Takes Time and Effort to Set Up

Sendinblue users gain access to a massive variety of features for their marketing needs. However, this requires a lot of effort at the setup stage for Sendinblue to function.

First, you need to set up detailed preferences in the email marketing software for each of the services you wish to use. For example, automation may require a complex workflow to take care of all your business operations.

Additionally, because Sendinblue functions as a standalone email marketing service, you need to import all your contacts into this tool to integrate them seamlessly into your outreach.

For larger contact lists, this can take a while before you can get started.

That’s why, when compared to other email marketing software, Sendinblue’s wide range of features takes effort, and you’ll need to set aside some time to get used to it.

Any employee dealing with marketing, sales, or related roles will need to be onboarded slowly and guided through the email marketing service before they can start working efficiently.

And depending on your marketing needs, the large amount of time and effort required by Sendinblue setup can be a reason to look for another suitable email marketing solution.

Sendinblue Customer Ratings

Here’s how customers rated Sendinblue on popular review pages:

  • G2: 4.6/5 (1,000+ reviews)
  • Capterra: 4.4/5 (400+ reviews)


When it comes to email automation and email marketing tools, Sendinblue is definitely one of the most versatile options you can choose.

If you’re willing to invest a considerable amount of money and effort to set up this email marketing service, Sendinblue is a great option for you, as this Sendinblue review shows.

However, if you need only a few key features like email tracking, without the steep price point, consider going for more affordable and specialized options.

GMass is one such email marketing solution that covers all the key features that Sendinblue’s basic plans lack, without the expensive pricing. It’s affordable, scalable, and works within your Gmail account, which makes it ideal for all kinds of businesses.GMass Signature Image

For more information about the best email tracking tools, check out this guide to the top email tracking software you can use in 2020.

Email marketing, cold email, and mail merge inside Gmail

Send incredible emails & automations and avoid the spam folder — all in one powerful but easy-to-learn tool


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Interested in learning about how SMTP works?

While sending and receiving emails through an email client seems simple, there’s a lot happening behind the scenes to deliver an email from the sender to the receiver.

The entire process is carried out via various email protocols, and many email systems use SMTP (a specific protocol) for sending emails.

In this article, I’ll cover what SMTP is, how it works with email providers, and its differences from other email protocols.

I’ll also show you how to set up SMTP on your email server.

This Article Contains:

Let’s get started.

What Is SMTP?

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is an email protocol used to send email messages from one email account to one or more email addresses. It’s part of the application layer of the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) network model.

But wait…what’s a protocol?

An email protocol is a set of rules that help you exchange information between email accounts. While there are several different protocols in place today, SMTP is one of the most widely used outgoing email protocols.

How Does SMTP Work?

Let’s take a quick look at how the SMTP email protocol works:

Note: The following sections can be slightly technical, as understanding how SMTP works can be quite complicated. Fortunately, you don’t have to know how SMTP works to use it. So if you just want to learn how to set up your own SMTP settings, click here to skip this section and jump to my walk-through guide. 

However, for those of you interested in learning what goes on behind the scenes every time you click “Send,” read on:

A. The Fundamentals of SMTP

Here’s all the information you need to know about the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol:

1. How Does SMTP Send Email?

When a user wants to send an email, the email client (an email application like Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook) opens an SMTP connection to the domain’s SMTP server. It finds the domain’s SMTP server by doing an MX record lookup on the domain.

Once the SMTP connection (which uses a TCP connection) is established with the mail server, an SMTP session begins.

During this session, the SMTP client communicates with the outgoing server using various SMTP commands, like HELO. An SMTP command consists of alphabetic characters, and the server responds with numeric codes.

During the TCP connection, the mail client transfers the following information to the server:

  • Sender’s email address
  • Recipient’s email address
  • Message body and attachments

Then, the Mail Transfer Agent (also known as a Message Transfer Agent) checks to see if the email addresses of the sender and receiver originate from the same domain. If they do, the email is sent immediately to the receiver’s inbox, and the email can be retrieved via POP3 or IMAP.

However, if the two domains are different, the server will communicate with the Domain Name System (DNS) and obtain the receiving domain’s MX record via a DNS lookup. The MX record points to the receiver’s mail server. Then, the sender’s server connects to the receiver’s server and transfers the mail.

The receiving SMTP server verifies the incoming mail. Once the domain and username are recognized, the email message is forwarded to the recipient’s POP3 mail server or IMAP server.

2. The Multiple Ways That SMTP Works:

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol model consists of two types:

  • Store-and-forward
  • End-to-end

The store-and-forward method is used to communicate with email addresses within an organization, such as coworkers or students whose email addresses are part of the same domain (e.g., @company.com or @school.edu).

The end-to-end method is used for outgoing messages to addresses based on a mail server outside the organization.

While this means most of the emails you write are sent using the end-to-end method, there’s one particular type of business email that benefits from this:

Using the end-to-end method with SMTP servers really helps if your business regularly sends transactional emails. A transactional email is an email that’s automatically sent when a user action (e.g., account creation, feedback/comment, purchase receipt, download, etc.) happens on your website.

3. What Type of Emails Can You Send with SMTP?

SMTP can only transfer text — it can’t send images or any other attachments. However, you can easily use the SMTP protocol to send emails with attachments.


SMTP uses an add-on protocol known as Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension, or MIME, to encode all non-text data into text format.

All your images and other attachments will be converted to text before being sent through SMTP. And once they arrive at their destination, they are converted back into their original format.


Early on in this article, I mentioned that the MTA plays a part in sending email through SMTP.

So how does an MTA differ from an SMTP server?

A Mail Transfer Agent (also known as a mail relay) is software that’s installed on an SMTP server. It communicates with the Mail Submission Agent (MSA) to obtain emails that have been sent by a Mail User Agent (MUA), which is the mail client. (Gmail and Outlook are examples of mail clients.)

MTAs then pass these emails on to other MTAs if the recipient is not a local recipient (i.e., not part of the same domain). Finally, an MTA delivers the email to a Mail Delivery Agent (MDA), which sends the email to the receiving email message client (User Agent).

Diagram showing How Mail Agents Work

C. What Is an SMTP Relay?

It’s important to note that the SMTP Relay Server and SMTP Host don’t mean the same thing.

An SMTP Relay is the process of transferring emails between SMTP servers. An SMTP Relay consists of the MTA and the MDA, and usually occurs when the email addresses of the sender and receiver are from different domains.

Using an SMTP Relay service guarantees high rates of email deliverability — ensuring that your outgoing messages arrive in the recipient’s inbox.

The term SMTP Host only refers to the server that the email is sent through, while the SMTP relay is carried out on that server.

How Does SMTP Differ from Other Email Protocols?

Remember, SMTP isn’t the only email protocol out there.

Two other popular email protocols that are used around the world are POP and IMAP.

But what do these email protocols do, and how do they differ from SMTP?

Let’s take a look at what POP and IMAP are, and how SMTP differs from both of them:

1. What Is POP?

The Post Office Protocol (POP) is used to receive incoming emails. The latest version of this email protocol is known as POP3.

POP3 is the right email protocol if you use a single computer to check your email. As POP downloads all your received emails and stores them locally, it’s a great way to check your emails — even when you’re offline!

2. What Is IMAP?

The Internet Message Access Protocol or IMAP is another email protocol that’s used to receive incoming mails.

IMAP is more popular than the POP receiving server since it stores all the email messages on a cloud server. This way, a user can check their emails on whatever device they want.

And since IMAP is a cloud-based electronic mail protocol, it’s more efficient and also faster than POP.

3. SMTP vs. POP and IMAP

So how do POP and IMAP differ from SMTP?

All you have to remember is that SMTP is an email protocol used for outgoing mail, while POP and IMAP are electronic mail protocols used to receive incoming emails.

Why Should You Set Up an SMTP Server on GMass?

Using a custom server can do wonders for your outgoing messages, especially if you send out lots of mass emails regularly.

So here’s a look at what GMass is and why you should set up an SMTP server on GMass:

What Is GMass?GMass homepage

GMass is a popular email outreach tool that helps people send tons of email campaigns straight from their Gmail account. It’s used by employees of companies like Twitter, Uber, Google, and LinkedIn for boosting their email outreach easily.

But GMass isn’t just for the use of tech giants!

Solopreneurs, churches, individuals, and SMBs can also use GMass to send mail to any type of audience.

With GMass, you can:

  • Send mass emails from your gmail.com inbox.
  • Personalize your mail campaigns easily.
  • Track how recipients are engaging with your emails.
  • Schedule and send bulk email and follow-ups.

The best part?

Just download the GMass Chrome extension, and you can start sending mail campaigns instantly!

How Does Setting Up SMTP in GMass Help You?

While you can set up an SMTP outgoing mail server in Gmail, Outlook, AOL, or any other email message client you use, those services put limits on how many emails you can send per day.

Additionally, when you use a Gmail SMTP server, your email message client can flag you as a spammer and block your email account if you send out a high number of emails at once.

When you set up an SMTP account and link it to GMass, you don’t have to worry about mail limits on email delivery or a blocked mail account. Since your emails pass through GMass’ servers, you can send tons of bulk emails to your recipients.

However, if you still want to set up your SMTP server using a native email client, here are my guides on setting up:

And when it’s time to test things and make sure they’re working perfectly, try our “world’s best” SMTP server testing tool!

If you’re an expert-level developer, you may want to look through my technical review of popular SMTP services.

How to Set Up an SMTP Server on GMass (Step-by-Step Guide)

I know that understanding how SMTP works can be pretty complicated. So you’d probably think setting it up is like rocket science, too.

But luckily, setting up an SMTP mail server in GMass super-easy!

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can set up your own SMTP server on GMass:

1. Choose How You Want to Set Up Your SMTP Server

There are three ways you can set up the SMTP server setting in GMass:

A. Use the GMass SMTP Server

If your emails are either:

  • Non-commercial or
  • 100% organically developed

You can make a request to the GMass team to set up SMTP using our SendGrid SMTP provider account.

B. Set Up an SMTP Account of Your Own

If your emails don’t fit the criteria I’ve mentioned above, don’t worry!

You can set up an SMTP account on a third-party SMTP service provider like SendGrid. Once you create an account with the service provider, just configure the SMTP settings and link it to GMass!

C. Set Up a Private SMTP Server

If you know your way around an email server, you can opt to set up a private server. But remember, you’ll need a lot of time and patience to set up a server on your own. (If you’re an expert-level developer, you might be interested in my technical review of popular SMTP services.)

2. Setting Up the SMTP Account to Work with GMass

Here’s how you can connect your GMass account to an SMTP account:

Step 1

The GMass email program will link to your server without TLS or SSL authentication. You can decide on which SMTP port number to use — usually, it’s 25 or 2525.

Note: Ensure that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) hasn’t blocked the SMTP port number.

Step 2

Look for the “track email opens and clicks” feature in the SMTP service and turn it off. This is the preferred SMTP setting to avoid double-tracking your emails.

Ensure that your outgoing server doesn’t alter any emails that pass through it.

Step 3

Look for any outgoing email sending limits in your SMTP account. If they’re too low and will affect your mass emails, just turn them off.

Step 4

Remember to check the RETURN-PATH address being used by your email server. This is also known as an Envelope Form or a MAIL-FROM address.

Most SMTP service providers use different domains in the “from” address and the MAIL-FROM address — but some don’t.

So you might have to verify your domain name to avoid any errors.

You may also need to change your DMARC, DKIM, and SPF records.

Step 5

Look for bounce notifications and turn them on. Set them to go to the “From” address. This will allow GMass to show you email bounce rates.

3. Configuring GMass to Use the SMTP Server to Send Email

Here’s how you can configure GMass to send email using your SMTP Server:

Step 1

If you don’t have GMass, install the Chrome extension. Reload the Gmail email service on Google Chrome and make sure you’re running the latest version of GMass.

Then, click on Compose.

Step 2

Type [email protected] in the “To” field.

Step 3

In the subject field, type the word “set” and wait for this form to load.

GMass interface showing SMTP setup form

Step 4

Once the form loads, enter the SMTP server address (Server name) and other relevant SMTP credentials. If your SMTP setup needs no authentication, type “noauth” in the Username field and leave the password blank.

Step 5

Click on the red GMass button.

Once you complete all of these steps, GMass will send a test email to your email inbox. If the test email works successfully, the SMTP server will be set for your email account.

More Useful GMass Features

A streamlined SMTP setup process isn’t the only reason to use GMass.

Let’s take a look at some other useful features that will benefit you:

A. Advanced Personalization of Emails

Recipients don’t engage with emails that look and feel generic.

So to garner responses, you’ll have to send personalized emails to recipients.

But manually customizing tons of emails will take forever, right?

Don’t worry!

GMass has an arsenal of features like auto-detection and entry of first names, personalized images, text, attachments, and links. All of these can help personalize your outgoing email campaigns quickly.

Want to learn the best ways to personalize the start of your email? Click here.

B. Detailed Email Metrics

Whenever you send email marketing campaigns through GMass, it generates a campaign report highlighting useful information about your campaign.

These reports will show you metrics like the number of unique email opens, number of replies, number of unsubscribes, and more!

C. Easily Schedule Email Campaigns

If you want the highest rates of engagement and replies, your emails need to reach recipients at the right time.

GMass can help you schedule all your email campaigns to reach recipients at the best possible time. All you have to do is type your email in the Gmail webmail client, schedule it, and let GMass handle everything else!

D. Easily Automate Your Follow-Ups

Most recipients won’t engage with your first email — they might ignore it or forget to respond to it. So you’ll have to send follow-up emails to engage the recipient.

GMass helps you automate your follow-ups to maximize your campaign interactions. It lets you choose what your follow-ups contain, when to send them, how many follow-ups to send, and it even helps you decide the gap between each follow-up email.

GMass Pricing

Are you concerned that all this functionality comes at a steep cost?

Don’t worry!

GMass is one of the most affordable email tools you can find. Here’s a quick look at its pricing plans:

  • Individual:
    • Standard: $25 per month or $225 annually. Includes unlimited emails, contacts, and campaigns. Plus mail merge personalization, Spam Solver, and dozens of other features.
    • Premium: $35 per month or $325 annually. All Standard plan features, plus auto follow-up sequences, API access and Zapier, and triggered emails.
    • Professional: $55 per month or $525 annually. All Premium features plus GMass MultiSend for inbox rotation and high-priority support.
  • Team:
    • Professional: starts at $145 per month for a team of five – supports all features.


It turns out that SMTP servers are pretty important!

After all, without them, you wouldn’t be able to send your emails.

While understanding how SMTP servers work can be a little challenging, setting them up in a tool like GMass is a much simpler task.

And if you set up SMTP with the right email tool, you won’t have to worry about being blacklisted for spam or having your account blocked for sending too many emails. Additionally, setting up SMTP in GMass will help you enjoy lots of powerful features to streamline your mailing processes.

So why not sign up for GMass today and take your email game to the next level?

Ready to transform Gmail into an email marketing/cold email/mail merge tool?

Only GMass packs every email app into one tool — and brings it all into Gmail for you. Better emails. Tons of power. Easy to use.


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