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Introducing GMass: a dead simple mass email and mail-merge tool for Gmail

Welcome to GMass — the easiest way to send mass email campaigns to your contacts through your own Gmail account.

I built GMass to be a dead-simple mass email system for Gmail. I started researching and building GMass out of my own frustration one day while needing to email five different candidates about an open position at my company. There was no easy way to do that, without exposing them to each other or BCC’ing them. GMass lets you send mass emails to your existing Gmail contacts, without having to import anything. It also tracks and reports email opens. You can build an instant recipient list based on search results. And the real killer feature is the ability to have your emails go out as replies to the last conversation you had with each recipient, instead of a new message. Stay tuned to this blog for updates and new features. Many of them are in progress right now.
Ready to send better emails and save a ton of time?

GMass is the only tool for marketing emails, cold emails, and mail merge — all inside Gmail. Tons of power but easy to learn and use.


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Transform your Gmail account into an email marketing powerhouse

GMass is easy to learn and easy to use — but brings unbelievable email power into Gmail

Try GMass for free Then check out the quickstart guide to send your first mail merge email in minutes!


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