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How to Write a Follow-Up Email (2025 Guide with Templates)

how to write a follow up email
  1. Clicks and Email Suppression’s:


    Set auto follow up on clicks: Ive had some auto follow ups happen when I select “if no click” – Auto follow up, They clicked on the first email and then were still sent a second email. I imagine it’s supposed to work that if they click at anytime, they will then not receive any subsequent automated emails?

    Secondly, Because of complaints or just pure professionalism on auto followups, I want the ability to suppress an email if the above auto follow up section may not be working accurately or they may copy and past instead of clicking. Either way, I go to gmass settings > Suppress anyone who received these campaigns> I see I can enter in a whole campaign; but can you do an individual email? I tried to look at your blogs but it looks like the one you had on this subject matter may be outdated?

  2. The email signature includes a UTM-tagged ebook offer. This does two things. It nurtures prospects and it provides marketing with engagement data. (More ideas on how to make your email signature work for you here .)

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