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Apply to join my VIP Slack Group

My first message to the GMass VIP Slack group.

If one of the following describes you:

  • You’ve been a consistent GMass user for longer than a year
  • You’re doing something particularly unique with GMass
  • You use GMass on a daily basis
  • You’re stretching GMass’s capabilities to its limits, perhaps by sending hundreds of thousands or millions of emails with it

Then I invite you to apply to join the GMass VIP Slack Group. This is an invite-only group of power users that I recently started, where I share tips and tricks, screenshots of upcoming features, solicit feedback from you, and have you test new features before they’re released to everyone else. You also have a direct communication channel with me to ask me any complex questions that have been eating away at you. You’ll have influence over the direction of the product. You’ll learn the ins-and-outs of GMass as a  SaaS product and a business.

If you think you’d be a good fit, send me an email at gmassvip AT wordzen DOT com, and tell me why you’d be a good member of the group. There is no charge to be in the group.

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  1. I want to join your VIP Slack group and also would like to increase my limits of mass emails.
    I also wanted skype conferencing, sms, what’s app, web/video/you tube recording facilities.

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